TNA Should Hire Shamrock - Implement the MMA Style?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
So, I was in bed last night, after just reading an article in Fighting Spirit Magazine about Angle/Joe's MMA-Style match at LockDown and I started thinking up a few ideas.

Firstly, TNA should test out the MMA-style some more. One match isn't nearly enough to gauge the success of such an idea. Angle would be up for it, Joe would be up for it. Inevitably, others would be too, and they could bring in guys that'd be willing to do it.

Secondly, if they're planning on such a move, TNA should get Ken Shamrock. He was in TNA while it was shitty. Hell, he was the first TNA-era NWA champion. Why wouldn't the right deal bring him back now? Even if the MMA stuff doesn't work out, he'd still be a valuable acquisition.

So you've decided to go a bit MMA and you've got yourself Ken Shamrock. What next? Well, obviously it's time to start making big matches. The obvious one of course being Angle/Shamrock. Personally, I think it would work.

I'm not saying TNA should make every match MMA-based, but it should at least have the odd one here and there. Wrestling always benefits from evolution, and companies always benefit from showcasing something different to their competition. Finally, TNA are on the ground floor of such a concept, and I believe they only need capitalise on it.
that is a great idea ive always wondered what a shamrock v scott stiener or v angle would be like.
shamrock had runner up fued of the year 1998 vs the rock and the best match of his career v undertaker at backlash 99.
tna hire shamrock fire joe pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
i dont like the idea of tna doing mma style matches because fans would rather watch a shoot mma then a fixed one in my opinion. and ken shamrock was his best when he was in the wwf in the lats 90's-till early 2000's he had a nice fued wit the rock, a good match wit taker,and a match were he almost won the wwf title from hbk. but now he seems like a shell of his former self and needs to just retire allready
I personally think this is a terrible idea. MMA and professional wrestling are two different things. If you implement an MMA style all the time it takes away so much. I've never seen an MMA match with a clothsline, irish whip or dropkick - which are all basic offensive staples. It would also eliminate all high flying moves and tons of basic moves. You would end up with kicks and punches and mat wrestling You essentially take away everything that make pro wrestling pro wrestling. You also have the fact that it's no longer a shoot fight.

It has to be one of another. If you mash them together you will lose fans from both sides.
Thats the thing though about shamrock, he can mix the two styles because of his history in wrestling and personally, I'd have loved to see him vs Angle when they were both in there peaks and Angle was calling himself the most dangerous man in wrestling and started with the Angle lock. I thought that was the perfect time to bring in Ken to regain his moniker and his title.

That being said...Ken's a little past his best to be wrestling well. I think if they wanted to pull the angle off, Frank or Ken's son being brought in with Ken would be the most effective way of doing the deal. That way you have Ken able to hold the wrestling side while the other has the pure MMA background.
I don't think it will happen, but I was a big Shamrock fan when I was just getting into wrestling so I'd like to see him come back for one last run
This is a great idea. Shamrock is well known for both his MMA skills and his wrestling skills. He brought that to the table when he was in WWE for his run. I'd like to see him come back and teach some of the others how to implement a little MMA into their repertoire. It could potentially bring in more viewers and possibly give TNA the edge it needs for WWE to see them as a threat. Bringing Ken Shamrock in could only be good news for TNA.
Ken Shamrock vs. Frank Shamrock has like a 95% chance of getting signed within the next month or so, and Ken will undoubtably get destroyed. So, after that, there's nothing for him to do. The Lion's Den is dead as far as I know, especially after Ken completely embarrassed himself on TUF Season 3.

But, with that said, I am a Ken Shamrock fan. I loved him in the early UFC days, and I thought he was awesome in the WWF. I started a thread here a while back stating how I would enjoy seeing Ken back in pro wrestling. I think he has a lot to offer to it. Not in the long term of things, but there so many ways wrestling companies can use him to get talent over in a three-five year span. He was willing to do it in the WWF back in the day, and I'm sure that hasn't changed now.

While Ken might be past his prime fighting wise, the dude is still in incredible shape. All his injuries are heeled, and as a pro wrestler, he WILL be believable as a bad ass. People can bring up Ortiz all they want, but you put Ortiz in the octagon with ANYONE in pro wrestling, he'll without a doubt finish him faster than he did Shamrock.

Pro wrestling is a work and a business, and when it comes to strictly those two things, Ken Shamrock still has a lot to offer.
The thing about this is that it is Pro-Wrestling not MMA. Wrestling fans watch wrestling to see actual wrestling not a shoot style. I got half way through that article before giving up as the author seemed to be happy about every element of the match that was leaning in the direction of this MMA style and further away from a traditional wrestling match. I loved their match at Lockdown but that due to the psychology that they worked and the great layout of the match, not because it was stiffer.

As for Shamrock, I think he is a bit old. He had his few good years in the wrestling business and should retire from sports all together.
I think the idea might work but it is risky.I think they are going to try it with Trigg/Angle soon.I think Trigg will turn on Kurt and they will have a MMA-style matchup.That is just what I think is going to happen.I personally think the idea might work.But it is might not work.Its hard to tell.But I guess it couldn't hurt to try it.
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