TNA iMPACT's moving back to Thursday Nights.

TNA moving back to thursdays is a good move for now. Every one has been bitching about them needing to grow more before they take on WWE. And they do. They don't have the fanbase they need yet. Both shows being on the same night is a bad idea. Let people watch both, not one or the other. Of course I've been finding my self watching TNA from 8-10 then saying ''OK now for an hour of RAW'' just to turn to my xbox 15 minutes later lol. WWE is picking up their slack and actually trying...a They've been using new, young talent more and if you've noticed, Cena doesn't take up as much time any more. But with WWE picking up the slack, TNA needs to regroup and better their promotion also. Give them a few months on thursdays and they'll be back on Monday, better than ever
TNA has officially moved to Saturday at 2AM to compete with AM Raw. The war is on, Brother!

:lol: Funniest shit I've read in a long time, you deserve a medal man

WOW TNA is already throwing in the white flag, they talked shit every single week trying to show they can compete with the big 'E' and look now at them, each one of them is on their knees about to join Mr. McMahon's kiss my ass club

and is this the big announcement they're going to make to tonight, it seems TNA has a "big announcement" every week so I doubt it's anything good, maybe they're going to make Abyss the new head of TNA lmao

now I can finally watch WWE in peace:icon_mrgreen:
As much as I love Monday Night Wars. It makes sense. Monday Night Football is coming back soon too. That would hurt TNA as well. Thursdays would be better. Live Thursday nights every week
And now look at what just happened, Tna is moving back to Thursday, I think a lot of people could feel that was going to happen anyway!
Oh man lol...if this is actually true, I would just laugh all day about this. TNA is going back to Thursdays...hah!:lmao:

At this point, TNA should have learned their lesson. They were getting their asses handed to them by the WWE EVERY WEEK!. Hogan, just face it, you can't compete with the WWE again. Going back to Thursdays had to have been done but Jesus Christ, they sure as hell gotta be embarassed at themselves. What a joke they are lol. After all the promotion and hype, look where it got them. They have surrendered.
I for one am glad they are moving back to Thursday as now I am not stuck flipping back and forth between Raw and Impact....
first off i gotta say something to LETEMKNOW im with you buddy we got to stand together against the wwe mark bias that criticize every move tna makes.
now to the topic at hand ...... im glad impact is moving back to thurs. ,the move to mon. was done way to soon ,they thought just by having hogan ,bischoff ect. on hand that it would automaticlly translate into ratings but as we can all see by the ratings and the mentality of the wwe marks people are not going to give something different a chance.
i say go back to thursdays , show off your product unopposed and eventually some wrestling fans will start liking tna more and support it if they ever decide to go head to head again.
Jesus, can TNA/SPike pick a night, and STICK with it. All of this shuffling around makes them look minor league...and they are. I think this is one example of tv execs being more impatient than wrestling fans..that's a first.

I just look at this as terribly stupid. You try this out for a few months, off and on, and are already running for the hills? I am sure this is all Spike TV's doing, but it reflects badly upon TNA. If you are going to put a show on Monday night, stick with it for at least a decent amount of time. How long has it been on Mondays, two months? They have gotten their butts handed to them, no doubt. But picking up and running back to Thursday probably won't do much good either.

TNA just isn't ready to compete yet, I get it. But leaving Monday nights, switching nights again isn't going to help. Hogan has hyped TNA to death...literally. They need to stop with all of the hype, and add some substance. Just because you come out every week and say you are about to do something that "is going to change the industry forever," etc., etc., doesn't mean it's true. People see through the B.S.,...and so did Spike.
I just wish that every Impact was live. I'm hoping that with the move back to Thursdays, they will also show Impact live every week. If anything that's why RAW had the edge over Impact. You don't get as much of an amazing feel with a taped episode (Unless you're SD and are putting out an amazing product!) and so when you pit a taped episode of Impact with a live edition of RAW, exactly who is gonna win?

Going back to the Thursday night timeslot is good. Me being a guy who wants as much wrestling as he can get in a week is really favoring the move back to Thursdays. I can watch RAW on Mondays, NXT on Thursdays, get my rest on Wednesdays, Impact on Thursdays, and SmackDown on Fridays. 4 days out of the week I get my fill of wrestling and with Impact on Thursdays, all my attenion is on TNA. With all the attention on them that day, they can finally learn to do regular live episodes of Impact in preparation for a possible MNW3.
I dunno whats so funny. They came to Mondays and pretty much always had the more interesting, surprising, more memorable, and exciting show.

WWE fans are too loyal to the decades old company and it didnt help that TNA is stuck in the iMPACT zone. Oh well they can now start building a bigger audience and see what goes on from here.
I dunno whats so funny. They came to Mondays and pretty much always had the more interesting, surprising, more memorable, and exciting show.

WWE fans are too loyal to the decades old company and it didnt help that TNA is stuck in the iMPACT zone. Oh well they can now start building a bigger audience and see what goes on from here.
I agree with you completely. TNA has done some stupid things in 2010, but for the most part they have been putting on the more entertaining program on a weekly basis. WWE has just now started to shake things up doing the same thing for the past 7 years and it shows because RAW and Smackdown have both been more interesting programs since Mania.

TNA going back to Thursday night is a brilliant move. When they pull in a 1.0 one week and the next they drop to a 0.5 it's time to retreat and come back stronger than before. I doubt this is the last of TNA on Monday nights. Going back to Thursday should allow TNA to go back to hitting 1.0 and higher each week.

TNA really should add another show or do a 3 hour Live iMPACT! once a month or something though. No mater how you slice it, making the move back to Thursday doesn't make TNA look good after all the hype they put around going to Monday nights 2 months ago.
Isn't it ironic that the day Bubba gets fired, TNA admits their EPIC FAIL and they're moving back to Thursdays?!

Anyways, This may be the best move to TNA. I beleive that they're product has gotten alot better this year and hopefully they've won over some fans these past 2 months. I'll admit that I like TNA and I am rooting for them. There were certain nights I decided to Watch WWE and certain nights I'd watch TNA (I'd always watch both thanks to my DVR) thats how it goes. Hopefully other fans did the same and now with no competition on Thursdays (Superstars doesn't count) their ratings will increase alittle and more over time.

TNA's next step should be to start airing iMPACT! LIVE EVERY week on Thursday nights. Because honestly, when your taped, people read spoilers, and if the show didn't sound good they won't watch. Start going LIVE every week.

Step 2 should be to start traveling out of Orlando (Does anyone know if they even charge admission to iMPACT!?). Stick to the south territory and keep the impact zone as home base. Maybe start with 3 weeks from the impact zone and one from another city. Half the fun in wrestling is going to the live shows and if they're always in Florida, people won't get the chance to experiance them live.

Step 3 Take control away from Dixie. I know she's the owner, but she has got to let someone else who been in the buiness start making decisions(Not Jarrett). She's gonna kill this company if she does things her way. Somebody please answer this for me. Who the hell is really in Charge, whos the boss, the decision maker, the end all be all? Is it Dixie, hogan, Russo, Bischorr, Ed, Taylor? Who?

Baby Steps. Just keep doing the right things and putting on good solid matches and show and the fans will come, the rating will increase, and TNA will make Money.

I would however like to Know from Spike TVs standpoint what they plan to put in TNAs spot? Beside TNA & UFC what else could possibly be getting ratings for Spike?

P.S. Bring Back Bubba, if he was still there this would have never happened!
Well now that we know the rumors are true, I say its not a matter of whether or not this is a smart move for the TNA. See its clearly obvious that the main problem with the way they have ran things is that TNA got ok to decent ratings (based on what they usually get) when live, and suckish ratings when pretaped and then it hit me, most TNA fans will not watch Impact pretaped Monday if they know they can catch it again on Thursday.

I honestly believe the plan right now is iron out all the rough edges for Thursdays and run a Monday program somewhere down the line once people are saying damn I was missing this on Mondays, or Vince buys out TNA a year from now because he wants to own Hogans soul its one or the other.
I guess this is the right movie but damn they really need to get out of the impact zone. That place looks so small on tv and it hurts the product. The wrestling is on point I can give them that. Still way to much Hogan on TV time, probably the reason people aren't watching.

Give Hogan less tv time and give the others a shot. At least Flair is doing something useful with his TV time. Hogan is just talking and doing nothing. I really want TNA to succeed but sometimes I watch this I scratch my head.

For Instance, Orlando Jordan WTF are they doing? That's wasted TV time on someone no one cares about. I rather see Motor City Machine guns. It just pains me when I watch it sometimes.

Get out of the impact zone, stop the stupid camera angles, its ******ed.
I'm a TNA loyalist and this was hands down the WORST Impact I've ever seen. I am absolutely disgusted with everything they did tonight. AJ vs Abyss was nice but short. Everything else stinked so bad.

Please tell me if it's just me. I think I lost all hope for professional wrestling. The saddest part is that WWE didn't do any better and still draws 3.0's. Two horrible shows, contrasting ratings, noone gives a damn, professional wrestling perished.
I'm a TNA loyalist and this was hands down the WORST Impact I've ever seen. I am absolutely disgusted with everything they did tonight. AJ vs Abyss was nice but short. Everything else stinked so bad.

Please tell me if it's just me. I think I lost all hope for professional wrestling. The saddest part is that WWE didn't do any better and still draws 3.0's. Two horrible shows, contrasting ratings, noone gives a damn, professional wrestling perished.

Yeah when Lethal came out I was like STOP IT PLEASE! Lethal is better then this crap. I liked the brawl tho but then of course can't have a segment without Hogan, that totally killed it for me.

I thought the Tag Match was alright, I liked the whole Hall/Nash thing but EY killed it for me.

The Jordan segment reminds me of Mike Awesome back in WCW. It didn't work then, its not working now. RVD and Wolfe put me to sleep. That ending with Jarrett/Sting and of course Hogan I just didn't get it.

Best thing of the night was the beautiful peoples entrance but that's always great.
Yeah when Lethal came out I was like STOP IT PLEASE! Lethal is better then this crap. I liked the brawl tho but then of course can't have a segment without Hogan, that totally killed it for me.

I thought the Tag Match was alright, I liked the whole Hall/Nash thing but EY killed it for me.

The Jordan segment reminds me of Mike Awesome back in WCW. It didn't work then, its not working now. RVD and Wolfe put me to sleep. That ending with Jarrett/Sting and of course Hogan I just didn't get it.

Best thing of the night was the beautiful peoples entrance but that's always great.

I really really really hope they slacked cuz it's their last show on Mondays and there's no use to compete with anyone.

I totally mark out for the MCMGs kicking some ass. Short lived though...PUSH THEM FOR GOD SAKES!!!!!
I'm glad they're moving back to Thursdays. Thursday night was their home. I still had trouble hearing "Monday on TNA Impact!" without thinking twice. They obviously jumped the gun in thinking they could compete with Raw on Mondays. The huge wrestling stars on Raw, coupled with the guest host concept (although shitty at times) was too much for TNA to overcome.

And this is in no way an "epic fail" on TNA's part. Yes, the experiment didn't work out. But they still have a loyal audience...that much is obvious when the Thursday replay scores higher ratings than the Monday live show. There is no need for a "wrestling war" anymore. All TNA needs to do is provide a "wrestling alternative."
If TNA didn't take so many shots at the WWE, talk so much about taking over wrestling, if they didn't boast themselves up to be anything more then alternative it wouldn't be an epic fail.. but because they took so many shots at the WWE.. because they had to act like the best thing since slice bread it comes off as an epic fail.

It's still the right move.. hopefully they can just be an alternative wrestling show but with Hogan.. all the bloated egos around TNA now.. who knows if they can.
The Monday night show was a bad idea on TNA's part. Let's face it, they're not really much of a wrestling alternative to the WWE. They're both more focused on the entertainment than the sports aspect. If they wanted to be alternative, they could provide wrestling. Then there would be a reason to cross the line on Monday nights.

Hulk Hogan should not be in TNA in any aspect. The product has declined even more since Hogan's debut. And BRING BACK THE 6-SIDED RING!!!

But yeah, I agree TNA needs to stop taping Impact and build a following. They also can future endeavor half of their roster. They got more wrestlers than the WWE and not even half the TV time to showcase them.

As for impact being in Orlando. It looks tacky having them in a small building with a small crowd, but if they did impact from a large arena and only drew 1500 people, that'd look worse.
Im guessing this isnt TNA choice if its true it will be SPIKE moveing them due to the poor Rateing at least on thurdsday they always got a 1.0 avarage . Spike could show other thing in TNA Monday slot and get higher rateings. They gave TNA a chance and they cant get a steady rateing above 1.0.

I think TNA needs to go back to Thurdays & I think Smackdown Should goto Thurdays Again when it moves to SyFy & then we will see if TNA can go against SD which is WWE's Weaker 2hrs Show.

The Best Idea would have be to have a live Monday Night TNA every 6 or 8 Weeks which i think was something they were going to do befor they made the switch full time.
it IS an epic fail, because of all the trash talking TNA did. How can you boast about reigniting a monday night war, and then quitting it 4 months later, because the cable network that airs you demanded you go back to Thursdays be seen as anything but a colossal fail? (NOTE: I say 4 months because I count it starting with the Jan 4 Impact, even though they didn't permanently do it yet).

And then to have Mike Tenay and Taz try to pass it off as a great idea was completely, totally, utterly, BULLSHIT. Spike TV yanked them off of Mondays, to pretend that it was "TNA listening to the fans" or however Tenay phrased it was laughable. This was Spike TV pronouncing TNA on Mondays as a failure, Spike TV telling TNA that the company does not have the network's confidence that it can compete against the WWE.

TNA brought this upon themselves. As GetsHeat stated, it might not have been an epic fail, but for all the bullshit TNA spewed, trying to throw down the gauntlet. They made so many bold claims that they could never follow through on, and that is why it was an epic fail. They made a direct challenge to the WWE, the #1 show on all of cable, and got beat down worse than Apollo Creed against Ivan Drago. Then their cable network threw in the towel. But, that isn't an epic fail? Sure as hell sounds like one to me.
Well that War didn't last long :-(

When TNA moved to Mondays, one of my biggest fears was that Spike would pull the plug WAY too soon. Though I'm only speculating, I think that's exactly what happened here. For all intents and purposes (leaving the 1/4 show out of the matter), iMPACT was a regular on Monday nights for about 2 months. In no conceivable way is 2 months enough time to build a show that is going head to head against an established show... a consistent ratings getter that has been around for 17 years. About mid-way through they even changed the time slot which is often seen as a desperation move in typical television programming.

What truly were the execs at Spike TV expecting? Much of that two months relied on what I call "experimental television." Seeing what works and what doesn't. That's one way to build a product and currently the way TNA is operating for the most part. When you do that, ratings are going to be all over the place. Also, that two month stint included competing with a post-Wrestlemania show featuring the retirement of a major headliner who has been in the spotlight the better part of 20+ years. I practically detest the current WWE product for the most part and I couldn't help but switch over to watch.

While it may be good for short-term ratings, the move back to Thursday night represents a legitimate failure for TNA when the bigger picture is considered. This is regardless of who ultimately made the decision and the reasons why it was made. You don't proclaim the desire to take on a competing brand, going so far as to position yourself head-to-head, only to run with your tail between your legs a scant two months later.

If WWE wasn't regarded as the 800lb unstoppable juggernaut before, they certainly are now. Quite frankly, I think the move back to Thursday has hurt more than just TNA.
Better to live to fight another day I suppose.

This a good move. I think a big reason why TNA has been so craptacular lately is because of the move to Mondays. They've been trying so hard to compete with Raw, that they're just doing any old thing to get ratings, regardless of whether or not it makes sense. It's just "surprise" after "surprise" instead of just following a clear narrative. Maybe now that they're back on Thursdays, they won't feel that pressure and can sort out their shit. After maybe a year of re-organizing, maybe THEN they could consider moving back to Mondays.

I give TNA props for trying, but it was a failed experiment. Oh well, this makes things easier to me since I don't have to share Mondays with any one else and I have something to do on Thursday nights again.

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