Thoughts on Shelton

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't understand the praise this man gets, granted, he's a great in ring worker and can perform some nice moves. But that's pretty much it, he has little charisma and is really bland on the mic. I constantly hear people say that Shelton deserves a push and I always ask why. I'm definitely gonna get slammed for this but I just wanted to share my quick thoughts and I wanna know what you guys think of him.
Actually I don't think he gets much praise on these fourms at all. From what I've read the majority seem to agree with you. I've always like Shelton. He is very gifted in the ring and had a lot of potential. His time to get over was in 2004-2005. He was having good matches with Triple H, HBK, and Chris Jericho. I'm surprised he wasn't able to sustain his momentum. I think his problem is he doesn't excel on his own. In other words he needs a great opponent to carry him to a great match. He is physically gifted enough to have a great match when and experienced ring general is calling the shots. When he is with somone less talented or less experienced he struggles. I think he kind of coasted through those great matches a few years ago but didn't learn much from them. It's been four years since he's been relevent and I think most fans have given up on him. Too bad. Waste of talent.
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I think he is one of the most talented in the ring, its just that mic work...then again Jeff Hardy was able to get pushed with haggard mic skills. All it takes really is the fans to get behind him, but until he has that one great feud, or gains some massive charisma on the mic, he'll be where he's at for a long time...but in all honesty I wouldn't lose sleep over that.
I think that Benjamin is great and if given a push he could run with it, but like you guys have said, he needs to have a fued that will make him work for this main event push and to improve most of his imperfections. I'm not saying to make him perfect, just to make him better
Actually I don't think he gets much praise on these fourms at all. From what I've read the majority seem to agree with you. I've always like Shelton. He is very gifted in the ring and had a lot of potential. His time to get over was in 2004-2005. He was having good matches with Triple H, HBK, and Chris Jericho. I'm surprised he wasn't able to sustain his momentum. I think his problem is he doesn't excel on his own. In other words he needs a great opponent to carry him to a great match. He is physically gifted enough to have a great match when and experienced ring general is calling the shots. When he is with somone less talented or less experienced he struggles. I think he kind of coasted through those great matches a few years ago but didn't learn much from them. It's been four years since he's been relevent and I think most fans have given up on him. Too bad. Waste of talent.

I agree with almost all of this, I'd just add that I think he did have one more chance when the Gold Standard gimmick went from ECW to Smackdown and he was United States Champion. But, unfortunately that died down and now he's essentially back where he started
I've always liked Shelton, but he has his flaws. But you know you have a problem when Vince tries to send the message to you in the form of Sheamus, who while good, is a rookie and shouldn't be speaking for the big bosses on live TV. (i'm not knocking Sheamus, i'm saying the call-outs on tv are usually by a veteran, not a rookie, like Khali and HHH on Raw)
Shelton Benjamin is in the perfect position right now for what he is. He's decent in the ring and CAN (I emphasise the can part) put on a great match. However he will never be a main event player for the following reasons.

1. He has shit mic skills and no charisma. He doesn't seem to even fucking try.
2. Most of his "great" match's were with GREAT wrestlers, Michaels, Jericho, HHH. As The Brain mentioned, he seems to struggle to put on a great match with unestablished superstars.
3. The crowd doesn't seem to care about him. The crowd pops when he leaps to the top rope... But that's about it. He doesn't even get heel heat, is he even a heel still? His character/gimmick has lost it's quality (if it ever had any).

And 4. HE DOESNT GIVE A SHIT HIMSELF. He doesn't care about getting any better or getting a big push. All he wants is a stable job and steady income. As long he has a job he's happy.

In conclusion, Shelton is good to go out and put on a decent match for television but really there's absolutley no reason to push him further than where he is. His US title run last year went way too long and he's done little to nothing this year. He could be great but will probably never get there. His worst enemy is his own motivation.
I've long been a Shelton Benjamin supporter. But Brain just brought something to my attention. Maybe he's just not a good ring general. Maybe he can't call matches like HBK, Jericho, Triple H, etc. The WWE has given him multiple opportunities to run with the ball so to speak, but he just can't quite do it. Former IC, US, and tag champion. Then again there are the William Regals and Chavo Guerreros of the wrestling world that do just fine for themselves. Not everyone can be Hulk Hogan as we've often seen. Whatever it is, I hope he figures it out.
In classic IWC form, Shelton Benjamin is shit for 5 years and there's a weekly wank off over him, he then has probably the most solid 6 months of his career yet, and the threads have dried up.

Benjamin is a solid midcarder, always has been really, but now he's finally got a bit better on the mic and is being used to get good feuds out of newcomers like Tatsu and Sheamus. All in all, it's a very good role for him to fill, because he has squandered his chances to go any higher, having failed to build on his wins against big superstars. Benjamin is the kind of person that every roster needs, but his development has probably stoppedat this point. He might get an ECW reign or another US/IC, but apart from that, Benjamin will just be a standard midcarder from here.
shelton is probly the best wrestler wwe has. he is jst as good as the game, y2j, and hbk. the only problem is that he is comfortable. he likes being a mid card wrestler and is only doin enough to keep his job and not move up, its like any job. some people have the skills to move up and make lots of money but for some reason choose not to. they like thier position and dont wanna make any changes
I was thinking... what if Shelton finally does something great in his career. Imagine what would happen if Shelton wins... MITB. Yes i said it, Shelton as our Mr. Money in the Bank. Imagine, the African American WWE Champion, finally, if he cashes and wins after that offcourse.
Yes i know many of you want John Morison to win that, i dont. I think John needs something even greater, a Royal Rumble match win and Shelton could be pushed to win MITB. Will it happen... time will tell but its something i would like to see personally.

Gold standard gimmick is dead, how can one be gold standard with no gold and wrestling in what is now called ECW. What you said could be right, it really does seem like he doesnt want anything but a solid job. Shame, he could have been so much more. That's my opinion on Shelton.
im not sure why he never made it to the me, he could of won one of those mitb challenges and onre the title like punk he's had a great run with the us and tag titles i ,ean he's the gold standerd right they could of made a super heal out of him great moves good shape no drugs and yet no pushi hope he wins mitb this year
Hey guys!

Like most of the posters here, I too am a Shelton fan. The only reason why I even check ECW is to see if he is on (specially now with an interesting feud with Sheamus).

I do agree that his mic skills suck (although having improved lately) but his ring work is always solid. Don't get me wrong, he will botch every now and then, but everyone does.

He is indeed a great guy to have on the roaster and as opposed to what some others say, I don't think WWE will get rid of him anytime soon.
He is rarely injured and he has changed his style a bit to ensure longevity in the business. He no longer does crazy spot after crazy spot like 5 years ago. While heel he was booked as dominant and strong to go along with athletic.I hope that now that he is going face, we won't see too big of a reversal back into "poor old face who will surprise you with a leap onto the ropes".

There is however a REMOTE possibility that Shelton might get a title shot sometime down the road as a way for WWE to recognize his efforts for the company. But that won't be any time soon, it assumes that Shelton will remain loyal and hard working, and doesn't guarantee a win...just a really nice display of Shelton in a big stage.

My two cents.
As a Shelton fan, I disagree that he hasn't tried hard enough. The guy has had some good angles, like when his "mother" was his manager. That was just classic lol

But seriously, Lashley was garbage on the mic, and look how far he got, a one on one match with Umaga at Wrestlemania. He won the ECW title. He was in a few WWE title matches.

Same goes to Shelton, he deserves more than just a MITB match at Wrestlemania. Let's have him win the Royal Rumble, unexpectedly. No one expects him to go higher than ECW, well look at his in-ring work. Who else can do what he does? Not Cena. Not Orton. Not Triple H. Not even HBK. His athleticism is the main reason why I watch his matches.

Go Shelton!
In classic IWC form, Shelton Benjamin is shit for 5 years and there's a weekly wank off over him, he then has probably the most solid 6 months of his career yet, and the threads have dried up.

Benjamin is a solid midcarder, always has been really, but now he's finally got a bit better on the mic and is being used to get good feuds out of newcomers like Tatsu and Sheamus. All in all, it's a very good role for him to fill, because he has squandered his chances to go any higher, having failed to build on his wins against big superstars. Benjamin is the kind of person that every roster needs, but his development has probably stoppedat this point. He might get an ECW reign or another US/IC, but apart from that, Benjamin will just be a standard midcarder from here.

As usual Tasty has summed up most of my thoughts on a topic. Some of the Shelton bashing I've seen on this forum just pisses me off, especially after he's proven over the last few months that he's become more comfortable on the mic. Some of his promos the last few months have been very good, some of the most entertaining in the WWE right now (though I guess that isn't saying very much).

I love Shelton. His in-ring work has been praised for years, and for good reason. He has seemed to curb his performances in the ring over the last few years, perhaps out of frustration, perhaps out of laziness or possibly subconsciously. He's still one of the best workers in the entire WWE right now though. As a midcarder he's excellent, but yeah, he's still not ready for the main event, and I'm not sure if he ever will be. He's definitely ready for the ECW main event though, he should be feuding with Christian right now, and I don't see why he isn't.
Shelton is one of my favorite wrestlers in the WWE and I do beleave he should get a push. Sure his mic work could use some help but it has already gotten much better plus he has great in ring talent and a few years from now I could see him in the main event picture.

A while ago Shelton had a very short feud with the undertaker and although he lost the matches to taker he looked very good and i could see him as a WHC. His matches are fun to watch and he has some great moves.

Now he is nowhere near ready but i would like to see him on smackdown and feud with tyson kidd that would make for some great matches and could push him closer to a title shot. So with all that being said I strongly support the Gold Standard getting a push because of his great talent.
The reason Shelton is being held back is because he has 0 charisma and is awful on the mic.. I have said before he needs a manager..... Make him a solid heel and give him a legit manager and he would be the man...... He has to find that charisma and get rid of the dumb blond hair.. He is a great wrestler.. i have suggested before to reform the NOD somehow and have Ron Simmons manage him.. what happen to the great managers like Booby the brain and Jimmy hart.. that’s what he needs this is what WWE needs to help some of these guys with no mic skills… Bret hart had 0 charisma he was with Jimmy and developed…
Actually I don't think he gets much praise on these fourms at all.

I don't know what forums you've been on mate, but everyone loves him on here. As a whole Benjamin's done nothing of note outside of his initial debut with the company and feuds with HBK/HHH/RVD and the MITB matches. He's sloppy and lazy and has botched far too often for my liking. ECW has given him a good kick up the backside and he has been impressing me as of late. For me to say Benjamin's been impressing me is quite something.

It's just the "Benjamin is the best wrestler evah and shud be champ" posts piss me off.
I don't know what forums you've been on mate, but everyone loves him on here. As a whole Benjamin's done nothing of note outside of his initial debut with the company and feuds with HBK/HHH/RVD and the MITB matches. He's sloppy and lazy and has botched far too often for my liking. ECW has given him a good kick up the backside and he has been impressing me as of late. For me to say Benjamin's been impressing me is quite something.

It's just the "Benjamin is the best wrestler evah and shud be champ" posts piss me off.

Actually I don't know what forums you've been on Lee. The only people on this forum that praise Benjamin are the new posters with like 100 posts who've been here for 2 weeks. I've seen Sly, Tenta and many others do nothing but talk shit about Benjamin. Every single time a thread is started on him there's always a few people coming on and saying "He'll never be good because he has no charisma!", that's all I've heard the last six months.
Actually I don't know what forums you've been on Lee. The only people on this forum that praise Benjamin are the new posters with like 100 posts who've been here for 2 weeks. I've seen Sly, Tenta and many others do nothing but talk shit about Benjamin. Every single time a thread is started on him there's always a few people coming on and saying "He'll never be good because he has no charisma!", that's all I've heard the last six months.

Erm I can think of me, Razor, The Todd and Tenta, that's it. Sly has supported Benjamin several times praising his efforts in MITB as something that really stands out. As a whole I've not liked anything he's done after the RVD feud up until his return to ECW (the week after he jobbed to Yoshi). He's shown something that I didn't think he could do--a resolve to do his best week in week out rather than once a year.
What are my thoughts on Shelton Benjamin? Well, the only times I’ve really enjoyed his work is when he was initially moved to Raw and defeated Triple H but then they didn’t do much with him in the main event. Then they just moved him down the card and that‘s when I thought he became boring and unentertaining. He had some good matches here and there but overall, I didn’t like him as much anymore. At times I even felt that he just didn’t care and all he wanted was a paycheck, then I started reading reports that his biggest problem is that he could be lazy at times and that’s what was holding him back. I wasn’t surprised to read those things and from what I was seeing, I thought there was some truth to them.

Recently though, I have started to enjoy his work on ECW and I think that moving him there was actually a good thing for his career. Yeah, he isn’t fabulous in the ring nor is he amazing on the mic, but I think he is a solid wrestler that can deliver some pretty good TV matches. Of course, he has worked with great wrestlers like Christian but I don’t feel that he has been carried in any of the matches he has had with him or anyone else he’s had good matches with.

My opinion on Shelton has definitely changed since they decided to move him to ECW. I still don’t think that he deserves to be holding the WWE Champion or the World Heavyweight Champion, nor do I think he should be main eventing on either Raw or Smackdown, but he would be a great fit in the main event of ECW and I wouldn’t mind him holding the ECW Title. He has definitely become much better and he seems like he is more comfortable on the mic and his moves look more smooth. I’ve also noticed less botches from him.
I definitely think we'll see Shelton with the ECW title sooner rather than later. If the WWE were smart (I know, I'm kind of asking a lot here) they'd move Christian up to Smackdown already where he could be doing great things with CM Punk, John Morrison, and Rey Mysterio among others, which would open up a spot for Shelton in the ECW main event. It's not like the WWE even gives a shit about ECW anymore either (according to Bragging Rights in fact it doesn't even exist) so it's not like it'd be a risk or anything, and I think he's ready. He's over fairly well with the ECW fans, and I see both him and possibly Ryder eventually getting pushed into the main event of that show. And hey, if it works out then maybe what the hardcore smarks have been calling for years will happen and he'll be able to make a successful jump to the Smackdown main event scene. That's getting a bit ahead of ourselves obviously though.
I'm sick of Benjamin bashers beating on the 2006 dead horse about his "no mic skills or charisma."

Ever since he's upgraded into "The Gold Standard" he's been fine.

There's nothing awful about the promos he cut on Sheamus,R-Truth and MVP for

When he was on the mic when Yoshi just debuted,he had the crowd reacting.
Same in Toronto last year and on the ECW VIP Lounge earlier this year but
his bashers are oblivious to such facts.

He got "Let's go Shelton" chants in his match with Burchill not long ago but
again,his bashers are oblivious to such facts.Proof of that is some haters
still think he's heel.

Benjamin has in ring charisma as a face.Rey has in ring charisma.Jeff has in
ring charisma.Charisma is more than just talking,right?

If he has no mic charisma,how come he did a nice APA parody w/Haas years
ago and got heat?

And how come Benjamin STILL gets crucified for botching years ago but not
guys like Rey,Jericho and CM Punk?

They've botched more than once over the years and everyone understands
they're human.Understand that Shelton is too and rarely botches nowadays.

Actually I don't know what forums you've been on Lee. The only people on this forum that praise Benjamin are the new posters with like 100 posts who've been here for 2 weeks. I've seen Sly, Tenta and many others do nothing but talk shit about Benjamin. Every single time a thread is started on him there's always a few people coming on and saying "He'll never be good because he has no charisma!", that's all I've heard the last six months.

Thank you.

And there's always the "he's not over!" posts but he sure did get chants vs Burchill.

Ryder is heatless.Morrison has been pushed hard but he still isn't very over.Since they're darlings online people
act like they so over.
Shelton Benjamin is underrated compared to the other superstars in WWE specifically and compared to other people talked about in these forums. Shelton Benjamin is talented in the ring... more talented than the majority of the wrestlers in the WWE. Which is why I'm upset about the fact that he's on ECW and not really succeeding. His face turn is very slow and he's not being featured as often as he was as a heel on Smackdown. His fued with Sheamus is sure to be good, but WWE needs to get the fued underway. In order for Shelton Benjamin to succeed as a face, at all... he needs to be shown on ECW.

My thoughts on Shelton? I'm a fan of the guy. He's gone with everything that WWE is thrown at him. He's been in 4 Money in the Bank matches at Wrestlemania, and still hasn't won. He seems fine with it, as I've ever seen a single article about him being unhappy about his spot in the WWE. He doesn't seem like a greedy person who always wants to be in the spotlight, and that's what I like about him. A push would be nice for him. I just hope that the crowd is about to get behind him as a face. However, I'm sure that Sheamus will be able to draw heat for himself and praise towards Shelton.
My opinion on Shelton has stayed the same for a long, long time: fantastic in the ring but he just needs to take a freaking acting class because he's not great on the mic. That's the only thing holding him back. I've never felt like Shelton's in-ring performances were anything but good, and I don't subscribe to that notion that he's only good against already proven superstars like HBK, because I've seen Shelton pull great matches out of freaking Matt Hardy and R-Truth, and that's saying a lot in my mind as I am not a fan of either of them at all.

That being said, Shelton is exactly where he should be right now: ECW. Shelton's best bet is to become the ECW champion and have a long, dominating reign with that title where he feels comfortable. If you've noticed, Shelton upgrades his performance when he's given a push. I think most of what goes on with him is a confidence issue. When they gave him the US title, he consistently put on good matches, even though his reign didn't receive too much focus. After he lost it, he dropped back down and wasn't performing as well. With Shelton, it appears as though if you give him a pat on the back and tell him "you're going up, keep climbing", he does so, but the moment you tell him that you're dropping him back down, he loses focus and doesn't try as hard. I'd love to see Shelton as either the ECW champion or the MITB holder by WrestleMania.
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