There can only be 1 champion


Getting Noticed By Management
I have been looking around and reading comments and I have just decided to make this post to discuss an issue that has been bothering me as of late... Everyone keeps talking about how they want this guy to get pushed and this guy to get pushed and these guys to be in the main event and these guys to run every show and be Champion and main event mania. Now here allies the problem NOT EVERYONE CAN BE CHAMPION AT THE SAME TIME. You guys act like you want all these guys to be champion and main event and if they aren't then they are being "buried" in your eyes. You can't just have all your favorites in the main event and split the title into little pieces so all the guys you want to be champion are. You can't have barret and Wyatt and roman and cessaro all to have their shining moments all to be pushed and main event and be champion all at the same time. WWE can only push one guy and that's best for business because you can't have tenth man battle royals and six pack challenges all at mania main event because their can only be 1 champion, 1 guy to get pushed in the main event and it isn't the end of the world when it's not your guy.
I can understand where you're coming from. I can guarantee that I understand not everyone can be a world champion at the same time. However, fans do tend to exaggerate when they clamor for someone.

I'll give you an example. Anyone who's a fan of Kofi Kingston might tend to show that he hasn't been successful in WWE because he never reached main event status. However, the fact is Kofi has had a very successful career. He has held the midcard titles multiple times, he's been a tag team champion several times. One thing he's lacked in his career is that one defining story which might have put him on the next level. That, however, takes nothing away from what he has accomplished in WWE. He is their go to guy when they want someone to hold a mid card title, or elevate a guy, or fill a spot in a multi men main event.

Not everyone can be a world champion. And people are within their rights to root for a guy. It shouldn't be a problem for you though. You'll find all kind of people saying all kinds of things on internet. You shouldn't let this get to you. Just enjoy the show the best you can. After all, if there are enough fans for a guy, they might get what they want. Either that guy will become Zack Ryder, or Daniel Bryan.
You guys act like you want all these guys to be champion and main event and if they aren't then they are being "buried" in your eyes.

Your point is well taken, but the concept of wanting your guy to be champion takes on new meaning when talking about pre-scripted entertainment like pro wrestling. Of course, different performers have different levels of talent in what they do, and a different look in their physiques and ring personae. Still, it's top management that decides who wins championships, not legitimate competition, which means there are different criterion that determine who's going to wear the crown.

Take the horse I've been backing for 5 years: Drew McIntyre. Lots of folks on this forum tell us they find the guy to be extremely talented and worthy of a push. They find that his inclusion in a comedy jobber team like 3MB means his career is a failure.

At the same time, he appears on our TV screens constantly and has (for better or worse) a defined function in the company, which puts him far ahead of guys who sit in the back, waiting for Creative to find something for them to do.....not to mention the poor souls who have been future endeavored.

All told, if you've got a performer whom you feel has been "buried" because he's not in the running for the championship you feel he deserves, remember there's a chance that the same guy might have a different definition of "success" than you do.

(In McIntyre's case.....yes, despite everything I just said, I get discouraged when watching him get pinned in one-on-one matches against dwarves. Still, I'd prefer that than seeing him not working for WWE at all).
It may not be so much as every guy people like HAS to be champion. For me, it's enough if a guy like Kofi Kingston gets a main event match on a PPV. Give guys a chance to show what they can do as the main event or in the WWE title picture. While most often out of necessity they elevate certain superstars, whether it be injuries or what-not, it shouldn't make a huge difference if for one or 2 Raw shows or PPV's they put a guy like Dolph Ziggler up against Daniel Bryan (if he's still champion). I remember they were given the curtain-jerker match at Bragging Rights 2010, back when they were pretty much unproven, and they tore the house down. Go back and watch it. I'll wait. Now that both guys are established, just imagine how their match would be now. While the title SHOULD headline every PPV, if they're not comfortable with those two being the main event, then book something else to go on after. But I guarantee whoever they put on in the main event is gonna have a hell of a time following Bryan/Ziggler. That's why if you have guys that are established, give them a shot for a one-off PPV main event/WWE title match.

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