The WWE U.S. Title: Red, Black & Blue


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Did you ever notice since the new year of 2009 that the U.S. belt was carried by a black wrestler?

Jan-late March-Shelton Benjamin to MVP
March-June-MVP to Kofi Kingston
June-Present-Kofi Kingston, present

Is that funny or a good thing/rub for those wrestlers to hold that title for that long if not at all, even though the U.S. Championship was not born in the WWF/E?

And who will be a future african-american U.S. Champion if not future U.S. champion by any other race? It seems like a free for all now for the championship on the RAW brand now.
I did notice that, but then I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or if it was actually planned, but I find it quite interesting. It's not likely to continue, unless Mark Henry wins it for some reason or R-Truth goes to Raw and quickly wins the title. That is of course if The Miz becomes black. (Just kidding).
I'm an African-American and honestly I never noticed. I personally don't think too much of it. I guess the WWE thought enough of them to give them the belt, whether white or black. But I do agree with Cool Guy, I just don't see it continuing unless Crime Tyme splits up and one of them goes for it. But at the present moment, Kofi (God, why is his name Kofi? lol) is on a pretty good run so hey, it is what it is
I think it's just coincidence. They're all amazing athletes and i think that's why the WWE gave them the strap, although it is an interesting fact
It's not something I really noticed to be honest. I'm not sure whether the WWE actually planned it this way. And even if it did, I'm sure it's about to end. At the end of the day, all 3 of the wrestlers are great athletes and I'm sure it's probably that, as opposed to any race related issue.
It's just a coincidence really, nothing to look into. Have you noticed that the world championships haven't been held by a black guy since Mark Henry and King Booker? It's really just because they're at the moment in the upper mid-cards and that Henry has taken a cushy position in the midcards to entertain people (Hey Cool-aid!).
Interesting fact, but definitely just coincidence. It'll end when Kofi drops the title which I think he will to The Miz, unless the Miz is being built up just to make Kofi look stronger.
It's just a coincidence and at least great athletes and guys who have talent are getting to hold the belt. A lot better than say Hornswoggle getting the Cruiserweight Title LMAO. The trend more than likely will end soon. When he drops the title, it'll probably be The Miz unless R-Truth moves to Raw or Henry gets the gold.
I think it was purposely planned by the WWE as a way to always keep at least one black champion in the company at a time. It's a way to keep a demographic interested. I see this trend continuing when Rhaka Khan joins the company and wins the belt. I foresee a brilliant story line where Rhaka places a restraining order on Kofi, keeping him from being able to compete in his title match. Kofi will then technically lose because he will be in the custody of the police. Then the police will find Marijuana in his car.
I think it was purposely planned by the WWE as a way to always keep at least one black champion in the company at a time. It's a way to keep a demographic interested. I see this trend continuing when Rhaka Khan joins the company and wins the belt. I foresee a brilliant story line where Rhaka places a restraining order on Kofi, keeping him from being able to compete in his title match. Kofi will then technically lose because he will be in the custody of the police. Then the police will find Marijuana in his car.

That is actually the single-most hilarious use of humor I have seen on this site ever...

But like everyone is saying it's a coincidence. The only one that wasn't was Henry getting the ECW strap after the Micheal Hayes incident. Though it is interesting that it's been 3 in row but that's just coincidence. And I don't think having a black guy with a Mid-Card belt that rarely is seen or defended worth a damn is trying to "get the black audience"...

Until they do something that equates to them trying to play up the black thing... it doesn't work. Though having the team of Power-Aid (Power Ranger and the KoolAid Man) go after Jericho and Miz after Kofi could create some interesting race-related humor if it wasn't the PG era. We know Jericho and Miz can talk, MVP and Kofi aren't horrible either... but I digress.
I guess it's just being noticed a lot more because WWE is honestly attempting to use more diverse wrestlers, and thus, a lot of the new guys being pushed (US champions) just so happen to be black. It's a shame that they can't break through to the top though. WWE is seriously in need of a black main eventer ever since Booker left and John Cena finally turned white.

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