The WWE HARDCORE championship brought back.... in a PG context?

The Hardcore title could definitely work because not all of it was "Rated R" violence for lack of a better term. Look at Crash Holly's 24/7 run... that was totally PG silly fun.

The bigger thought is not if it would work in the PG setting but if the WWE would actually push the title itself and not just make it another meaningless prop as they've done with most of their titles in the current product. My guess is no way.
Hardcore matches for a hardcore title could happen, but they wouldn't use "hardcore" in the name. I imagine they would make it an Extreme championship or, like you mentioned, a revised ECW championship.

I don't see it being very likely. ECW under WWE guidance was an absolute embarrassment and was basically a way to use up what little prestige ECW had left with wrestlers who they had no other purpose for. Extreme rules matches are a novelty if they don't have them every week, saving them for a PPV as some kind of dramatic stipulation for the match is a smarter idea.

They have enough trouble making the US title seem relevant, adding another belt to the mix would make the writers' heads explode.

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Hardcore can mean simply chairs, kendo sticks, trash cans. It doesn't have to be blood and thumbtacks. One aspect of the hardcore title that would fit perfectly in the current era is it being 24/7. The unpredictability and comedic value of it would be entertaining. Remember, even Horsnwaggle could be Hardcore champion even for 1 hour or three segments. He pins a heel; runs around the arena; looses the belt. It makes perfect sense and certain demographics would love it.

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