The Who's Better Poll #4

Who Is Better

  • Shelton Benjamin

  • Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
Ok, #3 was a blowout with Chris Jericho beating HHH. Today's poll is between two midcard stars. Featuring Shelton Benjamin and Christian. Lets take a look at their stats.

Shelton Benjamin:
1X WWE US Champion
3X Intercontinental Champion
2X WWE Tag Team Champion

1X ECW Champion
3X Intercontinental Champion
9X WWE Tag Team Champion
1X European Champion
1X Hardcore Champion
1x Light Heavyweight Champion

First, PLEASE remember that Christian has been in the WWE a lot longer than Shelton Benjamin and he has held more titles. Ive said this before but it is clear that it still is not getting throught to some of you, THE AMOUNT OF TITLES YOU HAVE DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER! Ok, Rant done. Anyway both of these men are huge singles stars but Christian has also been a great tag team star. Shelton however, is one of the most underrated superstars in WWE history. However, It is quite apparent to me, Christian is better.
I select Christian as well. However, to be fair, Shelton has an undeniably above average background in amateur wrestling. He is very talented when it comes to athleticism. However, Christian has the appropriate pseudonym of Captain Charisma. He has mountains of charisma, and is also a decent wrestler. His attachment to the crowd is head and shoulders better than Shelton.

I've been a Christian fan for while and therefore he holds my vote. Not to mention, he has, in fact, won more titles the Shelton (despite your clarification). That's not one of my key points though.
i would also say christian. he just has more spark. benjamin is a talented wrestler but christian has him beat with his mic skills and charisma. captain charisma all the way
I'm behind Christian here. Although Shelton's a better athlete by far, Christian's a better performer. Christian not only has superb technical wrestling ability and outstanding charisma, but he can actually tell a story in the ring, and he has done so hundreds of times; Something I have yet to see from Benjamin. I do like Benjamin and admire his abilities, but he clearly was born to be an athlete, not a performer/entertainer, and that's what professional wrestlers are. Also, Shelton never brings anything new to the ring, it's always the same dull things we see from him all the other times, which gets boring. Christian, on the other hand, has his own style and changes things up alot. I am always excited before a Christian match, and amazed after it.
Also, Christian is Canadian, and that's cool (cheap plug here), but my opinion of him above is that of Christian the Wrestler, not the Canadian, and totally unbiased.
Christian all the way.
Shelton is damn athletic and talented, he has decent mic skills, but what make's him so special? There have been many guys who were damn athletic with decent mic skills, not all of them just rose up the ranks. GET OVER IT! Christian on the other hand is a good all around wrestler, and AWESOME mic worker. Shelton is entertaining at times, but when Christian is out there you know your gonna be WoWed, and your gonna get a grin or 2. Plus Christian wrestler lol. Captain Charisma all the way!
As ive said before Shelton has the charisma of a dried up Fish. He's cold and boring on the mic and never in his career, heel or face, has incited any response from the crowd. Great wrestler or not, if your hearing crickets during your matches and promos, YOUR DOING SOMETHING WRONG. I for one am glad the Shelton is being used as an enhancement talent on ECW becuase honestly, i'm surprised he still has a job

Christian on the other hand has the crowd on their feet Heel or Face. His Captain Charisma character is one of the best in wrestling and he still wrestles at the top of his game. I believe its a matter of time before he leaves out of that development factory ECW and becomes either the WWE or WHC champion
If we were going with sheer athleticism and wrestling I would put Benjamin over because he is a joy to watch in the ring. I have yet to see a match he cannot shine in for the most part. I do believe he is a better tag team wrestler because he uses a tag partner beautifully and can carry his partner.

On the other hand, Christian is Captain Charisma, he is a good wrestler with good mic skills and is versatile. I picked Christian because he is a main eventer that Vince keeps in the mid card level which sucks because I think he could shine with one of the two major titles around his waste.
Along with every other poster in this thread, its Christian. Purely because Shelton Benjamin will always remain in the midcard with his current "i am content with my company's position" attitude he is sporting. Whereas Christian has been in the main event before & will reach that same position sometime in the future if WWE knows what they are doing with Christian doing his end of the bargain in business terms, which he is doing very well at.

Unless Shelton Benjamin gets a following the size of Christian & becomes more than content with his current role, then I believe Christian wins...
I guess if you're asking who the better professional wrestler is the answer is Christian. You can't really debate that when Benjamin lacks some of the key components needed to make it in the business. Captain charisma is entertaining, and knows how to work a crowd. Albeit, he isn't the most successful at that, he's better than Benjamin, who doesn't have enough of a personality to be entertaining promo-wise.

That's not to say I don't enjoy Benjamin. I'm one of the few people who do like watching his matches. But I think the fact I say 'one of the few' means something here. A show headlined by Christian would do better than a show headlined by Benjamin, meaning Christian is the better pro-wrestler.
I'd say Christian is undoubtedly the better performer, what Shelton has in technical skill he lacks in almost every other department. He's incredibly boring on the mic and he really hasn't done well in terms of memorable feuds/angles. Christian (imo) has done a lot more for wrestling than Shelton ever will.
Christian is better, no doubt. Benjamin hasn't done jack shit in his time with the WWE. I mean, he is kinda sorta entertaining when he does those high jumps, but he obviously hasn't jumped high enough after 7 years with the company and still no world title, when you have CM Punk who has barely been in the company for 3 years and is a 2-time MITB winner and 2-Time WHC.

Christian on the other hand has come back full-swing. He has a huge folowing, and if not for pure talent, I was surprised that Vince didn't put him on one of the main shows just for merchandise sales. When Christian comes out of ECW, he will look like a legit star. He may not be the biggest wrestler, but he's not tiny. His charisma is off the roof, and I believe that's because he has taken tips from the Rock, which is a good thing. He makes me laugh in a time where divas in bikinis are considered "edgy". He has done what everyone was clamoring for: Someone who can make you laugh in the PG Era, and that, along with his ring skills, is why he wins this poll.
well im picking shelton. christian is just to sloppy, he was cool with edge but thats it know he is just a comedian that wrestles. shelton is way more atheletic and if used right could be great.
I'm jumping on the bandwagon and going with Christian.

Christian isn't the best. He just isn't. However, he's over enough with the crowd to be trusted with the very show that farms new talent for the WWE. He and Dreamer are all that are holding up ECW after the draft, with Kozlov moving up to provide a decent heel to feud with after Swagger left.

Benjamin...I shit on Benjmain quite a bit. But for good reason. A pro-wrestler is supposed to get the crowd to care about his matches and promos. Doesn't matter how he does it, he just needs to do it. Benjamin, honestly, hasn't done so. He does some really high jumps that I could never do and cuts some promos that no one really cares about. Hopefully his stint in ECW will give him some time to work on his skills and change my mind about him. Maybe this feud with Yoshi will help him out.
I admit that I'm somewhat tempted to say Benjamin because of the extremely one-sided vote. However, if I did, I probably wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror tomorrow morning.

Benjamin's amateur background is extremely impressive and is arguably the best all around athlete in WWE history. Benjamin, however, has practically no charisma to speak of and is absolute crap on the mic. I'm not saying Benjamin doesn't try his heart out, because he does, but he just doesn't have that IT factor and it's not as if the WWE hasn't tried with the guy.

When he first came to the WWE, as part of the Team Angle...well angle, the WWE tried to build the guy up. He's won a number of major WWE titles, including one of the longest single reigns with the US title in the history of the championship, he's holds IC title wins over guys like Y2J and RVD and a handful of wins over Triple H. The guy just doesn't have it.

Christian is someone that I'm not extremely fond of, but he's head and shoulders above Benjamin when it comes to be a better professional wrestler. Christian has always gotten over pretty well, as heel or face, he's pretty solid in the ring overall and has had some truly OMG moments and matches in his career. Benjamin has a few moments like that, but they mostly come in the form of high spots in matches that usually result in him being taken out of commission for the rest of the match afterward. He's made a career out of that during the Money In the Bank matches.

Benjamin is a better all around athlete than Christian, but that's as far as it goes. As an overall performer, Christian leaves Benjamin in the dust.
I have to go with christian, even though benjamin can be more entertaining in the ring it stops there. Christian can put on good matches and and even better promos, which benjamin can't. The one and only reason why i can't vote for benjamin is because he has no charisma, which Christian is overflowing with.

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