The Walking Dead Season 2

Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger


AMC’s critically acclaimed original series, The Walking Dead, is back with its much anticipated second season. When we last left the The Walking Dead, the characters were in the midst of a high-intensity struggle to survive, fleeing the CDC as it burst into flames. In Season 2, they are still on the move, facing more threats and obstacles than ever. Led by a remarkable ensemble cast and crew, Season 2 premieres with a 90-minute episode on Sun., Oct. 16 at 9/8c.

Based on one of the most successful and popular comic books of all time, written by Robert Kirkman, AMC’s The Walking Dead captures the ongoing human drama following a zombie apocalypse. The series follows a group of survivors, led by police officer Rick Grimes, played by Andrew Lincoln (Love Actually, Teachers, Strike Back), who are traveling in search of a safe and secure home. However, instead of the zombies, it is the living who remain that truly become the walking dead. Jon Bernthal (The Pacific, The Ghost Writer) plays Shane Walsh, Rick's sheriff's department partner before the apocalypse, and Sarah Wayne Callies (Prison Break), is Rick's wife, Lori Grimes. Additional cast include: Laurie Holden, Steven Yeun, Norman Reedus, Jeffrey DeMunn, Chandler Riggs, Iron E. Singleton and Melissa McBride. Guest stars include: Lauren Cohan, Scott Wilson and Pruitt Taylor Vince.


Is anyone else psyched for Season 2? We get to see a kid being operated on without anesthesia after a zombie bite, among other things. Season 1 was a huge hit with only 6 episodes. I have friends that have read the comic books and cant' stand the television series. I haven't read them, but I do enjoy the series. I'm pumped for the 90 minute season premiere Sunday. Who is with me?
My friend hyped this show up for me, and amazingly it did not disappoint when I watched season 1. Just recently, I got a friend hooked on the show when Netflix put it up onto its Instant Queue. I then realized that I could watch this show 100 times and I wouldn't get bored. That's what makes good television!

When I saw that Season 2 was starting up this Sunday, I got excited, re-watched season 1, and am now anticipating what should be a very good series.

The acting is very good, the effects and storytelling are nice, and the show is all-around enjoyable.
I believe AMC will be showing a marathon of espiodes from Season one, and I plan on watching them, loved the commerical for Season two.
I'm certainly pumped.

Thoroughly enjoyed season one and it's the best TV series I've seen in a while. Such a good ending too, can't wait to see how things kick off in season two. Been excited for this for months and I have a feeling it'll be well worth the wait. Haven't read the comics but I've only heard good things about them, it's hard to criticize the television series too.

I'm unsure about when it's on though.
This show really gets way more credit then it deserves. Last nights episode was an example of how the whole series has been so far. Slightly above average episode, with a great ending, that still had little payoff in the end. I'm not being an asshole, but it's the truth. I don't hate the show, I just think it has very poor direction and will be a massive waste of time once the novelty of being a zombie TV show wears off.

As I said, the episode was very average. We reintroduce all of the surviving characters, who you would think would know how to act around zombies my now, yet the little girl, who isn't that little, puts herself in a bad position. Also, how did T-Dog cut his arm open? That shit came out of nowhere, and really had no need to happen. The rest of the episode is spent trying to find the lost little girl, to no avail. Waste of time, that I hope is worth my time next week. Then the best part of the whole show happens, which was perfectly done, because it left a huge ass question mark that was ruined by the season preview. The little boy, his dad and Shane are watching a buck when someone shoots it, the bullet goes through the deer and hits the boy. Perfection story telling and setup, however the stupid ass season preview already reveals that he isn't dead, just badly hurt. If the creators were smart they would have left any and everything dealing with the kid out of the promo to keep people intrigued. Sure, he may still die, but knowing that he isn't dead really turns me off from caring about the retribution that will come.

Not an awful episode, just annoying. The characters are very surface level, with no real depth, save for Shane. The acting is okay, but gets way to much praise. The CGI is still terrific, can't compliment them enough for that, but it is to be expected right? And the story is already getting old, I want to see next weeks episode but if it doesn't get better then I will seriously have to consider tuning out.
Read the graphic novels.. They are 100x better than the show..
I like the show, but it is not true to the novels at all.. The CDC was an extra story line that they added into the show, and some of the characters never appear in the novels. Granted, it is very hard to be exact from book to movie or vice versa, but its a good show nonetheless.
I just can't seem to get into this show, maybe it's because I don't have a raging boner for zombies; or maybe it's because I want each and everyone of these stupid characters to die.

Every single actor on TWD just seems to rub me the wrong way, half of these people are portraying downright reatrds. The women in the show are about as useless as my dogs third penis. I find my self rooting for them all to die, especially those two bimbos, which two you ask; I'll leave that up to you.

The action is pretty good, though I can't really get into the whole suspense aspect. The cliff hangers are good, classic attitude era style; but what good is a cliff hanger when you don't actually care about the characters.

This show gets by on the fact that there are so many people with unhealthy zombie fetishes, because it's certainly not getting by on acting, likeable characters or a good script. I would have stopped watching a long, looong time ago if it wasn't for my fiancee.
This show really gets way more credit then it deserves. Last nights episode was an example of how the whole series has been so far. Slightly above average episode, with a great ending, that still had little payoff in the end. I'm not being an asshole, but it's the truth. I don't hate the show, I just think it has very poor direction and will be a massive waste of time once the novelty of being a zombie TV show wears off.

As I said, the episode was very average. We reintroduce all of the surviving characters, who you would think would know how to act around zombies my now, yet the little girl, who isn't that little, puts herself in a bad position. Also, how did T-Dog cut his arm open? That shit came out of nowhere, and really had no need to happen. The rest of the episode is spent trying to find the lost little girl, to no avail. Waste of time, that I hope is worth my time next week. Then the best part of the whole show happens, which was perfectly done, because it left a huge ass question mark that was ruined by the season preview. The little boy, his dad and Shane are watching a buck when someone shoots it, the bullet goes through the deer and hits the boy. Perfection story telling and setup, however the stupid ass season preview already reveals that he isn't dead, just badly hurt. If the creators were smart they would have left any and everything dealing with the kid out of the promo to keep people intrigued. Sure, he may still die, but knowing that he isn't dead really turns me off from caring about the retribution that will come.

Not an awful episode, just annoying. The characters are very surface level, with no real depth, save for Shane. The acting is okay, but gets way to much praise. The CGI is still terrific, can't compliment them enough for that, but it is to be expected right? And the story is already getting old, I want to see next weeks episode but if it doesn't get better then I will seriously have to consider tuning out.

I have to agree here that last night's episode was sub par. It was basically 90 minutes of walking in the woods or hiding under cars, but I guess that is the majority of zombie movies or shows. We really haven't gotten to know many of the characters that well. I do think the zombies and the gore scenes are terrific though. They are actually realistic looking instead of cheesy in my opinion.

I can understand though how some people can be bored with most episodes considering some provide more talking then action. Not a great episode last night, but I will keep tuning though to see what develops.
Watched Episode 1, went out and brought the first series on DVD and I'm working my way through it before it starts up again in the UK on the 21st. I think it's definitely one of the better shows on TV atm, that said I haven't watched Mad Men or Modern Family but as soon as something resembling Hulu is released in the UK, then I'm not down for forking out ass loads of money those entire series just to see if they're good or not.
Was very excited to see season two of The Walking Dead. Last night's episode was pretty good if you ask me. I downloaded a torrent so that saved me from the commercials so that was good. Favorite character has to be Daryl, him and his crossbow is fuckin' awesome! The episode however was sub-par, I agree with you guys. Not the best one, but certainly not bad either.

What I wanted to know...
How the hell did T-Dawg cut himself that bad?! Holy shit! No matter how many times that I replayed it, I couldn't understand how that happened to him, but ohwell.
The episode had the right amount of action for me, but a little more is always good. And the ending was wow, got me hooked for the rest of the season for sure.
I had a feeling Herschell's religion would tie in to why he kept a barn full of Walkers, and I had a feeling they were family, too.

All of which makes sense for his character, no matter how wrong it may seem to us. Gotta keep in mind here — he's likely never been off that farm or seen the world for what it it really is.

My guess for the mid-season finale? They find Sophia and Shane & Co. upset Herschell to the point that he wants/demands them gone. Glen will be conflicted due to his love affair with the daughter and Rick will want to stay with his wife, who he finally knows is pregnant. Group splits (again) as a result.

If I had to lay a guess as to how it breaks out:

Andrea fucking Shane means she follows Shane now. Shane likely takes with him T-Dog and Dale by default (who will follow Andrea).

Glen, Rick, Sarah, Lori and the son stay.

Daryl is a wild card.
I still don't find this season to be very well done, but I don't hate it either. Daryl is the saving grace for me, and Shane has definitely become a character that interests me. His character is so very complex that it makes it worth watching. Dale has become the character I like the least. Good god could he be any more bitchy this season? Shane said it perfectly, if Dale thinks he is the kind of man who could kill his best friend then imagine what he would do to someone he didn't even like. In other words, Dale will be left to the zombies and I don't think Andrea will have any issue with that at this point. Also, I really want to see more of Merle Dixon. His one show appearance was an epic addition and shows that they need him in either a good/bad devil for Daryl or as a full time member of the group again. Michael Rooker is amazing.
I still get the feeling that some of the characters don't really get how much their world has changed. I was downright pissed off at Lori for not seeing the immediate importance of Rick and Shane teaching Carl how to shoot. I don't give a fuck what anti-gun/pro gun control politics she may have had before the zombie apocalypse, (although given that her husband was a sheriff and carried around firearms all the damn time, I can't imagine her being an anti-gun zealot) that world is GONE. All of those preconceived notions about guns need to be thrown out the window as useless. The world they live in is a kill zombies or be killed by zombies kind of situation. I get that as a mother, she wants to protect her child from harm. But what is the bigger harm here, guns, which also happen to be their best means of defense, or the mother fucking zombies trying to eat them? Priorities!

They have a responsibility to maximize their chances of survival, and that means ensuring that everyone who can fire a weapon learns how to do it properly. The difference between having 5 people able to defend you and 6 people able to defend you could be difference between living and dying.

To steal a line from LOTR: The Two Towers,

"The women of this country learned long ago, those without swords can still die upon them."

In this case, those who don't learn to fire guns can still be ripped apart by zombie hordes.
So much potential but it really hasn't delivered. The lack of character development has been shocking and now, nearly at the end of Season 2, we still know fuck all about pretty much all the cast and I really couldn't care less about any of them. They're still just walking meatsacks waiting to be eaten. Apart from Daryl, he at least has the decency to be cool.
This week isn't the end of season 2, it's just the fall finale, the rest of season 2 is set to air in Jan. or Feb. I think. Also they have been developing the charecters, but they are just doing it at a slower more deliberate pace. If you've been paying attention we've seen changes in Shane, Rick, Andrea, Daryl, & Lori. Shane's character has gotten much much darker, Lori has questioned if it's worth bring children into this world with her pregnancy, and with Carl getting shot. Rick has taken to clear opposite point of view on that topic. Andrea is going from the scared suicidal girl who couldn't handle a gun to a confident shooter, who seems to take much joy in blowing a zombies head of. Daryl is just plain awesome, we've seen him start to become closer with the group & almost adopt them as a family. So there has been plenty of growth in the characters, you just have to pay attention. People seem to think this show should be nothing but survivors out killing walkers for 45 mins. each week, that show would get boring as fuck real quick.
The season has been getting better. I think the main reason we've had to sit through long indoor segments without zombie killings is because of budget cuts that needed to be made from the producers. Either way, I'm still interested to see how this mid season finale turns out with Hershell harboring the day walkers in the barn. There is Shane and Rick and the new baby situation. We need more of Daryl and Merle. I could definitely get into some psychotic Daryl going crazy with Merle's words in his head. There are too many people on that show anyway.

You could kill off a few members of the cast and nothing would change. Does anyone care about the lost girl? Hopefully she'll come back as zombie and weed out some of the cast.
I'm hoping the show gets back some of its' edge once the Farm arc is over. It's had a lot of good points but I agree it has been slow and stodgy at points. The cast continues to be a highlight but I can agree that it would benefit by being thinned out sooner rather than later. Maybe that will bring back the drama that is desperately needed.

I don't know what went on with the novels - I know the Farm was a massive angle. Hopefully it will be wrapped up neatly before the season finale.
The Farm has certainly been interesting in parts although it has felt like it's kind of dragged for a bit now.

There are members of the farm that I just don't care about like Otis' girlfriend and the Herschel's other son, the youngest one. Clearly the major character that could join the group from The Farm would be Maggie as the relationship between her and Glen seem's to have developed quickly but she obviously cares for him so that's nice to see.

So far though this series has pretty much been all about Shane going full sociopath and potential schizo as well and it's also been about the development of Daryl as well who remains my favourite character from the second series.

It's dragged on but I'm looking forward to the arc ending next week as we head into the mid-season break. I think we'll see the return of Sophia, the walkers from the barn will escape (I base this on what Dale said to Herschel when he first found out) and a character or two dying.
Last night episode actually dealt with some of what I was talking about in my last post, about recognizing how much the world has changed from what it used to be. Annoyingly, the person who actually "gets it" is Shane, the probable villain in all of it, with most of the group choosing to remain blissfully naive...until the last segment of course, in which Shane's actions force them all to open Herschel's eyes in a painful way, blasting away his own naivety...As far as I am concerned, Herschel deserved to be forced to confront reality like that, especially for what becomes known at the very end of the episode. Herschel has some major explaining to do, and I doubt anyone will like the answer.
Annoyingly, the person who actually "gets it" is Shane, the probable villain in all of it

Yes, even as Shane's character gets less and less civilized as time goes on, it seems that Dale was right: Shane is probably the person most suited to deal with the realities of the new world while Rick, with his need for law and order, might turn out to be the least able to adapt. It's this seeming contradiction that drives the whole show, imo.

But wasn't it painful to see who was the last person to walk out of the barn? Jeez! was also hard to allude to that without giving away the spoiler, lol

The thing is, half of me agrees with Shane, half agrees with Rick. I understand the need to maintain law and that, I sympathize with Rick. However, given their situation, I would say that they need to rethink what "law and order" actually mean. In that, I agree with Shane. They never should have let Herschel convince them to remove their guns. I get the whole "we are guests, we will do what the host says" thing, but there comes a point where being polite is potentially the unsafe thing to do. If they can maintain law and order, while still ensuring the safety of their group, fine...but their first priority is survival, not making sure they don't ruffle feathers.

I do disagree with Rick not being able to adapt though...he was the one who did what had to be done at the end, not Shane, no matter how unpleasant it was. I think Rick can learn to survive, to adapt, Shane is just a natural at it. It's also possible that Rick is handcuffed by his position in the group. As the de facto leader, he has to be concerned with everyone, not just himself. Shane, as Rick's subordinate, can act out on his own. If their situations were reversed, and Shane was the one with the wife and child, and was the leader of the group, I think Rick might have adapted more quickly, as he wouldn't be tied down to other people's concerns as much as he is.
while Rick, with his need for law and order, might turn out to be the least able to adapt.

I don't see that at all, I think Rick is just simply trying to keep what humanity & morality is left in the group alive, if he has to off a walker he has no issue doing it, but he rather keep shit as civilized as possible, Rick is the one best suited to lead the group. He proves that at the end of the episode, when he was the only one able to pull the trigger. Shane is just an asshole. Should be interesting what happens now that Hershell has lost all his faith in humanity & any reason to give a shit about anything, he has no reason to help Rick, Lori, or the rest of the group anymore, & we can thank Shane lack of thinking shit through for that. Shane needs to go, all he does is fuck shit up, & put the group in more danger. I imagine Shane to be the type of person who would shoot Lori in the head because she's pregnant & slowing them down, after all he basically did the same thing to Otis.
I know I have been one of the harsher critics on here for Walked Dead, but last nights mid season finale was excellent, well at least the end was. It was so perfectly done. Letting all of those walkers out and killing them for self preservation with the point being that there was no emotional connection to them, just to have Sophia come out last. How devastating that must have been for all of the characters. Shane is now the biggest piece of shit on the show, and one of the biggest pieces of shit on TV, though Clay still has him beat by a mile. Simple riveting and definitely has me wanting the second half of season 2 to start right now.
It was a great show last night. I'm pumped for the rest. I was so damn sad when Sophia came out. Her mom had to see her get shot. I am wondering how long they had Sophia in the barn. It would be a shocker if it was only a few days.

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