The Top Heel


Top faces are pretty simple
top 4
John Cena
Cm Punk
Randy Orton
top 4 heels
are not as simple
who do you think is the top heel of the wwe?
and please explain why
Wow, you're terrible. Right now, there is no top heel. And that's the way I like it. Because when you have one dominant figure over the rest, that opens the door for repetitiveness which is dull. You have the same circle of people competing against each other constantly and nothing changes. But lets be real. That's not gonna stop people from coming in here and listing wrestlers here like if there's supposed to be some Legion Of Doom like totem pole of order.
There are no top heels because there are no good heels outside of Daniel Bryan. When Wade Barrett comes back, here's hoping he'll claim the spot as top heel.
Actually in wrestling in WWE there is no top heel, see the top heel in pro wrestling is Bobby Roode, but its not based on wrestling skill or anything its based on the belt, see if you at the hallowed past of the WWE or WCW you realize that the dominant heel in the company is the one who always manages to squeeze out the win and hold the belt for the longest reign, honestly up until an few months ago the biggest heel in the company was Cody Rhodes because he was the only one fending off all challengers for the longest time. In WWE's past HHH was probably the most dominant heel because of his lengthy title reigns as a heel. Hollywood Hogan is another example of the dominant heel of pro wrestling, and well as the Rock.
So if I had to pick top 3 heels in WWE right now its Cody Rhodes based on his length of title reign, Brock Lesnar due to his strong hold on WWE and his brutalization of the Top Face of the company.Daniel Bryan because he is the most relevant heel in the company right now.
There is no top heel because Cena buries them all: Kane, Show, Big Johnny, Miz, Batista etc. I don't know why WWE constantly feeds all top heels to Cena to get buried. #CenaSucks.
There is no top heel nowadays because just use them to put over John Cena.

They even made Brock Lesnar lose to Cena who returned to WWE after 8 years.
Like others have said, there is no top heel. Not because Cena has buried them all but because I think top heels only come once in a while..
Heels become top heels when they're holding the World title. Kinda like Triple H back in 02-04 when no one could defeat him. Or like Bobby Roode right now in TNA.. He's a top heel.. The last guy in the 'E' I would actually honestly consider a top heel was The Miz, when he had his run as the WWE champion, because he was the top guy with the big belt at the time and would do what he could to hold on to it. Oh and lets not forge Mark Henry last year.
This is going to be the most honest answer to the question Who is the biggest heel. The answer will also show WHY the WWE is so far lost they should only have face. Look at the last two PPV. the faces are all winning and them again on the last ppv.

The biggest heel in the WWE is...........VICKY.

Please Vince how the hell have you allowed this.
what i meant is that
tna has bobby roode as top heel.
wwe needs a top heel are there heel talent is mid card.
i was refering to randy orton in 2009 who went over for 9 months.
batista in 2010 when he turned on rey mysterio.
jbl in 2009 when shawn worked for him.
the list goes on and on there is no heel main eventers anymore
It's getting about time to for the WWE to finally make Dolph Ziggler it's TOP HEEL.......think about it, there are two types of "top heels" the dominate forces who hold on to the belt for what seems like FOREVER.......and then there are the guys who wizzle their way into a title shot, sneak out with it and continue to do such for MONTHS at a time. I was NOT a Dolph Ziggler fan a few months ago, i thought that Jack Swagger had EVERYTHING to be a top heel in wrestling.......but honestly the more I watch Dolph the more I love to hate him.

Dude has taken his bumps and bruises over the years and is DUE a BIG payday, what better time than now? He is Mr Perfect, Edge and Ric Flair wrapped up into one package and has the ability to piss off a crowd simply by swiping his hands through his hair. If the WWE really wants to have him get over, throw him into the reported Cena vs Punk match and have him sneak away........better yet, have him go over at MITB and take the title away from the winner of said match upon completion of it.
Based on mat skill and mic skill, here are the guys who have what it takes to be a top heel: Bryan, Del Rio, Rhodes, Ziggler, and The Miz. These are the guys that put on decent promos and great matches. I think the wwe is at a point where they need to develop these characters and not worry about putting them on top just yet.
Wow, you're terrible. Right now, there is no top heel. And that's the way I like it. Because when you have one dominant figure over the rest, that opens the door for repetitiveness which is dull. You have the same circle of people competing against each other constantly and nothing changes. But lets be real. That's not gonna stop people from coming in here and listing wrestlers here like if there's supposed to be some Legion Of Doom like totem pole of order.

So a dominant top heel would be dull and repetitive but John Cena is a dominant face and always winning, ands thats not boring to you?

The Big Show is the top heel of WWE....that is all

And of course no takes him seriously.

The heels today are just really weak compared to years past. In 2003 (the last great wrestling year imo) you had Jericho who was an ass. Did stuff like putting Stacy Keibler in the Walls. Lesnar would annihilate people like throwing Zach Gowen down the stairs. And of course Triple H and Evolution, always cheating to win. JBL was good too in 2004 with his long title run. 2009 Orton and the Nexus in 2010 were good too.

Now today its hard to hate any heels. You can pretty much blame the PG rating. Heels cant low blow, hit people with weapons, the promos are toned down. They dont even cheat to win matches. Like Daniel Bryan used an exposed turnbuckle on Raw to beat Punk. Big Deal. Heels have very little to work with.
It's getting about time to for the WWE to finally make Dolph Ziggler it's TOP HEEL.......think about it, there are two types of "top heels" the dominate forces who hold on to the belt for what seems like FOREVER.......and then there are the guys who wizzle their way into a title shot, sneak out with it and continue to do such for MONTHS at a time. I was NOT a Dolph Ziggler fan a few months ago, i thought that Jack Swagger had EVERYTHING to be a top heel in wrestling.......but honestly the more I watch Dolph the more I love to hate him.

I'm sorry, but how can you turn Dolph Ziggler into the top heel in the company when he is getting cheered every week? He has been a heel since he started, why push Dolph as top heel when the crowd has already turned him half-face? Maybe an Orton heel turn and a Dolph face turn would make more sense?
It's getting about time to for the WWE to finally make Dolph Ziggler it's TOP HEEL.......think about it, there are two types of "top heels" the dominate forces who hold on to the belt for what seems like FOREVER.......and then there are the guys who wizzle their way into a title shot, sneak out with it and continue to do such for MONTHS at a time. I was NOT a Dolph Ziggler fan a few months ago, i thought that Jack Swagger had EVERYTHING to be a top heel in wrestling.......but honestly the more I watch Dolph the more I love to hate him.

I'm sorry, but how can you turn Dolph Ziggler into the top heel in the company when he is getting cheered every week? He has been a heel since he started, why push Dolph as top heel when the crowd has already turned him half-face? Maybe an Orton heel turn and a Dolph face turn would make more sense?

Your logic is flawed.......Orton is considered Smackdown's TOP FACE. You make Dolph a full fledged heel the same exact way you make Orton a heel. Give the crowd a reason to HATE HIM. You dont simply snap your fingers and say this guy is a heel now, stop cheering for him. You feed him people until the crowd cannot stand to see his face.

The WWE recycles storylines EVERY WEEK, yet they have forgotten what it takes to turn someone heel. Just like the GhostofBeniot stated eariler, today's heels are weak. They do nothing more than interfere in a match, talk crap on the mic, leave in the middle of a match and then get buried by John Cena at the very next pay per view.

I mean, one very simple storyline that the WWE could recycle is to simply have the Show-Off run with a Legend Killer story line. It has already been stated that legends will appear at each Raw up til the 1000th episode........have Dolph bury them, never to be seen again for (forever for all i care.....i'm sick of seeing SGT Slaughter, Roddy Piper and JR make appearances). Then on the 1000th episode with all of the buzz about Ric Flair being a potential manager for Dolph, have the nature boy appear.....give Dolph props for taking out all of the "has beens" and offer him his managerial (spell check) skills in the first hour. At the beginning of hour 3, have Dolph answer back by destroying Ric.

Bottom line is that, as stated earlier, heels are WEAK.......they give you zero reason to hate them. The WWE was on to something when they had Big Show knocking people's lights out........but their flaw is that no one cares about Big Show regardless of what they have him do. He has been mundane for sooooooo long that you cant BELIEVE that he is a "Giant." The ONLY reason ANYONE thought he had a chance of beating Cena was due to the fact that the whole world knows what is happening in Cena's personal life.

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