The Survivor Series competition is rigged for SNS


Unregistered User
In a tournament that has been steeped in conspiracy so far, one man seems to be benefiting from all the backhanded deals, and that is Screamin' Norman Smiley. Now I am not saying he is the puppet master, but it's clear that he is playing some sort of role where he benefits from the conspiracies that have taken down such powerhouses as NJexus, and Plato and the Piss pants... or whatever Crock's team's name was.

Let's review how SNS has this rigged for himself

1) He is at a distinct advantage of being all by himself. While his competitors have 25 points to worry about protecting, he only has to worry about losing his 5. This means he doesn't have as many points to defend, and barring a lightning strike attack at the beginning of each round, there's no way enough people are going to vote for him to eliminate him. It's pure logic, really.

2) His biggest competition, The Saunterers of Death (this is America and we speaking English), was saddled with D-Man, an individual that spells certain doom for any team he is placed on. I guess the D is for DISASTER.

3) SNS gets a nice long break while he's waiting for his next opponent to finish their match. That means that he'll be fresh and ready to go while either The Hemotomas or Fox Force Five will be wasted after a hard fought battle against each other.

What should we do? Picket TDigle's tournament headquarters, tar and feather SNS, and then report their accounts to vbulletin for illegal use.
After all this drama, I don't even want to be a part of this anymore. You guys have killed what was supposed to be a fun little exhibition among friends. D-Man and the rest of the trolls can have their tournament. I'm done.
That's what they want you to think, Big Sexy, but he's not. I don't know what he is, but I'm guessing he's some sort of robot alien created by the puppet master of this entire conspiracy that was programmed to point out the obvious flaws in humans and to comically find old people attractive.

There's only one man with the nose for conspiracies that could come up with a solid conspiracy theory, one man with the insight, the knowledge, the worldly wisdom that comes from years upon years of soul searching.

Bring in Sully.
I have done great things for this game, mainly trying to shine light on the shady dealings that have turned this tournament into a black market popularity contest.

The culprits will be found and severely punished.
how to beat SNS when he was alone:

Step 1: Find 7 posters (just in case) who are willing to help
Step 2: Ask them to blitzkreig SNS at the beginning of the voting round to quickly eliminate him

How to enjoy this 'game':

Step 1: Realize it's just a game with no rewards in sight
Step 2: Chill the fuck out and enjoy it for what it is, a game
It's way more than just a game. Today the Poster Survivor Series, tomorrow the WrestleZone Tournament.
It's a hurt and heal games, HNH is always shit. Combine that with tdigs ******ed-ass way of running things and making up rules in true TM style, and you have what may be the worst tournament since the inception of this forum.

This should have just been done by polls. Way more fun.
HNH usually has a "You can do a double heal as well, but no double hurt" rule that would let people who don't want to hurt day franz vote
Fucking hell, Doc. TM makes one snide comment to you once and your asshole is so hurt it will never heal.
Fucking hell, Doc. TM makes one snide comment to you once and your asshole is so hurt it will never heal.

My face, right now:


It was a reference to TM and the Debator's League he did.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have now received word that the following debate is now a ladder match!!!"
I'm thrilled that you decided to stop hyperventilating long enough to show us a smile, but I'm not buying it. TM's rules are awesome. No. You're butt hurt about him.

Or maybe that's your butt hurt face. I don't know.

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