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The sleeping giant the Great Khali

CM Steel

A REAL American
For the last three years or so since the great Khali turned babyface, his character has somewhat turned into somewhat of a sleeping giant so to speak. The WWE has made the great Khali look like a giant dummy, and not the goon kind. Khali seems like he needs someone to always guide him in his WWE career. Right now diva Natalya is the great Khali's leading lady in his matches as his arm candy (can't go wrong with that!) who has Khali wrapped around her finger.

It's almost like the great Khali doesn't have control of his own career & life. He's just a big soft stiff who likes to dance and entertain the kids. The WWE did the same thing to the Big Show 11 years ago on RAW when Show was in the nWo faction. They made him seem like a brainless giant. Just sad to watch. But after the Big Show was traded to the Smackdown brand. That sleeping giant woke up in the best way to win the WWE championship the following month against Brock Lesnar at MSG in NYC.

And let's not forget about the character named Festus people.

So I'm not saying that the great Khali needs another heel turn right now. But it would be helpful to the great Khali's WWE career if the creative team gave Khali more of a respectful character dialogue. The great Khali is a former WWE world heavyweight champion. His career in the WWE can't go on like this.
His career certainly should not go on like this...in fact, his career should not go on at all. I mean, he really is a disgrace to the profession. He is up there, or maybe down there, with the likes of El Gigante and Raja Lion as one of the worst ''wrestlers'' to ever live. He can't talk, and hell, the guy can barely even walk! I get why WWE keep him around...he is to WWE and their Indian fan base, what Giant Baba was to All Japan...and that is a great big novelty act to amuse the masses every now and again, but that is all. Surely they would be better off investing their time, effort and money in Jinder Mahal?!

I would disagree that Khali is a ''sleeping giant!'' I am sorry, but he is a no hoper and never will be. Also, you cannot compare Khali to Big Show. I am not suggesting that Show is the best wrestler ever, but he has had many good runs and good matches over the last 16 years or so. Can you or anyone else think of a match that involved Khali that was even remotely watchable? Even a legend like The Undertaker couldn't get a good match out of him.

To put it another way, can you believe this guy gets tv time ahead of guys like Alex Riley, Curt Hawkins, Ryder, and even Bo Dallas? At least these guys could offer WWE something in the long run if WWE have them a shot.

So, on the basis that Khali has no redeeming features what so ever, i suggest that the only thing for WWE to do, is to drag him out the back, and make him go the way of Old Yeller!
I don't care, because whatever they do to Khali won't hide the fact that he is even worse in the ring now than he was when he was champion. If WWE insist on keeping him around, the current advancement talent role he has right now is the right route to go with him.
It pains me to say it but he's finished. Khali has always been awful but I've always found enjoyment in his matches. He's comically bad. You watch the man walk to the ring and his knees look like they're going to give way.

He's one of those wrestlers who should've been on the roster for a couple of months, a year tops, yet has stayed around for 7 years. Turn him heel, give him one last push as a monster going over nobodies like Ryder, Primo & Kofi and then have a new-ish talent decimate him.
I agree with the previous poster who said there's no comparison between Khali and the Big Show.

Big Show has talent. They can stick him in crappy angles, and he'll be able to move on to a new one without losing credibility because he's talented. They can have him job to all sorts of guys who could never believably win a fight against him, and still keep him looking like a monster, because he's talented.

Khali... is the drizzling shits. He was an actor with a unique look, so they recruited him to be a professional wrestler. He's got zero mobility, is stiff as hell in his movements (not stiff in a wrestling stiff, stiff in that he might as well have strapped 2x4's to his arms and legs the way he moves). When he wins, it doesn't look believable because despite his size, anyone skilled should be able to take him out because of his lack of mobility, and when he loses it doesn't feel like a big deal at all because he's so horrible in the ring.

The only reason Khali still works for the WWE is because he's big in India and makes the company money there. That's it.
You watch the man walk to the ring and his knees look like they're going to give way.

The parallel to be drawn is between Khali and the Frankenstein monster. Did you ever think about what makes Frankenstein's walk unique? It's that both he and Khali walk without bending their knees. Obviously, the comparison is apt in other ways too, unfortunately.......and it's too bad, because Khali could be an asset if his knees were in better shape. True, we're never going to see him turning 619s, but just the sheer size of the man would make him a force in WWE, at least on a limited basis. Instead, WWE likes to use him as a measure for up-and-coming performers, leaving Khali destined to go nowhere fast.

It's hard to know whether to use him as a face or heel. He looks as if he should be a bad guy, with his fierce facial expressions and evil countenance. Problem is, his moveset is limited to those damn open-handed chops that knock down his enemies even when they miss.

As a good guy, he kills the lower-card talent while serving as a jobber to anyone on their way up. I don't know if Khali is ever actually going to face Fandango in the ring, but if he does, it will be interesting to see how the writers see this match-up going: is Fandango going to be such a stud that he beats up The Great Khali in his first ever match? If that happens, it pretty much seals Khali's fate, no? He'll be a tree that everyone chops down....at least until his poor knees give out for good.
I personally think the Great Khali is the biggest waste of airtime, roster space, and money in the WWE. He can't wrestle. He can't talk. He's not funny. He's not entertaining.

I have no idea how he's managed to stay on the roster this long. This is going to sound kind of awful, but I was really hoping whatever brain issue he had last year would have ended his career. Only because I despise him taking away valuable TV time from someone like Mr. Perfect's kid, Bray Wyatt, or Antonio Cesaro...3 guys who deserve to be on TV.

Khali is just where he should be in the company-a comedy jobber. He's good for comedic value, but we don't need to see him anywhere near the WWE or World Heavyweight Title. I think it's amusing that WWE thinks we're supposed to buy him as a legitimate threat to Mark Henry when the outcome is the same every time they wrestle. Honestly, I'd laugh if he started jobbing to 3MB and Epico and Primo.

The difference between Festus, Big Show and Khali is that the first two have talent.
I can understand Khali's appeal. He is genuinely gigantic. When he was a bit younger, he had a great physique as well.

He's still very muscular, but his body is extremely broken down and I don't want a paralyzed Khali on my hands, I'd feel MUCH more comfortable if the big guy just retired, he must have some cash to fall back on...
Khali isn't even worth a thread. He can barley walk let alone wrestle. He is garbage plain and simple. Khali has NEVER impressed me with any in ring ability nor does he have ANY mic skills. Khali is there to get East Indian viewers and thats it! whether he is face of heel, it simply doesn't matter, HE CAN'T WRESTLE!!!!!!!!
Khali does have value as a way to appeal to fans in India. If he didn't have that value, they wouldn't keep him around. I think he should be presented in a very different way. The template I'd use is Andre the Giant from the end of his career when he was very immobile. Andre was used as an enforcer/bodyguard for other people, and in 1990 they made him part of a tag team so they could work around his weaknesses. That is the best use for Khali as long as he's on the roster. This is another reason to bring back managers and factions so that there's a need for a role like that.
You mentioned the Big Show. Indeed, it was him who really messed Khali around. When Show switched brand so did Khali. They were not allowed on the same show because of the conflict of gimmicks. Khali was not able to create momentum and feuds on either show.

If it was up to me than he would be released. For whatever reason that will not happen - perhaps the Indian market- but I think face suits him better. Heel is so boring. The big guy who dominates. I've not seen that before. Keep him face. Put him in a tag-team or his him as a comedy figure.
really interesting thread. good idea by the OP. that said...

most people in the IWC dislike Khali. i understand why. don't necessarily agree 100% of the time, but i get it. he's the furthest thing from a technician that there is. as many have stated, he's even a far cry from just plain mobile.

but he does have value. he's a giant, no questions asked. he makes tons of money for WWE thanks to India. got huge global interest. done some movies and shows so he has some media attention also. and then there's the immeasurable type stuff. for example, my wife loves him cuz he's huge and had a funny line in the "longest yard" remake. then again, she's not exactly a hardcore wrestling fan. but he does have value.

this might sound absolutely blasphemous to some, or many, but i'd suggest an almost Brock Lesnar-esque route with Khali, with some twists. first and foremost, keep Khali face. got tons of heels and more to turn, and the monster heel has been done often. keep him face and remind us that he's a former world champ. drop Swoggle and Nat. have him win a few big and important matches. then drop him from tv for the majority of the year. have him return only during the "big 4" ppv seasons. run short programs with the major and/or up and coming heels.

again, i'm sure i'll get heat and hell for saying that, but here's my thought process. could you imagine the rub Cesaro would have gotten if he hit the Neutralizer on Khali after a brief feud and well built match at Survivor Series? or if Ryback could hit the Shell Shock on him during the Rumble match? if Mark Henry added him to the Hall of Pain during a Summerslam showdown?

i think using him less and with a simple yet effective purpose would add to his draw, since clearly his wrestling ability and current gimmick isn't working at all. like, at all.
Khali is as done as done gets. This is putting it nicely as i can. Khali has zero mobility,cant really speak english and just looks like his knees are gonna collapse every time he walks to the ring. I may get dinged for this one but if the match with Fandango and Khali ever happens it needs to be a loser leaves WWE forever! Obviously Johnny Curtis would go over,but how they would book the match would be interesting.

Khali needs to be saved from himself as this point or he really wont be able to walk
No wrestling ability, no mike skills, WWE already has several giants and freaks, I really don't know why they keep Khali around, besides he needs to quit for his health anyway, the guy clearly has back problems.
Khali would suck any which way you put it. He can barely walk, his English is intelligible, his in ring skills are garbage, he literally has 5 moves (chop, tree chokeslam, vice grip, headbutt, shove) and furthermore he hasn't been entertaining since he first debuted, and even then the shock factor wore off real quick
Khali is here for funny things. But seriously the man just came off of BRAIN SURGERY! I think thats the time you stop trying to make a name in the ring. Even Batista beat him at his own match. Please Vince make Khali hang up the boots. While you are at it, Please Vince make John Cena go away. ( personal hate)
The guy can't wrestle. Forget even wrestling, the guy can't walk or even talk without difficulty.

That being said, I wouldn't have a problem if he wasn't stuffed in our faces on a weekly basis. Give him the Ryder/Santino treatment. Once a month on free TV and for house shows only.
Khali is here for funny things. But seriously the man just came off of BRAIN SURGERY! I think thats the time you stop trying to make a name in the ring.

THIS I agree with 100%. Out of everything said on this thread, this one stands out; The guy had a brain tumour. He had it removed. It's at that point in your life, you've gotta think; is this worth it anymore? I was so shocked to see him back. To be honest, I was glad for him, it had that feel good story to it, but I feel WWE should have played off it; He just got over a brain tumour, and he's come back to do what he loves sort of thing.

One of two things needs to happen with Khali now though; either they get rid/Khali retires due to health (He CANT go on much longer with things looming, you never fully recover from brain damage of any form?) or they NEED to book him properly. If he's going to be a force in WWE, give him a PROPER manager - get Natty away from him and give him someone who can properly talk for him. Fuck; have him as an enforcer for a smaller guy, have him as SOMETHING; ANYTHING but himself, on his own, trying to be a good guy in a role he can't even talk in. It DOESN'T work.
The Great Khali being a former World Champion really doesn't say anything about what he's earned or deserves from WWE, it says more about what WWE wanted at that moment in time..a 'monster' champ.

It doesn't matter if Khali is heel, face, a single competitor or in a tag team. They can throw him out there with any comedy act they want, it's not getting him over any time soon. I respect him as an athlete, and realize he's a huge star in his home country, and I respect what he went through not that long ago with brain surgery and his quick recovery. Having said that, he simply is not a quality performer. Every time Khali is in a match, there's a Wade Barrett, Antonio Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler or Daniel Bryan sitting in the back thinking of how much less time they have to truly ply their craft.
sure he cant wrestle and is awful on the mic

he is kept around for Rumble spots and one-off tag matches

he was signed because Vince has a hard-on for giant freaks

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