"The Singer Sewing Machine Award" for Best Thread Starter

Who Wins Best Thread Starter?

  • Lord Sidious

  • The D-Man

  • klunderbunker

  • IrishCanadian25

  • NightShiftLoser

  • Mighty NorCal

  • TM

  • Uncle Sam

  • FTS

  • tdigle

  • The Lariat

  • xfearbefore

  • Y 2 Jake

  • Slyfox696

  • jmt225

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It's a good league that breeds good discussion and it's something TM has run well. The threads are part of the total package and shouldn't be thrown out.

Better than an average thread that someone else would make anyway that generates replies like "I think Red will beat Cide because it's too soon for him to lose the belt. Should be agood match."

Those threads > Your Kurt Angle Nutholder thread
Yes, conventional wisdom definately doesn't need to be questioned. :rolleyes:

X, if I'm fighting a truth that is really as evident as some would like to believe, there should be no trouble defending it and people shouldn't be so irked when I talk about my love for JBL-Eddie. If I'm wrong, people should say so and say why. It strengthens the validity of the conventional wisdom.

I think that goal does more good than our monthly X-title preview thread. But then again, what do I know? I don't post often, I'm not a mod, and I'm not nominated. That must say it all.
Sidious' threads generate the most heated discussion on a regular basis, and that's what matter for me. Plenty of people do good ones, but I think Sidious is the most consistent.
A big thank you to:

Big Beck-ah Roethlisberger
Blue Chipper
Doc Blocker
Holy Crush The Hidden World Down Dragon
JicKie "FalKon" Mames
Matt Fox
Mr. Baller

I appreciate your support very much. As I told a few people, this forum truly works best for my style. I cover topics that I know are controversial to the fans, but I speak what is truly on my mind without pulling punches ... and it naturally leads to great spirited discussion. But I'm able to defend my views to the end, because those are 100% my views on the topic, and I am a stubborn SOB to convince otherwise.

Tastycles, I am still debating whether to go back into the Manager thread or not. You and I are never going to agree on that issue ... and knowing we aren't going to change each other's minds on anything, I just question whether it's worth it or not.

Still deciding, but I haven't forgotten about you.
Starting a lot of threads does not mean you're a great thread starter. I'm going to go with either Lord Sidious or Sly. Their thread are always good and get tons of discussion and can start great debates from what I've seen.
Torn between Tdigs and Sam. Sam's memoirs is incredible, but as is Tdigs take 5: puro thread. The bottom line is that when I see a thread made by either one, I always stop to read it. I'm gonna think abit more
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