The Return of Evan Bourne.


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
Ok so I just read on the front page that as of this Saturday (March 17th, 2012), Evan Bourne will be cleared to return to the WWE Roster after serving his 60 day suspension for violating the WWE's Wellness policy for a second time.

My question is, how do you think the WWE will handle his return?

Will he return as a face/heel?
Will he be placed into a good fued right away?
Will he be punished further and made to look weak until eventually being released?

Personally, I think he should return after WM 28. Have Kofi & Truth win the WWE Tag Titles from Primo & Epico and then have them successfully defend the titles on Smackdown or whatever. On the next RAW, Kofi could have a 1 on 1 match with Primo and Truth/Epico could fight into the back when all of a sudden, Bourne comes out from the crowd and attacks Kofi. The next week, Bourne cuts a promo saying how Kofi ditched him bla bla bla and then reveal his new tag partner, The Miz!

Let me know what you think.
I think he's pretty much gonna be stuck in the lower portion of the card for a good while. It may be a long time before they put him in a high profile match.
What should Evan do upon his return to the WWE? The same thing he's done most of his career; jobbing to higher-ups and making others look good. Feed him to Brodus Clay, Ezekiel Jackson, Mark Henry, Sheamus, Curt Hawkins, Tyler Reks, Jinder Mahal; just use him to wipe everyone's ass all over the roster. Two Wellness Violations that close together is enough of a reason to be put in the dog house and I'm surprised he wasn't let go already. Evan doesn't deserve anything more than a lower card position on the WWE roster. Put him on Superstars in meaningless matches until he can get his shit together. When and IF he gets his shit together, then I could see him potentially making it into a somewhat bigger storyline.
Evan will be damn lucky to even have a job when he returns!! When he comes back he will be the absolute bottom feeder jobber there is on the roster!! I would have him involved in squash matches against the likes of Zeke,Mark Henry,Rhodes etc. I put him on superstars (directv doesnt carry superstars) N e way if and when he ever gets his shit together and thats a big IF maybe give him an ok storyline!! For now he does not deserve any TV time at all.

For someone like that to get TV time would be a shame IMO!! hes one slip away from being gone for good and IMO he should be already. The absoulte lowest card position he deserves right now and that again is my two cents
Assuming Bourne doesn't get another Wellness Violation, then job his ass. Feed him to Mark Henry or any of Johnny Ace's other team members to build them up on the way to Wrestlemania. I'm so over this guy after he manages to get two Wellness Violations within such a short span of time and I'm sure WWE is going to unsurprisingly stick this guy in the doghouse for it for the foreseeable future. The way I see it is that the guy is lucky he still has his job.
He'll probably be stuck similar to how the Miz is except it won't pay in remotely anything. Evan will be jobbed out to the NXT and fed to the Funkasorus, Mark Henry and Big Show or whomever the WWE decide. Honestly chances are once Evan does come back, I give him roughly a 2 months at most before he's just let go anyways especially since usually WWE cuts people post Mania. I think it personally sucks because I think he has some talent, just can't keep his act clean. So I guess time will tell but we'll probably be reading about how he is let go.
He's in the doghouse, and he is lucky to have a job right now. (Didn't read all the replies and realized my whole point was already word for word used)

He'll return as a face, the kids love him, and I don't think he has it in him to make a compelling heel.

He won't be in a big feud, he's in the doghouse and WM is coming up, he's going to job to some WM heels.

I have a feeling he's jobbing the rest of his career, this is the 2nd push he's screwed up by pulling a Hardy, so I think he's probably doomed to being mediocre. With a lack of a cruiserweight title, and the tag division being random, he has no place besides being an undercard spot monkey.
Yep, he's going to be a jobber.

However, IF the Team Long vs. Team Laurinaitis match is an elimination match, I see Bourne being put into the match for no other reason than to be the first one taken out, in order to make things look more bleak for the faces.
I don't expect to see much from him anymore. He'll be released sooner rather than later and until then everyone will get a turn at beating him in under 3 minutes. :(
What will he do? He'll most likely job on Superstars until they begin to trust him again. That guy has pretty much made a mess out of things, it'll be a long time 'til he gets back into a decent mid card spot like he had before his suspension.
Yeah, have to agree with everyone else, I would not trust him in any kind of position other than enhancement at this point. Next strike and he's out, so you can't put him in a team anymore...can't trust him with a belt, so he'll be looking at the lights for at least the next six months. Even after that, I would be surprised to see him in any meaningful role in the title pictures.
WWE is going to tread lightly with this one. Supposedly Triple H is not fond of him anyway. All Bourne needs is one more could be a Miz-like botch. One more mistake and he is DONE.

However...I seem to remember a time when Triple H was in the WWE doghouse and look where he is now. Not saying that could happen to Bourne, but he could shape up and get back in the good graces of WWE.

I personally don't care WHAT he does. I dont think he can pull off a heel...but guys have made it work in the past. He seems like too much of a babyface to be a bad guy. I see him being alone for a bit, jobbing for awhile until he serves his time.

I would really love to see him try to get back with Kofi, only to have Truth attack him and turn KOFI heel. Setup a feud with Kofi or Truth, with Kofi stuck in the middle.
I hope Bourne ends up getting released. Bourne hasn't fared well in sports entertainment. He'd do a lot better in a wrestling company. With his WWE name, he probably could still draw well in Japan or even in Europe on the indy circuit. I don't think he even needs WWE anymore.
What is with you people!?
Why the hell should Bourne be jobbed to everyone on the fucking roster? He made a mistake, kinda like every human being on the planet.
Did everyone want Jeff Hardy, Edge, Chris Masters, William Regal, Carlito to job after their violations? I doubt it.

In fact, I KNOW that nobody was calling for Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton to job after their wellness policy violations. Bourne made a big mistake. He learned from it, and he should get treated the same as he's been (Mid-Mid-Card and Tag Team Wrestler who wins matches). He should not be jobbed or buried. He made a mistake, and he learned from it.
If he didn't, they can fire him. recently had an interview posted up with him talking about going for the US title when he returns, I don't see why they'd do that if the plan is simply to bury him.

I honestly don't care one way or the other, he's an exciting athlete so if WWE feel he's been genuinely regretful and apologetic over his idiocy and decide to use him on his return, then cool.
They should just wish him luck in all his future endeavors. He serves no purpose at all.

A couple ten year olds will cheer for him when they hear his music but after one or two matches, he'll be relegated back to his usual role: A jobber.

Cut this guy loose already.
What is with you people!?
Why the hell should Bourne be jobbed to everyone on the fucking roster? He made a mistake, kinda like every human being on the planet.
Did everyone want Jeff Hardy, Edge, Chris Masters, William Regal, Carlito to job after their violations? I doubt it.

In fact, I KNOW that nobody was calling for Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton to job after their wellness policy violations.
It's different when the violations are so damn close together like that. That's basically saying "I don't care what happens, I'll do what I want," and that has cunt written all over it. Not to mention, basically everyone on your list had a low point of doing nothing meaningful after their suspensions. That's all Evan needs, a low point so he can get his shit together.
Bourne made a big mistake. He learned from it,
How would you know that?
and he should get treated the same as he's been (Mid-Mid-Card and Tag Team Wrestler who wins matches). He should not be jobbed or buried. He made a mistake, and he learned from it.
Again, you don't know if he learned from it. He needs a good few months of jobbing to truly appreciate his job and his position within the WWE. If you keep him in the United States or Tag Team Championship hunt, you're telling the rest of the roster "If you fuck up, you don't get penalized."
What is with you people!?
Why the hell should Bourne be jobbed to everyone on the fucking roster? He made a mistake, kinda like every human being on the planet.
Did everyone want Jeff Hardy, Edge, Chris Masters, William Regal, Carlito to job after their violations? I doubt it.

In fact, I KNOW that nobody was calling for Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton to job after their wellness policy violations. Bourne made a big mistake. He learned from it, and he should get treated the same as he's been (Mid-Mid-Card and Tag Team Wrestler who wins matches). He should not be jobbed or buried. He made a mistake, and he learned from it.
If he didn't, they can fire him.

He's learned from his mistakes? How do you figure? Him getting his second Wellness Violation a month after returning from his first suspension says otherwise. If he gets another one, then the company is going to be forced to let him go. Fact is, Bourne has proven himself over the course of only a couple months to be more of a liability to the company than an asset. He got suspended when he was one of the company's titleholders for crying out loud. He's lucky to have his job and even more lucky if WWE decides to use him in any capacity.
Will he return as a face/heel?
Face. Heels don't normally do the things he does.

Will he be placed into a good fued right away?
No, he will have to work his way to the top. He should and will start as a jobber.

Will he be punished further and made to look weak until eventually being released?
If they were going to release him, they would have done it already.

I hope Evan has cleaned up his act and is ready to return better then ever!
I honestly expect Bourne to get added to Teddy Long's team. Bourne is flashy and fun to watch and despite the two wellness fails I'd rather see him in the match than someone like Khali or Ezekiel Jackson. This also sets up the opportunity to reunite Air Boom and they were pretty much the best tag team the WWE's had in ages and they are entertaining. It seems the WWE is set on keeping Kofi in a tag team, so why not just roll with his best option at partner in Evan Bourne. So all in all Bourne will remain in the same spot on the card. Bourne will win some tag team matches and look good with Kingston while making higher up midcarders look good if he were to enter the singles competition.
He is definitely in the doghouse ... and rightfully so.

But ... there is no doubt he is entertaining and has a bunch of charisma. I hope he gets his shit together ... but the promotion pretty much needs to force him to pay his dues ALL OVER again.

He needs to start at the bottom as a fan-favorite jobber than can put over heels that need some build up. He is good in the ring and always gets a pop ... so this will work great. While doing this he should show some love for the business by working on his lacking mic skills.

In the long run ... the only thing that can hold Bourne back is Evan himself. He has the look, the in-ring talent and the crowd ... if he can develop a serious set of promo skills he could climb as high as Mysterio.

Here's hoping that he makes the most of what is most certainly his last chance.
Evan Bourne has ruined his talent at WWE with his story of drugs,the guy was awesome in the ring but his has lost all his credit like an certain Jeff Hardy.

The wellness Policy is need to be respected and normally, and wrestler drugs has not an other chance to wrestle in a company.
It's an good deception when you see this guy explosed with his all movesets.
Im not holding out much hope for Evan. Him getting suspended from his 1st to 2nd suspension within the same time as eachother doesnt look good. I am pretty sure he will get the jobber treatment and possibly he could be fired in the annual spring cleaning releases after Wrestlemania
He is definitely in the doghouse ... and rightfully so.

But ... there is no doubt he is entertaining and has a bunch of charisma. I hope he gets his shit together ... but the promotion pretty much needs to force him to pay his dues ALL OVER again.

He needs to start at the bottom as a fan-favorite jobber than can put over heels that need some build up. He is good in the ring and always gets a pop ... so this will work great. While doing this he should show some love for the business by working on his lacking mic skills.

In the long run ... the only thing that can hold Bourne back is Evan himself. He has the look, the in-ring talent and the crowd ... if he can develop a serious set of promo skills he could climb as high as Mysterio.

Here's hoping that he makes the most of what is most certainly his last chance.

Why should he have to pay his dues all over again? The WWE isn't running a charity, nor are they these wrestler's parents. They're in the business of making money and if Bourne can still be useful in the midcard, why should he go back to square one?
I think he'd be a good fit in the Team Ace vs Team Teddy match. The inevitable dive train will happen and he'll be the exclamation point. Then someone will destroy him and he'll sell it epically.

I hope he gets his shit together. He shouldn't get punished anymore I mean, that's what the supsension is for. being off TV for however long is bad enough in this "what happened 5 minutes ago" world.

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