The Prizefighter

The finish to Raw was perfect. Those batching about it need to reevaluate whether or not they are wrestling fans. It had everything you could want. It was an excellent match, a deserving winner who will now go on to being an excellent Champion and a breakout star, a surprise ending, and the chance that what could be coming is going to be thoroughly entertaining.

It's obvious to me that they are going to book this as Kevin Owens being Triple H's guy and that Rollins and Stephanie are going to be the faces chasing them. It is booking 101 to be quite honest. But on this occasion, it was perfectly done. Props to everyone involved, including Owens who definitely deserves a shot. He is a license to print money. What a great main event.

This is basically how I feel about it. It seems like everybody today wants the World champion to be crowned the same way, with a clean win in a singles match after a 6 month build. In other words, boring. Kevin Owens is a straight-up heel who will do whatever it takes to win. Do you really think his character gives two shits about how he won the Universal title? Do you think the fans will? Sometimes the biggest moments come when you least expect them and one of those moments definitely happened last night. Kevin Owens' title win will be remembered for a long time to come and that's BECAUSE HHH re-appeared and screwed Seth Rollins. As far as memorable first championship wins goes, this one's right up there. Anyway, what really matters isn't how he wins the title, but how well his title reign is booked from here on out.

From here, Raw looks like it's about to pick up some serious steam. Seth will most likely turn face and enter a feud with HHH with Steph and Foley also playing some sort of role. Reigns will continue his feud with Rusev. Charlotte will feud with Bayley until Sasha makes her return. And of course, there are a dozen options as for what to do with Kevin Owens after Raw's ending. He can feud with Jericho, he can take Jericho on as his "lackey", he can align with HHH, he can feud with a face Seth until HHH is ready to take him on, he can take on Cass, etc.

Great ending, I would say just about perfect. One that was definitely fitting and made the title change seem like a seriously big deal. Anybody else wins that match and I'm left with a feeling of complete and utter meh.
Vive la #KevOlution!

Love Owens having the belt, but I wasn't thrilled about the way it happened. The match itself was incredible from start to about 30 seconds before the finish, I really think it was deserving of a clean finish rather than interference - though it appears it was booked that Owens had no prior knowledge that HHH was going to interfere on his behalf.

I agree with one of the previous posters who says it made sense that HHH would attack Reigns (pure revenge) and could easily justify attacking Rollins (disappointment in losing to Ambrose, basically being unable to bring the WWE title to RAW and then losing to Balor for the first Universal Title).

The way the finish was booked with Owens apparently not knowing beforehand (kayfabe) about the interference was well done though since it leaves open a lot of doors about where the story could go.

#1. KO was actually shown to be in on it and therefore becomes a mega heel / authority-type lackey, constantly winning due to heelish interference. Personally, I would find this boring since it was done for the entire Rollins reign.

#2. KO remains a heel with Jericho as his sidekick (which would be gold from a mic perspective) he defends the belt several times over the next few months while Owens ego grows and grows and grows, and Jericho slowly starts turning face by telling him he needs to respect the belt and the title (insert long promo about him being the 1st undisputed champ), culminating in a KO vs Jericho match at say... Royal Rumble - which KO would win - leaving him free to defend the belt at WrestleMania after Balor comes back "shockingly" and wins the Rumble.

#3. KO becomes a face champ - has his in-ring promo with HHH next week on RAW and says "thanks for the help - but I never needed it." and proceeds to go on about the years he has put into his career and finally culminating in this title. The crowd would eat it up and he could end it by saying that he will be a fighting champ (somewhat like Cena when he had the UD title recently though without the weekly challenges) because he respects the title and what it stands for. Jericho could still be his sidekick (but was also turn face instantly just because he can) but in this scenario would become jealous of KO and all of the accolades being heaped upon him over time - culminating in a the same thing as outlined in #2.

I can think of several more storylines I think would be awesome, but those are the 3 I think have the best shot at happening.
No complaints from me either. I was surprised, certainly, but nonetheless, I think putting the title on Kevin Owens was a good choice. There are not many on RAW who are as well rounded as he is (no pun intended). Whether he is in the ring or on the mic, you can expect him to deliver. I am so looking forward to the next raw, wonder what they are going to tell us.

ps: Kevin Owens is not without his flaws, he has one one minor flaw, but I'm not going to reveal what that is... because I like him. People watch wrestling differently these days anyways...
Eww....Kevin Owens is FAT! So...we now have a fat tub of lard as Raw champion and a fake crazy lunatic as Smackdown champion. Lol...Bobby Lashley would decimate both of these clowns (even together) in a match.

WWE has really fallen off. Thank God TNA fans have a real bad arse as champion...Bobby Lashley. You WWE fanboys can enjoy your fat tub of lard and fake crazy lunatic. I'll be watching Lashley do this thing.

Did I say Kevin Owens is fat? Well...truth be told Owens is very FAT!

God you're an idiot. You obviously troll and post nothing but pure garbage then complain that the mods have it in for you and you're not allowed to "critique" WWE when they warn or flag you, maybe if you had the reading comprehension ability to understand the guidelines here or if you had anything worth typing you would be able to provide intelligent criticism without being a tiresome, trolling, turd burglar.

Yeah KO is overweight and not in shape by pro wrestling standards but variety is what makes pro wrestling interesting and keeps people coming back, unless you have the mentality of a 7 year old and subscribe to the "my favorite wrestler could beat up your favorite wrestler" ideaology. Now I could take an obvious jab at TNA but what's the point? That's not what this thread is about, this thread is about how WWE fans feel about KO as the champion and the execution and booking that lead up to it, which as I stated earlier, considering that this match was an emergency Plan B scenario, I have no major complaints about the new champion.

Seeing as you clearly dislike WWE and it's "fanboys" why don't you fuck off and go talk about TNA on a TNA forum, or are you desperate for attention because traffic is a little skimpy over there? Sorry I lied, there's the obvious jab.
To those who say WWE should've booked Owens better coming into this:
a) It wasn't planned before hand, so wtf are you talking about?
b) Owens is so gold that even when he loses he comes out looking better. Have his losses against Ambrose, Zayn and the IC title affected this? No. The result speaks for itself.

Going forward, is Rollins really the face here against Triple H? I don't think he is. In fact I think Owens is the one who should turn face. This whole deal also reminded me of Austin handing the belt to Mankind in 1999.
I wouldn't be surprised that due to fan reaction, (and the way Rollins has been behaving lately, going full heel mode with Balor and the injuries), that it's Owens and HHH who come out of this as faces and Rollins and Reigns the ones who become heels.

All of this.

You can't build someone up who wasn't scheduled to be the champion anytime soon.

Also, I cannot see anyone cheering for Steph/Rollins in a Triple Haitch/Owens feud. I think the fans "you deserve it" chants sealed that deal... not to mention Stephanie has damn near "go away" heat. People hate her.

Lastly, I know it's not real but that moment last night was awesome. When Trips went to pick up KO, he whispered something in his ear ("you're going over"?) and once Kevin rolled into the ring he began to cry. That's why when Hunter kicked Seth in the gut to set up the pedigree and looked at Owens, Kevin's eye were red. Seeing that and add in Jim Cornette past statements on Vince never putting the "belt" on someone like him makes this a real feel good moment.
Im so happy they made KO champ. He absolutely deserves it. I felt he's been the best thing on WWE TV recently. I was worried they would never go with him.
I was rooting for K.O first followed by Seth Rollins. I never expected K.O to win or Triple H to show up and put the screws to both Shield guys. That whole main event match made it worth waiting for and eclipsed the rest of the unmemorable evening.

K.O making Canada proud again!
If anyone saw this coming they're a soothsayer.

I've got to admit, it was well done, and I'm happy to see it happen. Owens is money. And while I'm disappointed in knowing that this is the end of my new favorite tag team, I am happy for Kevin Owens. He is consistently entertaining in the ring and on the mic. If you had to pick anyone that wasn't Seth Rollins, he was the right man to pic. I wish him a long and fruitful reign to establish himself as a permanent main eventer.
Kind of anticipated what happened to Reigns,HHH will never let him hold title again(unless he goes heel)
But I wonder if the swerve to Rollins was setting up a Rollins face turn? Rollins and Reigns re-teaming? An eventual Shield reunion?
Interested in seeing where this is going:shifty:
No build up but the shock factor was solid. I would've probably had Rollins win the Title and just create months of tension between him and HHH again setting up a Mania match between the two. Could've even had it been non-title as Balor could've returned and defeated Rollins after interference from HHH. Then you could've had a Mania Card with.....

Rollins vs. HHH (Grudge Match)
Balor vs. Undertaker (Rumble Winner) - Universal Title
Reigns vs. Lesnar II (Cage Match)

Smackdown Main Match
Dean Ambrose vs. John Cena (WWE Title)
Bray Wyatt vs. Nakamura (I-C Title)
Owens and Triple H are in on it together how much you wanna bet? This is all an elaborate smokescreen and Owens acting all surprised and shocked is all an act an act I'm not buying
God you're an idiot. You obviously troll and post nothing but pure garbage then complain that the mods have it in for you and you're not allowed to "critique" WWE when they warn or flag you, maybe if you had the reading comprehension ability to understand the guidelines here or if you had anything worth typing you would be able to provide intelligent criticism without being a tiresome, trolling, turd burglar.

Yeah KO is overweight and not in shape by pro wrestling standards but variety is what makes pro wrestling interesting and keeps people coming back, unless you have the mentality of a 7 year old and subscribe to the "my favorite wrestler could beat up your favorite wrestler" ideaology. Now I could take an obvious jab at TNA but what's the point? That's not what this thread is about, this thread is about how WWE fans feel about KO as the champion and the execution and booking that lead up to it, which as I stated earlier, considering that this match was an emergency Plan B scenario, I have no major complaints about the new champion.

Seeing as you clearly dislike WWE and it's "fanboys" why don't you fuck off and go talk about TNA on a TNA forum, or are you desperate for attention because traffic is a little skimpy over there? Sorry I lied, there's the obvious jab.

Wow....WWE fanboys are a sensitive, insecure lot aren't they? Isn't name calling a violation of the forums terms of posting?

Truth is, WWE currently is desperate. Football season is just around the corner and the ratings WILL tank during football season. Things are so bad over at Smackdown they called in a old loser nobody team in the Headbangers. That was bad....real bad. On RAW, they decided to put the belt on a fat out of shape nobody in Kevin Owens. I've followed Owens for years (back when he was Kevin Steen) and he never has been worth a bottle of piss. He's always been fat and out of shape and moves like a hippo. If the guy can't take his own weight and health seriously, why reward him with a title run?

As previously stated, you fan boys can enjoy watching that fat, out of shape, disgusting pig rumbling around and out of breath in 2 minutes. I'll be watching Lashley, the most dominant wrestler in the world!
The only thing that bothers me about Owens win is the constant need for Vince to feel that the heel champion needs the rub from the McMahon family to help get him over. Owens is doing just fine on his own. He doesn’t need Triple H or Stephanie or Vince to help him. I hope WWE doesn’t go this route with Owens being backed by Hunter and Steph.

To me, that stuff is so played out now. It worked when it first started because Vince was a great heel, then Shane was a great heel, and then Stephanie was a great heel. But that was like 16-18 years ago now. They don't need to keep going down that road with every heel they give the belt to.

Kevin Owens is more than talented enough to be a great heel on his own, he doesn’t need Hunter and or Steph to help get him heat. Just let him be himself. Other than that I’m really excited for this title run. Owens has been the best thing on WWE TV for a while now.
The only thing that bothers me about Owens win is the constant need for Vince to feel that the heel champion needs the rub from the McMahon family to help get him over. Owens is doing just fine on his own. He doesn’t need Triple H or Stephanie or Vince to help him. I hope WWE doesn’t go this route with Owens being backed by Hunter and Steph.

I have to think this was less about Triple H "helping Owens" and more about him "hurting Rollins". It remains to be seen how it plays out, but I think they want to turn Rollins face and a feud with Triple H was on the books before Rollins got hurt.

Owens does not fit into the "Authorities hand-picked champion" role. He was in the right place, in the right match, at the right time. I really think thats how its going to go. Triple H's promo about "why" he did this will be more about him saying that Rollins got his chances and was propped up by the Authority for a year, and that he just didnt get the job done or something along those lines.

I don't see Owens' reign defined by being helped by Stephanie, Triple H, or anyone else (other than Jericho at first maybe).
I think Owens winning it the way he did in true heel fashion is perfect if he is to take the top heel position as Champion for the short term future at least.

Also, whilst Rollins vs HHH seems to be the hot feud coming out, I do hope Reigns isn't just going to ignore the fact that HHH also screwed him as well, ntm, that heel turn needs to be set in motion sooner rather than later.
As previously stated, you fan boys can enjoy watching that fat, out of shape, disgusting pig rumbling around and out of breath in 2 minutes. I'll be watching Lashley, the most dominant wrestler in the world!
Some people prefer their men in combat to be wearing a t-shirt and shorts; other people prefer their men in combat to be slathered in baby oil while wearing spandex underwear.

You do you, man.
Some people prefer their men in combat to be wearing a t-shirt and shorts; other people prefer their men in combat to be slathered in baby oil while wearing spandex underwear.

You do you, man.

You prefer your "men in combat to be wearing a t-shirt and shorts"?

Do boxers wear t-shirts? Do UFC fighters wear T-Shirts? When have "men in combat" worn t-shirts? Did you just start watching wrestling when Kevin Owens debuted? Prior to Kevin Owens, name the championship-level wrestler who had to wear a t-shirt because he looked like he was 7 months pregnant. And don't give me Foley, he was a transitional-type champion, they threw him a bone as a "lifetime achievement award" of sorts.
You prefer your "men in combat to be wearing a t-shirt and shorts"?

Do boxers wear t-shirts? Do UFC fighters wear T-Shirts? When have "men in combat" worn t-shirts? Did you just start watching wrestling when Kevin Owens debuted? Prior to Kevin Owens, name the championship-level wrestler who had to wear a t-shirt because he looked like he was 7 months pregnant. And don't give me Foley, he was a transitional-type champion, they threw him a bone as a "lifetime achievement award" of sorts.

Who cares really what the guy wears when he wrestles or what he loks like, the important thing is how great he performs in the ring and on the mic and kevin owens is one the best in both category and while I'm not a big fan of his, I'm still glad that he finally won a major championship and I see him becoming a great champion.
You prefer your "men in combat to be wearing a t-shirt and shorts"?

Do boxers wear t-shirts? Do UFC fighters wear T-Shirts? When have "men in combat" worn t-shirts? Did you just start watching wrestling when Kevin Owens debuted? Prior to Kevin Owens, name the championship-level wrestler who had to wear a t-shirt because he looked like he was 7 months pregnant. And don't give me Foley, he was a transitional-type champion, they threw him a bone as a "lifetime achievement award" of sorts.

Oh, yes, I'm totally brand new to this professional wrestling thing, but my favorite part is when they hit the ball and score touchdowns. :D




Who, like Foley, probably don't count because reasons.
Anyone thinking who could Owens defend his title against? Part of me thinks this Sami Zayn and Owens would be a great Fall/Winter Championship feud if it wasn't for the fact they advertised the Battleground PPV match as the one to settle their feud.

Reigns is working with Rusev, Rollins is probably going to work with Triple H. This really does not give Owens a lot of faces to work with unless Jericho turns face to feud with Owens or Owens does to have a new fresh set of people to work with.
Oh, yes, I'm totally brand new to this professional wrestling thing, but my favorite part is when they hit the ball and score touchdowns. :D




Who, like Foley, probably don't count because reasons.

Nice work. Seriously. Was not expecting a retort to include pictures. There is an ECW-theme going on there though. You could throw Sandman in there too. And Raven for that matter.

My overall point of contention w/ your post is that I find it hard to believe that a wrestling fan would use the "you like muscular, oiled up men in tights" line on another wrestling fan. That's generally reserved for non-wrestling fans to throw at wrestling fans. (Then those guys will watch men dry humping each other in UFC)
Nice work. Seriously. Was not expecting a retort to include pictures. There is an ECW-theme going on there though. You could throw Sandman in there too. And Raven for that matter.

My overall point of contention w/ your post is that I find it hard to believe that a wrestling fan would use the "you like muscular, oiled up men in tights" line on another wrestling fan. That's generally reserved for non-wrestling fans to throw at wrestling fans. (Then those guys will watch men dry humping each other in UFC)

I would normally never use that on an ordinary poster, but fuck Joesgonnakillyou.
This was just perfect for me atleast.

The facial expressions of Owens were gold. And he was the best option to go with. Cass needs to remain in tag division for some more time along woth Enzo. We have already seen enough of Rollins-Reigns as champion in the last 12 months.

Now please let him be the NxT Owens. A badass heel and we are all onto for a great title reign. And He really deserves this moment. He has putting on great matches since he debuted at main roster with the likes of Cena, Cesaro amd Zayn. I guess, We have yet to see Owens Vs Rollins in a singles match which might be great too. But please book him strongly.
You prefer your "men in combat to be wearing a t-shirt and shorts"?

Do boxers wear t-shirts? Do UFC fighters wear T-Shirts? When have "men in combat" worn t-shirts? Did you just start watching wrestling when Kevin Owens debuted? Prior to Kevin Owens, name the championship-level wrestler who had to wear a t-shirt because he looked like he was 7 months pregnant. And don't give me Foley, he was a transitional-type champion, they threw him a bone as a "lifetime achievement award" of sorts.

Yeah, ignoring Foley and pretending he was nothing more than a transitional champion pretty much ignores the fact that he won it 3 times, and was the second biggest baby face in the company behind Austin at the time. But if you're looking for fat champions, they're not hard to find dude. Mark Henry, who wasn't a transitional WHC at all. Big Show, who was. Yokozuna.

Yeah. Those guys were all huge compared to KO and Foley so I guess they get a pass. But what the hell is your point anyway? KO is a believable champion. He's been an asskicker from day one and looked good doing it. His pudge doesn't make that frog splash look any less devastating, or his punches look any softer. If you want a champion that people can have sex fantasies about, then sure, we need to get Roman Reigns that belt as soon as possible. But looking good isn't the end all be all of a champion. Kevin Owens accells in other area to make up for that, just like Foley did. The mic, the ring work. The psychology. Who gives a shit if he wears a T-shirt? The real question is. Can he wrestle his ass off and talk trash while doing it? The answer is yes.

Edit: after reading more of your posts, I understand you were trying to make a different point all together. I'm sorry for taking it a bit out of context there. Still. The T-shirt shouldn't matter.
Tried to not spoil RAW with the title, but I feel like it couldn't be more fitting given the events of tonight's RAW. WWE is continuing to provide A+ shock value and intrigue me to follow through and watch week-to-week, this time with the second major title change of the RAW brand extension era.

For over a year now the IWC has rallied behind Kevin Owens, and although I often find myself hating the IWC darlings KO was perhaps the only one who I felt deserved the love he got from them. In my eyes, he is the total package: perhaps the most intriguing talker in the whole company and I can't name 4 guys who consistently put on better matches than him. His look is unique, and I actually think his greatest asset is his ability to make us suspend disbelief and his ability to entertain via elite psychology and flawless execution. He's one of the few people in the whole company who don't seem to be portraying a role, every little bit of KO seems real to the core.

While IMO Seth Rollins is still the man is probably still the best complete worker in the WWE, I think WWE had the right guy win tonight. For yet another time this year, Triple H made me jump off my couch and mark out over a WWE Championship match. I can't wait to hear the all-time great deliver his explanation and continue down the roads/feuds that look to certainly be in his future. Most importantly though, I cannot wait to hear the Prizefighter's speech after winning the industry's biggest prize of them all, the WWE Universal Championship!

How do you feel about what happened (KO becoming champ) tonight?

How do you feel about how it happened (HHH demolishing the opponents) tonight?

Do you feel it is too soon, just right, or too late to finally give the Prizefighter the ultimate prize?

Are you as excited to see how this will affect JeriKO as much as I am!?

Would you agree RAW has been consistent in its ability to provide a shocking entertaining product for us recently?

I didn't see it coming but he does fit the mold of a fresh new champion like Balor was vs. going with what we're used to (Reigns, Rollins).

I think it's perfect timing. He got the resume to support it.

Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see where JeriKO goes with this. I guess we should expect a Jericho face turn soon.

Yeah, RAW has been great.

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