The Online Late at Night Thread

Theo, I've been drinking the SHIT out of Yuengling lately. Best. Beer. EVER! Even took Rolling Rocks place in my fridge.
Theo, I've been drinking the SHIT out of Yuengling lately. Best. Beer. EVER! Even took Rolling Rocks place in my fridge.

Yuengling is some good shit that's for sure. The only beer in my fridge (that is actually mine) is the Guinness I bought a month or so ago. I still have half the six pack. My friend has a slew of Miller Lite in there, which I won't touch. I don't drink much anymore unless I go out with some buddies and I grab a drink or two.
Good times were had in here. It became a habit for me to come in and shoot the shit with Theo and company.

There would be stretches that the only time I ever posted was in here. Any given night this thread had a handful of great people that you could just sit back and shoot the shit with.
Yuengling is some good shit that's for sure. The only beer in my fridge (that is actually mine) is the Guinness I bought a month or so ago. I still have half the six pack. My friend has a slew of Miller Lite in there, which I won't touch. I don't drink much anymore unless I go out with some buddies and I grab a drink or two.

Myself as well. What with that shit I've been going through, I just don't have an appetite for drinking that much anymore. But when I do, it's always Yuengling Light Lager. Traditional is good, not a big fan of Black n' Tan, though.
Theo, I've been drinking the SHIT out of Yuengling lately. Best. Beer. EVER! Even took Rolling Rocks place in my fridge.

As great as that beer is [it's like Shock Top] the best I've had is a brand called Black Chocolate Stout. It's like 10% alcohol and very rich.
Myself as well. What with that shit I've been going through, I just don't have an appetite for drinking that much anymore. But when I do, it's always Yuengling Light Lager. Traditional is good, not a big fan of Black n' Tan, though.

Traditional is my Yuengling of choice. I've had the light lager a few times. I don't think I've ever had a black and tan though from Yuengling. I can only imagine it is similar to a "Dark Side of the Moon" (Guinness/Blue Moon hybrid) in which I am a fan of.
Yuengling is some good shit that's for sure. The only beer in my fridge (that is actually mine) is the Guinness I bought a month or so ago. I still have half the six pack. My friend has a slew of Miller Lite in there, which I won't touch. I don't drink much anymore unless I go out with some buddies and I grab a drink or two.

I don't have any beer and haven't had any in over a week. All I have at my place is moonshine and Scotch. Ain't I the classy mother fucker.

And as far as the corrections go with my previous post, no I am still not impressed. You all have wonderful grammar, it was your personalities that I was going off about.
As great as that beer is [it's like Shock Top] the best I've had is a brand called Black Chocolate Stout. It's like 10% alcohol and very rich.

I had a Chocolate Stout in Hersey (go figure right?) and it nearly killed me. It was nasty. All of us that got one at this restaurant were not very fond of it. I do dig Shock Top. I had something from Magic Hat the last time I was drinking. It was likely the Magic Hat #9, but it may have been something different. It was a solid one. Though I'm not picky at all. If I want a beer I'll pretty much drink whatever you put in front of me minus the cheap beers (excluding Rolling Rock).
I've had sake a few times. It's best served warm.

That doesn't sound pleasant at all. Local liquor in these parts is pretty great. Making alcohol is a tradition of a certain sect here and they make some pretty strong shit.

Like 50+% strong.
That isn't beer though. Although I have no idea what Japanese beers there are.

Asahi, Asahi Dry. No, those aren't pornstar names.

Now Singaporean beer, I hear a lot about. Its said to be pretty damn tasty when served chilled.

I must note that I prefered scotch over beer all the time.But, I had a budweiser 2 months ago, only then did my tough stance soften. I believe 'I Grinched Out' is the term.
I had a Chocolate Stout in Hersey (go figure right?) and it nearly killed me. It was nasty. All of us that got one at this restaurant were not very fond of it. I do dig Shock Top. I had something from Magic Hat the last time I was drinking. It was likely the Magic Hat #9, but it may have been something different. It was a solid one. Though I'm not picky at all. If I want a beer I'll pretty much drink whatever you put in front of me minus the cheap beers (excluding Rolling Rock).

I really liked the aftertaste of the Black Chocolate Stout, as usually I don't drink much beer because of that.

That doesn't sound pleasant at all. Local liquor in these parts is pretty great. Making alcohol is a tradition of a certain sect here and they make some pretty strong shit.

I actually prefer the taste of sake to most grape based wines; although I had a blackberry wine that dominated my taste buds.

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