"The Next Big Thing" Or "The Real?"

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
You knew that Paul Heyman would pop up after he was fired in 2001 but you didn't know where and with whom. Enter Brock Lesnar who was the total package in terms of speed, agility, wrestling ability and had Paul to pick up the talking aspect. A guy like Lesnar didn't need to talk to get his point across. He tore through the Hardys, Rock, Undertaker, and any other helpess sap who dare cross his path.

He turned face and had a good run defeating the likes of Angle, Cena, and The Big Show. Then, it all changed. Kurt Angle took the title off of him at Vengeance and soon this happened.


Destruction and devastation would ensue each and every time Lesnar stepped into the ring. Guys like Zach Gowen, Spanky, and London were lambs led to the slaughterhouse known as "The Real" Brock Lesnar. I loved this version of Lesnar better because he seemed more vicious and ruthless then when he was with Paul Heyman. If you crossed the path of 2002 Lesnar, you might walk out with your life. If you crossed "The Real" Brock Lesnar, I would deliver your eulogy.

Which was a better fit for Lesnar: Paul or Vince?

Also, did you notice a change in Lesnar when he was heel in 2003 as opposed to 2002 and did he improve in any certain areas?
I enjoyed Lesnar's character and matches throughout his whole WWE tenure. But when he was with Vince his vicious manner went through the roof. I thought he was going to kill Zack that time he beat him up and through him down the stairs. It was almost hard to watch. It seemed like zack was really being tortured in the scene. I think Paul and Vince both did a good job of being Lesnar's handler in his two heel stints. I think Lesnar got better on the mic as time went on and he became the total package. I wish he had of stayed with WWE. Would love the see him come back with that vicious streak and feud with Cena, taking Cena out and becoming top dog again.
Under Paul Heyman in 2002 Lesnar was a silent monster. He occasionally spoke but for the most part Heyman his talking for him. Lesnar let his actions do his talking and was a destructive force. This appealed to the fans and they began cheering him before he became a face. Even though I too liked that Lesnar it was under Vince that Brock was the better heel. He spoke for himself and showed what an asshole he could be. Under Heyman Brock relied on his ability and was confident. Under Vince he took shortcuts and even acted cowardly occasionally. Not because he couldn’t handle himself physically but because that’s what heels do. They take the easy way out. The 2002 Lesnar was almost too strong. That can be great for a while but eventually a guy needs to be beaten in order to get longevity out of his character, at least as a heel. For as much as I enjoyed the 2002 Lesnar the 2003 Lesnar had more staying power (even though he left in early 2004).

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