The Megas


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

I was posting in Doc's thread last night and he was talking to Leafy when he menetioned Sparked a War by The Megas. I looked for it on youtube and enjoyed it. Then i downloaded Their album Get Equipped (cover art above). I've been listening to nothing else for the whole day since and I'm not bored yet. Like every thread i make in the music section my hope is to get people into different music that I enjoy, but first a little bit of background history.​

The Megas are a LA based indie video game cover band based on the Mega Man franchise. They're different from other bands like this in the fact that they do original lyrics and new scores that blend seamlessly with the original compositions. The only LP they have out at the moment is Get Equipped and it's based on Mega Man 2.​


This is the song Doc & Leafy were talking about and while the original is awesome to the Nth degree the acoustic version may be even better and this is coming from a guy that can't stand acoustic musicv for the most part.​


This is just a sample of the awesomeness that is Get Equipped. If you've played Mega Man 2 this will hopefully give you a new perspective if/when you play it again. If you've never played it hopefully you enjoy the music as much as I do and maybe start playing Mega Man.​

Feel free to post whatever tidbits I missed Doc (or whoever).​
First off, a small correction - You say that the only LP they have out is Get Equipped, but that's not totally true. They have also released an acoustic version of that LP, entitled Get Acoustic. I'm pretty sure that counts as a second album, at least somewhat.

Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying The Megas. The reason I love them is because they just go to show that video game music is just as valid as any other form of music. These are people making full songs with catchy hooks and clever lyrics, in order to expose the games they love to a new crowd. I commend them for that.

Something cool about their acoustic versions - They aren't JUST acoustic versions of Get Equipped songs, but feel like whole new songs, since they went the extra mile to clean up every track and even add in a synth orchestra, which adds in a whole new dimension to their music.

My favorite song of theirs changes all the time, but right up there on my list has to be Look What You've Done from their EP Megatainment. It's so chilling and cold, and heavy at the same time. The perfect song for a defeated and insane Dr. Wily.

Here's hoping this thread gets some more people to check them out; I'd love to have some more MegaFans on this board.
First off, a small correction - You say that the only LP they have out is Get Equipped, but that's not totally true. They have also released an acoustic version of that LP, entitled Get Acoustic. I'm pretty sure that counts as a second album, at least somewhat.
Usually I don't count acoustic Remixes as new album due to the fact there's next to no thought going into them but here I'm not ashamed to admit I was wrong. There's so much more to Get Acoustic than just redoing the album with acoustic intruments and all bands did acoustic remixes this way I wouldn't find them as annoying as I do
Something cool about their acoustic versions - They aren't JUST acoustic versions of Get Equipped songs, but feel like whole new songs, since they went the extra mile to clean up every track and even add in a synth orchestra, which adds in a whole new dimension to their music.
Having been listening to it all night/day I can agree 100% with this. When I'm listening to it I get drawn into the songs in a whole new way that doesn't happen when I listen to Get Equipped. I may be a new fan of The Megas but with every song. LP/EP I listen to they are shooting up fast on my list of all time favorite bands.

Now to give you guys a taste of Get Acoustic here's the same 3 songs i posted in the OP so you can hear how very different they are.


I could ony find the one on youtube but with this one and Sparked a war in the OP you can see just how much work The Megas put into their Acoustic remixes instead of grabbing an acoustic guitar singing the songs from the album (random band name here) just put out. I urge you to listen to both Equipped & Acoustic to get the full feel for it though.​

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