The lockout of which sport would be worse for YOU- NFL or NBA?

People's Champ

Bleeding Teal
Both leagues are at the point where new CBAs are coming. However what the players want and what the owners want are two huge different things. Now I'm not going to sit here and get into the specfics of what each league has problems with. But what I do want to know is which sport would YOU hate to see get have a lockout.

Yes I know the NFL is bigger than any sport right now and would suffer the most so don't give me that answer. I'm asking which one YOU could not go without. So which one would be worse for YOU-NFl or NBA?
Easily the NFL. I only watch the NBA on occassions and I'm not really as big of a fan as I use to be, so a lockout would really have no effect on me whatsoever. If the NFL were to suffer a lockout, I don't know what I'd do. Football is one thing that has main consistent in my life since I was a child and I'm not sure I could go without it. It is something I look forward to each year and I follow it yearly. Football season never ends for me, so a lockout would make my life more boring than it already is.
College Football would still be around, and hey, my Seahawks suck anyway, so screw the NFL. Now the NBA, that would suck. The Blazers give me something to watch 3-4 nights a week. They're exciting to watch: young, developing, athletic. The Blazers are also the only professional team in Portland (Psh.. Timbers who?) so if the NBA had a lock-out, I'd have no games to go watch. The year of experience that our young players miss would also be killer. It would get us healthy though.
I am a very big football fan, so that would be the sport that I would pick.
The only time I watch basketball really is during the playoffs. I just hate seeing basketball players jog up and down the court. It seems like the players only try in the beginning of the season and when the playoffs come around. So I would not miss that. Football is something I have always watched. Even during the off season I try to keep up on trades, free agents and the draft. That would be the one I miss most.

On a side note I used to watch baseball a lot up until they went on strike. I never really got into it again once they started back up. I would hate for that to happen with football and me.

At least we still have college sports to watch.
NFL would be much harder to go without. I am a big fan of the Vikings so I watch the games every Sunday. I hate the bye week, because then I have nothing to do that Sunday. I have probably watched about 2 hours of Timberwolves games so far, and watched more of Allstar weekend then normal games this year. NCAAB is better than the NBA by a longshot, and the only interesting part of NBA games is the last 2 minutes in close games which takes 15 minutes. The NBA finals are too late in the season to care about, but the NFL playoffs are more interesting.
Well, we in Pittsburgh don't even have a basketball team, at least professionally, and I sure as hell will never root for the 76ers.

Even if Pittsburgh did have a team, Id have to go with football. It's funny, I played basketball all through high school, but never could get into the NBA. Ive always been a huge college basketball fan, and remain a diehard fan to this day. But behind the Penguins, the Steelers are a can't miss entity. Now if I had to choose between another NHL lockout, and an NFL, give me the NFL one in a heartbeat.

I grew up watching the NBA, even if I wasn't that into it. I was, of all teams, a Lakers fan. But I always saw the NBA as an individual sport rather then the more team oriented atmosphere the college circuit and the NFL provides(at least in my eyes), so I only watched when nothing else was on, because I may have grown up in the only househole in the world without cable! But anyway, I stopped watching the NBA altogether around 13, and haven't looked back. So give me the NBA lockout without hesitation.
Between the two leagues, the NFL would be worse for me, by far.

I love watching the NFL every week. I am a long-time San Francisco 49ers fan, and not being able to watch them on Sundays would be very, very hard for me to deal with. The NBA is really starting to lose me, because of the way the league is run, and the fact that the current commissioner is a douchebag who needs to be removed from his position in the worst way possible because of how he has handled things over the last several years.

Not only that, but I also watch other teams during the NFL season as well, so the whole thought and concept of no NFL would be horrible.

Granted is the fact that college football would still be around, but it wouldn't be the same without the NFL being there the day after.

I always enjoyed being able to wake up on Saturdays and catch a few games and then get up on Sundays and watch the 49ers play.

To take that away, as a sports fan, that would really hurt.

What I've always wondered and, is how would a lockout of any kind affect the NFL's popularity? It's the most popular sports league (It's not a sport by itself) among other people? Would you feel any different about the league than you do now and why?
A stoppage in the NFL would be the one i would want the least. I love football. I don't really like NBA basketball. Although there would be college and high school football to watch, it would really suck not having the NFL. You can break down the year in two parts: one is football season, and the other part is waiting for football season to begin again. The NBA i can live without. The only time basketball is interesting is in college when the tournament begins.
I can very easily say the NFL. For the simple fact, I'm a Houston Texans season ticket holder who's not exactly the biggest NBA fan in the world anymore. I have too much money invested in the NFL team here. If it was 15 years ago, I would be singing a different song though.
even though i like both leagues and have attended way more nba games than nfl games, i gotta say hands down i would miss the nfl way more. When its football season and sunday rolls around i cant wait to wake up turn on the tv watch some pregame and just wait for the games to start even when its not my team playing. When the football and basketball season overlaps i dont even really pay a lot of attention to basketball until the last football game is played. I for one would be pissed if the nfl has a lockout, basketball had its stoppage already and it sort of affect them, but like someone said it would be interested to see the effect of a backlash the nfl will have if it had a lockout.
NFL hands down. Sixers suck, so I don't care about the NBA. But my Falcons stand a chance in the Super Bowl race, no matter how small(That's what she said). Besides, as a fantasy football player, I need the NFL. That's how I get extra money to compensate for Christmas presents. And NFL is more entertaining to me. So NFL Lockout would hurt me more.

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