The Life & Death of Owen Hart DVD Released.


Girl. <3
I saw this on a commercial the other day on TheFightNetwork. A bio called "The Life & Death of Owen Hart" has been released with the 10th anniversary edition of Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows.

I have no idea what the bio consists of other than the few clips and pics they showed of Owen and calling him a reluctant wrestler and family man. I haven't seen the Wrestling with Shadows bio in years, so I cannot recall how the director tells that particular story. There wasn't much info to go on, and I'm sort of thinking there won't be any matches included due to what it is.

The DVD isn't a WWE release, so I'm also wondering if Owen's wife will have any qualms with it. I'm curious to order it and see what it's like and what they've included, and I'm wondering what others think of this DVD being released. It hasn't seemed to have gotten any hype, since I've only seen the ad on a specialty channel. :huh:
I am really looking forward to this so I will more than likely buy it on dvd. I don't think this should go in this section though but whatever. The one problem I may have with this documentary is there is going to be a lot of shooting on Vince whenever it wasn't Vince's fault. I guarantee everybody will be talking bad about the WWE and Vince McMahon. I am pretty sure McMahon didn't force Owen to do the stunt. I saw on other dvds that Vince would never let a superstar do something that he thought was unsafe and nothing he wouldn't do himself. I would like the WWE to release a dvd and story on Owen Hart instead of this company so people can see what really happened.
I had already PMed a MOD before posting to ask where this should go since I wasn't sure, myself. :shrug:

I might order the DVD after Christmas. For what it is, I was expecting more information (And a running time?!) to be available on the website. I didn't notice one, so I'm assuming it would be around an hour 1/2 or two long.
I remember seeing this years ago on A&E. If I remember correctly, it was filmed mostly by using extra footage shot for "Wrestling with Shadows", then the director padded out the rest of the documentary with newly shot footage.
I do remember it being quite good, but not on the same level as "Wrestling with Shadows".
As for how they handle McMahon through the documentary. I don't remember it being TOO harsh on him, but the film took the stance that the entire wrestling industry, (at that time) was responsible. Basically that the WWF and WCW were always trying to outdo each other with gimmicks, and the whole thing went too far.
There is one scene I do remember that is not flattering to McMahon though. It was at a press conference right after Owen had died. A reporter asked McMahon a question he didn't like, and McMahon snapped. I don't remember exactly what was said, but it went something along the lines of McMahon telling the reporter to investigate the stunt if she, (the reporter) was so knowlegable. It was quite tense, for sure.
I normally don't buy WWE dvd's (only bought one) but I'll buy this for sure! I remember being 12 when Owen died. I was so devastated when he died because I loved wrestling and loved Owen. It would be nice to relive some of his best moments.
This came out here in the US over a year ago. It is just the A&E bio that aired several years ago. It's been a while since I watched it, but I believe it is only about 45 minutes long (it was an hour long tv Bio with commercials) and consists of interviews with various members of the Hart Family, some other wrestlers and writers. This was not authorized by the WWE so dont expect much in the way of match footage or Owen highlights. It is pretty interesting if you want to learn about Owen Hart personally, but if you are wanting to relive his best matches and promos dont expect much.
I've watched this doc about a year ago.
The same producer did it who did Brets wrestling with shadows doc.
Very well done but hits home when you see footage of Owen days before his death in his newly built house.
MUST watch for ANY Owen Hart fan, but very tear jurker tho.
I may have to have a look at buying this. If it is anything like Wrestling With Shadows (which is fantastic) then it will be worthwhile watching. As other people have said I expect to get emotional watching this. Owen Hart was such a nice guy and for a dedicated family man such as him to lose his life so tragically, when there are rapists and murderers and pedophiles alive makes my blood boil.

I hope that Martha and Vince eventually come to an agreement where a box set all about Owens life is released, and fans can remember Owen in the way he deserves, rather than just the "guy who died in the ring".
never-before-seen my ass! i got this off netflix months ago. i do have to say though, the documentary was good. VERY one-sided, being that Owen's wife WAS involved in the production, but good nonetheless. the documentary does include footage of Vince and some of his wrestlers. one of the more entertaining scenes though is where Vince gets into an argument with a woman at a press conference. anyway, here's the link for those of you that have netflix:
Yeah i have the wrestling with shadow/life and death of owen hart they are really good.I reccomend them to everyone if ur a big owen hart fan like me then u will love it.A really sad docuementary telling how he was a family man and they just finished there dream home a week before he died.It show the lawsuit put on the company by owens wife,it tells a little more about what coulda been with owen did u guys no after owen was done with the blue blazer gimmick he was gonna have the gimmick triple h has now The Game he was gonna get a big push and prolly win his first wwe heavyweight championship...a must see dvd
I've seen the DVD before. It came out with Bret Hart's wrestling with Shadows. You can rent it on Netflix and probably even google it and watch it for free. It was made the same time the Bret Hart DVD was made. There are interviews with Owen and his family before the incident and after. Its a really great movie. It was sponsored by WWE along with the Bret Hart DVD. Although WWE didn't want to sponsor it at first since the Bret Hart DVD was about the Montreal Screwjob. Ultimately they decided to allow the Producer to produce the DVD since the production company was going to sell the DVD to WCW at the time. It's a really good video if you want to check it out.
This could be one of the most underrated DVD releases WWE will ever release. I'm not sure how well it will sell, but I have a feeling it will be worth everything they ask. The stories, the great guy story, the in-ring work, the Hart family involved. It could be better than the Bret Hart release in terms of the bio, as Owen has things that average fans might not already know. Whereas, Bret was a pretty open book throughout his career.
This could be one of the most underrated DVD releases WWE will ever release. I'm not sure how well it will sell, but I have a feeling it will be worth everything they ask. The stories, the great guy story, the in-ring work, the Hart family involved. It could be better than the Bret Hart release in terms of the bio, as Owen has things that average fans might not already know. Whereas, Bret was a pretty open book throughout his career.

It's not a WWE release and it is available as a bonus on the wrestling documentary on Bret Hart 'Wrestling with Shadows'. The documentary has been available for quite some time now, so I'm unsure why there's such a fuss kicking up as if it's a new upcoming release? However, it is very good and emotional as it largely deals with the incident which killed Owen. There is some biographical stuff and comments from Owen and Martha Hart which makes it especially interesting. So yeah, if you haven't got it, get it, it's worth it I think.
I hope that Martha and Vince eventually come to an agreement where a box set all about Owens life is released, and fans can remember Owen in the way he deserves, rather than just the "guy who died in the ring".

This simply cannot be QFT'd enough.

Without taking away from the tragedy of Owen's death, and without implying that theres no place for an Owen Hart "life story" (which this DVD looks like being, as opposed to being a doco about his wrestling career), I would absolutely flock to buy a "Best of Owen Hart", box-set DVD.

He wrestled in the WWF for a very long time, and had an illustrious career in his own right. Sometimes when people die tragically (regardless of which field they work in) they become overrated; people romanticize them and make them out to be better than they actually were. Owen is actually the complete opposite; his brilliance as a wrestle and the scope of what he achieved, tends to get drowned out by discussions about the tragic and unusual circumstances surrounding his death.

In particular, the influence Owen had over the WWF's tag team contribution is highly underrated; he was very much the focal point of that division during the late 90s/early 2000s, forming dominant tag teams with Yoko, the Bulldog and Jarrett. He was feakishly versatile; in the goofy "Blue Blazer" program with Jarrett he was hilarios, while he could also play a genuinely menacing character, i.e. his "Black Hart" persona after the Montreal Screwjob. He did so many different types of angles and played so many subtly different types of characters that an hours-long DVD of highlights still wouldnt get old. Furthermore, I've not seen a bad match from him, and his best matches are sublime, absoltuely superb. And with Hart/McMahon relations at an all time high, the timing couldnt be better (imagine how much an Owen Hart box set would sell in Canada, with Brett ACTIVELY promoting it and probably taking a personal interest in seeeing it do well).

I mean, like, I'll buy this for sure, but GOD I want to see an Owen Hart box set!

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