The Jpfizzle Discussion Thread (keep it all in here)


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hey kids,

I will be returning full time from my hiatus very soon, whilst I know that you are all missin me very much (except you IC25 :(...) rest assuredd it will not be long until I am posting my thoughts on RAW, Smackdown, the WWE, Cyber Sunday, Films and Television, Sports, Live Discussion and of course the tag team tournament.

Any questions you may have, please leave in here along with your fan club number and I will try to get back to you...

Remember, even though I have been away, we have always been under the same sky fizzleites
Fizzle 4 Mod!.....y not

It won't happen I am afraid, I am not regular enough. I will endeavour (great word- not used nearly enough) to make my posts more frequent and better but I don't have nearly enough time to be anything more than a registered user for the forseeable future.
Why as you away?


Ahh Spunky, a wise question, I have been away due to an overload in social and educational events.. I know you must have missed me but don't fear, a return is iminant (great word- not used nearly enough)
Awesome... you work nights right? If I fall asleep now I won't wake up in time for my lectures tommorow.
lol yeah, there now. Although I still stay up when i'm not at work, I hate changing shift pattern's.
Ahh Spunky, a wise question, I have been away due to an overload in social and educational events.. I know you must have missed me but don't fear, a return is iminant (great word- not used nearly enough)

And it's clearly not used correctly enough either.
I'd like to hear gerrymandering more often too.

No thanks. I fancy the word 'detestation'. It's such a fantastic word. Instead of saying 'fuck you', people should say 'I hope you can sense my detestation towards you'. But people these days are too tendentious towards these 'short and to the point' phrases. Idiots.

Gerrymandering is a bit silly though.
I like the word gerrymandering because it is silly. If you want to win an argument or convince someone that they are stupid, all you need to do is start using larger and more complex words. They give up when they begin to question what language you are speaking. I am often chastised by my sister for doing that because she thinks I come off as an arrogant person. I did it all the time in my prep school, but now that I've transferred out I'm trying to cut back.
I like the word gerrymandering because it is silly. If you want to win an argument or convince someone that they are stupid, all you need to do is start using larger and more complex words. They give up when they begin to question what language you are speaking. I am often chastised by my sister for doing that because she thinks I come off as an arrogant person. I did it all the time in my prep school, but now that I've transferred out I'm trying to cut back.

Making up big words is quite good too.

"Your argument is flawed and maltrescenius, you shit."

It's even better when the people act as if they understand the word or treat it as real.

It's amazing how many people consider you 'arrogant' or something for knowing words that they don't. Don't stop doing it. I'd rather be labelled arrogant than a moron.
That is true. Also, if you are in a debate, then you can thrash them if you cite published sources. They don't even have to exist, and you don't even have to be right.

Random Person: Soda is unhealthy.
Me: How do you know?
Random Person: I read it on the internet.
Me: Great, a dot com source was it? Why don't you tell me what your bus driver's opinion on soda is. Did you know that Burn's Medical Journal links soda consumption to improve vision, attention span, memory capacity, and life expectancy?
I thought this as soon as I saw that word.

It really isn't used properly though.

Imminant, Iminnent, etc.

What made me lose further faith in the vocabulary and linguistic skills of people these days is a question that was asked in English class no less...'What does inferior mean'. Another gem was 'How many people does a monologue involve', which just exhibits regular asininity.
Its because people are to lazy to care about their vocabulary anymore. They try and shorten everything they can.

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