The Great Khali deserves/needs another title run

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Domo Nation

Dark Match Jobber
As we all know, for years the Great Khali has been one of the greatest ambassadors for the product that the WWE has had. The man's value, both from a business and especially an entertainment perspective, is probably greater than any other member of the current roster. Despite being so obviously held back throughout the years, probably due to WWE being intimidated by his crossover appeal (he has been in successful non-WWE produced movies) Khali has still been able to establish himself as a main event/upper card staple over the past few years. From comedy acts, to enforcer roles, to dominant heel runs, and even putting over young up and coming stars like Jinder Mahal (Khali has molded Jinder into the future world champion he has become today), very few performers in the history of wrestling have shown Khali's versatility and dedication to his craft.

The time is ripe for Khali to once again reclaim a world championship for one last run with it.

Similar to superstars like Kane, one of Khali's biggest problems is that he is too good at putting people over. For whatever reason, the WWE feels that guys like this shouldn't have the belts often, or don't need them to be successful. While that is true, it is sad that two legendary superstars like Kane and Khali have less world title (WWE/WHC) reigns combined over their entire careers than Sheamus has in two years. Much like Kane's run of a year or so ago, Khali deserves that one last monster run with the belt, and now is the perfect opportunity to seize what is rightfully his.

The way to do this would be through a feud with Sheamus. After he is done with Daniel Bryan at Extreme Rules, there will be no credible threats left to Sheamus on Smackdown. Enter Khali. He could start off by offering to help Teddy try to get his GM job back, and go around causing a bit of mayhem and letting it be known that Teddy should be GM. At the PPV after Extreme Rules, Khali takes out the tag team of O'Neil and Young (Johnny's two new signings) to prove that they have no talent. He then continues doing this, proving that Johnny's new guys have no talent, until Summerslam, where Johnny makes a handicap match of Khali and Orton versus Otunga, Henry, and a returning Wade Barrett with the stipulation that whoever gets the pinfall gets a title match later that night. Khali then double-crosses Orton, takes him out and scores the pinfall, then goes on to beat Sheamus for the belt that same night. He can then hold onto the belt until a young talent like Jinder or DiBiase is ready to come take it off him.

This is the perfect time to start booking Khali's next rise to greatness. How would you guys book it?
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I'm scratching my head while reading this and if I keep on scratching, I'm going to end up hitting my brain. Seriously, Khali is...huh...what...Khali is awful. Awful. Fucking Awful. Sure, he looked good when he debuted against 'Taker, but seriously, are we watching the same Khali?

Khali is market value in India and that is all he is good for. Putting over talent? Maybe. But, I could kick Khali's ass, and I am 5'7", 138 pounds. He is horrible in the ring. Horrible. Khali makes the divas look like wrestling Gods. Khali didn't do anything for Jinder besides squash him in matches that received no reaction from the crowd.

What would any of this prove by giving him the World Title again? Nothing. People would not watch SD anymore since the whole WWE universe knows Khali is awful. Awful. He doesn't even speak English. Khali makes ADR sound like an English Professor on the mic and he isn't too good either. That's saying a lot; so much that I cringed while writing that because I can't stand ADR.

I wouldn't book this, watch this, or even pay for this ever. Whether you may be serious or not, I don't care, Khali, I just fucking terrible. Why, why, why would you want to see anything you wrote? It’s just a bad idea over all. WWE keeps Khali for the 4 billion people who live in India; because in Vince's world that's the only way he can make massive money off of Khali.
i stopped reading after

"As we all know, for years the Great Khali has been one of the greatest ambassadors for the product that the WWE has had. The man's value, both from a business and especially an entertainment perspective, is probably greater than any other member of the current roster. "
I can see him working a good program with an up & comer, build him up to where he was with taker, they had him looking good around then, the only reason he is terrible in the state he is in right now, is because there not doing nothing with him at the moment, I don't know if they are going to push him, but you saying he dont deserve it because of his current stature is not exactly his fault, I would put a mid card title on him, to push an up and comer, although he would have to hold the title as a dominate giant, right now i dont see anything for him other than a quick lord tensai fued if that.

it wasn't even logical when he had the title.
Saying The Great Khali deserves another title run is like saying Sheamus is black. It isnt true and will never happen. Sheamus has more of a chance of getting a tan. Khali is truly dreadful!

I mean granted he brings in a lot of viewers in India which means money for the company but in the big scheme of things all those Indian fans dont outweight the other worldwide fans who know that Khali is nothing more than a glorified money maker. He cant wrestle, he can barely walk, I have seen trees more agile than Khali.

Its pretty clear that this is a joke though and if not then holy crap I have lost faith in peoples ability to spot a real wrestler from one of the worst wrestlers ever. David Arquette was better than Khali and thats saying something.
Khali is market value in India and that is all he is good for. Putting over talent? Maybe. But, I could kick Khali's ass, and I am 5'7", 138 pounds. He is horrible in the ring. Horrible. Khali makes the divas look like wrestling Gods. Khali didn't do anything for Jinder besides squash him in matches that received no reaction from the crowd.

Judging by the total ignorance displayed by your post, it is safe to say that you don't watch wrestling, so let me educate you. You couldn't even reach Khali's posterior to kick it, let alone beat him in a fight. Second of all, he is not horrible in the ring. Every single move he does is believable and effective. What more could you want? (though I assume you find something like Daniel Bryan putting Mark Henry in a LaBell lock believable, which of course it isn't) And yes, Jinder is going to be a World Champ somewhere in the new future thanks to his work with Khali. What part of this don't you understand? I already spelled it out!
LOL. Troll acounts.

You know, mister smart-ass troll poster? I'm going to take your bait, and run with it in a direction that nobody else is likely to go. I DO think they could give Great Kahli a main event push. I DO think they could give Great Kahli one final World Championship run. And do you know why? Because, much like your troll account populating this noble and prestigious forum, the Lord Troll of All Trolls populates the WWE. And his name is...well he''s this guy:


As we all know (and love), John Laurinaitis recently became the permanent General Manager of Friday Night Smackdown. The ratings for the Blue Brand are stagnant - have been for years. So why not take a ridiculous risk that has the potential to pay off...well, not huge...but if nothing else, equally stagnant.

John Laurinaitis is over as a heel, because his character is intentionally terrible at his job. He's awful, and he knows it. He thrives on it. One could actually make the case that John Laurinaitis is the Great Kahli of non-wrestler personalities. So what if, in an effort to burn Smackdown into the ground and further torment Teddy Long, they turn Great Kahli heel once again and make him Laurinaitis' man? Make him Laurinaitis' big, awful champion! Just imagine a great title bout between Sheamus and Daniel Bryan coming to an end - the crowd is on their feet because "Mr. Yes!" has recaptured the World Title. Suddently Laurinaitis' music hits and he makes his way to the ring with David Otunga (bowtie and all) and the Great Kahli in his wake. He makes the announcement, rings the bell, Khali chops the sumbitch in the face, and we have a new champion!

The crowd is pissed. Rightfully so - this is the worst thing to happen since JFK got shot! Monday Night Raw rolls around in 24-hours' time, and Mr. Excitement makes his way to the ring with the new World Champion, the Great Khali. He goes on and on about "People Power" and having a new, charismatic and "refreshing" champion in his back pocket. That night, with the distraction of Johnny Ace and Khali, David Otunga pins Santino Marella to become the new United States Champion! Once again, the crowd is pissed.

This image of domination continues on for a month or two. Book some sort of Laurinaitis/Khali vs Long/Orton match, with Teddy's job and the World title on the line. Orton wins the match, punts Khali and retires him forever. Get rid of Khali, get rid of Laurinaitis from Friday nights, get Orton back on top as the World Champion. Check, check, and check.

So, this sounds terrible, right? THAT'S THE POINT!
oh please for the love of christ not another khali thread. Khali does not deserve another run let alone a title run. He is god awful in the ring makes the divas look like wrestling machines cant cut a promo and when he talks you cant understand him. I am not trying to rip on Khali but no no no no i wouldnt even dream of booking him for a title run.

Khali is huge in india i understand he is a huge rockstar over there. Here the majority of the fans couldnt care less about him.
I saw this on the main page and was like "this has to be a joke, or spam" But to get to the topic, no. no nooo. . . just no! Khali can barely walk! There are drug dealers who can sell better than Khali (get it?) His only assets that even got him in the WWE in the first place is that he's: A) tall and B) a great way to reach out to the Indian market. Khali is just a stiff wall in the ring, just too clumsy. "Khali the greatest ambassador"? Really?
Name Khali's best match. . . don't worry, I'll wait.
Yes, give the guy who insults my intelligence any time I see him a title.

He struggles walking, but is expected to be a WWE performer? Why is he not winning these Money in the Bank matches?
I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't having a nightmare when I saw this headline on the main forum...

Um, NO. Khali does not, should not, could not ever need or deserve a title run. Anyone who EVER did a Kiss Kam should NEVER be a WHC or WWE champion. My knees are shot and I walk better than Khali. My dead grandmother walks better than Khali, and she's been dead for six or seven years. This is a waste of a topic. Khali's asset is that he is tall... his moveset? chop to the head, chokeslam... yeah that's about it. Oh, that head vice thing he does too. Yeah, that's a tough man's move - let's squeeze the pimple on that guy's shoulders... oh wait, that's his head????

You get the point. Khali is NOT, nor will ever be, title worthy.
As we all know, for years the Great Khali has been one of the greatest ambassadors for the product that the WWE has had. The man's value, both from a business and especially an entertainment perspective, is probably greater than any other member of the current roster. Despite being so obviously held back throughout the years, probably due to WWE being intimidated by his crossover appeal (he has been in successful non-WWE produced movies) Khali has still been able to establish himself as a main event/upper card staple over the past few years. From comedy acts, to enforcer roles, to dominant heel runs, and even putting over young up and coming stars like Jinder Mahal (Khali has molded Jinder into the future world champion he has become today), very few performers in the history of wrestling have shown Khali's versatility and dedication to his craft.

The time is ripe for Khali to once again reclaim a world championship for one last run with it.

Similar to superstars like Kane, one of Khali's biggest problems is that he is too good at putting people over. For whatever reason, the WWE feels that guys like this shouldn't have the belts often, or don't need them to be successful. While that is true, it is sad that two legendary superstars like Kane and Khali have less world title (WWE/WHC) reigns combined over their entire careers than Sheamus has in two years. Much like Kane's run of a year or so ago, Khali deserves that one last monster run with the belt, and now is the perfect opportunity to seize what is rightfully his.

The way to do this would be through a feud with Sheamus. After he is done with Daniel Bryan at Extreme Rules, there will be no credible threats left to Sheamus on Smackdown. Enter Khali. He could start off by offering to help Teddy try to get his GM job back, and go around causing a bit of mayhem and letting it be known that Teddy should be GM. At the PPV after Extreme Rules, Khali takes out the tag team of O'Neil and Young (Johnny's two new signings) to prove that they have no talent. He then continues doing this, proving that Johnny's new guys have no talent, until Summerslam, where Johnny makes a handicap match of Khali and Orton versus Otunga, Henry, and a returning Wade Barrett with the stipulation that whoever gets the pinfall gets a title match later that night. Khali then double-crosses Orton, takes him out and scores the pinfall, then goes on to beat Sheamus for the belt that same night. He can then hold onto the belt until a young talent like Jinder or DiBiase is ready to come take it off him.

This is the perfect time to start booking Khali's next rise to greatness. How would you guys book it?

lol... umm im pretty sure this dude was being sarcastic haha.. funny :lmao:
Judging by the total ignorance displayed by your post, it is safe to say that you don't watch wrestling, so let me educate you. You couldn't even reach Khali's posterior to kick it, let alone beat him in a fight. Second of all, he is not horrible in the ring. Every single move he does is believable and effective. What more could you want? (though I assume you find something like Daniel Bryan putting Mark Henry in a LaBell lock believable, which of course it isn't) And yes, Jinder is going to be a World Champ somewhere in the new future thanks to his work with Khali. What part of this don't you understand? I already spelled it out!

I think you are an idiot. I would and could run circle around Khali. He is a tall cripple giant who is awful. You must not know nothing about the saying "the bigger they are the harder they fall" do you? More than likely you probably don’t. Khali is tall, very tall. I am short in which means my center of gravity is better than Khali's will ever be. If I could out move him, in which I could, I would chop him down and watch him botch a simple bump.

Jinder is a world champion for sure, on the next WWE video game. You can make him hold every title possible if you like. Same with Khali too.

Bryan could put Henry in the La Bell Lock too, it is possible. For long? Probably not but he could do it giving a real life situation. But that is another whole subject.

I don't understand any of the things you pointed out. Well, wait, I do, and that is they are terrible.
Also, for your well needed information I do watch wrestling. An as a watcher of wrestling I don’t want to be watching Khali or Jinder and even Hornswoggle, on my TV ever!
Its surprising and equally funny how the 10 percenters consider positive remarks towards any wrestler that isn't an internet darling, an attempt at trolling, or simply a non-serious statement :rolleyes:
Now coming to the topic, yes i feel that Khali should get some upliftment from his current state. He has been doing a joke character for quite a while now. While it was humorous in the initial days (punjabi playboy and all), it has now become boring, with him doing the same thing each time he shows up.
They were about to do something with him in hes heel turn with Mahal, but then he left the company for a few months, and screwed it up for Mahal as well.
It should be noted that Khali had an important role in bringing in new fans from India for the company at a time (2005-06) when the company was advancing towards its worst state (Universe Era). Now again, people here have started to lose interest in the WWE. At this time, pushing Khali would only work positively IMO.
Just because a post has several paragraphs does not mean it's not a troll.

The only thing The Great Khali deserves is to lose his job.
dude sad.....i am from india and i really dont think he even deserves to be in the wwe he should probably go to a second grade promotion like ring ka king or something.....the bland tall piece of **** doesnt even deserve a divas title run......

and yes by the way as far as i know the only merchandise sold in india are either from punk hhh or taker its not even cena let alone khali......please come up with better ideas.
oh and yes by the way the population of the country is about 1.25 billion not two and a half times of it as u suggested...
dude sad.....i am from india and i really dont think he even deserves to be in the wwe he should probably go to a second grade promotion like ring ka king or something.....the bland tall piece of **** doesnt even deserve a divas title run......

and yes by the way as far as i know the only merchandise sold in india are either from punk hhh or taker its not even cena let alone khali......please come up with better ideas.

Where in my post did I mention anything about India? Oh, that's right.....I didn't. You and I both know that India has nothing to do with why Khali should get a title run, so please don't try to bring up irrelevant facts to try to sandbag my argument. Next thing we know you'll say he doesn't deserve it because Montgomery is the capitol of Alabama or something else irrelevant, right?
What have you been smoking lately?

C'mon, Khali + Title Run = The Real End of the World and the WWE.
I won't sit here and say what every other poster has said. There are many many other people more deserving than Khali right now on the roster.
The Great Kahli is not a good in ring worker. He is no Daniel Bryan or Shawn Michaels. He is no A double or AJ Styles. There is absolutely no doubt about this.

The problem that most of the people have on here is that they have a warped sense of reality. Kahli DOES NOT NEED TO BE A GOOD IN RING WORKER!!! Kahli does not need to do drop kicks, Ric Flair chops, or superkicks. The ONLY thing that Kahli needs to be able to do is MOVE HIS RIGHT ARM! Translation: If Kahli connected with a right hand on any of your heads you would have the most massive concussion ever! Kahli could probably flick you in the forehead and give you a concussion. Someone of his size only needs to do exactly what Andre the Giant did at the end of his career. Andre could hardly move at all (actually much worse than Kahli is now). However, Andre vs Hulk Hogan at WMIII is the biggest and most memorable match in the history of professional wrestling. This is because Andre was booked as an unstoppable monster. WWE does not treat their big men like they should. Kane, Kahli, and the Big Show are all treated like jokes. If they booked these men with a sense of reality then it would really mean something when someone was finally able to beat them.

Deep down inside you all know that this is true. I am not saying that you have to enjoy watching Kahli wrestle. What I am saying is that if you wanted the WWE to have more believability then Kahli would not be getting beat by everyone on the roster.
I know the TC is trolling and all, and I realize that most of Wrestlezone and the IWC everywhere isn't too fond of the guy, but you're deaf if you don't think Khali doesn't get a reaction. It isn't by merit of skill or natural talent, but the guy is larger than life and is billed as a foreign monster who helps faces, which garners a reaction situationally on its own. Big Show or any giant circus act could fill that position and probably do a better job of it, but that doesn't change the fact that he gets a big pop.

He's a good novelty act, and it's good for his character that he had a title at one point just so it can be mentioned by the commentary, but I'd prefer that he stick to sporadic appearances to get segments over. Hopefully, his presence can bring over other talent from India, like a couple of the more talented stars from TNA's venture there.
The Great Kahli is not a good in ring worker. He is no Daniel Bryan or Shawn Michaels. He is no A double or AJ Styles. There is absolutely no doubt about this.

The problem that most of the people have on here is that they have a warped sense of reality. Kahli DOES NOT NEED TO BE A GOOD IN RING WORKER!!! Kahli does not need to do drop kicks, Ric Flair chops, or superkicks. The ONLY thing that Kahli needs to be able to do is MOVE HIS RIGHT ARM! Translation: If Kahli connected with a right hand on any of your heads you would have the most massive concussion ever! Kahli could probably flick you in the forehead and give you a concussion. Someone of his size only needs to do exactly what Andre the Giant did at the end of his career. Andre could hardly move at all (actually much worse than Kahli is now). However, Andre vs Hulk Hogan at WMIII is the biggest and most memorable match in the history of professional wrestling. This is because Andre was booked as an unstoppable monster. WWE does not treat their big men like they should. Kane, Kahli, and the Big Show are all treated like jokes. If they booked these men with a sense of reality then it would really mean something when someone was finally able to beat them.

Deep down inside you all know that this is true. I am not saying that you have to enjoy watching Kahli wrestle. What I am saying is that if you wanted the WWE to have more believability then Kahli would not be getting beat by everyone on the roster.

What the hell are you talking about? What's REALISTIC in pro wrestling, are you kidding me? :banghead:

The Great Khali,who is not good on the mic, who's only funny when he's not trying to be, who obviously can't wrestle, who can't even seem to pin someone else without tripping over or realizing he's not the legal man in a tag team match, does not deserve anything in WWE. How pointless was his return? And why does he keep forcing younger talents to job to after WWE made it clear that this guy will never give a ME push ever?

Do I think he'll get a pushed up in the card? Never
Will he continue making talented and younger wrestlers job? Pretty Much
Does he deserve a push? I don't see one reason at all to give him a push.

You didn't ask these questions, but they should have came into play (as most people in these forums would agree against a Khali push)

I was wondering if this thread was a joke after calling Khali one of the greatest ambassadors. I guess not :confused:
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