The favorite Episode thread


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
now this is a bit different Favorite threads in the fact that this is narrowed down to any one show. Any and every TV show is welcome. I'm hoping this thread is alive for a long time. Me I'm gonna start with my favorite episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. having seen every episode I can say without a shadow of a doubt that my favorite episode is Episode 7 of Season 6 Once More, with Feeling.

It's the only musical episode of the entire series. I've never cared for musicals because most of the ones I've seen have old stuffy music that I can't stand but I love every song in this one and to top it off it's and awesome episode in general. Some of the actors are better singers than I thought they would be.

Now for your listening pleasure here are my 2 favorite songs from the entire episode.

First episode of The Shield.

A girl I worked with had gone on and on about this show for a few months around the same time I was getting into The Wire and we'd go back and forth trying to convince each other to watch the other's show. After a few minor bickers, we eventually swapped respective first seasons.

For most of the first episode I was paying attention but not really getting overly excited about it. I only recognised CCH Pounder and Reed Diamond from Face/Off and Memphis Belle so didn't really know how good the talent pool was, with Jay Karnes as Dutch being an instant favourite due to his awkwardness and 'boy-scout' like presence and attitude balanced by his talents as a detective.

The last few minutes of the episode are what got me hooked on the show's entire run, so whenever I watch the series again I get a chill whenever I hear Kid Rock's Bawitdaba starting up as the Strike Team start preparing for the takedown of a drug dealer. That may not sound overly exciting, but that's only because I wont tell you the spoiler :)

Absolutely awesome.
The TV show I have picked is Dragonball GT. The final episode of course is my favorite in the entire show chronology. I prefer DBZ and DB to GT but a single episode to pick within those 2 shows is too difficult. Too much quality effort put into both of those 2 that not one of the episodes stands out (not to say that they sick it's just that most of them are equal level of quality), so it is hard to choose just one.

Back to GT, the ending sequence is what steals this for me. For most of the episode Goku goes around having "last encounters" with all of the Z warriors and hast to go off with shenron, The ending sequence involves Goku watching Goku Jr. vs Vegeta Jr (I may mix this up with "A hero's legacy" which is the final chapter in the franchise). Then proceeds to walk away while the awesome song plays. Then a recap of everything since the very first episode of the original DragonBall series airs as we get a sentimental feeling that this is the end.

Here is the ending sequence:

The Jurassic Bark episode of Futurama: SADDEST ENDING EVER.

In fact, this meme pretty much sums up the reaction of every Futurama fan everywhere when they watch this episode...You can't help your emotional reaction. If this episode doesn't make you cry at the end, you are just not human.

Brief plot points: Fry discovers his dog Seymour from our time was fossilized, the professor clones him, so Fry gets his dog back. The professor analyzes the dog, figures out that Seymour lived 12 years after Fry left. Fry concludes that it must have meant that Seymour had a good life...Flashback to our time at the end, you see that the dog spent the remainder of his 12 years after Fry left doing nothing but waiting for Fry to return, displaying an unmatched loyalty.

FUCK! I am even tearing up just writing that synopsis!

The last episode of LOST was definitely my favourite of the whole series.

The emotional flashblacks, the meaning of everything, man... Sure, sure, it didn't actually answer all the thousands of questions that the fans had but, that's the beauty of it. The church scene where all the religions reunite is mesmerizing and I'll be damned if you didn't tear up watching it. The way Jack dies, the way they left it open for a possible reboot of the series, everything about it. Perfect. Just amazing use of drama, pain and anguish to tug on the heart strings of everyone. I loved it.

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