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The Evolution of Wrestilng (EoW)


Occasional Pre-Show
Basically im gonna start my new wrestling group and it will have current WWE and TNA wrestlers. There will still be the three WWE shows Raw on Mondays, Impact on Wednesdays, and Smackdown on Fridays, now just because Impact is on Wednesdays doesnt mean all the TNA wrestlers will be on that show. The titles will be as follows

Raw Titles:
EoW Championship
Intercontinental Championship
Womens Championship
World Tag Team Championship

Impact Titles:
Impact Championship
Impact Tag team Championship
X Division Champion

Smackdown Titles:
World Heavieweight Championship
U.S. Championship
EoW Tag Team Championship

The Rosters are as follows:

Christian Cage
AJ Styles
Randy Orton
Samoa Joe
Mr. Kennedy
Robert Roode
Rey Mysterio
Brother Ray
Lance Cade
Trevor Murdoch
Kenny Dykstra
Awesome Kong
Mickie James
Christy Hemme
Beth Pheonix

Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Alex Shelly
Chris Sabin
Chris Jericho
Jay Lethal
C.M. Punk
John Morrison
The Miz
Mark Henry
Big Daddy V
Petey Williams
Jamie Noble
Jillian Hall
Michell McCool

Shawn Micheals
John Cena
Booker T
Shelton Benjamin
Bobby Lashley
Kurt Angle
Scott Steiner
BG James
Kip James
Santino Marella
James Storm
Chavo Guerrero
Candice Michelle
Jackie Moore
Karen Angle
Kelly Kelly

I will be starting on a PPV to give you the start of the matches and then start on Raw soon after. I really hope you enjoy it.
The first PPV i will be writing is going to be Last Resort, and that will set the pavemtent for my shows in the future. Here is the current card.

EoW Chamionship:
Edge vs. Christian in a TLC match

Impact Championship:
Abyss vs. Umaga vs. Mark Henry in a thousand Tack Match

World Heavieweight Championship:
Shawn Micheals vs. The Undertaker

Intercontinental Championship 6 man elimination style battle royal:
A.J. Styles
Robert Roode
Kenny Dykstra
Mr. Kennedy

X division title fatal 4 way:
Jamie Noble
Jay Lethal
Alex Shelley
Chris Sabin

Impact World Tag titles:
Matt & Jeff Hardy vs. John Morrison and The Miz

#1 Contendership to EoW Championship
HHH vs. Randy Orton vs. Samoa Joe

WWE Tag Titles:
BG & Kip James vs. Carlito & Santino

All EoW Divas Battle Royal for EoW womens Championship:
Awesome Kong
Jillian Hall
Candice Michelle
Mickie James
Kelly Kelly
Christy Hemme
Beth Pheonix
Michelle McCool

U.S. Championship:
Shelton Benjamin vs James Storm

#1 Contership to WHC:
Batista vs. Cena vs. Lashley vs. Angle vs. Booker T
I'm working on Last Resort right now, and beleive me i have put ALOT of time into this. But i think you all will like it, or i just spent a monday on nothing.
We go to live as the pyro on the stage goes off.

JR: Welcome everyone to EoW's first PPV, in what promises to be an exciting night of wrestling.

King: You bet JR, we have an amazing roster on board who are no doubt gonna blow the roof off this place.

JR: We sure do, lets get started with the Diva Battle Royal

King: Woohoo. Do you think well get to see some puppies JR

JR: Calm Down King

The Music of Maria hits as she makes her way to the ring. Beth Pheonix's music hits, and Maria doesnt look happy that Beth is who she will be squaring off against. Pheonix gets in the ring and the bell sounds. Beth immideatelly goes to work on Maria comepletely dominating her. Beth has her in the corner pounding away, when suddenly she starts countering her. Maria hits her handstand kick to the head, which makes beth woozie and she rests against the ropes. Maria charges her but Pheonix counters and drops her over the top and to the floor. Maria has been eliminated.Next out is Kelly and Pheonix is dominating her as well. Pheonix hits a scoop slam, picks her up and tosses her over. Kelly has been elimnated. Beth looks unstoppable in this match. Suddenly Awesome Kongs music hits as she makes her was to the ring. The two stare at eachother, and Kong charges Beth, Beth ducks and starts landing some right hands. Kong gains control and slams beth to the mat. Next out is Michelle McCool, she is in no hurry to get to the ring, as Beth and Kong continue to pound on eachother. McCool slides into the ring and hits Kong while her back is turned. Big mistake. Kong hits a knee to her sternum and throws her over. Michelle McCool is eliminated. Beth tries to take advantage and throw Kong over the ropes, but she slides back in. Beth is kicking her as she is down, but she is able to get up. She throws beth into the corner and hits a running clothsline. Out next is Jillian Hall. She gets in the ring and offers to be friends with Kong, who answers with a clothsline. From behind Beth hits a chop block on Kong and she goes down. Beth helps Jillian up and they start kicking on Kong. Out next is Melina. Melina immediately joins her friends on attacking the downed Kong. Kong starts to mount an offense and suddenly all three women are down, she hits an Awesome Bomb on Melina, but the other two are automatically back on the offense. Out next is Mickie. Melina is slowly getting up, but Mickie gets in and throws her out while she is still woozie. Melina is Eliminated. Jillian and Beth realize that Mickie just threw out there friend and Jillian charges, but Mickie ducks and hits a Mick kick on Jillian that throws her out. Jillian is eliminated. Beth infuriated by this goes right after Mickie and they brawl. Out next is ODB, she charges the ring and goes right after kong, who is now getting up. Kong and ODB exchange blows, but Kong gets the better of it. She charges ODB, but she ducks and charges Kong with a clothsline that sends Kong, and ODB over the top to be eliminated. Awesome Kong and ODB have been Eliminated.Beth and Mickie continue to brawl in the ring. Out next is Candice Michelle. Candice decides to help out her friend and work over Beth. Candice and Mickie hit a double powerbomb on Beth, and continue to stomp on her. Out next is Christy Hemme, she comes out and starts to throw punches at Candice who continuosly duck them. Candice eventually hits the Candy Wrapper on Christy and tosses her over. Christy Hemme is Eliminated. Candice goes back to help Mickie who is now on the defensive of Pheonix. Pheonix sees Candice coming, side steps her, and sends her over the top to the floor. Candice has been Eliminated. Beth then hits her Special Suplex on Mickie who lies in the ring. The last entrant the match is Victoria. Victoria gets in the ring and has a staredown with Beth. Beth throws the first punch and its on, right hand after right hand, and victoria starts to gain control. She is able to hit the Widows peak on Beth, picks her up and Drags her to the ropes, she has beth teetering. Beth is now on the outside apron fighting for her life, beth locks in a suplex form and brings Victoria over with her. The two exchange blows, and Victoria is able to knock Beth off. Beth Pheonix is eliminated. Victoria goes to get back in the ring but Mickie hits a running knee to knock Victoria out. Victoria is eliminated.

Announcer:Here is your winner and New EoW womens champion Mickie James. Mickie celebrates in the ring as we get replays of the batlle royal.

King:Aww is it over? Do we have another divas battle royal scheduled for tonight?

JR: Sorry king no we dont, but what we do have is an amazing show with some great matches.

Aint no stoppin me hits, as Shelton Benjamin hits the ring for his U.S. tiltle match. James Storm's music hits as he is accompanied to the ring by the pride of Tenessee Miss. Jackie Moore. Benjamin and Storm are in the ring as the bell sounds. Storm and Benjamin lock up with Benjamin getting the better of Storm with his wrestling background. Storm hits a knee to the gut which sends shelton down. Storm taunts to the crowd, maybe a little too much, as he is turned around to fast and furious punches by shelton. Shelton tosses Storm into the corner and hits a running clothsline, benjamin climbs up top and hits a flying cross body for the cover......1......2....kickout. Benjamin gets mad and argues with the ref, while jackie slides a beer bottle to Storm. Jackie jumps up to the apron and distracts the ref as shelton sets up Storm for the T-Bone. Out of nowhere Storm smashes the bottle over his head and covers him. Jackie jumps down and sees Storm covering Shelton so he counts....1.......2.........3!

Announcer: Here is your winner and New United States Champion Cowboy James Storm.

JR: Well i think its just sad when someone has to cheat and win like that, its plain pathetic.

King:You gotta do what you gotta do in a match, especially if theres gold on the line.

JR: Well ill tell you one thing, Shelton sure as hell isnt gonna forget the name James Storm.

The Hardy Boys Music hits as the Crowd goes nuts. They make their way to the ring for their Impact Tag titles match. Miz and Morrison come out to complete boos throughout the stadium. Both teams are in the ring as we are underway.Matt Hardy and the Miz start this off. Armbar by mat, its reversed into an armbar by Miz. Matt reverses and sinds Miz into the ropes, and Matt drops him with a shoulderblock. Miz gets up and Matt goes to bounce off the ropes, but gets clubbed in the back by Morrison, which takes down Matt. Miz picks Matt up and slams him into their corner and hits and elbow, and backs off keeping the refs attention, while the refs back is turned, Morrison starts pounding on Matt. Jeff then jumps in the ring and the ref is telling him to get back to his corner, and Miz joins in on attacking Matt while the ref is turned. Miz tags in Morrison. Morrison throws Matt to the middle of the ring, he jumps off the ropes and hits his springboard kick.He goes for the cover but Jeff breaks it up. Morrison mounts matt and starts landing lefts and rights, he picks him up and throw him into the corner. Morrison goes for a clothsline, but misses and hits sternum first into the turnbuckle, matt bonces off the ropes and Nails him with a clothsline. Matt needs to make a tag to Jeff, and he does, as so does Morrison to Miz. Jeff takes down Miz, takes down Morison, takes down Miz again, and sends Morrison flying over the top to the floor. Jeff hurls Miz into the corner and Matt makes the table position, and hits the whisper in the wind on Miz. Matt leaps over the top onto Morisson, and Jeff goes up top and hits the swanton bomb for the 1.........2..........3!

Announcer: Here are your winners and new Impact Tag Team Champions..Matt and Jeff, the Hardy Boyz.

JR:What a match, classic Matt and Jeff. High Flying attitude.

King:What are you talking about they cheated, Matt was clearly in the ring after his 5 seconds was up.

JR:Im not sure what match your watchiin king but Miz and Morrison cheated just as much.

We go to the back with the Hardys as they talk about their victory.

Matt:Well you know it was hard fought Miz and Morrison had some dirty tactics, but its gonna take more than that to take out team extreme.

Jeff: Thats right cuz...........

Matt and Jeff are Simotaniously taken out by steel chair shots from Miz and Morrison

JR: ahhh what the hell, what could ever condone those types of actions. That just makes me sick.

King:That is what we in the wrestling business call making an impact JR. Those two just wanted the Hardys to know that maybe they won tonight, but its not over.

Its time for the #1 Contendership match to the WHC. Batista's music as he makes his way to the ring as the crowd cheers. Cena's music hits as he gets a very mixed reaction from the crowd. Lashley's music as he gets a good pop from the crowd. Angles music hits and the fans chant "you suck" along with the song, he is accompanied by Karen Angle. "Can You Dig It Sukkkkkkaaa" hits and the crowd goes nuts. He is accomanied by Sharmell. All 5 men are in the ring as the bell sounds. Batista and Lashley lock up, as Cena and Booker focus on eachother and Angle just watches as stuff unfolds, suddenly angle gets behind cena and his a german suplex.Booker hits a boot to the jaw of Batista and he goes down. Lashley hits a running clothslie on Booker and Angle then hits a belly to belly on Lashley. Angle is the only man standing. He picks up Cena and goes for the Angle slam which is countered into an FU, but thats countered and Angle locks in the Ankle Lock on Cena, Cena writhes in pain as Batista breaks it up. Batista goes for the Batista Bomb on Angle but its countered into a ddt. Out of Nowhere Lashley hits a running spear on Angle. Cena gets up and hits the FU on Lashley goes for the cover, its broken up by Batista, Batista hits the Batista Bomb on Cena, Booker kicks Batsta in the mid section and goes for the Axe Kick, but Karen Angle pulls the rope down and Booker goes to the Outside. Angle hits the Angle Slam on Batista for the 1...........2..........3! As Sharmell brawls with Karen.

Announcer:Here is the winner and New # 1 Contender to the WHC Kurt Angle

JR: What a sorry way to end a match, have your wife do your dirty work.

King:Wifes are only good for a couple things and I think that is one of the best things they can do.

JR:Well next up were gonna have the X Division title match, where we will see something that we dont get to see often, and that is a ring full of crowd favorites

Jamie Noble's Music hits as the crowd cheers for him. Out next isJay Lethal, he gets a good crowd reaction as he makes his way to the ring. The Motor city machine guns music hits as they come out together. All four combatants are in the ring as we are underway. Shelley starts off against Noble, as Lethal and Sabin square off. Noble is getting the better of Shelley so Sabin slams Lethal down and goes to help shelley, they start double teaming Noble and get him down in the corner. All the sudden Lethal attacks Sabin taking him down and gets a couple shots off on Shelley as well. It isnt long before the MMG's get contol again as Shelley dumps Noble over the top, and Sabin does the same to Lethal. Sabin and Shelley then have a staredown they lockup, and move very fast paced. Each one goes for near fall after near fall. Suddenly Noble and Lethal are back in and dump the MMG's out and go to work on eachother. Noble hits a fisherman suplex on Lethal and goes for the cover 1........2......kickout. Lethal is back up and charges Noble, but Noble counters into a rollup with a handful of tights for the 1........2........3!

Announcer: Here is your winner and new X-Division Champion Jamie Noble.

JR:its such a shame to see a talented young man cheat his way to gold

King:Didnt we have a conversation about this earlier? Championships bring the money, and money brings the girls. You do what you have to in order to get all that.

The James Gang comes out as we are set for our EoW Tag Team Championship match. Santino and Carlito are out next as we are ready to start this off. The bell rings and it will be Santino and Kip starting off immediately BG jumps off the apron runs around and knocks Carlito down, this distracts Santino long enough for Kip to kick him in the gut and hit the fameasser on Santino, for the 1........2........3

Announcer: Here are your winners and New EoW Tag Team Champions The James Gang.

King:Well that was pretty quick

JR:BG ad Kip are both veterans, they need a better challenge than that. Well up next we have the number one Contendership match which promises to be one hell of a slobberknocker of a match between Randy Orton, HHH, and Samoa Joe.

King:You wanna talk about history of hatred? HHH is the man that cost Orton his first title reign, and Samoa Joe just plain doesnt like anyone

JR: Yeah this one wont be for the feint of heat

Randy Orton's Music blasts to a thunderation of boos. He gets in the ring. HHH's Music hits and the crowd goes nuts. He locks eyes with Orton while making his way down the ramp.Samoa Joe is the last to enter, he gets a good response from the crowd. These two are in the ring and HHH goes right after Orton, and starts nailing him with right hands. Joe just kinda sits back in the corner and watches this go down. HHH is poundig on Orton, and does his taunts to the crowd. Orton is up and starts nailing some Europeon uppercuts on HHH. He hits his patented backbreaker on the Game who rolls to the outside. Orton goes to slam HHH's head into the announce table but HHH blocks it and nails Orton into it. Orton is all woozy as HHH rolls him back into the ring, he throws him into the ropes and hits a AA spinebuster and goes for the pin, Joe picks HHH off Orton and backs off into the corner. HHH picks up Orton and out of nowhere he lands the RKO on HHH. Orton goes for the cover but again Joe stops the count. Orton gets in Joes face about it and the two exchange words. HHH is stirring and is barely on his feet. Joe nails a right hand on Orton and HHH hits him with the pedigree, then falls back to the ground. HHH and Orton are down. Joe looks at the crowd, shrugs, and covers Orton for the 1.....2.......3

Announcer: Here is your winner and the # 1 Contender to the EoW Chapionship Samoa Joe

King: Didnt even look like Joe broke a sweat, he just let them two do all the work

JR: Well i guess it worked for him as we have a new #1 contender, and we will be deciding who he faces a little later on.
Mr. Kennedy's Music hits as we are about to kick off the Elimination 6 man match for the IC title. Kennedy gets in the ring and his mic lowers.

Kennedy: "Introducing first the man who WILL win this match and become the first ever EoW Intercontinental Champion Mrrrrrrrr.Kennnneeeedddddyyyyy...................Kennneeeddddyyyyyy!

"My name is Finlay and I love to fight" hits as Finlay makes his way to the ring. Out next is Robert Roode. Kenny's music hits as he is out next. AJ's music hits as he makes his way to the ring. The fire explodes as Kane is the last person to enter the ring. All the superstars in the ring start to surround kane as suddenly they all attack him as the bell rings. All 5 men are attacking, as suddenly all 5 go flying they each start approaching him and he nails uppercut after uppercut. Kennedy finally nails him from behind. And the 5 regain contol. Robert Roode hits the Payoff, but kane sits up. Kennedy then hits the Mic Check, but agian he sits up. Finlay then hits the Celtic Cross Followed by a swanton by kennedy, followed by a Leg Drop from Kenny, and all 5 jump on him for the cover 1.......2.......3. Kane is eliminated. The 5 then start to brawl with eachother. As we see an alliance formed between Kenny, and Mr. Kennedy. Finlay and AJ are fighting, while Roode is going up against Kenny and Kennedy. Out of nowhere KEnnedy hits the mic check on Roode for the 1......2.......3. Robert Roode is Eliminated. Kenny starts to brawl with AJ, and Kennedy with Finlay. AJ is able to set up Kenny with the styles clash, while at the same time kennedy hits finlay with the mic check they both cover 1.......2........3. Kenny Dykstra is eliminated.1..........2..........3. Finlay is eliminated. We are down to AJ, and Kennedy. Suddenly Kennedy hits a big knee to AJ's Stomach. He tosses him into the corner. Kennedy lifts him up and it looks like hes going for the green bay plunge, but AJ counters and AJ hits a huge glying forearm on kennedy. the cover 1..........2........kickout. Styles goes for the Styles clash, but Kennedy reverses it right into the mic check for the 1............2...........3. AJ Styles is eliminated.

Kennedy gets his mic "Here is your winner, and NEW Intercontinental Champion MRRRRRRRRRRRR.KKKKKEEEEEEENNNNNNEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDYYYYYYY............................KEEEEEEENNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.Kennedy's music hits as he exits.

JR:What a fantastic showing by those young men

King:Except for Finlay, hes not young JR.....

Mark Henry's music hits as we are ready for the Impact championship match. It will be a thousand tack match.Umaga is out next as JR reminds us that all these men in the ring are Monsters, and the biggest Monster yet....Abyss's music hits as he heads towards the ring. He doesnt even get in the ring, he first grabs the bag of tacks and takes it with him. The bell rings, and Umaga does his little arm flail before attack thing and he charges Abyss but is met with the bag of tacks right to the head. Abyss then nails henry with the bag. Umaga is up and starts nailing shots to Abyss. Abyss is realling and Umaga tackles him to the outside. Henry runs at Umaga on the outside but is caught and hit with a samoan drop.Henry is down, Abyss is down. Umaga walks toward the announce table and grabs a chair. He gets back to them is met with a boot into the chair by Abyss. Abyss grabs henry and throws him in the ring. Henry counters and hits a worlds strongest slam on Abyss. He covers 1........2.......Umaga breaks it up. Umaga lifts up Henry and hits the samoan spike. Umaga grabs the bag of tacks and dumps them out. Abyss is up and Umaga tries to irish whip Abyss toward the ropes but Abyss counters and hits the Black Hole Slam on Umaga on the tacks for the 1......2..........3.

Announcer: Here is your winner and New Impact Champion Abyss.

King:What a gory match that was

JR: You got that right, that was bowling shoe ugly.

Shawn Micheals Music hits as he makes his way to the ring with a roaring ovation, for the WHC match. He gets in the ring. The lights go out as suddenly the three dongs hit, and the smoke starts to pour out the entrance way.Undertaker's music hits as he does his classic entrance. The Bell rings and we are under way. Taker starts nailing rights on Shawn, shawn answers back with some rights of his own. Taker irish whip him into the other corner and hits his running clothsline on him. Taker sets up for a chokeslam, but micheals kicks him in the gut and hits him with an atomic drop. Micheals bounces off the ropes and nails a flying forearm, followed by a kickup. He hits a scoop slam on taker and goes up top for a elbow drop, but taker sits up and catches him by the throat and nails a chokeslam. Taker covers 1..........2........kickout by shawn. Taker lifts him up and goes for the last ride, but counters and goes for sweet chin music, but taker ducks, and sets shawn up for a Tombstone goes for the pin 1...........2...........the ref is pulled out of the ring by scott steiner! Undertaker goes over to the ropes and talkes with steiner, he turns around right into a sweet chin music. Shawn goes for the pin 1..........2............3.

Announcer:Here is your winner and New World Heavieweight Champion Shawn Micheals.

JR:What in the hell would condone Scott Steiner to come out here and mess up this match?

King: Im not sure JR, but what i do know is Taker is not happy right now.


Christian makes his way down the ramp for the EoW TLC Championship match against his brother Edge.


Edge makes his way out staring down his brother. He gets into the ring. Christian doesnt even wait for the bell as he attacks Edge, Edge is on the defensive receiving blow after blow.Edge immediately hits a low blow on christian and he slides to the outside. Edge grabs a chair and brings it in the ring, he swings and misses, Christian hits Edge with an inverted ddt. Christian grabs the chair and lays a shot to the back of Edge. Christian goes to the outside and grabs a table, he props it up in the corner. He goes back over to Edge and stomps away, he picks him up, Edge kicks him in the gut and nails an Edgecution. He goes for the cover 1........2.......kick out. Edge looks pissed. He picks up christian, who counters and locks edges arms going for the unprettier, edge shoves him off, and christian turns around right into a spear. Edge goes for the cover 1..........2..........kick out again by christian. Edge is blazing that he hasnt pinned his brother yet. So Edge sets up for another spear, but christian counters locks edges arms and hits the unprettier on him. But christian doesnt go for the pin he goes to the outside and grabs another chair. He slams it down on the ground and picks Edge up. He locks his arms turns him over and nails the unprettier on the chair. Christian then grabs the other chair and nails the conchairto on Edge for good measure. Christian goes for the pin 1...........2............3!

Announcer: Here is your winner and New EoW Champion Christian Cage. The crowd goes nuts as we go off the air.

Mickie James won the Diva Battle Royal to become the EoW Womens Champ
James Storm def. Shelton Benjamin for the U.S. Title
The Hardy Boyz def. Miz and Morrison to become Impact World Tag Champs
Kurt Angle def John Cena, Batista, Bobby Lashley, and Booker T to become the #1 Contender to the World Heaviewieight Championship
Jamie Noble def Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley, and Chris Sabin to become the X Division Champion
The James Gang def. Santino and Carlito to become EoW Tag Champs
Samoa Joe def. HHH, ad Randy Orton to become #1 contender to EoW championship
Mr. Kennedy def. AJ Styles, Robert Roode, Kenny Dykstra, Finlay, and Kane to become Intercontinental Champion
Abyss def Mark Henry, and Umaga to become Impact Champion
Shawn Micheals def. The Undertaker to become World Heavieweight Champ
Christian Cage def Edge to become EoW Champion
Confirmed for Raw:
Rated RKO Randy Orton and Edge vs. The Dudleyz for the World Tag Team championships.

Mr. Kennedy defends his IC title against Rey Mysterio

HHH and Samoa Joe will face Christian Cage and ????
Confirmed for EoW's months PPV All or Nothing:

ODB vs. Awesome Kong

EoW Championship:
Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage(c)

Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Micheals(c)
Everything looks good man. Only advice is either use bold or italics or colors just to break it up so its easier for people to read but good otherwise start of something nice
Thanks i really appreciate it, and yeah i meant to do color, but i was working on it so long i just forgot at the end. But ill go back and fix it, thanks for reading.
Ok so i added bold to where the announcers and people talk. I also bolded where people are eliminated in the elimination style matches. I think that helped it quite a bit. I should be writing raw either today or tomorrow. Oh and let me know if you liked the entrance videos for Edge and Christian in the main event or not. I personally thought it was a good touch. The Christian vid is a mix of his wwe and tna songs, its done quite well.
I really enjoyed Last resort, i'd give it a 9/10.
the only thing I would say is make sure the Main Events get more detail as then they actually fellike main event.
Good Luck!
JR: Welcome everyone to the first Raw after Last Resort, and what an Amazing show it was.

King: You got that right JR. We crowned our very first EoW Champions last night, and had some amazing match ups.

JR: We sure did, and speaking of Champions we are gonna crown new tag champions right here tonight as Rated RKO goes up against the Dudly Boyz.

King: Thats right and were also gonna see Mr. Kennedy defend his newly won IC title against Rey Mysterio.

JR: And thats not all either we are gonna have a huge Tag team main event. Get this Samoa Joe will be teaming with HHH, to take on Christian Cage and a partner of his choosing.

King:Whos he gonna pick JR?

JR: You know i dont know king, so why ask?

On that note Christians music hits as he heads down the ramp. Chritstian gets in the ring and grabs a mic.

Christian: Last night at Last Resort, my brother gave me all he had. He hit me with Edgecution..... but i got up, he hit me with his spear......but i got up. But did he get up after i cracked his skull with the unprettier, followed by the conchairto? I dont think so, no i pinned him 1 2 3, to become the first ever EoW champion. And that inspired me. It inspired me to make a video.....actually i paid these chumps 20 bucks to make it, but it highlights my career thusfar, with some of my best moments. Why dont you all go ahead and take a look.....he points up towards the titantron.


As soon as the video finishes, we hear the music of Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe walks down the ramp and into the ring, he grabs a mic.

Joe: Christian you come out and with this video like your mister EoW or something. Well let me tell you something, your not. You won one match against your brother edge. News Flash anyone can beat Edge, shoot bring in doink the clown, he could get the upset..... hell it wouldnt even be an upset.

Christian: I know your not talking, all you did last night to earn your #1 contendership status was hit Orton with one punch, and pick up the victory off HHH's pedigree.

This brings out HHH who quickly gets in Joes face questioning him about last night.

HHH: What the hell was that about Joe?

Joe: Look I did what i had to, you were both taken out, so i took advantage, im sure the great HHH would have done the same thing in my place.

HHH: You know what your probably right, if i saw my two oppositions lying on the ground laid out, and the match was for the #1 contendership, i would probably do exactly what you did.

Christian: Alright im sick of this, you two can stay in the ring and have your little make up, fine. But i gotta go talk strategy with my partner.

HHH: Oh yeah who did you get as your partner? Your imaginary friend?

Joe and HHH laugh as Christian storms out of the ring.

Mr. Kennedy's music hits as he heads down to the ring for his IC title match.

Kennedy: Quite frankly, i think that its ridiculous that I even have to be here tonight let alone defending my newly won Intercontinental Championship. Especially against Rey Mysterio, what did he ever do to deserve a match against the future of this business. Nonetheless the man who will win this match and still be IC Champion MRRRRRRR......

Booyaka Booyaka 619, Booyaka Booyaka Rey Mysterio. Rey inturrupts Kennedys intro.

King:Uh oh Rey just interrupted Kennedys name, nobody should do that unless they have a death wish, he hates when people do that.

Kennedy jumps out of the ring and doesnt even wait for the bell to attack Mysterio. Rey starts countering and goes to throw Kennedy into the ring post, but Kennedy reverses and sends Rey head first into the post. Kennedy goes over to the announce table and grabs a chair. Rey runs towards Kennedy grabs ahold of the ring post to hit a 619 on Kennedy. Kennedy sees him last second and dodges it, as soon as Rey turns around he is met by a steel chair shot to the head. Kennedy starts screaming at Rey "Nobody interrupts my Introduction!" Kennedy tears the ring steps apart and drags the bottom part towards Rey. He picks Rey up and locks in and nails the Mic Check on the steel steps and Rey is out. Kennedy continues to yell at Rey, as medical staff rushes out. We cut to the back with Maria.

Maria: Please welcome my guest tonight, The EoW Champion Christian Cage. Now Christian can you tell us who your Partner is going to be for tonight?

Christian: Well Maria you look like a pretty smart woman so ill drop you a hint. This person is pretty tall...... and he is not yet a member of OVW, and lets just say hes an old friend. Ill let you chew on that for a while.

Christian exits and Maria scratches her head.


Rated RKO makes their way down to the ring for the EoW Tag Team Championship match.


The Dudleyz come out to the ring.

Randy and D-Von start this off as they lock up. Orton locks in a headlock on D-von. d-von reverses and irish whips orton into the ropes, and d-von hits a shoulder block on orton. D-von bounces off the ropes, orton stays on the ground and D-von leaps over him, orton gets up and hits a dropkick on d-von. Orton tags in edge and they hit a double suplex on D-Von. Edge goes to work on Orton he tosses him into the corner, but D-Von charges Edge, Edge is able to connect with a hip toss, , followed by a second hip toss. D-Von is able to counter a third hip toss by Edge, but Edge nails an Impaler ddt on D-Von, he goes for the pin, but Ray breaks it up. Ray goes back to the corner and gets in Ray's face, Edge turns around right into a clothsline by D-Von. D-von is able to get the tag on Ray. Ray comes in and starts cleaning house, clothesline on Edge and knocks Orton off the apron. Ray irish whips Edge into the ropes and hits a big back body drop on Edge. Ray sets up Edge for the wassup as D-Von climbs the turnbuckle. D-Von and Ray do the wassup as D-Von jumps. Randy is able to get in the ring and hit the RKO on D-Von in midair. Ray tosses Randy to the outside, and trns around right into a spear by Edge. He goes for the pin 1.........2..........3.

Announcer: Here are your winners and New EoW Tag Team Champions Randy Orton and Edge.... Rated RKO.

King:Wow what a great showing by these two veteran teams

JR: You know what im suprised by is that Orton and Edge didnt cheat to win

King:Why would they have to they are two of the greatest superstars today.

We go to the back as we see Christian walking toward the Arena as we recap the events of last night.

Samoa Joes Music hits as we are set for our main event tag team main event.

HHH is out next as the crowd goes nuts.

Christian hits the ramp with a mic.

Christian: Now i gave you all hints as to who my partner is. And no HHH he isnt imaginary, although im sure you will be wishing he was. I said that he is a very tall, old friend, who is not yet a member of EoW. What i didnt mention was that he is the only man that has held the WCW, WWE, and ECW championships. Im talking of course about this man.....

JR: Om my gawd king, its the Big Show!

King: Calm down JR i have eyes, i can see who it was. But ill tell you one thing, HHH and Samoa Joe, would have way rather faced Christians imaginary friend. This is the last person that they would want to face.

Christian and Show make their way to the ring as Big Show steps over the top rope. Big show starts it off against Samoa Joe. Joe stares at Show at just looks up at him. Joe bounces off the rope and hits a clothesline that barely nudges show. Joe hits a second clothesline that has hardley any effect as well. He bounces off the rope again, but this time is met by a boot from Show. Show picks joe up and hits a big scoop slam. Joe gets up, Show throws him into the corner and does his patented shhhh chops. Joe falls to the grond in pain. Show hits another scoop slam on Joe and tags in Christian. Show picks up Christian and drops him ontop of Joe for the cover 1..........2....... kickout by Joe. Christian picks up Joe and talks some trash to Joe. Christian bounces off the rope only to be caught by Joe who hits a samoa drop on christian. Show gets in the ring and hits a chokeslam on Joe. HHH gets in and tosses Show to the outside, comes back in and hits a spinebuster on Christian. HHH then goes to the outside to attacks Show and throws him in the ring steps. Joe and Christian are slowly getting to their feet. Joe whips Christian into the turnbuckle and charges, but hits the buckle instead. Christian climbs up top to go for a crossbody but joe catches him at the top, positions him and nails the muscle buster. Joe goes for the pin 1..........2..........3.

Announcer: Here are your winners HHH and Samoa Joe. Joe and HHH celebrate as Show drags Christian out of the ring and helps him up the ramp, as we go off the air.

IC title match is a no contest after the brutal attack on Mysterio by Kennedy
Rated RKo def The Dudleyz to become EoW Tag Champs
HHH and Samoa Joe def The Big Show and Christian Cage
Current Champions:

EoW Champion: Christian Cage

Intercontinental Champion: Mr. Kennedy

EoW Tag Champs: Rated RKO (Randy Orton and Edge)

Eow Womens Champion: Mickie James

Impact Champion: Abyss

Impact Tag Champs: The Hardys

X-Division Champ: Jamie Noble

World Heavieweight Champion: Shawn Micheals

United States Champion: James Storm

World Tag Champs: The James Gang or VKM
Confirmed for Impact:

Big Daddy V vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

Chris Jericho vs. MVP

Jamie Noble vs. Petey Williams

JBL vs. CM Punk for the #1 contendership to the Impact Championship
Borash: Welcome everyone to the first Impact in EoW

West: Thats right and we are coming off the amazing matches that we had at Last Resort, with our new champions.

Borash: Tonight we will have a #1 Contenders match to determine who will face Abyss at All or Nothing, it will be C.M. Punk against JBL.

West: Tonight we're also gonna see the X-Division champion Jamie Noble in action when he faces Petey Williams in a non title match.

Borash: I bet if Petey wins that there wont be a single person who says he cant have a title match against Noble. But thats not all we have tonight, cuz were gonna see the Motor City Machine Guns climb the uphill battle that is...Big Daddy V......

West: Were also gonna see two of the biggest ego's that sports entertainment has ever seen clash in this ring as tonight it will be Chris Jericho against.......

"1.....2....ya hear the clock ticken?....tick tock you about to stop livin....tick tock, i want you to remember me.....tick tock, but the day don't have no memory. IM COMIN!" MVP makes his way down to the ring to face Jericho. MVP grabs a mic

MVP: Now we all know that im one of the greats in this business..... crowd boos... but once again they continue to put me in the ring with these hasbeens. In the words of The Hurricane "Whats up wit that??" Jericho was fired last time i checked, who was the moron that put him back on the payroll?


Jericho has heard enough as he comes out with a mic in hand

Jericho:You know i was backstage reading the card tonight and i read on the board i was facing MVP tonight, and i thought to myself..... havent i seen this somewhere before. Then someone told me what it was "supposed" to stand for in your name, Montel Vontavious Porter.... but im a little skeptical, im not too sure thats your real name. In fact i think its just a cover up for what MVP really stands for. Which quite obviously to me stands for Male Vagina Problems. Do you have male Vagina Problems MVP, are you dressing in the wrong dressing room, should i let the divas know not to slap you if you start changing in there now?

MVP: Why you SOB when you get in this ring i swear on my mother.....

Jericho: Calm down hotcakes, i was only trying to help diagnose your problem

MVP: Me i dont have a problem, but you are about to have one as soon as you get into this ring.

Jericho drops his mic and walks toward the ring. He gets in the ring and MVP starts laying boots into him, Jericho counters and starts nailing some right hands that back MVP up. Jericho backs him into the corner, laying right hands on him and he rolls out of the ring out in front of the announcers. The ref starts the count. MVP gets on the apron and is talking with the ref, when Jericho hits his springboard dropkick that sends MVP into the announce table and onto the ground. The ref is at a 5 count for MVP. Jericho rolls out of the ring which restarts the refs count. He goes over to MVP and picks him up and rolls him in the ring. MVP gets up and hits a knee to Jericho's midsection, followed by a second knee. MVP irish whips Jericho off the ropes and nails a back body drop on Jericho. He goes for the pin 1........2......kickout by Jericho. MVP picks him up and tosses him into the corner. MVP sets up for the big running boot, he charges but Jericho gets out of the way, and MVP racks himself on the ropes. Jericho is in the center of the ring waiting for MVP to turn around, he does and Jericho nails the Codebreaker on him. Jericho bounces off the ropes to hit the Lionsalt, but MVP gets his knees up. The crowd is electrified by this match. The ref starts a double count and they both get up at 7. They exchange blows, MVP kicks Jericho and sets up for the Playmaker... Jericho is able to sweep out MVP's foot and send him to the ground. Jericho bounces off the ropes and hits a bulldog on MVP. Jericho bounces off the rope for the lionsalut again, and he nails it for the 1.......2.......kickout by MVP. Jericho is absolutely livin. Jericho irish whips MVP towards the corner, but MVP counters and sends Jericho into the corner, MVP goes for his big boot, and it connects! MVP goes for the cover 1..........2..........kickout by Jericho. MVP looks devestated, both men are exhausted. MVP picks Jericho up and goes for the playmaker again, but its countered into the Walls of Jericho. Jericho is sitting all the way back on MVP, he is writhing in pain as he crawls towards the ropes. MVP lifts his hand and is about to tap...... but he crawls further and reaches the bottom rope. But Jericho doesnt let go he drags him back to the center of the ring, MVP is screaming in pain now as he tries to make it to the ropes, but cant take the pain anymore so he taps.

Announcer: Here is your winner by submission Chris Jericho!

Borash: Wow this crowd is stunned, that was a PPV worthy match right there, that was insane.

West: Well i bet if anyone thought that Jericho still had ring rust, they better re think that. Jericho just made one hell of a statement. A good showing by MVP as well.
I only posted that one match for a few reasons. For 1 its like 2:30 and im tired, and for two i put quite a bit of detail into that match and the commentary before, i thought it was pretty good, but then again i created it. Ill put the rest of Impact up tomorrow, but i had already typed this so i figured id post it.
We hear the music of vince McMahon, as he makes his way into the arena. McMahon grabs a microphone in the ring.

Vince: Now as i will be unable to make it to every single show, im going to announce the new GM's for each show starting off tonight. So without further ado, the new general manager of Impact...... My son Shane!


Shane comes out with mic in hand

Shane: Thanks pops. Well as my first act as GM of Impact i have been able to come to a deal with the New GM of Smackdown who will be announced shortly. I made a little trade. Umaga will now be departing impact, and in place of him we get..... the animal Batista! And thats not all, because of this new acquisition i am adding Batista to the #1 contenders match tonight, so it will be Batista vs. JBL vs. CM Punk, and the winner to face Abyss at all or nothing.

Shanes music hits as he and Vince exit.

Borash: Well listen to that we have a new GM, and its Shane McMahon.

West: And not only that, he was able to get us Batista, and now were gonna have a three way for the contendership.

Big Daddy V's music hits as we are set for the handicap match. Out next are the Motor City Machine guns as they get the crowed riled up, but soon turn serious as soon as they see BDV in the Ring. The match starts off and both the guns are attacking V. He shoves them off and nails a clothesline of Sabin, then Shelley. Both the guns are down. Sabin is up and starts laying some kicks to the legs of V. Shelley is up, Sabin and Shelley nail a double inzuiguri on V. V is just woozy and doesnt fall. Running clotheline by Shelley, doesnt knock him down, running clothesline by Sabin.... doesnt knock him down. All ther sudden they run in opposite directions, Sabin nails a chopblock to the leg, while shelley hits a spinning heel kick on V, and that sends him down. Sabin goes up top and nails a moonsault on V, Shelley nails a moonsault as well, they both jump on V for the cover....1..........2..........3! BDV is unable to kickout with them both ontop of him.

Announcer: Here are your winners, the Motor City Machine Guns Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin!

Borash: If you would have told me that they would of won this match before it started i would have told you, that you were cazy, but i guess they pulled it out.

West: Yeah to say that was an upset, would probably be an understatement.

Petey Williams makes his way out as he is about to face the X-Division champ, Jamie Noble. Jamie Noble comes out to boos as the titantron shows how Jamie Noble pulled the tights of Jay Lethal to get the win and the X-Division title at Last Resort. We are about to kick off when all the sudden...


Jay Lethal makes his way towards the ring staring at Noble, and Noble doesnt look happy that hes there. Petey Williams attacks noble from behind clubbing noble in the back repeatedly. He irish whips noble towards the ropes, and goes for a clothesline, but misses and Noble starts kicking him in the corner. Petey shoves Noble off and connects with a shoulder block, he picks up Noble and tosses him to the outside. Petey leaps over the ropes and nails a hurricanrana on Noble. Lethal looks like he wants to attack Noble, but doesnt. Petey is back in the ring when Noble slides back in. Petey is kicking him while he is on the ground, Noble makes it to his feet and nails a knee to the sternum of Petey. Noble gets petey on his shoulders to go for the gutbuster, but Lethal gets on the apron and distacts him. Noble turns around to a kick to the sternum by Petey, he sets up and nails the canadian destroyer. He goes for the pin 1.........2........3!

Announcer: Here is your winner Petey Williams.

Lethal gets in the ring and stands over Noble, he picks him up and it looks like he wants to go for the Lethal Combination, but Petey nails Lethal from behind. He sets Lethal up for the Canadian Destroyer, but its blocked,and Lethal nails the Lethal Combination on Petey! Al the sudden Noble is up, and he sets up Lethal and connects with his gutbuster!

Here comes the money hits as Shane O Mac comes out.

Shane: Well it looks like we got a little action goin on in our X-Division, (he looks at the camera) which you can see exclusively here on Impact by the way. So heres whats gonna happen. Noble your going to be defending that title of yours at All or Nothing. But not against just one, but two men. Actually the two men that are in the ring with you, and that match is not going to be contested under normal triple threat rules. Oh no. Because that match is going to be and Ultimate X match! Now while im out here there is some other business that i wanted to address. Last Sunday at Last Resort we saw an amazing tag team contest for the Impact Tag Team titles. But it wasnt exactly the match that impressed me. It was the aftermath, where Morrison and Miz attacked The Hardys backstage. That to me shows assertion, and determination to be the tag team champs. So therefore, i am going to reward Miz and Morrison with a Tornado Tag Team title match against the Hardys.......... tonight! And that match starts..... right now.

Morrison and Miz make their way out, stopping to shake the hand of the new GM Shane McMahon.

West: Well it seems as though our new GM is making it well known that he is the GM. Making an X-Division title match for All or Nothing, and making that tornado tag titles match, right here and now.

The Hardys music hits as the crowd goes crazy for them. They walk out holding their backs from the chair shots they received. They get in the ring as Miz and Morrison attack them, targeting their backs. The bell rings as we are officially underway. Morrison on Jeff, Miz on Matt. Matt shoves Miz off, but Miz keeps coming back. Miz goes to irish whip Matt, but Matt counters and sends Miz into the ropes, and hits a big back body drop on Miz. Morrison sees this and charges Matt, but Matt ducks and starts nailing some right hands on Morrison backing him into the corner. Jeff is up and he goes over to Miz and picks him up and hits a scoop slam. Matt signals Jeff for a Poetry in motion on Morrison, but Miz trips Jeff on the way over, and Matt gets kicked in the midsection by Morrison. Miz calls Morrison over, and they hit a double suplex on Jeff. Matt is up and Miz sees this, he charges Matt only to get a clothesline. Morrison then charges, but Matt sidesteps and sends him to the outside. Matt irish whips Miz into the corner and signals jeff for another try at Poetry in Motion. At the last minute, Miz pulls the referee in the way, and takes him out. Miz rolls out of the ring, and over to help Morrison up. Matt and Jeff simutaniously jump over the ropes, but Miz and Morrison both step out of the way, and Matt and Jeff smack the ground. The ref is still out, so there is no count. Miz and Morrison go to get chairs, they come back over to the hardys and both swing, but miss. The hardys kick them in the sternums, grab the chairs and nail chair shots to them. Matt rolls Morrison in the ring and nails the twist of fate. He goes for the cover but there is still no ref. Miz is up on the outside, and gets in the ring and tosses Matt outside. He irish whips jeff towards the TB, but jeff out of nowhere hits the whipser in the wind on Miz. Morrison is still down in the middle of the ring. Jeff goes up top for the swanton, but Morrison rolls out of the way. Morrison goes up top, and nails a corkscrew moonsault on Jeff. The ref is coming to. He goes for the cover 1.................2.....................3!

Announcer: Here are your winners and New Impact Tag Team Champions John Morrison and The Miz

Borash: Wow, thats really all i have.

West: Yeah that was an intense match, Miz and Morrison tried to bring the chairs in, that backfired, and they still pulled out the victory. Tremendous match.

Miz and Morrison stumble backwards up the ramp with their new gold, as Matt is in the ring checking on Jeff.
Sorry to be posting this in bits and pieces, but i kinda have to run to pick up my bro out of jail. I promise to put alot of detail into the trip threat #1 contendership match though.
Borash: Welcome back to Impact everyone, well we are finally set for our main event, its the match for the number one contendership.

West: Thats right Jeremy, and thanks to our new GM Shane O Mac, we now have the Animal Batista in this match to make it a three way dance. Lets get this thing started.


Batista comes out to a good ovation from the crowd, his pyro goes off and he heads to the ring.


CM Punks music hits as the crowd pops for him. He comes out and gets the crowd riled up on his way to the ring.


JBL's limo emerges onto the stage. The driver opens his door, and JBL gets out. The crowd boos, as JBL does his Longhorn pose to the crowd. He gets in the ring.

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a triple threat no disqualification match to determine the number one contender to Abyss's Imapt Championship at All or Nothing. First coming from Washington, D.C. he is the Animal Batista. Next up he comes from Chicago, IL. He is the straight edge superstar, C.M. Punk. And lastly he now resides in New York City, NY. The self proclaimed Wrestling God J.B.L John Bradshaw Layfield.

The announcer exits as we are about to get underway......


Abyss emerges onto the stage as all the competitors stare at him as he makes his way ringside.

Borash: Look Don, i guess Abyss wants to scout his possible opponents for All or Nothing

West: I guess your right, but i can assure you that with Abyss out here, nobody is safe.

All 3 men in the ring are still staring down Abyss, all the sudden JBL attacks Punk from behind as the bell rings, and we have officially started. JBL is clubbing away at Punk, when Batista comes and rips him off, nailing some right hands. JBL counters and tries to irish whip Batista towards the ropes, Batista counters and sends JBL into the ropes. Punk is up and he and Batista hit a double atomic drop on JBL. It looks as though Batista and Punk are gonna double team JBL for the time being. Tista picks JBL up and tosses him in the corner, he and Punk take turn nailing shots on him. Tista nails a clothsline on JBL in the corner that sends him to the ground. Punk starts nailing some boots to JBL as Batista exchanges words(or lack there of) with Abyss. Punk and Tista hit a double suplex on JBL, adn punk goes for the pin, but Batista pulls him off. Batista and Punk exchange words for a few minutes, before Batista sends punk over the top rope to the outside. JBL is up and hits a clothesline from behind on Batista. JBL picks him up and hits a fallaway slam on him. He goes for the cover 1.........2......kickout by Batista. JBL is enraged at the referee. Punk is back n the ring and rolls JBL up for the 1........2......kickout by JBL. Punk gets up and turns around right into a spinebuster by Batista. Batista doesnt go for the cover because JBL is on his heels, Batista goes to irish whip JBL towards the ropes, JBL counters and sends Batista to the ropes. Abyss gets on the apron as Batista is going towards the ropes and the rope gets pulled down sending Batista outside. Punk is up and sets JBL up for the GTS, but JBL counters and hits a big powerbomb on Punk. He goes for the pin 1...........2........kickout by Punk. On the outside Batista is up and gets right in Abyss's face. Batista starts nailing right hands on Abyss, backing him up towards the barricade. Batista backs up and hits a big spear on him which sends him, and Abyss through it into the crowd. Back in the ring JBL picks punk up, and sends him into the turnbuckle, but Punk moves out of the way, and Punk hits his running knee in the corner on JBL, followed by the bulldog. He goes for the pin 1..........2.......kickout again by JBL. Punk goes to the outside to do his flying forearm, JBL is up and Punk jumps off, but JBL sees it coming and hits a Clothesline from Hell in Mid air on Punk. He goes for the cover 1.........2.........3! Batista tried to make the save, but he was too late.

Announcer: Here is yor winner and new #1 Contender J.B.L. John Bradshaw Layfield.

Batista goes after JBL, but JBL slides out of the ring and is posing while the crowd is erupting in boos. Batista is irate as we go off the air.

Chris Jericho def MVP
The Motor City Machine Guns def Big Daddy V
John Morrison and The Miz def. The Hardyz to become New Impact Tag Team Champions
Petey Williams def Jamie Noble
JBL def CM Punk and Batista to become #1 Contender to the Impact Championship.
Confirmed for All or Nothing:

EoW Championship- Christian(c) vs. Samoa Joe

World Heavieweight Championship- Shawn Micheals(c) vs. Kurt Angle

Impact Championship- Abyss(c) vs. JBL

X-Division Championship, Ultimate X Match- Jamie Noble(c) vs. Jay Lethal vs. Petey Williams

Awesome Kong vs. ODB

Scott Steiner vs. The Undertaker
Confirmed for SD:
Undertaker confronts Scott Steiner

U.S. Title Match- James Storm vs. Shelton Benjamin

Sharmell vs. Karen Angle

We learn the identity of Smackdown's new GM
We go live and the pyro exploads on stage for Smackdown. We kick it over to Micael Cole.

Cole: Welcome everyone to what is sure to be a historic Friday night Smackdown. I am especially excited because tonight we bring the band back together as i am joined by my old broadcasting partner Taz.

Taz: Thanks Cole. An exciting night we got tonight, this crowd is pumped, im pumped its great. Im also hearing that we ae about to find the identity of our new GM, in a matter of moments Cole....

Vinces music hits as he heads out onto the ramp

Vince: Vince McMahon making history again, what else is new? I made history last night in naming my son Shane as the new GM of Impct, and I will make history again tonight as I name the new GM of Smackdown. This person shouldnt be much of a suprise, seeing as how they have been the GM of this show already in the past. Who am I talking about? Its my daughter Stephanie!


Steph somes out and gives her dad a hug.

Steph: Thanks dad i really appreciate this. I have some great ideas to make Smackdown the most popular show in EoW. This started last week when i made a little deal withmy brother Shane over at Imact giving him Batista, to inquire the services of the samoan bulldozer, Umaga! This week an equally big trade has been made, this time with the new GM of Raw. Sadly Bobby Lashley will be leaving us here on Smackdown, but in return for him we get the man who loves to fight Finlay! And Hornsoggle!

Vince and Steph embrace again and exit the arena.

Cole: Did you hit that Taz? Bobby Lashley is no longer a member of the Smackdown roster.

Taz: What did i turn deaf all of the sudden Cole? Of course i heard it, but we got one hell of a tough irish bastard Finlay to replace him, and ill take that.


Shawn comes out to a huge pop, he poses for the crowd with his newly won WHC belt. He gets in the ring and grabs a mic.

Shawn: What is up how we doin on this first night of Smackdown in EoW? Wow is it hot in her? Oh wait, its probably just the heat of the lights shining off this new piece of harware i got goin on here. I dont kinow if you all have held this thing but it is HEAVY. I mean everyone knows i have knee problems, but now back problems come on. Yeah it hurts, but somebody's gotta hold it, and damn if it doesnt look good on me..... crowd pops for Michaels.....


The crowd is in a stunned silence as Cena comes out in his old gear, and a mic. Shawn just has a confused look on his face staring at Cena. Cena gets in the ring and just stares at Shawn.

Cena: Whats up Heart Break Kid? You say you having some back problems cuz of that gold? Well why dont you let me help you out? Let me get a title match and that will be the end of your worries.

HBK: ...........(lloks out at crowd) Did we just happen to go through a time portal? I mean what happened? Does everyone else see this, i wanna make sure im not sleeping.....good....ok. (back to Cena) Whats the dealio Cena? Hows it Crackin these days? You get tired of the fans booin you so you just went back to the last gimmick that got you cheers? (crowd laughs)


This brings out Angle, and the crowd chants you suck along to his theme song as he and Karen make their way to the ring.

Kurt: Cena i dont know what your deal is, but i recall me beating you and five other losers at Last Resort to become the #1 contender so i dont see you being anywhere near the title picture.

Cena: And as i recall you beat Batista, not me. So you best get your facts straight before you step to me fool.

Angle:........(thinking about it for a while) Cena you best check yourself, before you wreck yourself! (looks back to Karen for approval, then smiles at what he said)

Cena doesnt even respond he just starts nailing right hands on Angle, Angle starts countering and goes for an Angle Slam, but its countered into an FU by Cena. Cena then turns around right into a sweet chin music by HBK.

Stephanie comes out to the ramp with mic in hand.

Steph: Normally i wouldnt do this, but because of this just being the start of EoW, and i like the chemistry of all three guys in the ring, im gonna make it a triple threat match at All or Nothing for the WHC. This way we will be ensured to blow Raw's, and Impact's main events out of the water!

Cole: Wow what an announcement by our new GM stephanie! Completely disregarding Angle and Shawn's one on one contest at All or Nothing, now throwing Cena into the mix.

Taz: I gotta give props to Steph, thats a smart move. Draw more attention to our main event so that more fans tune into Smackdwon. I like it.

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