The Death of Kayfabe will be the death of WWE

It's a misnomer to say Kayfabe dying kills the business - if it were true, the business would be dead already.

As someone said, people accept it and "come along for the ride" just the same as their favourite TV show or movie. Kayfabe was dying as early as 1987, the moment that Vince decided he didn't want to be bound by athletic commissions...

What could kill WWE is the lack of real competition for them - it's already costing them ratings not having that rivalry that once propelled the business as a whole.

NXT is a short term fix, as it's inevitable that the cream of their crop will rise and there isn't an endless supply of Balors, Joes, Apollos and the like... for every Indy darling they sign and who goes to the top, there are 20 toiling like Enzo and Cass, Lefort, Alexa Bliss and Bull Dempsey... Who are never gonna make it in WWE - CJ Parker proved it, he had to pull the old "quitting the business" schtick to get an unconditional release and went straight to NJPW... is it underhanded, probably, but no more underhanded than putting that someone can't go there in a developmental deal.

Somehow there needs to be some excitement back into the business as a whole, that comes from someone ponying up big money and taking Vince on again - I wouldn't be shocked if a lot of the Matt Hardy love they've shown lately is with that in mind... if TNA rises from the ashes under Hardy then they have some interest in that - If he does well but TNA still folds, then he's an easy pick up for them... but I think now it's come down to the wire, Vince knows TNA disappearing is bad for business.
Well, if kayfabe in every sense of the word were to die than it wouldn't be pro-wrestling, it would be a crappier version of UFC. So yes with the death of kayfabe goes the death of pro-wrestling. But for all intents and purposes, kayfabe in the general sense (real vs. scripted) died long ago and wrestling is fine. Just because people know it's scripted doesn't mean much. It all rests in WWE's ability to suspend our disbelief.

So in a sense you're right. If wrestlers were to come out of the curtain, act exactly like themselves and actually beat the crap out of each other just because they're scheduled to, pro-wrestling dies. But that will never happen. Which is why you're also wrong (in my opinion).

You sir are an idiot I would much prefer if the wrestlers acted like Athletes and not comedians or actors or performers! Athletes or Superstars is fine and pro wrestling will be back when kayfabe ( gayfabe) disappears
Scripting is killing the sport and although I doubt UFC is scripted like you people mention they got the fan base and PPVs and White is a multi billionaire. Let is be the death of wwe I used to like it till he turned it into a live cartoon circus reality crap show! Many fans already are sick of wwe and bored. Mc Moron killed WCW and he bought his competition just to get back at them for what they did he is a narcissistic self absorbed conceited individual cause he likes revenge and power. Pro wrestling lives if they acted like themselves and beat the crap out of each cause the 50's -70's was like that and it will happen cause UFC and NFL is kicking mc morons cartoon federation! Fans have adverted and converted elsewhere so when wwe decides to get back their fans and do some realistic sport and have the titles count for something then they won t die! RIP wwe !
Mc Moron killed WCW and he bought his competition just to get back at them for what they did he is a narcissistic self absorbed conceited individual cause he likes revenge and power.

I would like you to tell me one company - in ANY business - that wouldn't buy out their biggest rival if they had the chance, ESPECIALLY at the bargain rate Vince got WCW for? I assure you that you would struggle to find one. It's nothing to do with ego or revenge, it is business.

The NBA once had a rival, the ABA. They merged together, but the NBA name is the one that lives on so effectively they bought out their rival, integrating their team into one big organisation. Like WWE, they have suffered with fluctuating audiences, especially when a dearth of talent was coming through around the turn of the Millenium, but are now very strong again.

The Super Bowl, the biggest one-off sporting event in the world, financial and in terms of audience, did that not start as a championship game between two competing organisations (NFL and AFL) are now all under one umbrella, the NFL

Point is, none of these acquisitions and mergers are historically recorded as spite or revenge purchases; they are correctly seen as business acquisitions. Vince may have an on-screen complex about WCW, but in terms of actually buying the company, he took an opportunity that few, if any, would pass up.

*sorry to go off-topic*
You sir are an idiot I would much prefer if the wrestlers acted like Athletes and not comedians or actors or performers! Athletes or Superstars is fine and pro wrestling will be back when kayfabe ( gayfabe) disappears
Scripting is killing the sport and although I doubt UFC is scripted like you people mention they got the fan base and PPVs and White is a multi billionaire. Let is be the death of wwe I used to like it till he turned it into a live cartoon circus reality crap show! Many fans already are sick of wwe and bored. Mc Moron killed WCW and he bought his competition just to get back at them for what they did he is a narcissistic self absorbed conceited individual cause he likes revenge and power. Pro wrestling lives if they acted like themselves and beat the crap out of each cause the 50's -70's was like that and it will happen cause UFC and NFL is kicking mc morons cartoon federation! Fans have adverted and converted elsewhere so when wwe decides to get back their fans and do some realistic sport and have the titles count for something then they won t die! RIP wwe !

Well first of all, thank you for calling me sir. The respect is much appreciated Mr. Excrement. I believe you should learn how to use a period if you're going to rant like an idiot though.

You're whole post is a baseless rant as you don't seem to be able to comprehend the fact that it's impossible to bring kayfabe back to where it was in the 50's and 70s. "Yeah, let's have everybody act like themselves and wrestle 20 minute matches full of rest holds, armbars, and body slams again!" Never mind the fact that everybody already KNOWS it's scripted so that idea would be the dumbest thing to ever happen to pro-wrestling at this point. What you are describing is UFC. So guess what? GO WATCH UFC. I swear this site should have a screening process. The morons seem to be coming in droves.
I would like you to tell me one company - in ANY business - that wouldn't buy out their biggest rival if they had the chance, ESPECIALLY at the bargain rate Vince got WCW for? I assure you that you would struggle to find one. It's nothing to do with ego or revenge, it is business.

The NBA once had a rival, the ABA. They merged together, but the NBA name is the one that lives on so effectively they bought out their rival, integrating their team into one big organisation. Like WWE, they have suffered with fluctuating audiences, especially when a dearth of talent was coming through around the turn of the Millenium, but are now very strong again.

The Super Bowl, the biggest one-off sporting event in the world, financial and in terms of audience, did that not start as a championship game between two competing organisations (NFL and AFL) are now all under one umbrella, the NFL

Point is, none of these acquisitions and mergers are historically recorded as spite or revenge purchases; they are correctly seen as business acquisitions. Vince may have an on-screen complex about WCW, but in terms of actually buying the company, he took an opportunity that few, if any, would pass up.

*sorry to go off-topic*

Why defend mc moron for? It was for business for pleasure for him so he can make all WCW wrestlers job to the devil and ruin them. TNA doesn't go that route unlike wwe and WCW never try to ruin another brand but put them over what has Vinnie mc moron done what I guessed along destroy STING and he got his ecstatic wish
Well first of all, thank you for calling me sir. The respect is much appreciated Mr. Excrement. I believe you should learn how to use a period if you're going to rant like an idiot though.

You're whole post is a baseless rant as you don't seem to be able to comprehend the fact that it's impossible to bring kayfabe back to where it was in the 50's and 70s. "Yeah, let's have everybody act like themselves and wrestle 20 minute matches full of rest holds, armbars, and body slams again!" Never mind the fact that everybody already KNOWS it's scripted so that idea would be the dumbest thing to ever happen to pro-wrestling at this point. What you are describing is UFC. So guess what? GO WATCH UFC. I swear this site should have a screening process. The morons seem to be coming in droves.

Mr Idiotic Ignorant moron get off you childish live cartoon show and face the facts wrestling is dead cause mc moron killed it long time ago to avoid prison and paying permits! Your wwe is the worst wrestling excrement product and excrements like you who don t grow up and realise the sport of wrestling revolves action not stupid storyline soap operas so yes rest holds, arm bars and body slams draw audiences Ignorant! Get out of your bubble world and quit staying in your parents basement playing with wwe dolls!
ROH and TNA is just the remainder of that action people want to see not stupidity !
Mr Idiotic Ignorant moron get off you childish live cartoon show and face the facts wrestling is dead cause mc moron killed it long time ago to avoid prison and paying permits! Your wwe is the worst wrestling excrement product and excrements like you who don t grow up and realise the sport of wrestling revolves action not stupid storyline soap operas so yes rest holds, arm bars and body slams draw audiences Ignorant! Get out of your bubble world and quit staying in your parents basement playing with wwe dolls!
ROH and TNA is just the remainder of that action people want to see not stupidity !

This guy. He's either got severe autism or is trolling. TNA is absolute garbage and has been WWE-lite for several years now, it's a far worse product and the fact that they are very close to going out of business completely is a good sign that no one wants to see it and that's coming from someone who was a big TNA fan for years.

Pro Wrestling isn't a sport, it's a form of athletic theater. Whilst I agree to some extent that wrestling matches should have a degree of realism, the drama and theater is what matters

Yes actual body slams and armbars do draw audiences in mixed martial arts. WWE is not a mixed martial arts company. If you want to watch MMA, watch it but don't watch pro wrestling and then criticise it for not being MMA. That just shows you lack the ability to think in context

ROH is a great little promotion but it doesn't make alot of money or have a widespread audience, so again, it's not what the majority of fans want to see. NXT has replicated some of Ring of Honor's style to some extent so WWE are taking notice of that part of the audience. NXT is a better overall product than ROH.

If you aren't a wrestling fan and don't want to see WWE succeed then why would you be posting on a WWE thread on a wrestling forum?
This guy. He's either got severe autism or is trolling. TNA is absolute garbage and has been WWE-lite for several years now, it's a far worse product and the fact that they are very close to going out of business completely is a good sign that no one wants to see it and that's coming from someone who was a big TNA fan for years.

Pro Wrestling isn't a sport, it's a form of athletic theater. Whilst I agree to some extent that wrestling matches should have a degree of realism, the drama and theater is what matters

Yes actual body slams and armbars do draw audiences in mixed martial arts. WWE is not a mixed martial arts company. If you want to watch MMA, watch it but don't watch pro wrestling and then criticise it for not being MMA. That just shows you lack the ability to think in context

ROH is a great little promotion but it doesn't make alot of money or have a widespread audience, so again, it's not what the majority of fans want to see. NXT has replicated some of Ring of Honor's style to some extent so WWE are taking notice of that part of the audience. NXT is a better overall product than ROH.

If you aren't a wrestling fan and don't want to see WWE succeed then why would you be posting on a WWE thread on a wrestling forum?

Mr Autistic or wwe troller!
Your so called wwe had ex UFC stars once upon a time and used MMA like Ken Shamrock , Dan Severn and Brock Lesner who is MMA fighter now
Nxt is low class junk that doesn t measure up to ROH and TNA
And idiotic ignorant morons like you will always hang on the excrement product which I call it cause you prefer soap operas storylines that fans are tuning out and fed up off the product. Maybe if MMA fighters invaded wwe it can be saved as the only realistic storyline but other than that
I am sure if we created a survey poll fans would rather watch action than stupidity and comedy! If I want to laugh I ll watch comedy if I want soap opera crap I ll watch another program for that! Wrestling is a sport and it hasn t been banned from the Olympics . Pro Wrestling needs to be competitive and serious and not into this mockery of ruining it cause some mc moron wants to not pay for permits! Another thing wwe trolls like you have been saying and quit saying it !
" TNA is going out of business" your wwf was once small too and so was WCW and it takes time for these companies to reach it's full maximum potential!
TNA is not going anywhere maybe switching networks wwe switched networks hundreds of times so STFU about TNA it's like a broken record with you!
TNA is the place where wwe rejects end up so they can be noticed how mc moron buries talent he has a huge roster and half of them are not used rather like benchwarmers doing F&*( all! TNA doesn't bury talent like wwe has done with many including STING who will end up back in TNA trust me!
TNA is not going anywhere so keep dreaming and hoping and pray Mc Moron will bury them it won't happen! Not even in your dreams! :)
Mr Autistic or wwe troller!
Your so called wwe had ex UFC stars once upon a time and used MMA like Ken Shamrock , Dan Severn and Brock Lesner who is MMA fighter now
Nxt is low class junk that doesn t measure up to ROH and TNA
And idiotic ignorant morons like you will always hang on the excrement product which I call it cause you prefer soap operas storylines that fans are tuning out and fed up off the product. Maybe if MMA fighters invaded wwe it can be saved as the only realistic storyline but other than that
I am sure if we created a survey poll fans would rather watch action than stupidity and comedy! If I want to laugh I ll watch comedy if I want soap opera crap I ll watch another program for that! Wrestling is a sport and it hasn t been banned from the Olympics . Pro Wrestling needs to be competitive and serious and not into this mockery of ruining it cause some mc moron wants to not pay for permits! Another thing wwe trolls like you have been saying and quit saying it !
" TNA is going out of business" your wwf was once small too and so was WCW and it takes time for these companies to reach it's full maximum potential!
TNA is not going anywhere maybe switching networks wwe switched networks hundreds of times so STFU about TNA it's like a broken record with you!
TNA is the place where wwe rejects end up so they can be noticed how mc moron buries talent he has a huge roster and half of them are not used rather like benchwarmers doing F&*( all! TNA doesn't bury talent like wwe has done with many including STING who will end up back in TNA trust me!
TNA is not going anywhere so keep dreaming and hoping and pray Mc Moron will bury them it won't happen! Not even in your dreams! :)

Firstly, I'm a fan of pro wrestling not just WWE, I consider myself a fan of TNA, Ring of Honor, New Japan and some indies and I watch a AAA PPV once or twice a year.

I'm just pointing out that sadly, TNA's current product is horrible and the fact they keep losing network deals and most of their top guys and going to lesser networks and have declining ratings and are at this point very close to closing up shop. I'd like TNA to keep going and thrive but the people running the company have run it into the ground the last several years, it's not a WWE vs TNA thing

You stated Brock Lensar is now an MMA fighter. Brock Lesnar is not a current MMA fighter. He hasn't had an MMA fight since 2011 (almost 4 years) and was a pro wrestler before MMA anyway, so you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. As for Shamrock and Dan Severn, MMA wasn't popular enough at the time of their WWE runs to suggest WWE were cashing in on their "UFC fame"

NXT absolutely pisses all over the current TNA product and whilst I like ROH - NXT is clearly the better product in that case too, better production values, better talent from all over the world, the NXT takeover events are done extremely well.

I don't love everything the main WWE brand does, I think Smackdown is currently a waste and needs attention, there is some bad booking and storylines but overall I still enjoy WWE overall and support the company. I would like to see more simplicity in the storytelling and more quality matches on TV so I agree with you there.

I have no idea what you are talking about with permits, to my knowledge WWE still have to have permits and licenses to hold their events in most U.S states.............

Wrestling is an Olympic sport. PRO WRESTLING isn't.

Al I can gather from your incoherent ramblings is you "love TNA" but seem to hate pro wrestling..........which doesn't make sense. What I think you are really looking for is MMA, seeing as you don't like "soap opera" storylines and want wrestling to be competitive and more serious,

Try UFC, they probably do reduced price tickets for mentally disabled people - give them a call

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