The Daniel Bryan Heel Turn...


The United Kingdom Champion
I think that Bryan will turn heel before he does become WHC because if he was to be a face champion on SD who does he go up against Mark henry?!?! Christian wouldn't be a bad fued at all but dosen't have that star power.Or if he was to cash in on Randy i think the kids/Women will Boo the shit out of Bryan which will get him heat anyway.He is great in the ring,and isn't as bad on the mic as what people say.If he was to go heel he would remind of a Kurt Angle.He reminds me of him in every sence (just my opnion) and could play the same charcater Kurt Angle did.

This is how i would book it:
With the losing streak DB is on (excluding supertstars) I would make him lose a match to Sin cara and then they go shake hands after the match,Daniel Bryan is frustrated that he is on a losing streak and that he lost to Sin Cara,then he does a brutal beat down on Cara.Next week have him cut a great heel promo which gets him Major heat.He could say that he is the best in the WWE and nobody can hang with him and he can truly make anyone tap out.Have another face come out only to get beat down by Bryan again.At A Pay Per View have Orton retain the title by DQ because lets say Henry beats him down with a steel chair,steps ETC......have him cash in on Randy and beat him down after and he gets a mic and take the piss out of him.

Thoughts on this?
Honestly, I don't see Daniel Bryan turning heel between now and WrestleMania. I think WWE will eventually start building Bryan to be a threat for the World Heavyweight Championship and win it at The Big Show. But, I think a Bryan heel turn will happen after he wins the title. I see that heel turn as a slow build with Bryan eventually taking it out on the fans in the building. A heel Bryan is what WWE will need come mid-2012.
I don't mean to pick on the post starter, but in general, there are lots of "turn this guy heel" ideas. Why not just evolve the character the way it is?

His size and skillset is HARD to make into a heel. He sells well, he's small, and has firey comebacks. That's basically a recipe for a good babyface, just evolve his current character a bit.

And yes, I saw all of his ROH stuff. Literally, all of it, lots of it in person, so don't feed me "watch ROH if you don't think he can be heel". ROH is a totally different environment and who are we kidding? Even when doing heel things, he was a face.
I have said this time and again but I'll say it once more in here. I Daniel Bryan turns heel, then the whole storyline that the WWE is doing with Bryan will crumble into pieces.

Daniel Bryan is the underdog here. Everyone believes that he just isn't good enough. On top of that people think that he is stupid as well because he has announced when he would cash in on his MITB contract. Bryan is basically on a mission to prove everyone wrong. He wants to show that the MITB briefcase can be used in an honorable way as well, as a method to fulfill dreams rather than cheat one's way to victory.

If he turns heel, all the good work that has been done so far by the WWE will be undone. Bryan turning heel will basically prove that the smug heels were berating Bryan in the first place were right all along and that Bryan does not have what it takes to be a champion. If Bryan wins, on the other hand, at WrestleMania as a face, it will be a tremendous feel good moment and will elevate Bryan immensely.
Daniel Bryan is at a strange point in his career with the WWE. If Bryan doesn't cash in his Money in The Bank at Wrestlemania you just set yourself a future main-eventer. This would put D-Bry at the upper card waiting for his time to be in the main-event. You can't make D-Bry a heel right now or anytime soon. If you were to do that Daniel Bryan would have to cash in his Money in the Bank on a Uber-face champion, and currently the only face to be anywhere near the World Heavy-Weight Championship is Randy Orton. If Daniel Bryan were to cash in on Orton and become a World champion at Night of Champions. You're simply killing any chance of growing his character and letting him craft his personalty so a Heel turn would be much more exciting. Daniel Bryan cashing it now and turning heel would run out of gas very quickly.

Why does the thought of turning good faces into heel cause some of the IWC so eager to post it on a forum? Some wrestlers are better off staying face. You might have also thought turning John Cena heel were to be a good idea as well at some point in time right? Or even better, Rey Mysterio?
Can anyone please explain to me what thing of value Daniel Bryan has done during his career that warrants him getting this push, let alone the possibility of possibly becoming a future WWE champion. This is not a joke, im very serious, honestly what big time feuds has Bryan engaged in that show he is capable of being a main event player ? Did I miss something or did he actually somewhere along the line actually learn to cut great promos. Outside of beating Miz for the US title what exactly has Bryan done in the last year in a half that says reward this guy with the strap ?
Can anyone please explain to me what thing of value Daniel Bryan has done during his career that warrants him getting this push, let alone the possibility of possibly becoming a future WWE champion. This is not a joke, im very serious, honestly what big time feuds has Bryan engaged in that show he is capable of being a main event player ? Did I miss something or did he actually somewhere along the line actually learn to cut great promos. Outside of beating Miz for the US title what exactly has Bryan done in the last year in a half that says reward this guy with the strap ?

Do the pops from the fans not count? The fans are into him already and he is more than capable of working with the current main eventers of the WWE. Bryan doesn't need to have accomplished anything lately because he is being built to be an "absolute underdog" at this point. He is supposed to look good in his matches yet he needs to lose them so it is less believable that he'll win at WrestleMania.

Promos? I'm not touching this subject. Youtube "Bryan Danielson promo".

On to the topic.... As I stated before, Bryan needs to stay face at least until he becomes Champion. After that? He could turn heel, or stay face. I do think he does make a better face with his current "WWE gimmick."
Can anyone please explain to me what thing of value Daniel Bryan has done during his career that warrants him getting this push, let alone the possibility of possibly becoming a future WWE champion. This is not a joke, im very serious, honestly what big time feuds has Bryan engaged in that show he is capable of being a main event player ? Did I miss something or did he actually somewhere along the line actually learn to cut great promos. Outside of beating Miz for the US title what exactly has Bryan done in the last year in a half that says reward this guy with the strap ?

Well.. His Bragging Rights match with Dolph Ziggler was "match of the year" according to and I think it would be considered somewhat of a classic in 10 years time. He made an epic return on Summerslam in the main event last year. And finally he won the Money in the Bank ladder match. Not to mention he's one of the most talented guys on the roster. His promo cutting would be pretty good if they gave him interesting stuff to say like his NXT shoot promo with Michael Cole.

About a Bryan heel turn I don't think it's needed especially right now considering the lack of midcard faces on the Smackdown roster. Maybe in a year or two but I don't think it's necessary right now.

If I could book a Bryan heel turn I'd make a Bryan/Punk program just like the Miz/Cena program in 2009. Just let Bryan come out and say that he's "The best in the world" and that CM Punk is nothing compared to him. Meanwhile Punk is too busy in a big time feud. So Bryan keeps on insulting Punk in promos saying that he's spineless coward with no balls until Punk finishes the with his feud and finally responds to Bryan. This could make for a great program and some great matches. Now I think they majority of the fans would cheer Punk. So as a result Bryan says the fans turned on him and because of that he's turning on them. Then he can say "The American Dragon has arrived" and there you have it his new gimmick the heel "American Dragon" Daniel Bryan.
I recall Flair jobbing a tonne before his very last run where he won like crazy. I am sure Bryan will start winning a lot of matches with his finisher and build to WM. Bryan is the type of person who doesn't look bad losing so right now let him battle top guys and lose. As for a heel turn have him team with Orton in a tag match and when they lose he cashes in the MITB briefcase and wins the belt. He will be dispised for doing that and will be instantly a heel.
I could see him turning heel, but I'd expect it to come with his cash in. Him just turning slowly before then could be interesting, but I don't see WWE passing up on using the shock factor of him cashing in when he said he'd do it much later. I know Bryan would be a much better worker as a heel, both in the ring and on the mic, but he's starting to get a good reaction from the crowd lately. Not in his match with Christian on Smackdown, due to being in Canada, but the last month or so before that the crowd's been firmly behind him. Or maybe their better at editing in crowd noise than I've noticed. Let him stay face for some time. If he's not getting over fairly big by the end of the year, it might be a good time to turn him.
Do the pops from the fans not count? The fans are into him already and he is more than capable of working with the current main eventers of the WWE. Bryan doesn't need to have accomplished anything lately because he is being built to be an "absolute underdog" at this point. He is supposed to look good in his matches yet he needs to lose them so it is less believable that he'll win at WrestleMania.

Promos? I'm not touching this subject. Youtube "Bryan Danielson promo".

On to the topic.... As I stated before, Bryan needs to stay face at least until he becomes Champion. After that? He could turn heel, or stay face. I do think he does make a better face with his current "WWE gimmick."

He really doesn't get pops from the crowd though, and that's part of the problem. When watching Smackdown you can here the added in 'pops' if you will, where at PPV's it's dead silent.

You say the fans are really into him, i think it's completely the opposite, they really aren't that into him at all.
Do the pops from the fans not count? The fans are into him already and he is more than capable of working with the current main eventers of the WWE. Bryan doesn't need to have accomplished anything lately because he is being built to be an "absolute underdog" at this point. He is supposed to look good in his matches yet he needs to lose them so it is less believable that he'll win at WrestleMania.

Promos? I'm not touching this subject. Youtube "Bryan Danielson promo".

On to the topic.... As I stated before, Bryan needs to stay face at least until he becomes Champion. After that? He could turn heel, or stay face. I do think he does make a better face with his current "WWE gimmick."

The point im getting at is simple, once the WWE gives you "MITB" it is pretty much a lock they you will be champion. All im saying is, unless the company sees something I and other fans don't, I don't know what Bryan has done in his very average wwe career to have earned a guaranteed spot for greatness. Besides who actually believes he wont win, everyone else who has won mitb has won the strap. If WWE was going to have him lose, which I actually support, why would they embarrass him at WM of all places. To have him look like a loser months and then all of a sudden win the championship is a joke. All that underdog crap undercuts the stature of the belt. It says mediocrity can succeed in a place where only the best are allowed. Besides if he is as hot with the crowd as you claim, which i have yet see, making him lose all the time will cool him off with the fans and by the time WM rolls around who knows if Bryan will be in any better standing with the crowd all these months later. And im not going to look to the past to see what he is capable of on the mic. The past is the past, if he can cut it in that area, then why not just do it now, prove all the doubters wrong. It seems like WWE is just doing this because its different and unexpected, that certainly dosent make it the right decision atleast imo. I like Daniel Bryan, he is easily one of the best wrestlers on the roster, but in my old school way of thinking he hasnt done anything to prove he is worthy of such a reward and he certainly isnt being built to the right way to make him look like a legit contender.
I do not think that Bryan needs to be a heel. He is being built up for a HUGE moment at Wrestlemania where he will make history by being the first to cash in there. That type of moment belongs to a face. The issue of who he would face is not something to worry about. There's Christian, Barrett, and even other faces like Orton or Sheamus who will want title shots. That being said, if I was booking a heel turn then I would have Bryan get frustrated with his losses and begin taking his anger out by putting people in submission holds mercilessly. This could still work because they need to continue building him into a submissions machine whether he is a face or a heel and keep showcasing what he can do.
I say you need to keep Bryan face. WWE just need to keep him relevant until WM. If D Bry cashes in before WM he's going to be screwed as a champion because he has no one to feud with on Smackdown minus Randy Orton. If Bryan cashes in at WM he only has to go a month in a feud before the WWE draft and potentially a fresh feud. I say the reason Bryan isn't working as a face because he can't get the crowd behind him. His music isn't exciting and doesn't get the crowd pumped. Any of the pop that Bryan does get is canned noise which has been post edited into Smackdown. and his moves don't get the crowd pumped unfortunately. I'm not criticizing his in ring ability but his moves don't wow the crowd the same way that other wrestlers can. But I feel as long as you keep Bryan healthy and relevant going into WM he should do well as a face WHC
This was going in a thread which was arbitrarily removed, so here, I'll just slot it in here like a puzzle piece which sort of fits:

I'm not all that strongly opposed to what they're doing with him now. The whole "You don't have any personality - here, take this glitter and this CD of stock music we found in the old WCW offices" aspect isn't something I'm a fan of, no. The bit where they give me ten to fifteen minutes to put on a good match with someone every week; I'm down with that. Some people - you know; idiots, morons, those born with serious birth defects - would class competitive, entertaining matches with former and current world champions burial, just because Bryan didn't pick up a W. I, however, was born with few specific birth defects.
I'm going to add two more things...

1) I could be wrong about the Bryan chants. It could be just me and my friends and the people around us that cheered for Bryan. So, I was basing my Bryan pops on that, and I'll admit he doesn't get the big "pops" I assumed he had. So, I apologize for that.

2) The Daniel Bryan storyline where he loses matches isn't going to last until WrestleMania. I should have stated so. Bryan is going to go out look strong, yet lose. But I'm guessing that will end around TLC. From there, Bryan will get the slow push to World Heavyweight Champion material. Maybe in a few months we could discuss if he'll be a credible champion or not. Maybe I'm wrong about that, too, but I see his losing "streak" changing into a "winning" streak in December.
I could see him turning heel just like how CM Punk did when he cashed in on Jeff Hardy back at Extreme Rules 2009, after Punk won that match, his heel turn started to build up, who knows they can do the same thing with Daniel Bryan
If they were gonna turn Daniel Bryan, then they missed their opportunity with the live SD. It would have been the right time for him to cash in after the Orton/Christian cage match. Especially when Mark Henry attacked Orton after the match, I was thinking he might cash in on Orton. I personally don't see what would be so bad about him turning heel. It would guarantee him becoming WHC or WWE Champion, plus it would give him a chance to blast all his critics. I know I'd love to see Daniel Bryan shred Michael Cole to bits for burying him since he debuted in WWE.

I know alot of folks wanna see him remain face and wait until WM to cash in, but that kinda goes against the whole concept of the MITB breifcase. Judging from the few times he's talked on the mic, I think he could more than hold his own as a heel. As far as the size issue, being the honorable underdog is good material for a face, but it's also a perfect reason to turn him heel. If he uses the size issue to berate the fans and WWE for keeping him out of WWE for years, it might be an interesting storyline.
Just by what WWE posted on their exclusive last night, that at least shows me that Daniel Bryan deserves to be a heel, and if he were to turn, he would be able to get considerable heat especially if he were to cash in his briefcase on whoever is the champion directly after the Cell match and that Bryan wins his cash-in match and says he lied to everybody and that he wasn't seriously going to cash it in at Mania, because he will be coming into Mania as the champion defending his title. If that scenario were to indeed happen, then Bryan would instantly garner heel heat
I don't see a need to turn Daniel Bryan heel. People say that it will add an edge that his bland character otherwise lacks and while I'm not opposed to it, I don't think I would want that to happen at this point. The losing streak can be used to book Bryan as the underdog going into his championship match and ultimately result in a great feel good moment. Besides, turning him heel would only add yet another heel to the giant clusterfuck of heel on the Smackdown roster. Orton and Sheamus are really the only big faces on the brand right now so keeping Bryan face would help somewhat balance the alignments and keep Bryan from getting lost in the shuffle with guys like Christian, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, etc.
With his recent losses, I think a heel turn for Bryan would do wonders for his character. He could snap after going on a huge losing streak and start being more real. He could even attack Michael Cole[which I'd LOVE to see] and claim that both Cole and WWE have been burying him since his Nexus days. He could then claim that from now on[after the turn] that he was going to make a stand for all of those wronged and become a great anti-hero heel that goes on tirades about the state of wrestling and compare it with WWE. Kinda like Punk's shooting only with his own twist and not copying that formula verbatim. The heel version of Punk if you will.

This would be great and he could even get more heat by cashing in his Money In the Bank case before Mania 28. Then claiming he fooled all of the sheep in the WWE Universe and that he's now abandoned their acceptance in favor of leaving a great WRESTLING legacy. He could keep emphasizing the wrestling thing and make a big deal of it claiming to piss off WWE because they hate the term "wrestling". And if there's ever a draft and Punk & Bryan are on the same show, that feud would be excellent and would write itself. Think of the possibilities!
Honestly, I wanted Daniel Bryan to turn heel even before he won the MITB briefcase. However, turning him heel at this point would just be pointless, I believe as Smackdown has a shitload of heels at the moment. Daniel Bryan would work well as a heel and have that "I have until 5" mentality when he wrestles.

But right now, you gotta keep Daniel Bryan face just because of the overload of heels on Smackdown. Though he is looking really bad right now, that can be used to an advantage when he starts looking credible. I hope WWE books this guy better very soon.
I don't think he'll turn but he WILL be getting more aggressive. I found this on

God, this video is good. It shows just what Bryan CAN do. I want to see these promos. I want to see Bryan show THIS fire out there on Smackdown. I want this Daniel Bryan, the Daniel Bryan that will "kick your freaking head off" on Smackdown. I think they're trying to get back to this Bryan, and it's working.
Daniel Bryan IMO has all the tools it takes to be the next breakout star for WWE. Why WWE would bury this guy on a weekly basis is beyond my comprehension. They almost never give him any TV or mic time, even though when he wrestles, he carries his opponents in most instances. Then, they allow Michael Cole(who's the most overrated commentator of all time), to say whatever he wants in order to further bury him. With him winning MITB, you'd think he'd be getting pushed in a more substantial way. Needless to say, having him on a losing streak affects whatever credibility he has as far as cashing in his MITB briefcase. If we are to follow that pattern, he will be the first guy to lose a title match after cashing in.

Which is the main reason I'm all for a heel turn. If it'll give him more TV/mic time and add more depth to his character, then it's logically a sound move. Him even beating Cole down and making him tap like a bitch would be an awesome TV moment. Plus, it would hopefully finally wipe out whatever bias WWE has against smaller wrestlers. Bigger isn't always better, especially when you are as talented as DB is.

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