The Chris Benoit tragedy: Three years later


Pre-Show Stalwart
It's been three years today that where the infamous Benoit tragedy had took place with WWE wrestler Chris Benoit commited double-homicide in his home in Atlanta by choking out his own wife Nancy Benoit, and then their young son Dan Benoit while Danny was in his sleep. He was only 7-9 years young. And finally as we all know Chris Benoit commited suicide by hanging himself in his home gym with some of his gym equipment.

This SHOCKED the world of wrestling from all sides. The media, the wrestlers, wrestling fans, and most importanty the WWE. Since then the WWE has deleted any record of Chris Benoit in there library's and gone as far as to not even mention his name on WWE TV. Many believe (like I believe) that Chris Benoit could have been under the influnce of steroids. Which could have made Benoit snap and kill his family and then kill himself. Could that be the case?

I guess we'll never know.

But what are your thoughts of this whole tragedy? How do you think this whole thing should have been handled. And where do you think Chris Benoit...ended up? With Owen & Eddie (R.I.P.) or with Dino Bravo??
Many believe (like I believe) that Chris Benoit could have been under the influnce of steroids. Which could have made Benoit snap and kill his family and then kill himself. Could that be the case?
I believe Chris Benoit was manically depressed because of the disease that his son had(forget what its called and too lazy to look up) and from constantly being on the road and with all those things added up I can see why he snapped, of course I dont condone it but I can see why.

How do you think this whole thing should have been handled.
by that I think you mean how WWE "handled" it. I think they did as good as job as anyone who is put into that situation. I don't blame WWE from distancing themselves from him since its perfectly understandable for reasons I don't believe I have to say.

And where do you think Chris Benoit...ended up? With Owen & Eddie (R.I.P.) or with Dino Bravo??

Since I don't believe in God or an afterlife Id have to say hes with all of them 6 feet in the dirt. But in my heart hes definitely in a different place then Owen and Eddie R.I.P.
No, doubt Benoit did steroids. I'm not an expert, but my personal opinion is that most athletes do steroids (Jose Canseco said something like 80% of MLB did steroids at one time.) If you want to watch an enlightening movie about steroids, check out the documentary "Bigger, Faster, Stronger." I'm a very moral/ethical type person and I try to be as honest and uncorrupt as can be, before watching this movie I was VERY much AGAINST steroids. After watching the movie, my perspective changed a bit. The movie goes into statistics about how many people go to the ER due to steroids, how many deaths are CONFIRMED to be caused by steroids and etc.

What I took out of the film was that steroids are like marijuana. While legal drugs like alcohol, cigarettes, and prescription drugs kill many more people, there is still a stigmata that is associated with marijuana and steroids. Anyone who has ever gotten a cortizone shot has done steroids.

Anyway, I know there is a problem in wrestling. There have been to many deaths of young wrestlers. I think the reason for this is because not only are the wrestlers doing steroids, but also drinking and doing drugs. A wrestler might be doing steroids, but if he drinks and does 10 pain killers one night ... it's not like the "STEROIDS" killed him.

I don't know anything about "roid rage," and that may have well been the reason why Benoit killed his family ... but you can't forget the rampant use of coke, alcohol, and pills on top of that, that most wrestlers talk about.

I mean, I have never liked chris benoit. Whether it's WWE, UFC, WCW ... a lot of you people seem to like he baddest "mofo" that you can find. Whether it's a Stone Cold, Mike Tyson, Rampage, Jackson, Kimbo Slice ... the worst a guy "apparenlty is" ... the better for the fans. Benoit always seemed like a real edgy, non approachable type guy to me. I also thought he might of been a dwarf, he had a very odd body.

For anyone trying to get people to judge Benoit for what he did in the ring, and not outside ... would you do the same if Benoit was a bedofile ... or a kkk member?
I feel like all some of you need to hear is that "Benoit was a racist." and you'd give up this voyage of trying to incorporate him ... since killing his family is not good enough since you did not know the woman and child killed.
Its easy to say that steroids or other concoctions of drugs made Benoit do what he did but the simple truth of the matter is, nobody will ever really know. Unfortunately, science can only tell us what was inside his body, but what really happened to Chris Benoit happened inside his head.

Sure he could have been depressed because of his son having Fragile X Syndrome (forgive me if I have the name of the disease wrong), but that cannot be the whole reason. My thoughts on the whole tragedy was just that, that it was a tragedy. I would like to hope that Nancy and Daniel are somewhere peaceful, and I just hope that we in the wrestling world never see something like that ever again because not only does it put Benoit in a bad light, it also looks down upon the already rattled world of professional wrestling that we as fans are always trying to defend.

Do I think the WWE could have done anymore. Not really. What choice did they have? As much as people wanted them to focus on Chris Benoit the wrestler, what he did overshadowed that. And no amount of time on this earth is ever going to change the fact that the WWE will never associate themselves with a murderer.

As far as Eddie and Owen, I don't think Benoit should be spoken of in the same sentence. Eddie Guerrero and Owen Hart were two men who gave their lives to wrestling, as did Benoit, but they died, especially in Owen's case, doing what they loved. And it ultimately killed them. Which obviously cannot be said for Benoit. Simply put, when Eddie and Owen are spoke of, there is pride and love when thinking of them, and unfortunately with Chris Benoit, there are only questions. Questions that will remain unanswered.
My personal view is that Chris Benoit was and always will be one of the greatest technical wrestlers of his time. He was definatly one of my favorites and I still look up his matches on YouTube. But he'll never be honored. The wwe is smart to cut all ties with him to preserve their business status. But I have heard from many sources that the case wasn't completely convincing. So people that don't like him, ur allowed, but make sure you know the whole story first. And can spell pedophile, unlike JenksIX.
But what are your thoughts of this whole tragedy?
what he did is just wrong to take someones life espically a kids and then your own it just pisses me off. why he did it we'll never know was it steroids probally but i dont think it was all due to steroids. concussions could of played a part in it to due to all the diving headbutts and all them sick bumps he took. drugs possibly i dont know if he was on drugs or not but if he was it probally played a part.

How do you think this whole thing should have been handled.
by that i think you mean how should of WWE handled it. well i think they should of handled it exactly how they did it doesnt matter how great of wrestler you were inside the ring what he did outside the ring overshadows it all and i hope WWE never associates themselfs with him ever[/QUOTE]

And where do you think Chris Benoit...ended up? With Owen & Eddie (R.I.P.) or with Dino Bravo??
where do i think he is well he damn sure isnt with EDDIE and OWEN(RIP) and should never be in the same sentence as them because how they died and he died are two different ways. he did something that is unforgivable by taking his childs and wifes lifes and then taking his own. GOD forgives murders but when you kill yourself thats unforgivable but i think its all unforgivable and this is coming from a former Benoit fan
Low_Ki hit the nail on the head when he said that the thoughts about Benoit only bring up questions. We can never remember the good times that we shared watching Benoit. We never go back and say "It was amazing when Benoit won the World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania." The first thing any person thinks of whether they are a wrestling fan or not is the murder-suicide. Sad, but true.

The way this situation has been handled today was and is the right way to handle it. There's really nothing else you can do other than try to make believe Chris Benoit never worked for the WWE. Hell, only once in a blue moon do I see the name of Benoit grace a WZ thread, and I think it's because people are still afraid to talk about him. WWE kinda does mention him in some small ways, like still putting up that he won the WHC on the Title History on their site without a link to get more information. Or how they showed quick shots of him in a match on the Best Of SmackDown DVD (which by the way, had it not been for Benoit's actions, TLC III would have definitely been shown in full match format on that DVD IMO).

I don't know what Dino Bravo did, but I'm assuming it's bad. Seeing as how I am a Christian and suicide is just not cool in God's eyes, I've got to say that Benoit's chilling with Bravo.

JenksIV, despite my last comment I always try to consider what Benoit did as a wrestler and as a person in two different limelights. I proudly promote what Benoit did in the ring with all my wrestling buddies and when I spark up a conversation about Benoit with them, the whole murder suicide thing is disregarded and we just focus on what he did in the ring. It's just like what people think of when they think of Michael Jackson (who coincidentally also died today). People still considered him a pedo and it haunted him until the day he died, but whenever I talk about him, I always talk about how great his music was and when I'm in conversation with others, for a time people can disregard his past offstage and enjoy his music. I use Michael Jackson because of Jenks example of pedophilia. It goes to show that some people, regardless of bad things they did, can still be respected in some way for the good things they did.

Before I close, let me remind you that I don't tolerate the murder-suicide in anyway. I also don't tolerate pedophilia, nor do I tolerate racism, prejudice, or discrimination, especially in the Holocaust or KKK manner (I added that in case someone was going to talk to me about that). I'm just trying to say that good things can still be recognized amongst the bad.
I do not belive that he was on ''roids''. He apparently had severe brain damage,for all we know he might have been murdered,no-one will ever know for sure.I hate when people remember him as a ''murderer''. Even if he did murder his wife and son he wouldn't have had any control over himself.The steroid thing is utter BS.There wasn't enough testosterone in his body for it to be steriods.Remember his great career,not his tragic end, R.I.P Chris :sad:
You what I may be criticized for this and I could honestly care less, but none of us really know what happened. Despite the evidence I don't believe he was the one to do it. I was going through youtube the other day looking up Chris Benoit and there happens to be alot of prove proving that he was not responsible and trying to get the case reopened. I mean hey you guys can knock me all you guys want but I haven't forgot the type of person Chris Benoit was and I think the guy deserves a benefit of a doubt.
Wow a lot of iconic people died on this date I see.

Unfortunately he's with Dino Bravo but that was his own choice, there is no redeeming action in what he did.
I think it sucks that he is the new 3000 lb gorilla in the room.. he who should not be mentioned for fear of being raged on. What happened at the end of his life in my opinion shouldn't have taken away from what he contributed to the business. However I do agree it's hard to acknowledge his achievements in a way that doesn't make it seem what he did was ok. He's in that same space as MJ, some people love him no matter what, some people can only see him as a criminal. The great ones usually have the most tragic endings but in MJ's case his career hasn't been erased by the music industry , unlike Benoit who never wrestled if you ask WWE.
I'm sorry the way this is going to come out but, alot of these guys do it to themselves. Drug overdoses, suicides, drunk driving. I find sympathy hard to offer when this reckless behavior hurts the people they leave behind more than anyone else.

As far as Benoit, he is where he belongs..............rotting in HELL for what he did.
Maybe I could be wrong, and forgive me for not reading every single word of everyone's post---but didn't Dino Bravo get murdered mafia style in his home? I don't see the connection to bussin' a cap in someone as opposed to killing and murdering his own family.....not to mention, that Benoit LIVED in the house almost a full 24 hours before he chicken-shitted his own life (and I say that because he couldn't at least be a man and fess up to killing his family before doing the unthinkable. Geez...just get a divorce if you didn't like them so bad, but yes, I understand that he was under the influence of drugs, blows to the head, blunt force trauma, etc).
it's probably an oxymoron or some other kind of contradiction, but i just so happen to be both a christian and a wrestling fan. add that to another list of accomplishments for the HBK file. that guy bridged the gap for me.

anywho, back to topic. Chris Benoit.

like posted before me, let me say that i in no way condone the homicide, suicide, any racism, child abuse, sexual assault, drug or alcohol use, etc. if it's illegal and terrible, i typically don't condone it. just keeps me outta jail longer that way.

that said, i've had friends and family and the family of friends commit suicide in the past. students i went to school with, some of which were complete strangers, have also ended their life in this manner. as such, i've been to my fair share (or should i say "unfair" share?) of funerals for those that ended their own life in suicide.

one of the greatest sermons i ever heard at one of these funerals simply stated this: the manner in which somebody dies does not disqualify you from remembering the good times in their life.

i think that this is fitting in the case of Benoit. i've read the reports how maybe there was more than just "roid rage" here, and that there could have been other drugs and alcohol involved. i've read a few consipiracy theories that maybe somebody else committed the murders and set up Benoit. i've also read multiple reports on the brain damage suffered by Benoit for all the chair shots and diving headbutts, very similar to his icon Dynamite Kid. so that all makes sense and plays a part.

that said, it is not our place to judge Benoit's final resting place. and thankfully so. who would want that responsibility? i can only hope that for the extra terrible events that God has an extra measure of grace.

but also posted before me, the unfortunate thing about the case of Benoit is that whenever he is talked about from now on, there will always be questions.

what could have been if he didn't die? what would he be doing now? how would this feud have gone? what titles would he have won? will he ever get in the HOF? is he in hell? is he in heaven? etc. just question after question. even when remembering his many clinics and amazing matches and feuds, it always goes on to the next inevitable question of "what if he hadn't died" and the like.

i'm not convinced that WWE handled it the "right" way because i'm not so sure what the "right" way is. there's obviously no rule book on how to handle tragedies of this kind or this proportion. but, for the sake of the family, the wife and son and their families, it was probably handled the best way possible. it would be hard to honor Benoit, or even just stay connected with him, without dishonoring the families that lost the loved ones.

wrestling has lost too many great men and women due to a number of tragedies. Dino Bravo to the mafia (that is what happened, BTW), Bruiser Brody to murder, several countless others to drugs and overdoses of other kinds, the heart damage caused by the tough life, vehicle accidents, suicide and of course a la Owen in that accident. all i know to say is that my heart breaks for the families.
I do not belive that he was on ''roids''. He apparently had severe brain damage,for all we know he might have been murdered,no-one will ever know for sure.I hate when people remember him as a ''murderer''. Even if he did murder his wife and son he wouldn't have had any control over himself.The steroid thing is utter BS.There wasn't enough testosterone in his body for it to be steriods.Remember his great career,not his tragic end, R.I.P Chris :sad:

There is no possible way Chris Benoit could have achieved the physique he had without steroids. By the end of his life, he looked like a freakin' ogre. He was probably one of the most prolific juicers in the WWE, fueled by his own minority complex about his smaller size. The sad fact is that despite his amazing ability, he would never have accomplished anything in the wrestling world without it.

As for the brain damage, clearly it was caused by his ridiculous disregard for his own safety, by performing his diving headbutt (a move which Harley Race had warned him about, due to the damage caused to the spine and neck. Also the move which drove his idol, the dynamite Kid, insane) every single match, His willingness to take bare chairshots to the head, And the unnecessary risks he was willing to take in matches. Benoit's brain damage was impossible for one incident to cause. Instead it took 20 years of wrestling to cause the kind of damage Benoit had.

Benoit was one of my favourite wrestlers ever, and people always seem to praise the way he was so devoted to Wrestling. What we seem to ignore is that's what drove him insane and caused him to commit these crimes, and at the end of the day, the price Benoit had to pay to become the best in the world at a sport which isn't even taken seriously by most of the world wasn't worth it. It's hard to admit, but Benoit was a monster, and he willingly turned himself into one over years of abuse of his own body to succeed in the the world of a planned circus known as the wrestling industry.
Look I havent read all of these other posts but let me comment on a few things.

Lot's of guys take steroids, and dont kill their family, so i think people saying he was on steroids is just the easy answer, but I dont think that was the case. I personally believe he had been taking medication, not to mention the numerous concussions he had. I always compare this double murder to an 85 year old man hitting a pedestrian with his car. He is so confused and he doesnt get what he is doing. Maybe Chris snapped out of it and realized what he did and that led to his suicide.

I will NEVER EVER forget this day. EVER. I remember the storyline on that day was that it was Mr. McMahon's funeral. And I wasnt the proud member of the IWC that I am today so I hadn't heard the news.

RAW went on the air with a "In Loving Memory" headline. They had one just the week before, for Mr. McMahon in his storyline, but it was a picture of Chris. I thought, wow that is a funny mess up, Chris is going to be embarrassed. Then the picture of the empty arena, I just couldnt believe it.

Again, I havent read the other posts yet, and I don't know how Chris will be remembered. I think of him as a true wrestling tragedy. Not a wrestler who had a tragic end, but a life that was taken due to wrestling. For me, he is in the same boat as Owen Hart. Chris literally put everything into wrestling, and the concussion and the use of his painkillers, which he had to use to compete, just became too much.

I may be the only person who remembers Chris in a good way, which is a shame, but we all have heard about what kind of a person he was, and thats how I remember him.
Many of you have forgotten that he had WAY too many concussions and his diving headbutt made his brain look like an 85-year old man with altziemiers(it's spelled wrong I think). Like what RatedRPiedmont said he may not have known what was going on until it was too late. As for if he is with Eddie and Owen(RIP Legends) He is not. He is a technical wrestling legend and he will be missed. I just wish people would stop bashing him alot.
I think WWE handled it in the only way they really could. They honored him when they didnt know what really had happend. Then once it was released that it was a murder/suicide...they totally dropped him off the face of WWE. They didnt really have a choice. Nobody wants to honor a murderer & technically WWE did just that, before the really knew what happend.

Im still of the belief that they were all murdered by Kevin Sullivan. I still think theres something to that theory. But I know most all of you will just think im an idiot & thats fine. No big deal.

On a side note: what the hell happend to Dino Bravo? I honestly dont really remember him dying. & I sure as hell dont remember hearing about a mafia hit or anything like that. What did Dino do to deserve to go out like that? WOW
I will NEVER forget that day. I was visiting my Sis in Oklahoma when my Niece told me that a wrestler had died. I thought it was going to be another guy from the 80's. Until she told me the name. That was a punch in the gut. Especially when I found out how he died.

I lost a big chunk of love for the business when Eddie died but after finding out about Benoit, it killed it for me. People bring up PG or Cena as the reason why they don't like WWE but for me it was losing two of my favorite wrestlers ever at such a young age in screwed up circumstances.

Part of me hates Benoit for what he did but the other part wishes that if there is an afterlife that he can reconcile with his family and finally live in peace.

I mean, I have never liked chris benoit. Whether it's WWE, UFC, WCW ... a lot of you people seem to like he baddest "mofo" that you can find. Whether it's a Stone Cold, Mike Tyson, Rampage, Jackson, Kimbo Slice ... the worst a guy "apparenlty is" ... the better for the fans. Benoit always seemed like a real edgy, non approachable type guy to me. I also thought he might of been a dwarf, he had a very odd body.

Benoit was easily one of the tough guys. You didn't train in the Dungeon and come out weak. This guy could have a near 7 footer screaming in pain. He was a legit badass.

He was one of the most down to Earth approachable guys I have ever met. He always had time for his fans and never complained. Which is why him doing what he did was such a surprise to the guys that knew him well.

I have no idea how to take the odd body comment. He looked normal to me. Maybe a little too big from roids but otherwise normal.
The way this situation has been handled today was and is the right way to handle it. There's really nothing else you can do other than try to make believe Chris Benoit never worked for the WWE.
Pretending that Benoit never wrestled for WWE is one thing - but WWE also edits him out of pretty much every appearance he made on WCW Nitro that they are on the OnDemand channel. (I say "pretty much" because they leave his name in when they mention that he has a match "later in the show" (of course, the match is edited out of the airing), and this has to be by choice as they go through every Nitro and erase the "F" anytime somebody says "WWF", and occasionally they will show him when he's just standing there doing nothing, but not only are all of his matches removed, but so are any run-ins he does, and every scene where he says anything.)

Then again, I think they do have to remove all scenes of him in matches, for no other reason than it would be in extremely bad taste to associate him with the words "Crippler Crossface".

(And even with the edits, Benoit still has gotten more TV mentions in the past three years than Droz...)

-- Don
Then again, I think they do have to remove all scenes of him in matches, for no other reason than it would be in extremely bad taste to associate him with the words "Crippler Crossface".

Well actually, not exactly true. I own the Best Of SmackDown DVD that came out last year and in one of the moments they mention TLC III. There are two shots where Benoit is shown, one with Jericho on the way to the ring (probably just because people have to know who Jericho teamed up with) and a second shot where Benoit takes the titles (probably because the match needed to have an end and they had no choice but to show Benoit grab the titles). This is the only place where Benoit is shown in the entire 3 DVD set.
Well actually, not exactly true. I own the Best Of SmackDown DVD that came out last year and in one of the moments they mention TLC III. There are two shots where Benoit is shown, one with Jericho on the way to the ring (probably just because people have to know who Jericho teamed up with) and a second shot where Benoit takes the titles (probably because the match needed to have an end and they had no choice but to show Benoit grab the titles). This is the only place where Benoit is shown in the entire 3 DVD set.
They show him before his match, and they show him grabbing the belts after the match is over (and they probably could have shown him standing in the corner while Jericho was in the ring) - but the don't show him wrestling, which was my point.

-- Don
Many of you have forgotten that he had WAY too many concussions and his diving headbutt made his brain look like an 85-year old man with altziemiers(it's spelled wrong I think). Like what RatedRPiedmont said he may not have known what was going on until it was too late. As for if he is with Eddie and Owen(RIP Legends) He is not. He is a technical wrestling legend and he will be missed. I just wish people would stop bashing him alot.

I'm not defending Benoit, but I have been an avid fan of his in ring work and still mark way hard for his skills on my dvds etc that have him on it, and still do think he was one of the most accomplished technical wrestlers in ages. As for those condemning him in life after death, let us not forget other sports stars like NFL, Basketball, Baseball, hockey players who have committed just as equivalent sins some even putting hits out on loved ones or shooting, dog fighting, etc, the list goes on. Yet people can still stand by those sports figures and say they are worth redemption, which its funny because they have a record that speaks for itself. Well granted WWE has its right to try to present itself to a younger generation that they do not condone the use of drugs to get ahead in this society, unfortunately it is not necessarily just drugs that did this to him.

When you resort to drugs to get the edge, there are many psychological factors that will send you to that edge that make you believe you are needing that extra push. Do I agree with WWe trying to erase all history of Benoit? No, but that's just me. We cand debate about this all day long for kingdom come, but in all reality, we will never know the true heavy heartedness with which McMahon and his chiefs had to decide to come to that decision. In a situation like that, no matter what you decide to do, there are no winners. All you can try to do, is to try to remember the good times because for those that were close to the ones that are gone, erasing the past still can't make your future better, for you are doomed to repeat it unless you confront any past ghosts. Even I speak from experience.
No offense to any of the Benoit fans out there who would like to separate his wrestling from his personal life. I do not want to offend anyone and if I have with the post that I am about to post, then I do apologize for it, it’s just my opinion of this whole tragedy.

I do think there is more to this tragedy then what we are being told, but for now, we have to go by what we get told. Personally, I don’t see why Benoit or any other superstar should be different then any of us.

I do blame a lot of people in this.

I hold WWE responsible for not taking these steroids in the 80’s and 90’s seriously which could have possibly prevented a lot of what has happened. I blame WWE for putting so much pressure on these wrestlers that, that is what basically forced them to take these steroids to begin with.

I hold Benoit responsible for making choices in his life that led up to what happened today. Benoit knew the risks that were involved in taking steroids and made the choice in taken them anyways, not caring what this would do to him, or to his family. Granted Benoit probably did not know what he was doing (which again IMO I don’t believe) but he did know what he was doing when he took those steroids that led up to this disaster.

I blame the Law for not taking these seriously either and allowing these doctors to still have a practice. I simply don’t get it.

A lot of things were done and wrong choices were made that led to this disaster and could have been avoided. Everyone involved is responsible for the outcome of this tragedy.

No one is innocent.

WWE in my opinion handled it the right way. Benoit represented the company, and if WWE honored Benoit, I feel that it will look bad on the company in the public view. We don't go and celebrate Non-Celebrities achievements when they commit a crime, I don't see why it should be any different for Benoit.
This is one of the most bothersome things that has ever happened in the world of Pro Wrestling. I was deeply saddened when I heard the news of Chris Benoit's passing, but I was absolutely disgusted when I heard all the details. Don't get me wrong, I was a Chris Benoit fan but when this happened my opinion of him changed forever... I can barely even stand to think of the guy, but I try to remember him for all the good he did.

I definitely think that this entire tragedy was steroid-related. Chris really seemed to love his family and I don't see a single thing that would have made him do this... Other than "Roid Rage". I've seen plenty of documentaries and studies in the wake of this tragedy and they all say the same thing; abusing steroids causes the brain to be imbalanced and eventually it might lead to something like this.

Even after 3 years I think this is still a rampant issue. This will always be a stain on the face of Professional Wrestling, and I don't think that this will ever be lived down. This a a terrible tragedy that should have never happened. Steroid use and the effects of steroid use should be paid attenion to much more, hopefully an avoidable tragedy like this will never happen again.

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