The chances this could mean something.

Inferno Prince

Dark Match Winner
So last night we see the Wyatt family get interrupted by The Social Outcasts. Contrary to what was written in the RAW results page, it wasn't as simple as Braun destroying everyone followed by Ryback saving them. Let's give it a mini breakdown.

The Outcasts come out and demand a fight, these four guys who look like ants compared to the Wyatts. Rose gets a shot or two on Braun before getting knocked aside and Bo Dallas actually TAGS HIMSELF IN. Bo gets a few blows in before he too is knocked away and Curtis Axel TAGS HIMSELF IN. Axel actually nearly brings the big man down before getting floored by a shoulder block, followed by Bray tagging in and we saw the rest.

Ryback was getting mauled until the Outcasts actually came in and MADE THE SAVE. Sure, they were all knocked aside but it gave Ryback the opening to eject the Family from the ring, and the Outcasts stand tall along with Ryback.

So in two weeks we've seen Heath Slater grab a pinfall win over Dolph Ziggler, and a four on four skirnish with the Wyatts in which they weren't squashed. Yeah, the promos were meh, but so far in two weeks we've seen these four previously unseen guys, two of whom were already labeled, justifiably, as NXT call-up busts, actually get some mic time and be presented as somewhat capable competitors instead of just being destroyed as we've been used to seeing.

My question, which I'm probably asking too early but am still eager to hear an answer from you lot, is.. Is this something? By something of course I mean, are these guys actually being given a chance to have a long term spot? Could we even see a tag team title match for a pair of them sometime in the future? Slater has always been kinda over in the Zack Ryder sense, he was buried so hard that the fans care more for him than some "important" stars (see Del Rio, Alberto and Mus, Shea.)

I'd love to see these four men be given a chance to get the ball rolling with this. WWE has been stable happy as of late but at least they're trying to get multiple people over a little bit. Are they actually trying to get these four men over while they still have a prayer? Or, are we looking at 3MB version 2 by Fastlane?
I think they're seeing if another team can't get over like New Day has, while given them a chance to be on TV. We have always mainly see Slater as a heel but this gives us a chance to see him in a face role. Axel hasn't had anything to work with since last Summer, Rose's bunny was more over than him and Bo Dallas just got stale from no further character development.
This stable needs Damien Sandow. And not the "savior of the masses" gimmick Sandow, but the guy that got way over being Mizdow and can actually cut a promo.

He got over so much and yet the inevitable feud with the Miz lasted all of what... 3 matches? Then he gets relegated to being an imitator and buried.

Sandow can be the savior of the outcasts without being "the savior."
Who's to say they can't have a long term spot. Obviously they weren't doing anything on their own, but together they can put on a show. Rose and Dallas are good on the mic, Axle well he's okay as well as Slater. It's nice to finally see the undercard getting a chance to shine against some of the bigger names.

I don't think these guys will rise to be the cream of the crop, but giving them some feuds, and some air time will keep them happy, and give fans something new to watch. It's always fair to give someone a chance, if they fail then they fail, but who's to say they can't be the next New Day. We didn't expect them to succeed when they first debuted did we?
This might be a stretch, but I would book them like the team of Booker T and Goldust. Booker was the legit wrestler, and had this weirdo follow him around. Goldust was initially bothersome, but eventually, they found success together and formed an unlikely friendship. Excellent storytelling, and the team of Bookdust was INSANELY over! If you don't remember it entirely, watch the reaction the team gets when Booker has an out from the team and doesnt take it. Four star storytelling.

In my mind, Ryback is Booker, and the Social Outcasts are Goldust.

I would love to see Ryback, not in a leadership role, but have a strange and bothersome tail in the form of the Outcasts. They could try to help, maybe muck things up while meaning well, and eventually endear themselves to the Big Guy. It's a tried and true storyline, and I think this group of characters might bring something fresh to the angle.
Sorry but this seems to be a setup for the NJPW guys to get into the Rumble... Out asts taken out on the night... Wyatts blamed...actually Bullet Club.
Who's to say they can't have a long term spot. Obviously they weren't doing anything on their own, but together they can put on a show. Rose and Dallas are good on the mic, Axle well he's okay as well as Slater. It's nice to finally see the undercard getting a chance to shine against some of the bigger names.

I don't think these guys will rise to be the cream of the crop, but giving them some feuds, and some air time will keep them happy, and give fans something new to watch. It's always fair to give someone a chance, if they fail then they fail, but who's to say they can't be the next New Day. We didn't expect them to succeed when they first debuted did we?

It's actually a pretty slick gimmick stable. They could make it a permanent thing and move jobbers in and out of the group all the time as necessary. Keep it at just four guys 4, maybe add a valet (a forgotten woman wrestler, maybe Nattie?) or something, but just 4 wrestlers. Factions get stupid when they get bloated.
I like all 3 guys except Bo Dallas. So i have no problem with them being somewhat relevant again.

Like some other posters, I am too sad about Damien Sandow's irrelevance. :disappointed:

I think He is better than all 4 mates of the stable Social Outcasts. Coming back to the topic, I felt it really weakened the Wyatt Family. I hope i am wrong here but did anyone else too feel this way? Maybe i am misunderstood. :shrug:
I think it is a modern day job squad, possibly a last chance for all these guys to get over.

Damien Sandow being the saviour of the masses and trying to educate these guys or something could be fun, especially Bo Dallas, the whole 'Bolieve' thing with Sandow being the educated smart arse might be interesting.
So I guess Damien Sandow is about to be the new flavor for the time being? He is actually probably in a better place not being in the group. When these undercard stables pop up it seems a sign that creative is giving it one last try to get some guys over and they rarely have the creative talent to keep any momentum for more than a month or so.
So I guess Damien Sandow is about to be the new flavor for the time being? He is actually probably in a better place not being in the group. When these undercard stables pop up it seems a sign that creative is giving it one last try to get some guys over and they rarely have the creative talent to keep any momentum for more than a month or so.

Exactly what I was thinking. It is a better thing for Sandow to not be apart of this team. It potentially means that they have got something different planned for him in the future or that they don't want Sandow to join only for the group the fail making marks across the world screaming why are they using Sandow in this stupid jobbers stable. The Social Outcast group was lucky to catch on. People could of easily of turned on these guys and WWE for doing it but WWE started it off the right way luckily.

Anyways I would not be surprised to see these guys eventually fight for the tag team gold maybe 6-8 months down the track if they are together that long. I liked how they actually did get a bit of offense in against Strowman and I also liked how they even called the Wyatts out. The idea now though cant be "who can we add to the group". Keep it how it is if you want this to be something. Hopefully they don't get a spot on the Mania card though. Not this year anyways.
All involved were doing absolutely nothing anyway. Even if one of them showed up once in awhile ( Dallas ) he usually gets demolished by the guy that needs a quick win before a PPV. Gives them all something to do I guess. It could save some time too, if a group of guys like Reigns, Ambrose and The Usos need a quick win before a PPV they can take on The Fluffers and quickly get those wins out of the way all at once.
So I guess Damien Sandow is about to be the new flavor for the time being? He is actually probably in a better place not being in the group. When these undercard stables pop up it seems a sign that creative is giving it one last try to get some guys over and they rarely have the creative talent to keep any momentum for more than a month or so.

That's a thought. It's impossible to look at these new guys and not think of 3MB, and not only because of Heath Slater.

When 3MB was first formed, I think Creative had more in mind for them than turning them into a joke team. There were a couple of speaking segments planned for them near the end of two episodes of Raw ('The State of 3MB' is what I think they were to be called) but time constraints eliminated the skits and 3MB quickly devolved to......well, you know what. Plainly, though, something better was originally intended for them.

So, to address the above quote concerning Damien Sandow as probably being better off not a part of the Outcasts, let's not forget that the two members of 3MB who lost cleanly to the dwarf from Los Matadores ......McIntyre & Mahal......were released from WWE a couple of weeks later.

'Nuff said?
Wow...holy overrated batman. Sandow was garbage. That terd never won a match, he was a glorified jobber with weak in ring ability. I guess some people revel in mediocrity. It must be a really slow day if someone makes a thread about irrelevant jobbers who are going nowhere. SMH.
Wow...holy overrated batman. Sandow was garbage. That terd never won a match, he was a glorified jobber with weak in ring ability. I guess some people revel in mediocrity. It must be a really slow day if someone makes a thread about irrelevant jobbers who are going nowhere. SMH.

He never won a match or he wasnot booked to win a match? :suspic:
Saying a wrestler is garbage is of high level, Isnot it? :shrug:
A good question but I think that's overthinking it a bit.
I think they want another comedy group, ala 3MB.

They won't get heavy pushes and will be the butt of jokes. This isn't a bad thing though as they'll get tv time and can be very entertaining for the crowd.
I love this stable and where they're going so far.
...The idea now though cant be "who can we add to the group". Keep it how it is if you want this to be something.

This actually wouldn't be a bad idea to start with if it's done right. Basically, have them act like they're the hottest thing since Evolution, and other guys like Sandow or Ryder... whoever really, approach them to get into the Outcasts, but have the Outcasts beat them down instead.

It would be a very simple way to create heat for the group, start some basic rivalries and see if any of the other guys can get over as a face in the meantime.

Then if they actually accomplish getting legit heat on them, move them up to the bigger fish. I think the fact they are already calling out the Wyatt family is a mistake. If they're trying to be heels, that's the wrong way to go about it.
This actually wouldn't be a bad idea to start with if it's done right. Basically, have them act like they're the hottest thing since Evolution, and other guys like Sandow or Ryder... whoever really, approach them to get into the Outcasts, but have the Outcasts beat them down instead.

It would be a very simple way to create heat for the group, start some basic rivalries and see if any of the other guys can get over as a face in the meantime.

Then if they actually accomplish getting legit heat on them, move them up to the bigger fish. I think the fact they are already calling out the Wyatt family is a mistake. If they're trying to be heels, that's the wrong way to go about it.

Only thing about that is after watching them on Monday it looks like they're portraying them as faces. Then again they could just be more of a Tweener group.

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