The Brock Lesnar-Batista set-up feud

CM Steel

A REAL American
With Brock Lesner back on WWE TV leading into Wrestlemania 30 with the WWE world championship on his menu. And the Animal Dave Batista returning home to the WWE this coming Monday on RAW heading into the Royal Rumble. It's only a matter of time before these two monsters meet up one-on-one in the ring. This match could happen in many ways. Batista could win this years Royal Rumble match. But have Brock Lesner win the WWE WHC title at the Elimination Chamber pay per view in Brock's hometown up in Minnesota. And there's your Wrestlemania 30 main event.

Or it can go another way. Batista can be eliminated out of the Royal Rumble match, but could compete in the Elimination Chamber match at the next WWE PPV but lose there. Thus setting up a feud between Brock Lesner and himself. Since the Rock wouldn't be attending this years Wrestlemania that leaves Brock Lesner without his set opponent. So here comes Batista to challenge Brock Lesner. The feud could be epic! These two guys can do what John Cena & Randy Orton are doing right now three times better. With their past history in OVW. They could even have a rematch with it being a MMA match at the Extreme Rules PPV?

But if you were to set up this future feud better these two former WWE champions. How would you do it?
I would love to see a Brock Lesnar vs Batista fued but will WWE put this on the Mania 30 card? Do WWE want to put all their eggs in 1 basket for this event? I have a feeling Brock vs Batista could be saved for maybe Summerslam.

Looks to me like Brock will be facing Cena, Taker or Batista at the event.
There's a reason that Batista is returning on Raw instead of at the Rumble. It's because he's not winning the Rumble as expected. My guess is that he's eliminated or taken out by Lesnar, similar to Golberg in 2004. Then we'll have one WWE main event for Mania.
There's a reason that Batista is returning on Raw instead of at the Rumble. It's because he's not winning the Rumble as expected. My guess is that he's eliminated or taken out by Lesnar, similar to Golberg in 2004. Then we'll have one WWE main event for Mania.

Hmmmm or maybe WWE are simply trying to spike buy rates. Advertising Batista is better than him turning up as a 'surprise' from a commercial aspect.

Could well be to set up a fued with Lesnar though. Looks like the short term plan is to have Batista vs Del Rio probably taking place at Elimination Chamber though.

My money is still on Lesnar vs Taker. But Lesnar wanting the Title probably points to Batista.
I'm thinking from the perspective that adertising Batista and then not having him not appear until the Rumble would spike buy-rates for the PPV. Having him appear on TV first will lessen the impact slightly. I'm a big believer in saving your best and biggest stuff for PPV, instead of spiking TV ratings.
I'm thinking from the perspective that adertising Batista and then not having him not appear until the Rumble would spike buy-rates for the PPV. Having him appear on TV first will lessen the impact slightly. I'm a big believer in saving your best and biggest stuff for PPV, instead of spiking TV ratings.

But having Batista returning at The Rumble and not winning would make him look weak. Having him turn up on Raw and building him (cut a promo and he will probably destroy Del Rio) and then going to the Rumble and getting screwed will not harm him - that's if he is booked to lose.

Been on Raw beforehand creates a buzz and creates hype going into the event. It is pretty much textbook.
Hmmmm or maybe WWE are simply trying to spike buy rates. Advertising Batista is better than him turning up as a 'surprise' from a commercial aspect.

Could well be to set up a fued with Lesnar though. Looks like the short term plan is to have Batista vs Del Rio probably taking place at Elimination Chamber though.

My money is still on Lesnar vs Taker. But Lesnar wanting the Title probably points to Batista.

>>>Batista vs Del Rio for now and BROCK vs BIG SHOW, see what happens in FEB> Raws. Could be a set up, to make Brock look strong, to face TAKER! Batista should face ORTON at Mania!
>>>Batista vs Del Rio for now and BROCK vs BIG SHOW, see what happens in FEB> Raws. Could be a set up, to make Brock look strong, to face TAKER! Batista should face ORTON at Mania!

Brock Lesnar is definately being built to look strong. Beat Triple H at Extreme Rules, beat CM Punk at Summerslam and has broken Henrys arm and will almost certainly beat Big Show at The Rumble. That is 4 big names he has overcome.

I said in another thread, I see Lesnar destroying Cena and Orton at The Rumble causing a DQ which won't harm the face or 'the face' of the company going into Mania 30 - and stamping his mark on the Title.

Could we see Brock in the Elimination Chamber match? Orton (c) vs Cena vs Brock vs Big Show vs Sheamus vs Mark Henry (kayfabe injury). What a huge main event for the WWE Network launch.

Brock wins, Batista has won the Rumble. Batista goes over Brock at Mania 30 and is the Champ over the summer while Brock takes his time off again. The alternative is Taker costs Brock his Title chance and it is Brock vs Taker at Mania 30.

I suppose having Brock as the Champion means that Orton and Cena are freed up to work with Hogan and Piper which is a rumoured match. I do wonder if WWE will capitalise on Bryans popularity and give him the gold at the big one.
To the people above me saying that they think Lesnar will screw Batista out of the Royal Rumble win, think logically. They will most likely have no contact with each other until after the Royal Rumble PPV anyway. So I don't see how that's an option....I want to see this match but the way they set it up is entirely unknown at this point. If you have the EC Chamber match with all of the rumored stars, then this might be an option. Another way to go is just have Batista win the rumble, Lesnar wins the WWE World title at EC and this easily sets the much anticipated feud up for 'Mania.

While I don't believe that this feud needs the title involved, it would add to an already big money match. This way, you setup the other two matches which I believe will happen:

John Cena vs The Undertaker
CM Punk vs Triple H

these two matches would be great.
To the people above me saying that they think Lesnar will screw Batista out of the Royal Rumble win, think logically. They will most likely have no contact with each other until after the Royal Rumble PPV anyway. So I don't see how that's an option....I want to see this match but the way they set it up is entirely unknown at this point. If you have the EC Chamber match with all of the rumored stars, then this might be an option. Another way to go is just have Batista win the rumble, Lesnar wins the WWE World title at EC and this easily sets the much anticipated feud up for 'Mania.

While I don't believe that this feud needs the title involved, it would add to an already big money match. This way, you setup the other two matches which I believe will happen:

John Cena vs The Undertaker
CM Punk vs Triple H

these two matches would be great.

Many many routes the E can go down. I am not a huge fan of having Cena vs Taker. I dont think the E will do this. Having their big star lose to Taker at Mania 30? Cant see them doing it.

The more and more I think about it, and believe me I am not a big Daniel Bryan fan, I think capitalise on his white hot popularity at the moment and have him try to end the streak. That match really could be the making of him! That would leave Cena to do something with Hogan and Orton/Piper.

No issues with CM Punk and Triple H. Could even maybe make this a tag elimination match Punk, Show, Sheamus and 1 more vs Triple H, Outlaws and Kane. Langston vs Henry, Cody vs Goldust, Rey vs Sin Cara, Shield vs Wyatts....with Brock vs Batista - good card.
The title doesn't need to be on the line, but it woildmnt hurt. Lesnar could cost batista the rumbke match and then batista cost lesnar a chance in the chamber, leading to a feud at mania. They dont need the belt. Their names alone would be enough
Even if WWE's long-term planning had Brock's plans at WM30 set up long in advance, I would think they'd change things to get Brock-Batista as an attraction for the event in April.

There are relatively few opponents Brock can realistically face: and when I say realistically, I mean performers who look as if they have a fighting chance against Brock in the ring, and ones with whom a match with Brock would be an attraction. Remember, they aren't paying Lesnar mega-bucks to wrestle guys like Heath Slater....or, for that matter, to take on all three guys in 3MB in some stupid handicap match. Brock's got to face only the prime performers. As he's already gone up against Cena, Triple H, Punk and Big Show, they're running out of guys to get in the ring with Brock.

Then, suddenly, Batista is dropped into their laps. Unless they've already planned something for Brock at WM30 they feel they can't disturb, I think Brock & Batista go at it in April.
Even if WWE's long-term planning had Brock's plans at WM30 set up long in advance, I would think they'd change things to get Brock-Batista as an attraction for the event in April.

There are relatively few opponents Brock can realistically face: and when I say realistically, I mean performers who look as if they have a fighting chance against Brock in the ring, and ones with whom a match with Brock would be an attraction. Remember, they aren't paying Lesnar mega-bucks to wrestle guys like Heath Slater....or, for that matter, to take on all three guys in 3MB in some stupid handicap match. Brock's got to face only the prime performers. As he's already gone up against Cena, Triple H, Punk and Big Show, they're running out of guys to get in the ring with Brock.

Then, suddenly, Batista is dropped into their laps. Unless they've already planned something for Brock at WM30 they feel they can't disturb, I think Brock & Batista go at it in April.

Brock has a contract all the way up to Wrestlemania 31, so in that time he will only have another 6/7 matches maximum.

Batista 'landing on their lap' was good timing but could've been their plan all along when Rock got injured 9 months ago. That match was a lock for Mania 30. Even without Batista there is Undertaker, a rematch with Cena and then other main eventer's like Orton and Sheamus he could potentially work with.

Enough talent out there for Brock to face if you ask me. But the more and more I talk about it I am want Brock vs Batista now!!!
There's a reason that Batista is returning on Raw instead of at the Rumble. It's because he's not winning the Rumble as expected. My guess is that he's eliminated or taken out by Lesnar, similar to Golberg in 2004. Then we'll have one WWE main event for Mania.

If Batista loses, then we can look back and say "Yea. They had him return on Raw to lessen the blow." But we don't know that yet. We don't know for sure that the WWE isn't just trying to spike ratings for this coming week. They are, after all, currently negotiating a potential billion dollar TV deal, and their leverage would only be helped by increased ratings... Furthermore, we've seen this play out a few times over the last 15 years - big stars return on the Raw, or Raws, leading up to the Rumble, after spending a year or more away from the ring, and the speculation begins that they're going to win the Royal Rumble. They did this with Triple H in 2002, and he won. They did this with Chris Jericho in 2012, and he lost. Both were considered strong favorites that year - just as Batista is this year - and the WWE gave us two different results. I just don't see how we can definitively say what the WWE is doing here when this scenario has played out a few times in recent memory, and they've gone two different directions.

As for these other posters saying that Lesnar vs Batista will be set up for 'Mania. Could it happen? Sure. Will it happen? Unlikely. In fact, there's no reason for it to happen this soon.

One argument suggested that the WWE is running out of opponents for Lesnar. And while that might be true, having Lesnar vs. Batista at 'Mania actually makes that situation worse. Consider the potential feuds for Lesnar moving forward: The Undertaker, The Rock, Batista, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan. Those are the only guys 'over' enough to feud with the beast - and unfortunately, two of those guys are unlikely to work any matches outside WrestleMania. With that being the case, why would you waste Lesnar's WrestleMania match on anyone outside those two?

Now consider the impact of The Streak. If they don't give us 'Taker vs. Lesnar at WrestleMania this year, then when does that one happen? More importantly, who does The Undertaker face this year? The Rock isn't coming back this year. John Cena is rumored to be involved with Hogan at 'Mania. Punk, Triple H, Orton and Batista have all already been victimized by The Streak. Legitimately, the only person big enough to take on The Undertaker at WrestleMania outside that group is Daniel Bryan - and I just don't see that happening.

Those are serious booking issues the WWE needs to consider as they try to maximize both the impact of Lesnar and The Streak. If they give us Lesnar vs. Taker this year, then they can give us Lesnar vs. Rock and 'Taker vs. Cena next year. Moving forward, they can also give us Rock vs Taker at WrestleMania 32. By not giving us Lesnar vs. Taker at 'Mania this year, then our only chance of seeing all three "Streak" matches (and I think the plan is for Lesnar, The Rock and Cena to all be added to The Streak) is if The Undertaker agrees to wrestle through 2017. Personally, I think that one is a serious long shot.

So again, for this to happen, the plan for Batista/Lesnar almost has to be played out at SummerSlam. With that being the case, it's unlikely the two will be in the ring at the same time in the foreseeable future. The WWE will likely try to keep them away from one another - a move that should be made obvious in February when both are likely to be entered into the elimination chamber... By keeping them away from each other for as long as possible, the WWE will maximize the impact of their first encounter, which will likely come in July/August.
My ideal match-up for both men would be:

Brock Lesnar(WWE WHC) vs Batista(EC winner) vs Daniel Bryan(RR winner) vs Randy Orton

Brock Lesnar would beat Randy Orton for the title at EC. Help continue Randy Orton's problems with the Authority whilst putting the strap on Brock in the lead-up to WM.

Batista wins the Elimination Chamber match after being eliminated last by Daniel Bryan at the Rumble. His programme with Del Rio should be quick and used to make a statement with regards to the Return of the Animal.

Daniel Bryan wins the Rumble. I think WWE needs to go ahead and give him his moment at Wrestlemania. He would be my winner at Wrestlemania and would go on to have a decent reign, even until SummerSlam if possible. Enough with the Screw-ups.

Randy Orton would get in as a "peace" offering by the Authority. Tease his problems more after the Royal Rumble, by having Brock follow up with his challenge and place Orton in a one-on-one at EC for the title with Brock. Orton loses, and is livid with the Authority for letting it happen. Avoid having an Authority vs Orton showdown since CM Punk vs HHH is basically the same. The Authority places Randy Orton in the Main Event and tells him to once and for all, to prove that he IS the Face of the company.
Brock vs Batista simply doesn't have a massive appeal. There are so many names that are available and pairing these two is pretty low down on my list.

Cena, Sheamus, Punk, Taker, Orton, Bryan, The Shield, Wyatt, Big E. All potential opponents for either man. There are other options that I can see working. The other thing is, with all these names one match doesn't matter. Think about it, they could have a multi-man match for the belt and still be left with some mega stars to entertain us. --They could have an OVW reunion fatal-4-way: Cena v Orton v Batista v Lesnar -- That is why everything is so exciting right now, there are so many options and almost all of them are appealing in some way.

In an ideal world I think they would pair Lesnar and Taker. That has been a match rumoured for many years now and would be entertaining as hell. The ending wouldn't be in doubt but it would still be fun. As for Batista: I don't see the point in putting the title on him unless they plan on him loosing to a younger talent down the road. A match with Bryan is something I would actually like to see. Batista can be either a heel or face. I reckon he will get a decent reaction at first but he does seem a very easy person to hate. Moreover, he has history with HHH and Orton - there is potential there.

I'm not massive on Lesnar vs Batista. There are better options for Lesnar (especially is he is champ) and I think there are a few matches that Batista could be involved in that interest me. I can't picture 6 weeks of great build up (even with Heyman) and then an incredible match at Mania. That is me being rather sceptical but I'm simply not overly keen.

I don't want to see this feud but if they do it it will probably be all about being the alpha-male. Batista is the only man that looks tough enough to beat Brock. Except from The Big Show.... If Lesnar has the title then it has potential to be dull. I like both Lesnar and Batista but I simply cannot see a high quality feud/match; especially if the title is involved.
Think about it, they could have a multi-man match for the belt and still be left with some mega stars to entertain us. --They could have an OVW reunion fatal-4-way: Cena v Orton v Batista v Lesnar -- That is why everything is so exciting right now, there are so many options and almost all of them are appealing in some way.

Which is why I put my ideal match as a Fatal 4-way. There is potential for a story as well as an awesome match. Having Daniel Bryan triumph in such a match against multiple opponents could also be a way to have the demons of Chris Benoit put to rest somewhat in that D-Bry could be booked to win the RR from no.1 and as my ideal 4-way match above(Lesnar vs Batista vs Bryan vs Orton), would have Bryan finally defeating Orton cleanly at WM by making him Tap-out. Would be some finality to his programme with the Authority as well.

It could also be done in a way that the Batista-Lesnar match-up could be teased or setup if Lesnar is willing to work post-WM in such a programme(Many have wanted to see those 2 in the ring one-on-one).A match between just the two as the Main Event for Mania doesn't appeal to me either. I think it just wouldn't live up to the hype.

btw, your OVW reunion match-up would also be something to look forward to as well if it happened. Then maybe, Daniel Bryan could instead work a programme with Taker, although now with him breaking off from the Wyatts, and returning to pure babyface, I don't see how that could happen anymore.
Which is why I put my ideal match as a Fatal 4-way. There is potential for a story as well as an awesome match. Having Daniel Bryan triumph in such a match against multiple opponents could also be a way to have the demons of Chris Benoit put to rest somewhat in that D-Bry could be booked to win the RR from no.1 and as my ideal 4-way match above(Lesnar vs Batista vs Bryan vs Orton), would have Bryan finally defeating Orton cleanly at WM by making him Tap-out. Would be some finality to his programme with the Authority as well.

Please no. A Fatal 4-Way is a very difficult match to pull off since there are so many moving parts. They're rarely done correctly, but when they are, it's usually because there are 3-4 top workers in the match. As entertaining as Lesnar and Batista can be, I'd be hard-pressed to call them 'top-workers.' Putting those two in a Fatal 4-Way has the potential for disaster the likes of which haven't been seen in a WrestleMania main event since WrestleMania 2000 - the last time a Fatal 4-Way headlined the year's biggest show.
I like the first choice and it seems likely. I think Brock wants to have the title for a bit and i have a feeling to keep him happy they might let that happen. As for the rumble i am not sure WWE event knows who will win it yet. We have heard Bryan then Punk then Batista so who knows in the end who will win it.

I also dont know that you could save Batista vs Lesnar for Summerslam since are we sure his contract last that long? Even if he plans to stay for awhile i thought it was reported he would have to take some time off in Aug to promote that movie he has been filming so there is that.
This is a very exciting time of year, at least discussion wise, with so many possibilities for Wrestlemania. Realistically there are four or five lineups they could run out and all would make for an epic event. If they choose to go the direction of Lesnar vs. Batista I would play it out in the following fashion………

First we take into account the current programs facing each man. Lesnar just took out the World’s Strongest Man and is preparing for a showdown with the World’s Largest Athlete. Batista has yet to return but has been engaged in a war of words with Alberto Del Rio.

** RAW 1/20/14 **
8PM (EST) they air the latest promo featuring the return of Batista. Following the video a limo pulls back stage and out steps the “Nature Boy” Ric Flair (unadvertised). They roll the RAW opening package and as they pan around the arena Flair’s music hits. He is here tonight to welcome back one of business’s most fierce competitors, a personal favorite and close friend in the “Animal” Dave Batista. Flair runs down a list of accomplishment but during the hype he is interrupted by a voice coming from the audience. Paul Haymen and Brock Lesnar make their way through the crowd, jump the rail and enter the ring. Haymen then runs Flair down for buying into the false hype surrounding Batista. Haymen claims the only big deal going on these days is the recent return of the new number one contender BROCK LESNAR (I personally love how Haymen repeats and over pronounces his name.). The exchange becomes pretty heated as Haymen and Flair go nose to nose. Brock steps in the middle and as it seems he is going to pounce cue Batista’s music. The Animal makes his way to the ring and we get a standoff of the ages. Brock and Batista are ready to blow the roof off the building when suddenly the ring is swarmed by dozens of security personnel. Haymen and Lesnar exit the ring side area while Batista poses for the fans.

Also on this episode we get a segment with Show warning Lesnar to worry about their match at the Rumble and a promise to knock out the self-proclaimed number one contender. This sets off a pretty intense moment between the two as a final bit of hype before their match. Around the 9:30PM (EST) we get Batista back in the ring for his official return speech. The end is interrupted by Del Rio who ends up on the wrong end of a wicked spine buster. Del Rio escapes and threatens to ruin Batista’s Rumble return.

** Royal Rumble 1/26/14 **
In a well contested brawl Lesnar defeats the Big Show. Following the match a devastated Big Show is attacked by Brock and Haymen. The attack results in a second F5 but this time through the Spanish announce table followed by a Kimura Lock and a broken arm for Show.

Batista goes onto win the Rumble. Along the way he and Del Rio have a run in resulting in ADR getting tossed out on his ass.

** RAW 1/27/14 **
We get a second nose to nose showdown sparked by a heated verbal exchange between Flair and Heyman. This time they dispute over who is more deserving of the number one contenders spot. Batista obviously has claim to it as the winner of Rumble but Brock’s side suggest he is bigger than any gimmick match or predetermined condition. The Authority sets up a “Number One Contenders” match between the two for later in the night. The match never gets underway as Batista is attacked by Ryback and Curtis Axel. It appears the former “Haymen Guys” are doing their ex-managers dirty work but when ADR joins the assault it becomes clear he orchestrated the attack.

** RAW & SD! 1/31/14 – 2/22/14 **
Brock’s schedule appears to have him off television through the Elimination Chamber. During this time the war of words between Heyman and Flair continue keeping a fire under the possibility of a match between the monsters. Batista also has his hands full with a full swing program involving ADR, Ryback and Axel.

** Elimination Chamber 2/23/14 **
ADR challenges Batista for his spot at Wrestlemania. While he gets his spots in the outcome of match is not in ADRs favor. Batista is victorious in dominate fashion securing his place at WM XXX.

** RAW 2/24/14 **
The countdown clock is just hours away from the launch of the Network when it is announced that the WWE WHC and winner of last night’s EC match will main event tonight’s show against the returning Brock Lesnar. Brock goes onto capture victory and the championship. This prompts Batista onto the stage for another showdown and a seemingly guaranteed match between the two at Wrestlemania.

** RAW & SD! 2/28/14 – 4/5/14 **
The hype machine moves to full throttle with promotional videos, main stream appearances, war of words and limited/teasing physical altercations. When the two do mix it up physically before the big encounter they are quick exchanges where neither man shows any hint of dominance over the other. The program also features an unsanctioned street fight between Haymen and Flair adding to the heat.

** Wrestlemania XXX 4/6/14 **
WWE WHC Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. “The Animal” Dave Batista w/Ric Flair
The pure intensity and brutality of this match make it a must see for the big event. This battle is not for technical purist or the spot monkey fans. This is a hardnosed, close to a shoot, kick ass war. In this day and age blood is a rarity reserved for this type of atmosphere. Both men bleed but it comes the good old fashion hard way. The match also features an in-ring spot where Flair gets the upper hand on Heyman forcing him to flee the ring side area. In the end Brock picks up the victory in a closely contested match. Following the match it is a wonder either man is able to leave under his own power. In the aftermath of WM XXX Lesnar is not medically cleared to compete and is forced to forfeit the title. This allows him to exit storyline wise and upon his return in the summer provides the option to play the good guy role. Batista was beaten but not broken keeping him as a strong competitor for the WWE WHC Championship. The WWE WHC goes onto find a new owner via a single elimination tournament. It has nothing to do with this story line but the tournament would see Bryan claim the championship.
It will inevitably happen but I maintain that it looks better as a still photo on a promotional poster than it will be as an actual feud and match.

I certainly wouldn't do it at Mania, Batista grew into being a solid performer but he was never a great worker and Brock works a very stiff and unorthodox style. Batista is 45 and hasn't wrestled in 4 years. If you look at the guys Brock has faced you are talking two of the very best right now in Cena and Punk, and Triple H, a guy well known for his talents as a worker and a ring general, Brock needs that kind of quality in with him given the way he works and how rarely her works.

Batista could use at least 6 months of getting the ring rust off him before they do this match, he needs to get back into the groove for it to have any chance of being remotely decent. I'd say Summerslam is the ideal time as the Marvel film Batista is in comes out around then and WWE has promoted Summerslam as a blockbuster in LA for the last few years.

If they go with Summerslam then the set up I'd go for is simply have Batista in the ring cutting a promo about Guardian's of the Galaxy, then Brock and Heyman come out and ridicule the fact Dave had to go into movies as he he couldn't cut it in MMA and only ever got a chance in WWE because Brock left to go and become a huge star there, simple ego driven alpha male stuff. They have a big pull-apart brawl and hey presto! it's set for Summerslam.
It will inevitably happen but I maintain that it looks better as a still photo on a promotional poster than it will be as an actual feud and match.

I certainly wouldn't do it at Mania, Batista grew into being a solid performer but he was never a great worker and Brock works a very stiff and unorthodox style. Batista is 45 and hasn't wrestled in 4 years. If you look at the guys Brock has faced you are talking two of the very best right now in Cena and Punk, and Triple H, a guy well known for his talents as a worker and a ring general, Brock needs that kind of quality in with him given the way he works and how rarely her works.

Batista could use at least 6 months of getting the ring rust off him before they do this match, he needs to get back into the groove for it to have any chance of being remotely decent. I'd say Summerslam is the ideal time as the Marvel film Batista is in comes out around then and WWE has promoted Summerslam as a blockbuster in LA for the last few years.

If they go with Summerslam then the set up I'd go for is simply have Batista in the ring cutting a promo about Guardian's of the Galaxy, then Brock and Heyman come out and ridicule the fact Dave had to go into movies as he he couldn't cut it in MMA and only ever got a chance in WWE because Brock left to go and become a huge star there, simple ego driven alpha male stuff. They have a big pull-apart brawl and hey presto! it's set for Summerslam.

You caught my attention on the last few things you said with the Summerslam thing. About that time the GOTG movie will be coming out in which the WWE will promote to the fullest! But the ridicule you are talking about in where you said that Paul Heyman would tell Batista that he "only ever got a chance in WWE because Brock left to go and become a huge star there, simple ego driven alpha male stuff." That sounds more like a ridicule fact towards John Cena. But the part about Batista couldn't cut it in MMA is dead on the money. I mean the WWE could save this match for Summerslam but the feud should start earlier than that, like how the first feud between Brock Lesner and Triple H started in 2012.

And yeah Batista will handle Alberto Del Rio at the Elimination Chamber PPV. But come Wrestlemania time, Batista needs to be in a high profiled match ring rust or not.

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