The Authority storyline is kind of underwhelming considering what is on the line.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
So the Authority angle might die off after Survivor Series, which I think is a good thing considering it has grown stale...So stale that the creative team couldn't even think of a cool way for them to target their enemies.

It seems like Triple H was more devious and deadly when feuding with the Shield. In fact, he's doing the same thing to John Cena, but to a much smaller degree. Ziggler losing the belt due to the corruption sucks and all, but the odds were more in his favor when compared to what Ambrose went through. When fighting fighting the Shield, the Authority used the ENTIRE (heel) locker room against them. I was expecting for Triple H to put some sort of bounty on Team Cena's head, so you'd see backstage segments where guys like Cesaro would suddenly jump our heroes. But nope. Instead the authority gives out warnings...

I really don't think their team even looks that impressive on a story level. Harper and Rusev are good choices because one is a team player and the other is arguably the strongest heel right now, but Kane rarely wins (this is even sort of acknowledged by Cena in the last RAW), Rollins runs away so much that I no longer buy him as a main event threat and Mark Henry has been shown to lose his temper and ignore the rules too often...has he even really overcome his losing streak? Team Cena seems more impressive by proxy and now the Authority seems like the underdogs.

I kind of wish they'd focus more on the internal tensions within the group. Rusev and Mark Henry working as a cohesive unit just feels...odd and OOC. Rollins seems like the worst person you'd want to be Captain because he keeps pissing off other authority members (Triple H should be Captain).

So considering the stakes, I'm surprised at how bored I am with this current storyline. Why do a watered down version of the 'Authority vs Shield' feud within the same year of said feud? Just makes this one seem weaker.

So what do you think? Has this current feud been compelling? Or do you think it has been rather limp during its potential dying days?
It's been better than most of the stuff they've churned out in the past few years. I think it kind of was a mistake for guys like Rusev, Henry and Ryback to join their teams, but what other choice do they have? Ambrose and Wyatt are feuding, Reigns and Bryan are out, and Orton's off doing a movie. It makes sense the Authority would try and stack the deck any way they can.
Overall, I've liked it. Some of the promos have been rather tedious and they could have got to the point a bit earlier but maybe that's the point - just to piss everyone off. The matches and physical altercations have ALL been good. The Ziggler/Harper match was done superbly and I like Harper getting the belt. Sheamus and Show really took beatings as did Swagger a week or two ago. Indeed, all of the attacks on Ziggler have looked painful which is the least they can do.

Promos with Ziggler, good. Promos with Ryback (this week and last) not bad. The surprise of Rowan, fantastic. Cena, Triple H and Steph pretty went through the motions and I reckon we should have heard from Rollins a bit more.

I'm looking forward to this match because I know it will be good. It's intriguing and the mix of talent is something I really thought they have done well. There are enough factors encompassed in this match to hold my interest never mind the Orton factor.

If we take JUST the story of Authority vs Cena (or any babyface) then of course this could have been bigger. Look at the injuries on the roster as well as guys who aren't full time. In a different world we have Batista, Orton, Triple H plus Reigns and Bryan which obviously would have been more exciting but it's not those guys. Regardless, they have done a good job of making this interesting and building up the right guys to look like major players.
Its been OK, but im a little disappoint there hasnt been at least one big surprise joining Team Cena, for example Jericho or RVD

That's a point, but remember that the Authority's manner of using their ....well, authority, to knock off members of the opposing team, leaves open the possibility of changes up until the time for the actual match to start at the PPV.

Obviously, it's Cena's team where any surprises will occur, led by the possible appearance of Randy Orton. I wouldn't be shocked to see Sheamus come out there, wounded but determined. Chris Jericho could show up, too.

Then, given that it's one of the major PPVs of the year, it would be great to see someone totally unexpected enter the fray. It sounds weird, but based on his recent appearance, I keep thinking of Mick Foley. Given the large number of people participating, he wouldn't have to put forth much effort; just his entrance would give the crowd a jolt.

Since the Authority's side is jam-packed already, there's room for the unexpected on Cena's team....and I think the storyline will seem a lot less underwhelming by the time the evening is over.
I both agree and disagree, while Kane and Mark Henry aren't exactly credible threats, they do get a decent amount of hate (largely stemming from their excessive exposure, but that's a power ballad for another day) and as such play the role of the antagonist's lackeys pretty well.

Now let's see how the teams can cancel out each other (kayfabe):

Cena : Can beat every single one of them
Ziggler : Can beat Rollins and Kane (roll-ups count)
Show : Can beat Kane, Henry and Seth Rollins
Ryback : Can beat Kane, Rollins, maybe Rusev and Harper
Rowan : Can defeat Harper and/or Kane

Seth Rollins : Can defeat Ziggler and possibly Rowan/Ryback(with help from the cruiser-weight security duo and his razor case)
Kane : Can beat Ziggler, and possibly Rowan
Mark Henry : Can beat Big Show and Ziggler
Luke Harper : Can beat Show(he slammed him on one occasion), Ziggler and Rowan
Rusev : Everyone except John Cena, maybe Ryback may also prove to be too strong for him

So it's actually a little even from a kayfabe perspective. But from a member of the IWC, we all know there's some swerve or the other waiting to decimate John Cena, thereby ensuring that our West Newbury Hogan rip-off can't seem to catch a break.
I totally agree it is underwhelming. ESPECIALLY considering WWE is A) promoting a PPV B) one that is free on the WWE Network if the viewer subscribes and C) is hoping this leads to subscriptions and D) is promoting all of this without Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Y2J, Roman Reigns and CM Punk.

Not only that; there is no WWE world title match at one of the supposed BIG 4 PPV's. And even if there was; because Cena took on Lesnar in a rematch after putting him oer masterfully, and then lesnar looked weak for how it ended; I doubt anyone would care.

It is poor booking! At the very least Lesnar should appear on PPV, even in tag matches to advance his opponents or storylines.

The whole authority episode seems silly.
That's a point, but remember that the Authority's manner of using their ....well, authority, to knock off members of the opposing team, leaves open the possibility of changes up until the time for the actual match to start at the PPV.

Obviously, it's Cena's team where any surprises will occur, led by the possible appearance of Randy Orton. I wouldn't be shocked to see Sheamus come out there, wounded but determined. Chris Jericho could show up, too.

Then, given that it's one of the major PPVs of the year, it would be great to see someone totally unexpected enter the fray. It sounds weird, but based on his recent appearance, I keep thinking of Mick Foley. Given the large number of people participating, he wouldn't have to put forth much effort; just his entrance would give the crowd a jolt.

Since the Authority's side is jam-packed already, there's room for the unexpected on Cena's team....and I think the storyline will seem a lot less underwhelming by the time the evening is over.

Well said.

I think Survivor Series has to have additional build before the match occurs at the PPV itself. Maybe one of the Big Show/Ziggler for instance are also taken out, OR HHH decides to insert himself with someone like Y2J, Orton or Sheamus making things even come the start of the match.

As I said in another thread; last night's ending was well done, but with an underwhelming card overall, there will need to be some more build verging on getting some more starpower for the Main Event itself which helps make the "Free PPV" on the Network worth it and also help entice subscribers...

What would it take to have a Roman Reigns/Daniel Bryan appearance?
Well, I might be the only one, but last few episodes of RAW and SmackDown! were really enjoyable for me. I loved the last RAW, especially the contract signing part, after a period of 8 months (since the end of Bryan vs Kane storyline) it was something really fun to watch, but it seems I am the only one :D
btw I hope The Authority loses, if they win, there is nothing more to do for them, there is no one who would stand against them..Reigns when he comes back? well, it would be the same storyline but with exception that Reigns will replace Cena. Boring. Hope they lose and WWE Creative will bring something new fresh and entertaining.
The heat that Authority and the Corporation get/got are vastly different:

People hate the current authority because Hunter cannot stop burying guys whenever he can, whether they are a face or heel, he finds a way. They never get their come comeuppance as heels should. Stephanie beat face Brie and that was the end of that fart of a feud, nobody cares about Brie (or Nikki) because none of it matters.

What is, even their motivation? What do they want? Seriously, ask yourself "What do they want?". Sure they now want to win SS match and stay in power, but what is it that they wanted before that, or beyond should they win?

People hated the Corporation, because Mr. McMahon is one of the greatest heels of all time, but he sure as fuck got his comeuppance on a weekly basis. He was humiliated by Austin especially almost every Monday in the late 90s. People appriciated that his multimillionare was on TV each week and got his ass kicked, he did it for the good of the fans, so they went home happy and not in another shitty finish with a dull Hunter promo.

What did the corporation want? To get the belt off Austin and get rid of him, and people like him. Basically people who disobeyed the rules aka faces who in the late 90s were all "cool badass rebels". While the heels were corporate suck ups.

Seth and Kane are corporate suck ups, but who are the rebellious faces except Dean who is stuck in a dead end feud with Bray now and has been written out of the program? How is poster boy, jock, John Cena a rebellious figure? He is a walking billboard and his character is not someone who will run in and beat up and humiliate Hunter (as if Hunter would allow that)

Conclusion: Its a two way dance, Authority angle sucks because there is no chemistry at play here. The good guys are all massive geeks who lose several times a week, except John Cena. The heels are all geeks except the non wrestler Stephanie and part timer, Hunter.
I've enjoyed the storyline overall. I agree that, at times, it's been tedious but, as MCMG alluded to, maybe that was partially the point. Every so often, Triple H likes to rile up internet fans and he knows exactly which buttons to push.

As I said in another post, I'm a little on the fence towards Harper being IC champ and Rowan's surprise babyface turn. I liked both, but I'm wary because both could turn out to be a mistake depending on what they have planned in the long run.

While it would've been nice to hear from Rollins a bit more, I thought it made sense for Triple H & Stephanie to do most of the talking since they're really the ones with everything "at risk" here. After all, even if they're out of power, kayfabe wise, it's not as if there are gonna be real consequences to Rollins. He's still gonna be Mr. MITB and all the other wrestlers on their team will still be on the roster even if they have a new authority figure that's a babyface.

Also as has been pointed out, it probably could've had a bigger overall feeling if Orton, Barrett, Triple H, Reigns, & Bryan were all involved in this. However, injuries happen, and they're probably saving Orton for something special. There's also Brock Lesnar being out, while the final chapter on Lesnar's title run is yet to be written, I'm thinking WWE will look back on it and see it as a mistake. But, I think it does at least feel pretty fresh. Ziggler's become more relevant now than he has in the past year and MAYBE this could lead to something bigger for him that a good number of fans have wanted to see happen for a while. Harper's the new Intercontinental Champion and while it might prove to be a mistake, depending upon what WWE has in store, it still feels fresh. Rowan's babyface turn is a surprise and, again, it might be a big ol' mess, but it's nice to see so many fresh or fresher faces involved in one of the only traditional Survivor Series matches in years that feels like a big deal.
Tedious is an understatement, it's been downright boring at times. We all know that they aren't going to lose, let's face it, what would RAW be without someone in charge. HHH or Stephanie aren't going anywhere.

Considering the amount of matches we're seeing maybe these long winded promo's are just a way of filling the time. In saying that, however, the story line isn't rocket science and they weren't needed. There was also no point in bringing everyone and his brother to the ring either.

Kane looked last night like most of the fans in the audience did, bored out of his skull. And it was quite frankly hilarious to hear Stephanie build him up as the "fire breathing monster", when in fact he's lost almost every match he's been in for months now. Not to mention interfered in more matches than you can count, causing his team to lose them as well.

I hope Cena's team can pull it out of the fire, but I sincerely have my doubts. The addition of Ryback and Rowan is great, both men are huge, but can still be taken down. I really wanted to see Orton show up, and still think he will. Expecting there too be more shenanigans either tonight on the Smackdown taping or just before the PPV itself. So the landscape could still change.

Putting 4 tag teams into one match was ridiculous, and not really looking forward to this Ambrose/Wyatt showdown, completely lost interest in that a long time ago. I also find it strange that Cesaro hasn't apparently been booked anywhere, and I would have thought with his strength the Authority would have put him on their team right away.

It will be interesting to see what transpires this weekend, and I hope all the hype does actually bring us a good PPV. Considering it's one of the big four if it doesn't Ill be more than disappointed. The thing that worries me though, as we're heading into the final days, there looks to be only 4 matches on the card, with Fandango in the preshow match. So God only knows what's going to happen.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Authority win, but Hunter and Steph take a backseat for a while and have John Cena as the kingpin. So basically, he becomes Don John Cena running the WWE but with the Authority's blessing.
Maybe the payoff for our faith in this program will happen at Survivor Series and we all just need to be patient. I'm having a difficult time trying to fool myself into being excited about sitting through an episode of RAW.

The Authority is at its best when they have a beloved hero to harass, especially if the harassment is in regard to a denied chance at the world title. Now there's no belt, and I really don't know what the Hell John Cena is even supposed to be these days.

The one thing I still manage to find intriguing is where they might go if Cena's team wins, there's also my inability to figure out what the smartest decision would be for the finish. They need something big to happen, bigger than when Mike Awesome fooled everyone while in disguise as Bryan Clark. This is going to be a (somewhat) free PPV. If this one bombs, the Network might not last into 2015.
What is, even their motivation? What do they want? Seriously, ask yourself "What do they want?" Sure they now want to win SS match and stay in power, but what is it that they wanted before that, or beyond should they win?

Your entire entry touched on some very valid points but I chose to simply highlight this section as it sums up a lot of the other areas you wrote about. The motive behind the Authority is very basic. They are an over controlling-power hungry figure head that wants nothing more than to sculpt the company in an image that they know is best for business. Where this falls flat on its face is the lack of execution we have seen through the programs they’ve been involved in. Like you stated, Triple H and Stephanie have set themselves so high above everyone else it gives the fans really nothing to care about. Triple H constantly makes his jokes while playing grab dick with the smarks on a weekly basis while Stephanie just outright degrades the talent. She getting in anyone’s face and then physically assaulting them is an absolute joke. Six months ago she was being praised for her role and at the time all I could do was laugh. She was terrible then and she is terrible now. She is nowhere near the on air talent of her father.

I've enjoyed the storyline overall. I agree that, at times, it's been tedious but, as MCMG alluded to, maybe that was partially the point. Every so often, Triple H likes to rile up internet fans and he knows exactly which buttons to push.

No questioning Triple H’s ability to work a crowd over the course of his career but this act as of late has gone way beyond tedious. Last night he and Stephanie rambled on for fifteen minutes and in the end it was all for a point that could have been made in thirty seconds. Between the $9.99s, H himself and his wife “Chyna 2 Electric Boogaloo” (Seriously how manly is she getting?) the only buttons being pushed are those on the remote controls of the viewers.
I agree that the storyline is just missing a certain *something*. For me, it's the fact that we're supposed to believe that John Cena is an underdog. Think about it. The entire storyline is riding on the notion that The Authority has assembled the "most dominant team in years" and HOW COULD ANYBODY DEFEAT THEM except for, oh, right, John Cena. The face of the company. The most successful wrestler, the guy who always seems to find a way to win, the perpetual odds-on FAVORITE to win the WWE title (most recent matches vs. Lesnar notwithstanding) is supposed to now be our beloved underdog team captain? Color me underwhelmed.

One has to wonder how this storyline may have unfolded with a healthy Daniel Bryan. Bryan is the kind of guy who should be captaining a team against the evil Authority. HE is the underdog. HE is the guy who gets screwed. HE is the guy the Authority was trying to hold down for the past year or so. If you really think about it, like a previous commenter mentioned, what does the Authority want, exactly?

I'll take that question a step further: what does the Authority want with John Cena? I mean, the guy doesn't live to torment them like Austin did to Vince. He doesn't humiliate HHH on a regular basis or rebel against the system or literally do ANYTHING AT ALL that could be considered "anti-Authority." John Cena basically just wins and...exists. I understand if Cena was champion and HHH and Steph wanted the belt on their golden boy, Rollins. But any animosity between the Authority and Cena just seems completely manufactured and disingenuous whereas the hatred and feuding between Daniel Bryan and the Authority felt very real and most of the promos between them seemed like complete shoots. You don't feel any of that with Cena and the Authority and that, for me, is what makes this match seem so underwhelming.
If I was in charge of writing, I would've involved Bray and Ambrose in some capacity. Ambrose has been the main focal point of the anti-authority angle since Reigns and Bryan were injured, so it's kind of weird that he's been totally disinterested in bringing down Rollins and the people who convinced him to sell his soul. Bray is also a more credible threat than Kane or Henry.

I would've had Henry sort of help the authority by just demolishing Team Cena in varying spots, but maybe not be part of the official team. This is a storyline where everyone should feel important, but even half of the competing teams feel sort of irrelevant. And weak. I don't mind Swagger being taken out, but why is a curb stomp enough to do that? At least go big, like when Orton or Ambrose were taken out for a few weeks. Smash his head in concrete. Use multiple curbstomps. Something. This is the climax of the authority angle dammit! Be epic!
Haven't watched much lately but caught the contract signing. BTW, did anyone ever actually sign the contract?

For me this is the most intriguing SS match in years. I actually care about the outcome. There is actually something unique on the line (the future of The Authority) and HHH isn't even in the match. Maybe they are doing some dull segments and even if The Authority loses no one actually believes it will be the last time we ever see HHH and Steph on Raw but it is more interesting than "who will be the sole survivor?"

On top of the stipulation there appears to be more going on. How are WWE going to book guys like Rusev and Ryback who seem to be getting monster pushes? There are cheap solutions to this but it makes things more interesting. What about Harper and Rowan? Neither guy belongs so will they just be booked to take a fall? And why of all people did Rowan join Cena? And what does this mean for Ziggler? Sure he can take a fall easily but what a ton of time and solid wins this guy has been getting compared to six months ago. From what I've seen and read he is getting the #2 face treatment.

On top of all that Cena's promo was pretty strong last night and the Cesaro swerve was kind of funny and a nice throw in.
Haven't watched much lately but caught the contract signing. BTW, did anyone ever actually sign the contract?

Just had dinner with my seven year old nephew and he mentioned the exact same thing. It didn't even cross my mind but each of you are correct. Cena tossed the table following his "fun filled" rant. My nephew also asked a question that many of us have brought up. "Isn't the Game some big time legend? Why isn't he fighting for his job and company?" A freaking seven year old can even pick up the missed logic.
I'm with you, rbv13. Why wouldn't Triple H fight to save his own ass?

I have been waiting for this to be resolved for multiple weeks now. I just kind of assumed it would get to the point where HHH decides he will take matters into his own hands and destroy Team Cena singlehandedly if he has to. Obviously, plenty could still unfold at Survivor Series, but at the moment it appears that he'll just be watching from ringside.

I find it hard to believe that HHH won't have SOME spot in the match - perhaps trying to fend off Orton when he (obviously) interferes? Still, it feels totally illogical that Triple H - the cerebral assassin, who never misses an opportunity to gloat - wouldn't include himself when attempting to assemble one of the most dangerous SS teams in history. Guess we'll see what unfolds Sunday night...
Haven't watched much lately but caught the contract signing. BTW, did anyone ever actually sign the contract?

For me this is the most intriguing SS match in years. I actually care about the outcome. There is actually something unique on the line (the future of The Authority) and HHH isn't even in the match. Maybe they are doing some dull segments and even if The Authority loses no one actually believes it will be the last time we ever see HHH and Steph on Raw but it is more interesting than "who will be the sole survivor?"

On top of the stipulation there appears to be more going on. How are WWE going to book guys like Rusev and Ryback who seem to be getting monster pushes? There are cheap solutions to this but it makes things more interesting. What about Harper and Rowan? Neither guy belongs so will they just be booked to take a fall? And why of all people did Rowan join Cena? And what does this mean for Ziggler? Sure he can take a fall easily but what a ton of time and solid wins this guy has been getting compared to six months ago. From what I've seen and read he is getting the #2 face treatment.

On top of all that Cena's promo was pretty strong last night and the Cesaro swerve was kind of funny and a nice throw in.

:lol: Count on GSB to notice something like that. I do wonder IF anyone actually did sign the contract in the end...

I have liked the build, but I feel it was stretched at points due to obvious lack of star power available, to the point, that it was pretty obvious it was going to be, "Will he?Won't he?" with regards to Ryback and that is ultimately how it happened.
Still, I too, am interested in the outcome, and would love to see Heyman, for instance, become the new "GM" to help Brock's build going into Mania season, and cause chaos...
Also, I'm still holding out for "It's coming" being Bray Wyatt turning out to be a new Mastermind and new Long Term Top Heel...the everything is being fitted for it as THTRobtaylor has pointed out, it is only now for WWE to execute such a blanket story for Post-Mania 32.

So basically; I am intrigued as to the result of the Main Event, but also, I don't think WWE did quite enough to make Survivor Series a Must-See event due mostly to lack of true star power(I mean, HHH isn't even in the match.)
It is underwhelming, for all that's on the line and all of the talk the announcers did about it...I started to feel like it'd be a huge thing. Then Erick Rowan joined Team Cena, JBL on the mic saying better pick gold. Yet you picked Erick Rowan. Can we seriously think about this for a second? He isn't feuding with Luke Harper? Not from what I've seen. He wasn't a face, or much of relevant at this point. Swagger would have been better in this spot. Ambrose would have been better. I'd take just about anybody over Rowan. It's not a knock on him, it just seems like his character shouldn't care about the match. They could have had Triple H taken fake Grumpy Cat or something, it just seemed like a swerve to swerve in my eyes.

Like half of the guys in the match I don't care about, and like others have pointed out, Cena isn't an underdog. IF ANYTHING, he is the prototype champion the Authority should want! Why did this feud start exactly? Because Cena...well he? O that's right because he wasn't Randy Orton? But having the belt on Lesnar is better? In terms of company man Cena > Lesnar and I say that as someone who doesn't hate on Lesnar being gone! Just the story makes zero sense, Cena isn't an underdog, he's not anti Authority...he's John Cena! How could he get more pro Authority?

I applaud the WWE for doing this to help make this a main event caliber match but it just seems to fall flat in my eyes, like the whole PPV to be honest. Again, not a knock on the PPV it just doesn't have anything to get me interested. Well, aside from the fact it'll be free for me. Dare I say, worst PPV of the year is what it's looking to be
I've been thinking about it and I just can't come to a logical conclusion for why the Rowan swerve was necessary. Ryback was what everyone was waiting for. I don't think anyone really cares that Rowan was added. This definitely feels thrown together at the last minute, unless they have something else planned. For example: what if Rowan doesn't actually wrestle in the match? Like, he "doesn't make it" to the match because he's taken out or something. This sets up a last-minute addition to Team Cena, which could be a (not shocking) return of Sheamus from his "injury." Either that, or Team Cena is just forced to wrestle shorthanded until Randy Orton's expected interference.

Rowan's involvement in the match makes absolutely no sense, but maybe come Sunday night it will be more clear why he was added? At the moment though, it's a definite head-scratcher.
I think their feud is legit. It's definitely given exposure to wrestlers that normally wouldn't get exposure like Ziggler. They make him seem important like Ryback, Rusev and Ziggler.

Ziggler looked strong in defeated. It took interference to beat Ziggler. The same guy who just come off a losing streak going into HIAC.

Rowan and Harper are getting respected as singles wrestlers. The Intercontinental Championship is getting attention.

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