Terrorism: What will it take to stop it?

Can we just all agree that some people are lying assholes who will do and say whatever they can to get what they want?
Can I ask one question? Where are the "moderates"? Why aren't they sticking up for what's right and kicking the 7% in the ass where it hurts? You wanna know where they are? KISSING THE 7% IN THE ASS SO DON'T TELL ME IT'S JUST SOME MORONS WHO ARE MISINTERPRETING A RELIGIOUS TEXT BOOK WHEN NOBODY'S DOING A DAMN THING TO STOP IT!
I wouldn't have replied, out of respect towards you, but there are a few parts of your message that I'd like to address:


As a Muslim guy who has been to one of those 'unregulated' schools as you claim in India, no less, that seriously hit me like a bullet into my heart, because it is so general and pretty much an untrue blanket statement, if ever there was one.

Wait, wait, wait... I don't "claim" things. Here is a reference: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahom...aving-links-international-jehadi-outfits.html To quote the second paragraph of the article,
"The National Investigating Agency (NIA), which is probing the recent Burdwan blast, has unearthed a chain of illegal madrasas or Muslim educational centres, which were being used as a cover for providing training to militants.
According to NIA sources, the primary objective of these hubs was to give training to prospective militants in explosive manufacturing and in establishing links with international terror outfits."

The only part I was "untrue" was that I didn't explicitly mention that they were training prospective militants in bomb-manufacturing, to use on the people of this country, in the madrasas. Better? Be realistic, or next time a bullet might pierce your heart literally, and it might come from a student of one of the educational institutions that you are defending.

Just because a small percentage of A**holes misinterpret and/or use the Holy Qur'an as their only source of Islam, doesn't mean they represent the entire religion of Islam and its Followers at all.
Nobody is saying that all Muslims are terrorists or those guys represent all of you. Don't divert the topic.

Here is a comment by a popular FB Entertainer, Zaid AliT, who some of you may be aware of:
Never heard of him. Was he your classmate at the madrasa?

"I hate when the media says "Islamic extremists." Muslims are not terrorists..."
Because, like you, he too is diverting the topic and trying to make it seem like people are saying "All Muslims are terrorists."
"Terrorism has no religion."
Agreed, a certain terrorist group is not automatically Islamic... except when they declare something along the lines of "We are gonna kill all non-believers of Islam!" Then they're definitely Islamic.
"We are one of the most loving, caring and peaceful people in the world. The word "Islam" itself means "peace".
And in the very next sentence, he says...
"If all the Muslims in this world were terrorists then you wouldn't be alive today."
A very peaceful statement indeed.
"Stop being ignorant."
He is the one being ignorant. His whole argument is based on the belief that his whole community is being called terrorists, which is not the case.


The above is a verse of the Qur'an which explicity states that killing of Innocents is a no-no.
What is your take on the 100+ guidelines (both explicit and ambiguous) that instructs followers of Islam to do the opposite (to say the least), which are mentioned in the article that I linked to in one of my earlier messages, which have further been referenced from The University of Southern California?

Furthermore, Suicide is strictly prohibited in Islam, and anyone trying to justify it(suicide attacks,etc.) by any means is just a misguided A**hole who is confused and brainwashed.
Martyrdom isn't prohibited, I believe. One can easily be convinced that suicide attacks are not merely suicides, but an act of martyrdom, and will instantly book their business-class ticket to heaven.

Also, ALL of Islam isn't just contained in the Holy Qur'an as so many people seem to claim. (+the part in blue font)
My topic was that many verses(?) (let's call them instructions) of the Quran have double-meaning, many are violently provocative, many (of the dangerous ones) are open-ended and allows the reader's own interpretation. If the reader is twisted and he is preaching his own interpretation to 100 illiterate sheep, than it's even more awesome :blush: It has little relevance with what you have replied.

These teachings of Muhammed(P.B.U.H) are called Hadiths, and have been preserved throughout the history of Islam, by the Scholars of Islam.
Sadly, the majority of these Terrorist Bastards do not adhere to the words of the Prophet(P.B.U.H) and instead brainwash their followers(other Extremists) by telling them that the Holy Qur'an has everything, when in Fact, the Holy Qur'an is actually explained by way of the Hadiths of Muhammed(P.B.U.H) for the most part in detail.
You know, you could have kept this as the only paragraph in your reply. :shrug:
But does Mohammad instruct anything better in his Hadiths, or are some of those guidelines just as violent and nonsensical? Among the things I've read about him were that Prophet Mohammad had destroyed idols and other forms of worship used by other religions; he ordered his followers to burn any person alive, who didn't attend prayers at the mosque; that he parceled out the widows and surviving children as slaves to his men for sexual servitude and labor; that over 800 surrendered men and boys from the Qurayza tribe were beheaded by the prophet's men on his orders. What are your thoughts on this?

Finally just to clear up, I am NOT in any way supporting these Extremists at all...
Of course not, you're a good guy.

...nor is Suicide accepted in Islam(rather the said punishment for doing it is very severe).
Punishment for the dead body?

However, I am truly taken aback when people make comments where they paint All Muslims and the Religion of Islam with the same brush because of what a small percentage of Misguided Followers do, due in Most Part, to wrong forms of Education and lies taught to them.
Already addressed this sentiment twice.:twak:

I'm going to desist from going into stuff about the "Heroic West", because this isn't some movie where there is a script with Heroes and Villains. Both sides do loads of shit which has made this problem of Terrorism get even bigger and bigger, rather than solving it.
Yeah, let's discuss cricket instead.

As the saying goes,KILLING BEGETS KILLING.
This saying doesn't apply to terrorism. Only one side is doing the killing, and means have to be figured out to end this state of matters. Which brings me to my original topic, if the madrasas are emerging as a threat to the Nations' security, then they have to be done away with, irrespective of whether they are guilty or innocent, unless they agree to function according to the government's curriculum.

The answer is in UNITY, and that my friends unfortunely is far,far away...:disappointed: :banghead:
Do you have any alternative solutions in mind? Because a world where everyone lives in unity can exist only in a once-in-a-lifetime dream. That's practically never gonna happen.
I wouldn't have replied, out of respect towards you, but there are a few parts of your message that I'd like to address:
It's just a debate, dude. Nothing personal in it. You have your views, I have mine and this thread has been eye opening to an extent anyways. :lol:


As a Muslim guy who has been to one of those 'unregulated' schools as you claim in India, no less, that seriously hit me like a bullet into my heart, because it is so general and pretty much an untrue blanket statement, if ever there was one.
Wait, wait, wait... I don't "claim" things. Here is a reference: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome...i-outfits.html To quote the second paragraph of the article,
"The National Investigating Agency (NIA), which is probing the recent Burdwan blast, has unearthed a chain of illegal madrasas or Muslim educational centres, which were being used as a cover for providing training to militants.

According to NIA sources, the primary objective of these hubs was to give training to prospective militants in explosive manufacturing and in establishing links with international terror outfits."
The only part I was "untrue" was that I didn't explicitly mention that they were training prospective militants in bomb-manufacturing, to use on the people of this country, in the madrasas. Better? Be realistic, or next time a bullet might pierce your heart literally, and it might come from a student of one of the educational institutions that you are defending.

From reading about that stuff, it seems that that part of India is dirt poor, and those terrorists took advantage of that.
As for the part about madresahs needing to be regulated. I do agree that certification is required, which is done here in the west, to ensure that the Gov't is aware what is being taught.
However, the one that I have attended and others I know of, all have certification and are in good facilities also.

That said; you know and I know that India's Politicians and Policemen are all corrupt SOBs for the most apart from a select few. The amount of bribing that occurs is alarming, and even that article above states that the Police themselves knew what was going on...

But the way how your point came across, was that All Madresahs are bad and are in the business of educating budding terrorists, which is definitely not the case at all.

Just because a small percentage of A**holes misinterpret and/or use the Holy Qur'an as their only source of Islam, doesn't mean they represent the entire religion of Islam and its Followers at all.
Nobody is saying that all Muslims are terrorists or those guys represent all of you. Don't divert the topic.

Maybe in your part it is so, but I have across such sentiments in numerous places, even here in Barbados also. Because of such bastards, people have taken to becoming Anti-Islamic in loads of places.

Here is a comment by a popular FB Entertainer, Zaid AliT, who some of you may be aware of:
Never heard of him. Was he your classmate at the madrasa?Because, like you, he too is diverting the topic and trying to make it seem like people are saying "All Muslims are terrorists."
Agreed, a certain terrorist group is not automatically Islamic... except when they declare something along the lines of "We are gonna kill all non-believers of Islam!" Then they're definitely Islamic.
And in the very next sentence, he says...
A very peaceful statement indeed.
He is the one being ignorant. His whole argument is based on the belief that his whole community is being called terrorists, which is not the case.

I did say Some May know him.

As for his message, I think it was pretty clear what he was trying to say, merely that a small percentage of misguided individuals do not represent the Religion of Islam.

Way to take his post out of context...are you a journalist, by any chance? :rolleyes: ;)

The above is a verse of the Qur'an which explicity states that killing of Innocents is a no-no.
What is your take on the 100+ guidelines (both explicit and ambiguous) that instructs followers of Islam to do the opposite (to say the least), which are mentioned in the article that I linked to in one of my earlier messages, which have further been referenced from The University of Southern California?

Take a read:

Furthermore, Suicide is strictly prohibited in Islam, and anyone trying to justify it(suicide attacks,etc.) by any means is just a misguided A**hole who is confused and brainwashed.
Martyrdom isn't prohibited, I believe. One can easily be convinced that suicide attacks are not merely suicides, but an act of martyrdom, and will instantly book their business-class ticket to heaven.


There is no way that suicide can be an act of martyrdom. Don't know what you're trying to get at. A person would have to be a complete dumbass or uneducated brat to believe such shit.

Also, ALL of Islam isn't just contained in the Holy Qur'an as so many people seem to claim. (+the part in blue font)
My topic was that many verses(?) (let's call them instructions) of the Quran have double-meaning, many are violently provocative, many (of the dangerous ones) are open-ended and allows the reader's own interpretation. If the reader is twisted and he is preaching his own interpretation to 100 illiterate sheep, than it's even more awesome It has little relevance with what you have replied.

But you have been referencing verses of the Qur'an, thus I replied as such.
Interpreting the Qur'an is supposed to be left to he Scholars, sadly, that is not followed these days.

As you pointed out above, Lack of literacy is a huge problem, and given the terrorist ridden places are all generally poor, you can see where the problem starts. Education is the key, if such crap is to be stopped, but for that to happen, there is a need for Unity(which you and I agree is a pipe-dream)

These teachings of Muhammed(P.B.U.H) are called Hadiths, and have been preserved throughout the history of Islam, by the Scholars of Islam.
Sadly, the majority of these Terrorist Bastards do not adhere to the words of the Prophet(P.B.U.H) and instead brainwash their followers(other Extremists) by telling them that the Holy Qur'an has everything, when in Fact, the Holy Qur'an is actually explained by way of the Hadiths of Muhammed(P.B.U.H) for the most part in detail.
You know, you could have kept this as the only paragraph in your reply.
But does Mohammad instruct anything better in his Hadiths, or are some of those guidelines just as violent and nonsensical? Among the things I've read about him were that Prophet Mohammad had destroyed idols and other forms of worship used by other religions; he ordered his followers to burn any person alive, who didn't attend prayers at the mosque; that he parceled out the widows and surviving children as slaves to his men for sexual servitude and labor; that over 800 surrendered men and boys from the Qurayza tribe were beheaded by the prophet's men on his orders. What are your thoughts on this?

There are many hadiths showing the great character of Muhammed(P.B.U.H), however, as I am not a scholar, that is not something I am willing to get into too much detail with.

With regards to those incidents.
He destroyed the Idols that were inside the House of Allah(called the Kaabah Sharif in Makkah) after the City of Makkah was conquered.

They never burnt or were ordered to burn any followers for not praying. Rather it was something he expressed to show the severity of not Praying 5 times with congregation in the Mosque. Big difference with what you claim.

Parcelling out slaves and such were part and parcel of war in those times as far as I have read about other leaders in history.

As for the Qurayzah tribe...I am not entirely aware of the story, other than they had treaty with the Muslims and broke it.

Finally just to clear up, I am NOT in any way supporting these Extremists at all...
Of course not, you're a good guy.


...nor is Suicide accepted in Islam(rather the said punishment for doing it is very severe).
Punishment for the dead body?

Read the link on suicide above.
Indeed, punishment in the hereafter will occur for one who commits suicide.

However, I am truly taken aback when people make comments where they paint All Muslims and the Religion of Islam with the same brush because of what a small percentage of Misguided Followers do, due in Most Part, to wrong forms of Education and lies taught to them.
Already addressed this sentiment twice.

And as I said, it is a reality. Even in Europe right now, I think in Germany, there is a mass Anti-Islam campaign going on.

I'm going to desist from going into stuff about the "Heroic West", because this isn't some movie where there is a script with Heroes and Villains. Both sides do loads of shit which has made this problem of Terrorism get even bigger and bigger, rather than solving it.
Yeah, let's discuss cricket instead.

That'd be brilliant. Did you see Captain Hashim Amla's double against the mighty Windies? ;)

As the saying goes,KILLING BEGETS KILLING.
This saying doesn't apply to terrorism. Only one side is doing the killing, and means have to be figured out to end this state of matters. Which brings me to my original topic, if the madrasas are emerging as a threat to the Nations' security, then they have to be done away with, irrespective of whether they are guilty or innocent, unless they agree to function according to the government's curriculum.


Those people beg to differ. Both sides are guilty of killing innocents, though the killings of innocents in the Middle East,etc, are afforded very little coverage and are covered up.
Killing begets Killing, and that is what continues to happen and will continue to happen.

Education is the key for the most problematic regions are generally poor, and thus illiterate.

Again, another blanket statement on Madresahs being bad.
As I said; I do believe that they should be certified and have a certain level of facilities,etc.
However, as I also said, India itself, although to a lesser extent than Pakistan, is still corrupt in every sense of the word from Politicians to Police, so good luck with getting that done.
It is done here in Barbados and also in the UK, US, etc also...

The answer is in UNITY, and that my friends unfortunely is far,far away...
Do you have any alternative solutions in mind? Because a world where everyone lives in unity can exist only in a once-in-a-lifetime dream. That's practically never gonna happen.

See above. Education, Eradication of Poverty....

All are pipedreams. Guess we are doomed, until we become unified, which will automatically allow for all the other stuff to get done as well. :) :)
The answer is in UNITY, and that my friends unfortunely is far,far away...

Isn't it? I mean what would it take to unify the world? Especially with selfishness, greed and hunger for power being so prevalent. I just tend to believe that more than anything, terrorism itself is front. More than simply hate, it is tool to some bigger end.

I am not a believer of conspiracy theories; however, every time I hear these stories and read about them, I can't help but think that somewhere, all of this is just a front and means to control.
Isn't it? I mean what would it take to unify the world? Especially with selfishness, greed and hunger for power being so prevalent. I just tend to believe that more than anything, terrorism itself is front. More than simply hate, it is tool to some bigger end.

I am not a believer of conspiracy theories; however, every time I hear these stories and read about them, I can't help but think that somewhere, all of this is just a front and means to control.

You arent the only one. Trust me. There have been loads of strange stories and theories emerging with regards to Terrorism and Incidents...which ones are true and which ones aren't, we have no idea.

As for Unity, which achieved will solve most of the problems in the World, no doubt. It is a pipe dream in a World in which there is animosity between Mother and Son... thus people actually believe that creating more animosity through killing will help, which is baffling as has been proven with the birth of ISIS, for instance.
One of the leading causes of terrorism against the US is an overreaching state department and an imperialist foreign policy.

For years, the US had tried to force it's will on other countries, and has supported several dictators. These actions have often led to anti-American views among common people in several countries.

Here is an example.
For years the US supported an Iranian dictator named Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who was king or Shah of Iran. The United States put him in power, and overthrew the democratically elected prime minister of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddegh. Before this, Iran was a democratic constitutional monarchy, like the UK, and the Shah was a figurehead. The Shah was a madman who murdered thousands of innocent people and ruled Iran with an Iron first, imprisoning or killing any who dared question him. This tyrant, in exchange for oil, had the full support of the US. The US gave him money, weapons, ad vetoed several UN resolutions meant to help his people get out from under him.

Eventually, the people of Iran had enough and started to demand he step down. Over the course of 2 years, over 10 million iranians marched in protest of his rule and called for his trial and execution as a traitor.

The Shah fled the country and and sought medical treatment in the US. and the Revolutionaries took control.

The new government declared the US was no longer welcome in Iran, and demanded all US diplomats leave. The state department refused. and so all workers in US embassy were arrested and held as prisoners.

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