Tatsu-Dust New Tag Champs???

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Pre-Show Stalwart
So Yoshi and Goldust are the new #1 Contenders for the Unified Tag Team Championships. Now with the recent forming of ShowMiz everyone assumes they are going to replace JeriShow and be the new tag team. However, let me ask you this. Does anyone think we are being set up for a Big Show face turn? He made fun of Jericho basically saying he wouldn't be anyone's whipping boy. So what if Miz treats Show how Jericho did and Show grows tired of it real quick and during the last episode of ECW we get NEW WWE UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust.

Big Show punches Miz, turns him face for his movie, and we get a mini feud maybe, and we get sort of a legit kind of tag team(as neither will be a singles STAR) and helps balance the tag division out?

What are anyones thoughts? Are we in for the surprise of the year so far!! Upset of the year def!?
This pairing of Big Show and The Miz just started. It would be fine in the long run if what you said happens, where Miz treats Show like Jericho did. But this tag team title match against Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust is actually just next week. They have no time really until then except for one episode of Raw. That would be too quick of a break up that would be unnecessary. Oh, and the fact that Yoshi and Goldust wouldn't win the belts to begin with.
If this happened, it wouldnt be surprise of the year anymore XD
But seriously, i like this idea but i dont think it will happen. Show needs more time to be mistreated, i mean they havent even been champs for a week. but it'd be good to see.
You're fooling yourself if you really think Yoshidust will win the belts next week. I like both men, but Showmiz only just won, Goldust is an enhancement talent, and Yoshi is a new guy. The only reason they won is to get them both on the air during the last episode of ECW and to attempt to give the ratings a small boost before ECW is gone forever.
Goldust hasnt been relevant for a long time, and Yoshi is too green. I dont see Big Show turning on Miz yet, but I do think that this pairing will eventually see a face turn for Show when they DO lose the belts, it just wont be to Yoshi and Goldust.
I thought they were Yoshi-Goldie? That's a horrible name. But anyway, they have no shot. Showmiz will lose to hopefully the Hart Dynasty. Yoshi Goldie (what an awful name) will lose, for sure. Goldust will be pinned. At least that's how I think it will happen.
they will never be tag champs they are just card fillers.once nxt starts goldust will probably be released they're really isn't nothing for him to do once ecw is done.
Yoshi and Goldust are one thing that the tag team division really needs and it is a face tag team. We have Miz and Bigshow, SES, Hart Dynasty, and Legacy who are all heels and the only face teams they have are Cryme Tyme and I guess MVP & Mark Henry. Yoshi was doing well when he first debuted and has fizzled since. This wouldn't seem like a random team thrown together and would actually be a good comedy team as Goldust has proven in the past. I see no problem with a feud coming out of this and it could really put Yoshi over.
No. There is no way Goldust is going to win another title in his career and I don't see the WWE putting the team of Tatsu-Dust on all three brands.

I can see Tatsu winning a midcard title maybe in the future but right now he is a midcarder on a dying brand. I can see the storyline you gave happening in the future but to give it to Tatsu-Dust? Not a chance.
No. There is no way Goldust is going to win another title in his career and I don't see the WWE putting the team of Tatsu-Dust on all three brands.

I can see Tatsu winning a midcard title maybe in the future but right now he is a midcarder on a dying brand. I can see the storyline you gave happening in the future but to give it to Tatsu-Dust? Not a chance.

Is Goldust and Tatsu appearing on all three brands going to hurt in any way? The tag team division hasn't been cared about in years and those two are going to damage it any more. Jerishow didn't raise the prestige of the titles and neither did DX. They had plenty of chances to put over actual tag teams but they didn't. Yoshi and Goldust could become an actual tag team that can benefit from this, especially Yoshi. If Hardcore Holly can win a title, then why can't Goldust?
I hope Yoshi-Dust win but its unlikely.Way I see it the only way they will win is if someone from RAW or SD comes out and distracts big show allowing Yoshi-Dust to win the titles by pinning miz.That way miz can get back to being us champ and show can feud with the person who distracted him.
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