Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday

CM Steel

A REAL American
Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday: What happened to this interactive event??

Taboo Tuesday debut as a pay per view in 2004, with the main event being Triple H defending his World Heavyweight Championship against the choice's of Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, and Edge. With the WWE universe having complete control of who would be in the championship match, and it was HBK Shawn Michaels.

Not much later Taboo Tuesday changed to Cyber Sunday, since the WWE had the new ECW tapings on a tuesday. Marketing the interactive PPV, which has since been defunct from the WWE. But made a one night return on RAW last year.

So should either Taboo Tuesday or Cyber Sunday make a return to the WWE's PPV line-up?
I would like it to be return but the problem is that the WWE couldn't really commit to making intriguing choices and normally already has a plan in mind and just give the audience token choices. Example is are their choices on who will be the challenger for the Title ... over the years they had Shawn Michaels, The Big Show, or Kane ... or Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, and Mr Kennedy. Also they had some bogus stipulations with a real one like for Austin and Jonathan Coachman their stipulations were Street Fight, Verbal Debate, or Arm Wrestling Contest.

Seriously the result of these choices are obvious and just made the interactive PPV predictable. If they want to bring back the Interactive PPV they need to give you real choices and not one obvious choice and two token pics like they did during this PPV's run.
Well first of all I liked the idea of this PPV but they forged the results of that ppv. They had the voting percentages done themselves.
Right now if the choice for a WHC opponet and it was DB, Del Rio, or Orton. I would bet they would say Del Rio won even though Orton or maybe even Daniel Bryan would actually win considering the pops they've gotten lately. WWE Forged the votes.
I liked taboo tuesday but in todays PG programming i dont see it happening. It was a cool PPV to get the fans involved let us make the choices great idea. I definitely think they should bring back taboo tuesday a ppv on a tuesday great fucking idea
It could still work as a PPV but I think the whole concept will feature on a special Raw. Have 3 different stipulations/mathes/opponents and let the fans vote via the WWE website or texting.

Would using Facebook and Twitter work? Perhaps posting a poll on the WWE facebook page would force people to like the page and therefore advertise it. Also have been tweet their preferred choice using a hash-tag would get things trending.
I liked taboo tuesday but in todays PG programming i dont see it happening. It was a cool PPV to get the fans involved let us make the choices great idea. I definitely think they should bring back taboo tuesday a ppv on a tuesday great fucking idea

What the hell does a PG Progamming have to do with an interactive PPV?

Anyways, this was a great idea, but never really worked as a PPV. People like to know what they are paying to see. I liked it when WWE did a Raw with the same idea. That worked for me, and I wouldn't mind it happening once a year or so.
Well first of all I liked the idea of this PPV but they forged the results of that ppv. They had the voting percentages done themselves.
Right now if the choice for a WHC opponet and it was DB, Del Rio, or Orton. I would bet they would say Del Rio won even though Orton or maybe even Daniel Bryan would actually win considering the pops they've gotten lately. WWE Forged the votes.

No they didn't. At least not all the time. Chris Jericho talks about it in his book; he talks about having to come up with a match with Shelton Benjamin in about 5 seconds after he was surprisingly chosen to fight him.

On topic, I never cared for this PPV concept because as a few people have mentioned, while they weren't (always) rigged, the choices besides the one they want you to pick are usually out-of-left-field ******ed so no one picks them. "Would you rather see CM Punk defend his title in a ladder match, a political debate or a synchronized swimming contest?! VOTING IS OPEN NOW!"
It could still work as a PPV but I think the whole concept will feature on a special Raw. Have 3 different stipulations/mathes/opponents and let the fans vote via the WWE website or texting.

Would using Facebook and Twitter work? Perhaps posting a poll on the WWE facebook page would force people to like the page and therefore advertise it. Also have been tweet their preferred choice using a hash-tag would get things trending.

they had a viewers choice raw on raw a couple times, in 2010 , the nexus debuted on this special, and in 2011, stone cold was the guest host of the night
i would love to see this ppv come back but its been said already only if the choice is actullay up to the fans and they dont make it obvious what choice is gonna win i mean this ppv could be great for wwe BUT ONLY IF the fans actullay get the choice and theres 3 legit choices not 2 stupid choices and a obvious choice.
I loved the concept. For one night the fans got to choose what they wanted to see... not entirely but its better to have some input than no input at all. They were all pretty solid pay per views. I didn't like the two voting episodes of Raw as it felt like a really watered down version of Taboo Tuesday/ Cyber Sunday. I almost blew my brains out during both of those episodes Raw.
first off, i'd like to start by saying that i really enjoyed these pay per views and enjoyed even more the concept of them. like anything, the execution can't always live up to the expectation, hope or hype.

to summarize what others have said, there are 2 primary issues with this type of event, whether it's on ppv or on a free show like raw or smackdown.

1. the choices can be pretty obvious. this wasn't always the case, but there were definitely times when there was only one real option and the other two were there just for the appearance of a voting option. that's an easy fix. just have three great options for voting. super easy fix. and for one night, it's a pretty small risk to the company. have Sheamus defend against either Bryan, Barrett (assuming he's healed up) or Henry. no matter who wins the vote, it'd be a decent match and maybe something that the fans haven't seen before or often. i just think that this is too easy a fix for it to stop this kind of event from happening ever again.

2. people wanna know in advance what they are going to be watching. this is especially true if it's on ppv and people are paying mega bucks to watch it. this is also an easy fix. for example, have the established main event be something like Cena vs. Lesnar. the vote could be for match type and not for opponent. so for however long in advance, people can know for sure what the main event is: Cena vs. Lesnar. now they just don't know if it's gonna be street fight, last man standing or first blood, for example. for a less featured match, you can have the opponents up for grabs. like Santino defending the US Title versus either Otunga, Ziggler or Swagger. he's in a mini feud with all three so they're all good options, as noted in issue number 1, and it's not the main event so people know who they're gonna be watching and this will be a title match with some backstory already.

the idea is really solid. the issues are also pretty legit. i just think that they can be pretty easily avoided and even corrected. at least i hope so cuz i'd really love to see this once a year. it's something fresh and can stay fresh every year if done correctly.
I'll stick with the Raw Viewer's Choice thing. Even at times, that gets unbearable. I cannot imagine paying $60 for a pay-per-veiw with no major title changes or no real storyline build up. In all honesty, I hated Cyber Sunday. If the polls weren't rigged, it sure seemed like nothing major would've happened. How exactly can you allow the audience to pick who faces the WWE Champion and actually expect the viewer's pick to win the belt? Even today, do you honestly think that Cyber Sunday wouldn't be one of those PPVs that have a two week build up with a three match card? I didn't like the ppv and it was definitely one of those desperate atempts to get something going in the WWE at the time. So no. Cyber Sunday and Taboo Tuesday can go fuck itself.
I guess the idea of it wasn't bad, but the ppv never really came off well. The results were not forged all time according to Chris Jericho's book as another poster said, but the pvv was always very rushed with little to no build. I really wouldn't want to see it come back as I think they should be reducing the amount of ppvs and maybe stop with every non major ppv having a gimmick. Cyber/Taboo to me was just another gimmick that didn't come off very well.
If the concept became a yearly Raw themed episode ala Raw Roulette then of course I'd love to bring this back. However from a PPV standpoint no the results seemed to faked for the most part. I wouldn't care to pay $60 for that concept.. However on free television it'd provide a great episode of Raw.
This was an interesting PPV and I would not be against it coming back. Goodness knows it would be far better than some of the awful PPV's that should have been taken out of the lineup long ago. The main problem I had with it was that the choices were not as good as they could have been. If there is only one good outcome along with two boring ones then obviously we know what will win ahead of time.

If WWE brought it back and made the effort to prepare for all three outcomes ahead of time, then the show could be a success. Heck, have it replace Extreme Rules which is never "extreme" anymore unless extreme is short for extreme waste of money. I would be MUCH more interested in purchasing Wrestlemania rematches if I could vote on the match types.

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