Survivor Series hinting at: D-Generation X VS Brock Lesnar


Championship Contender
Think about it. Lesnar is said to compete at Survivor Series. Who the hell is gonna team with him? No one! No one is teaming with him. It doesnt work the way he's being built. They even just booked Rock in a tag match I get why, but he didnt need to be in a 5 on 5 match.

The thing is it's logical and even Paul said he wishes HHH would bring Shawn Michaels, bring Road Dogg, bring Billy Gunn, bring X-Pac, bring all of DX. He stated that in a promo last night and it just adds up to a great match to follow up to a one night only appearance, a one night only in-ring return of D-Generation X

And how would that match work? Brock's pride and ego and confidence would say bring it, and in the match he could easily and quickly break the arms of X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws one by one after they maybe get a few hits in, some signature stuff but Lesnar will be toying HHH the whole match and it could be a great story watching his friends get destroyed until it's down to him and HBK.Yes HBK. 5 on 1, HBK comes out of retirement as he says he doesnt feel right letting this go so you have him wrestle with DX, the full DX we had at Raw 1000 and maybe to watch Heyman at ringside you finally bring Chyna back

Either way this could set up HBK vs HHH and I know ppl are gonna bash that like in the last thread but Shawn's last match will be at Mania. After DX wins SS they could have Shawn tell Hunter that after barely beating Brock although they did last night it's time for him to call it quits and be remembered at his best. I remember being at Axxess at WM25 and HHH saying they'd tell each other when it was time for the other to hang it up, that they had that deal. And they both said they didnt wanna do this much longer, they're getting older. etc etc.

Anyway you can bring HBK out at have him face HHH that way at WM29 and they can have HHH's career on the line.

Maybe while you have Shawn out of retirement we can get that Rock vs HBK at Mania 30!

It is WrestleMania XXX after all, what would XXX be without DX
Interesting concept. But here's how it should be done. HHH brings all of DX back, but Shawn won't fight. It's just HHH, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X-Pac. Brock makes quick work of the three, and then it's down to HHH and Lesnar again. Lesnar wins. He goes to break HHH's Arm for a third time, but HBK stops it. The next night on Raw HHH calls out HBK and says it's his fault THEIR friends are injured, it's his fault Brock broke their arms, and this sets up HBK VS HHH at Mania.
Interesting concept. But here's how it should be done. HHH brings all of DX back, but Shawn won't fight. It's just HHH, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X-Pac. Brock makes quick work of the three, and then it's down to HHH and Lesnar again. Lesnar wins. He goes to break HHH's Arm for a third time, but HBK stops it. The next night on Raw HHH calls out HBK and says it's his fault THEIR friends are injured, it's his fault Brock broke their arms, and this sets up HBK VS HHH at Mania.

I think that would be a great way to bring HBK out of retirement, even though very few people want to actually see that, and I personally don't want to see him do it, would have to be something along those lines of HHH calling HBK out and basically forcing him and making him say yes. These two can put on one hell of a personal rivalry and this would be the only match I would like to see HBK in again.
It crossed my mind that he could be at ringside or Special Guest Referee and that does work. I just figured he needs to play a part as it'd be him wanting revenge too, but I like that. As long as we get DX!
You're only gonna get Shawn as a guest ref or trainer. You're not getting him in another match. Shawn isn't pressured and never will be. Just quit with your lousy fantasies you had last night. You'll probably get 2000 DX, but not the original.
X-Pac is so out of shape & messed up due to his drug history, he'll barely be able to wrestle. Why would you wanna waste Lesnar on a guy who he's already defeated? The guy has limited dates with the WWE, the WWE wants to get as many big matches with as many different stars out of him before he leaves otherwise it's just a waste of their money. And if Shawn is to ever come out of retirement, why would you want to waste his big comeback on Survivor Series and in a survivor series match, both of which have become irrelevant nowadays? His first match back should be on a PPV which still has some meaning left (e.g Wrestlemania) and in a one on one match where all the hype, money & focus is on him alone, or if he's facing a dream opponent then on the both of em. A HBK ring return is just too big for SS or to be shared with other people.

If Lesnar were gonna be in a Survivor Series match though and if the rumors of Heyman managing someone in future is true then I would have a team or maybe even a new stable in the WWE led by Paul Heyman (that would get some orgasms from the IWC), taking on Triple H's team. I understand your concept of Lesnar vs. DX but Klunderbunker put it best when he said that Lesnar is a wrestler now, he is no longer a machine after the match at Summerslam. HHH looked like Lesnar's equal in the match, killing his machine image. And with Lesnar teaming with other guys, he wouldn't have to be there all the time for the build up, his partners will do the majority of the work for the build up to the match, so WWE can save some dates with him.
Anyone who thinks HBK is coming out of retirement for a silly survivor series elimination tag match is delusional. If he comes out of retirement it will be at Wrestlemania against HHH which should be his final match ever or The Rock.
No. Shawn is retired. Why can people not understand that? He has had multiple back issues in his career, why risk further injury for a match not many people want to see, against a guy as stiff as Brock. Shawn is my all time favorite, I miss him, but he is retired, let it go.

And no one wants to see DX 2000. X-Pac is out of shape and unreliable, Road Dogg has never been good in the ring, looked like crap at Raw 1000 and is likely to die at Brock's hand, and Billy Gunn, despite looking to be in decent shape, hasn't wrestled in a while.
You guys are so quick to shoot something down as it doesnt have to go my exact way, it could be the other way brought up where Shawn's in the corner.

Anyway you cant make the claim that X-Pac isnt in shape enough. The New Age Outlaws could come back tomorrow and work full time again and build the tag division

X-Pac even if he cant go like he use to, he wont need to. You guys are missing the point. And yes he can still be built as a machine. Brock doesnt need a team, name me people who would make any sense teaming with a guy that seperates himself from WWE. Triple H represented WWE. No one makes any sense teaming with Lesnar and yet some of you miss how the members of DX would be there only for toying purposes. For Lesnar to break their arms one by one until HHH got in the ring to finish it.

By the way, stop bashing me for wanting HHH/Lesnar II as he has limited dates rather complain to WWE Corporate because if you think that it's over, you havent been watching wrestling long or you're just stupid. This isnt over. Even if this some how leads to Taker/Lesnar at Mania, I doubt though that Lesnar/HHH II wont happen, this story isnt over.
why would you want to waste his big comeback on Survivor Series and in a survivor series match, both of which have become irrelevant nowadays?
Like when they "wasted" Rock's in-ring return at Survivor Series last year? :rolleyes:

I personally don't see HBK coming out of retirement. If there is a D-X vs. Brock match, I think Michaels will be used in some capacity, but not an in-ring one as a competitor. He might be at ringside, but he won't be putting the tights on again.
Why would Trips need DX though? If he does beat him in a 5 vs 1 handicap match what does that prove, nothing. Unless Trips can beat Brock straight up 1 on 1 then the victory will go for not
Okay, I've read enough of the people claiming these guys are all "out of shape". Obviously they don't watch much Wrestling outside of WWE. X-Pac can still go, greatly I might add, watch his match against El Generico from CHIKARA's King of Trios, it was flippin' EXCELLENT. Billy Gunn is still in great shape as he's always been. He still works shows consistently, just because he's not on TV doesn't mean he's not wrestling. Road Dogg may not be wrestling as much as the other two, being a Producer for WWE now, but he's still in seemingly the same shape he's always been in, and he's always been a solid worker. Any of the 3 would be a nice addition to build younger talent.
1. it makes sense because this is Survivor Series AND more than one person is involved and has been attacked by Lesnar and the challenge of sorts was put of there by Heyman

2. It makes Lesnar's loss look good as it took 5 men

3. None of you were opposed much to the idea of a handicap match in the future in other threads, so what the hell? HBK & HHH vs Lesnar equals okay but DX vs Lesnar doesnt?

Anyway it's just an idea and money wise a DX last stand in the RING is money vs Lesnar and ppl DO want to see DX as it shouldve been and was for one night with Shawn, Pac, New Age Outlaws and Hunter all together. If only we had Chyna

I'd love to see a Chyna/Heyman segment at ringside or in the ring for the built up, Heyman running his mouth and BAM clothesline, or punch in the balls! and a press slam
1) Bringing DX in to face him makes no sense Survivor Series or not. What would it prove? Brock can beat up a has been or two?

2) Why does Lesnar need to look good in a loss, he just beat Trips

3) I can't speak to handicap matches in other threads

4) Shawn is retired. He isn't Ric Flair with massive financial issues having to ****e himself out to whatever company will take him. He is done

5) Chyna has a new profession now, it does involve balls however

6) Again it makes no sense. Trips already lost, he tapped out, he quit. If he has to bring in 4 or 5 other guys to beat Brock what does that prove? That Trips can't beat Brock and that Brock is better than him.

7) As much as I enjoyed DX people are getting a little tired of them. They have a "One night only reunion" every two years. John Cena is money, bring in DX just to beat Brock is sad
No. Just no. Brock is gonna come back around Wrestlemania season and some how end up facing The Undertaker. Last night Lesnar retired from the WWE because he has no more challenges left. So him retiring will keep him off TV for awhile and conserve his dates. Then he can come back around Jan/Feb and say he's back to do the one thing HHH & HBK couldn't do and that's end the Undertaker's streak.
Okay, I've read enough of the people claiming these guys are all "out of shape". Obviously they don't watch much Wrestling outside of WWE. X-Pac can still go, greatly I might add, watch his match against El Generico from CHIKARA's King of Trios, it was flippin' EXCELLENT. Billy Gunn is still in great shape as he's always been. He still works shows consistently, just because he's not on TV doesn't mean he's not wrestling. Road Dogg may not be wrestling as much as the other two, being a Producer for WWE now, but he's still in seemingly the same shape he's always been in, and he's always been a solid worker. Any of the 3 would be a nice addition to build younger talent.

THANK YOU! ahem...I mean yeah, I'd have to agree. I saw an interview with X-pac from 2011, the man looks more in shape than most of today's 'wrestlers'.
Billy Gunn also looks to be in great shape. Road Dogg is well.....Road Dogg.
All in all, if they brought back DX they could all easily go in the ring.
Well of course Lesnar's gonna fight Taker at Mania, but reports have stated that he is set or there is contemplation of him being set to wrestle at Survivor Series.

You're just ignoring that now as if that isnt a possibility. This is just skipping over by saying that. This is about Survivor Series and Lesnar and from WZ's own reports they can have a few more feuds before Mania
I like the idea, of DX v Lesnar, maybe DX (HHH and New Age Outlaws) v Brock and Heyman. but it seems unlikely.

He touted that he was done with WWE, and that suggests to me that he has put the HHH feud behind him and he's broken his arm twice, judging by the end of Summerslam HH is also done with Brock.

I think he will come back in a few months attacking someone leading to a match at either Survivor Series or the Royal Rumble with someone like Kane, as that in my opinion is the best way of setting up a match with Taker at Mania.
I do like this idea. A 5-on-1 Survivor Series match would really put Brock Lesnar’s skills on display. I do think, however, a 5-on-5, or better yet a 4-on-4 match would look better on TV. Plus, I really want Shawn Michaels to “honor his word” to Undertaker and stay “retired”.

DX Army – Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg and Mr. @$$ with Shawn Michaels in their corner
B. I. T. W. (Best In The World) – CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Daniel Bryan and Ryback with Paul Heyman in their corner (this sort of reminds me of when Hogan was feuding with Zeus and Jake the Snake was feuding with the Million Dollar Man, but neither Zeus or Jake the Snake were the Captains of their respective teams)

Actually, we could go with…

DX Army – Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg and Mr. @$$ with Shawn Michaels in their corner
Heyman’s Hustlers – Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Kurt Angle, and Big Show with Paul Heyman in their corner (maybe I should have named the Hustlers the “Best In The World”)

Better yet, we could go with…

DX Army – Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg and Mr. @$$ with Shawn Michaels in their corner
Team Lesnar 2003 – Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Matt Morgan, and Tensai with Paul Heyman in their corner (the only one missing from Team Lesnar 2003 is Nathan Jones. HAHA!!)

Either way, I’d rather see an “even” match up than a reverse DX vs. Spirit Squad match.
X-Pac is so out of shape & messed up due to his drug history, he'll barely be able to wrestle.

This is a joke, right? ATM X-Pac is doing some of the best work he has ever done with Chikara and is set to be back with them again in a couple of weeks. I would hardly count him as "out of shape" and "messed up"
So Brock quits again. Triple H calls him out again. Brock returns to fight Triple H and whoever at Survivor Series.....I'm having dejavu!!!

This is a stupid idea. Wasn't Shawn Michaels retired by Undertaker around 2 years ago? Is this man REALLY going to come back to be a puppet in a handicap or 5 on 5 at Survivor Series?

IF Shawn ever comes back to the ring WWE will get the whole fanfare out and put it on the Wrestlemania card. I believe this HBK and HHH thing could be the start of something. Thats a big 'could' though as HBK is retired.
Oh boy. No. Definitely not. For a start, it makes Triple H look weak. Very weak. If he can't beat Lesnar one-on-one, why would the face character (HHH) then decide to get his buddies (one of which who hasn't wrestled in over two years, and three of whom haven't performed in WWE for much longer) to give him a huge numbers advantage. It goes against HHH's character, unless he were to turn heel. That would mean turn Brock Lesnar face. Yeah, right.

HBK stepped away from wrestling, and while he may make appearances, that doesn't mean he has any interest in wrestling again. It isn't impossible, but if Mr. Wrestlemania comes back for a match, it'll be Wrestlemania, in something more meaningful than a 5 on 1 clusterfuck.

So take him out, you've got Triple H, The Outlaws and X-Pac. 4 on 1. Great, but that leaves us with the same problem; why would Triple H ask four of his buddies to help him beat one guy? In doing so he's effectively admitting he isn't good enough.

Oh, and even thinking Chyna being back in the WWE is either a good idea or possible is just stupid. She's a porn star. WWE is PG. See how these two don't mesh?

But all of that is humoring the idea that thisis even plausable. It isn't. WWE have apparently expressed an interest in having DX members wrestle again (though they apparently have reservations about X-Pac), but they'd never put HHH (or any face character for that matter) in a position where he can't handle something by himself, and needs the help from four other men to take down one guy.

Make it a five-on-five Survivor series match, then we'll talk. But with Lesnar's limited dates, I highly doubt that they'd waste any number of them on this.
I haven't read all three pages of replies, so forgive me if this has been suggested - but I think a bigger, more likely scenario would be DX vs. Lesnar and Punk. I don't think we've even gotten close to Punk's full-on heel turn yet. I could see HHH coming back as "the Boss" and Punk eventually aligning himself with Heyman. After a month or so, Punk brings in Lesnar and has him attach HHH. Who comes out of the wood work a week or two afterwards? Good ol' HBK, setting up HHH/HBK vs. Lesnar/Punk. I don't see it being promoted as DX either. I think they'll say something like "this is personal - we are Shawn Michaels and Triple H, not the joking-around DX."
Since that vast majority of you n this thread are just too damn dumb & clearly don't understadn what the word "Retired" means, here lets go over the definition


1: Having left one's job and ceased to work.
2: (of a place) Quiet and secluded; not seen or frequented by many people.

You see when HBK retired he meant his career as an in ring performer was done, over, finished. HBK is never stepping back in the god damn ring for another fucking match, no matter how much you fucking want him to, HBK's wrestling career is fucking finished, he has no interest in wrestling another match. Just fucking give it up he's not wrestling anymore.
You dumbasses who keep going on about the whole retirement thing can get the fuck out and should be infracted as you're not contributing anything to the discussion, you're only parroting each other on your desire to not see HBK compete again when you know retirement doesnt mean anything anymore. That anyone can always come out for the right thing, he even stated this and Never Say Never is the slogan for pro wrestling basically. So you can all stop stacking meaningless posts one on top of the other.

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