Stuart Attwell - The worst referee ever?

Well, not ever, I've met a few bad referees in my Sunday League days, but as Premier League referees go this guy takes the biscuit.

I have no idea how this guy managed to become a Premier League referee, hes a bad advert for young referees all over the shop,he seems to have been fast tracked from the lower leagues and I don't have the faintest idea why. He clearly can't cope with the pressure and makes mistakes on a regular basis, and I mean real mistakes, not fair decisions given against top clubs which are made about to be mistakes.

Look at the "phantom goal" as its now known, I know he was directed by the linesman, but it didn't take a genius to realise the ball had gone four yards wide of the goal. No players appealed, the crowd didn't appeal, surely he should have realised that it didn't cross the line.

His last game was a disaster as well, he just lost complete control of the game, he disallowed two fair goals, by not playing the advantage and then imagining a push on a player.

Its clear this guy has just been pushed too far by the FA, he should be in League 2 now working his way up, instead of shooting straight to the top of the pile. So, is he just inexperienced, or just terrible?

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