Storyline Idea for WM 27: World Title Unification


Pre-Show Stalwart
With the report that the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships may be unified at Wrestlemania 27, and evidence that they are unifying the Championships such as the Diva's and Women's Championships and the already unified Tag Team Championships getting new belts and simply called WWE Tag Team Champions.

There are a few senerios that go through my mind when thinking what would be the most logical way to unify the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. The first came when I read a thread suggesting there being a Triple Threat match between the WWE Champion of Raw, the World Heavyweight Champion of Smackdown, and the Royal Rumble Winner of 2011, and the winner getting both WWE and World Heavyweight Championships.

Now, if this match were to happen, which three wrestlers would make the most sense and bring the best match for this main event. On the Raw side, we have John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus, The Miz, Chris Jericho (who will be leaving the Company at Night of Champions. Don't see him winning the WWE title and the chances of him doing so are roughly 6%), Edge, and Wade Barret. From the Smackdown side, we have Undertaker, Kane, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, CM Punk, Christian, Kofi, and Swagger.

Looking at the Smackdown side, we can eliminate Undertaker right away. I see him feuding with someone at Wrestlemania without the title. I don't see Rey or Kane being in this match either. That leaves Big Show, CM Punk, Christian, Kofi, and Swagger. I don't think that Vince would give Christian the shot, unless Edge was in a feud with Christian. That leaves Big Show, Punk, Kofi, or Swagger. Personally, I see Punk winning the World Heavyweight Title soon and retaining it at this point.

Now, lets look at the Raw side. John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus, The Miz, Jericho, Edge, and Barret. I know for a fact that John Cena will be in this match as the WWE Champion, or as the Royal Rumble winner. I mean come on. He's the face of the Company. Triple H, Edge, and Jericho are out because they are beginning to push younger talent. That leaves The Miz, Sheamus, and Randy Orton. Sheamus I see doing something else at Wrestlemania. The Miz is in the same spot as well. That logically leaves Randy Orton. He is the hottest thing in WWE right now.

Okay, so we have John Cena, Randy Orton, and CM Punk as potential entrants for this Triple Threat. I see John Cena as the WWE Champion come Royal Rumble, or win it there. Same with CM Punk around that time taking the World Heavyweight Championship from Taker or whoever beat Taker before that time.

As for the Royal Rumber winner, I predict that Randy Orton will get the win here. When it comes to who he chooses as his opponent to face at Wrestlemania 27, he chooses both of them because he's beaten both of them before and not worthy of being Champion of either brand. I see Randy Orton also winning the Triple Threat match to unify the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. I am also going to add a twist, and say if the Miz is still Mr. Money in the Bank at this time, he'll cash in on Orton to win the unified World Titles.

Another senerio I see happening is The Royal Rumble winner winning the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship before Wrestlemania without using his guaranteed Wrestlemania main event shot. This could come into play for the Miz if he wins the Royal Rumble and cashes in Money in the Bank against the current WWE Champion, then choose to face the World Heavyweight Champion to face at Wrestlemania 27 as his opponent. This of course would be extremely big for the Miz, and the outcome would change based on who was the Champion at the time.

Does these two storylines make sense? I hope this one is better than my previous idea.
Orton won't be winnig RR. With that said, im sure Punk will. So the WHC around that time could be Christian/Swagger. Of course WWE Champion will be i mean John Cena OR HHH OR Edge. Im pretty sure SuperCena will be him, but still these 3 are the best options. If cena's in the match- we know the winner. If he's not and it's HHH-HHH wins. If it's edge- RR winner calls for it. Also, on a side note, from RR 2008, the rumble winner haven't won the title on Mania. Im pretty sure it's time to have him win...
Fisrt let me say I am very happy & excited to see the titles unified, especially the World title & the tag titles although I do feel that the US & the IC titles should remain seperate & remain brand titles. Now back to the question of possible storylines that would lead to the World title being unified. The WWE title or World title could be made vacant because of a series of events taking place between who ever the champ is & the #1 contender where there is no real clear cut winner & those series of matches end up finishing with run ins, dq's & just overall cheating (much like what happened when Undertaker challenged Hogan for the title in 91). The Gm of whatever brand decides to strip the champ of the title prior to the Rumble & declaring that the winner of the Rumble would be the new champion. Well next night on Raw the new champion comes out brags about being new champ blah blah blah & then says that while indeed the Rumble contract stated that their would be a new champ, the clause that the winner of the Rumble would go on th face any champion he wanted to @ WrestleMania was still left in the contract but was just overlooked because of the title being on the line during the Rumble match. The New Champ say he wants to use this clause to make WWE history & unify the world titles. hence setting up the unification match @ Mania.
I'm personally hoping for a huge one-night tournament like at Wrestlemania 4, it would give the show one focus and with the majority of matches all being for the one title, it really puts it over as being a big deal.

And if such a tournament were to happen, I would LOVE to see Punk win it
The only way I see this working as a triple threat match as I mentioned in a previous thread is to have Miz win the RR and hold both the MITB contract and the RR contract and somehow decides to cash them both in against each brands champ @ wrestlemania. Thus creating the triple threat match to unify the titles

And just for fun I see the champs being Randy Orton (Raw champ) and Edge (Smackdown champ)
I wanna see Edge as WWE Champ, Christian as World Heavyweight Champ, and Chris Jericho make his return as a surprise Rumble entrant and have a triple threat with those guys.

That would be the best match IMO, but I think some how Miz gets the win to solidify him as the new face of WWE. By this time I expect him to be face and a former world champ.
First off, I don't believe the report that all the titles are being unified. There is just way too much talent on the rosters. But assuming they do unify the belts...

The only way I see this working as a triple threat match as I mentioned in a previous thread is to have Miz win the RR and hold both the MITB contract and the RR contract and somehow decides to cash them both in against each brands champ @ wrestlemania. Thus creating the triple threat match to unify the titles

That is exactly what I was thinking, and it seems to be the most logical way of doing it. This would also be a huge push for Miz, much like what happened to Jericho when he became undisputed champ.
Id love to see a triple threat with Orton as WWE champ and Edge as WHC with either CM Punk or Miz winning the RR to get a spot in the match too (probably more likely to be Punk because Miz has MITB and will likely cash in before WM). Unifying the titles has negatives (such as making it even harder for up and coming talent to hold titles) but with the loss of many established stars it makes the titles seem less relevant if they are only contested by less established guys.
Im actually happy about this... One WWE champ it makes it like One title doesnt trump the the words of a very good thing... now i see someone like Orton gaing the upper hand...but i see a triple threat match with the current World Champ and THe current WWE champ and the RR winner...but i see Orton as the WWE champ..but i see someone in the lines of Punk or Christian as World Heavyweight..maybe even the big show just to throw a big man in the sequence..or have a torney....thatd be good.but now that all titles are unifying it shows that WWE is trying to make it so people wont say Smackdown is the B show
I personally want to see the World Titles remain separate, as well as the U.S. Title and Intercontinental Title. I am happy about the Diva division and Tag Team division combining, but we'll have to see what WWE does.
I'll keep it short, I think your idea is great with the triple threat, but what about the Royal Rumble winner then the World & WWE champ, but then Miz says he wants in on this match and makes it a 4 way to unifi the titles. Who knows though, my money would be on WWE doing something stupid. With Cena again getting some huge push as the biggest star of the company, as if he needs it.
No matter what, unifying the WWE title and World Heavyweight title will be exciting, and interesting to watch from start to finish. I just hope to God they dont ruin what may be the most memorable 3 months in WWE history by throwing Cena in the mix as Superman and winning it all at Mania 27. Cena has proven himself already! My first choice, give it to Orton, or McIntyre... Or even THE MIZ! Please Vince, not Cena. By then, a new career needs to begin, and this match is the way to do it, much like a future superstar ending the Streak at Mania...
Ok, let's get one thing straight. Punk will be nowhere near the World Title unification match at Wrestlemania. And even if a few main eventers are injured, and he has to be put in the match, there's no way he's going to win it. And that's coming from a big Punk fan. It won't happen, deal with it.

The main event will probably be a Triple threat or even potentially a fatal four way. It'll at least have the Raw champion, the Smackdown champion and the Royal Rumble winner. Miz will likely be WWE champion after cashing in MitB and Orton is a shoe-in to win the Rumble assuming he's still flaming hot by them. Now my prediction is that it'll be an Orton/Miz/Cena triple threat match, even though I'm kinda hoping for Cena to be facing the Undertaker. And since Jericho will probably be gone, Cena is the only worthy opponent for Undertaker at Wrestlemania, unless The Miz or Drew McIntyre get far more over in the next few months. Also, there's no way, Orton, The Miz or Cena will be on Smackdown any time soon, so perhaps Cena won't be in it and the top Smackdown superstar will be... But Smackdown hasn't had a big drawing superstar since Jeff Hardy left, so unless Alberto Del Rio's push keeps going full force until Wrestlemania, I don't know what's going to happen.

It's exciting in terms of the unpredictability, but the WWE might be making a big mistake unifying the titles. Alas, that's for another thread.
Great storyline idea! The Miz suprise would be (as he would say) AWESOME and make him an even better heel. Can't see it happening but with the right build up, it would be excellent.

Nice one!
this is how i think it should go just have The Undertaker and Kane fued with each other for about a month or 2 have them take a break. Have The Undertaker go to Raw to fued with the Nexus then Sheamus, keep Kane on Smackdown and have him lose the title at Survivor Series to whoever fits best at that time. Have Undertaker win the WWE title at the Royal Rumble and have Kane win the Royal Rumble. Kane wins the World Title at the Elimination Chamber PPV. With having the World Title and being a Royal Rumble winner have Kane use his Royal Rumble win to challenge the Undertaker for the WWE title at Wrestlemania to have the Undisputed Champion match and have Kane win it. I know they are already fueding thats why i say put Undertaker on Raw for the time being.
Or what about this: Miz goes to Smackdown or the move to SyFy wins the world title legit and then in the RAW main event Miz comes out cashes in and boom he is the unified world champion. I think this is the easier approach and it leaves some room to have two championship matches instead of one at WM 27.
Personally, I love the World titles being unified. It makes alot of sense, so we can say "Oh, X is the WWE Champion" and actually mean that X is the best. (Although this isn't the case usually-just run with it) Like saying Lesnar is the best in UFC because he is the UFC Heavyweight champ, etc. It just eliminates confusion, which leads me to believe that this is a move for the more "casual" audience, in hopes of creating another household name, ie: Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, or the Rock.

This of course will be Cena. Don't fool yourselves into thinking otherwise. Vince has been trying to make this kid a SUPERSTAR for years now, and there is no hope of him letting up.

Now, how do we get there? I believe it will be Punk (World Champion) vs. Miz (MITB) vs. Orton (WWE Champion) vs. Cena (RR Winner). Here's how we get there. On the Smackdown side, you can eliminate The Undertaker right now. His streak is the biggest thing the WWE has going. It has made many "legit" lists as great sports streaks. Vince won't mess this up by giving him a loss, or even a muddled no-decision. Taker will retire at 20-0-with a victory over Kane. Which explains where Kane will be that night. Even if he isn't the one tapped to Job to Taker, he won't be trusted with this match. Big Show is the same way. The E tried to give him the ball several times, and it just never took (The Corporation or Wrestlemania XIV anyone?) So he won't be the guy. Swagger? Too young, too green. Though i look for him to be a force in the MITB. Kofi? Christian? McIntyre? MITB. All of them. Who is left? CM Punk. Barring any radical brand changes, which i don't see, he is the guy with the golden vocals who can help establish a white-hot build up, and put on a damn fine match.

The Miz? Simple. He is on the path to Main Event as we speak. He doesn't need the MITB briefcase. He will sit on it until after RR. After he loses the Rumble, he will announce that he, too, wants in on the Championship buffet. And will cash in at Mania.

Now, the Choice of which of the Huge Face Stars carry the belt into the dance. Orton. He is currently embroiled in a feud with Sheamus, who is the champ. All reports lead to Sheamus and Orton battling at Hell in a Cell. Conceivably, that could be the return of Triple H, who screws Sheamus, and spurns their feud, leading to Mania. Now Orton will battle Edge and the Miz over the next few months, retaining in close contests. He will retain at the Rumble (again, conceivably over Edge, maybe over Barrett at that point), and walks into Mania as the WWE Champion.

And that leaves Cena to win the Royal Rumble, no doubt from the Number 1 slot. This will add to the drama, and add to the Super Cena build up. Making it "Huge" when he over comes 29 other men, and then goes onto mania and walks out as the *cough cough* First ever (Don't be surprised if they try to play this card) Unified Champion.

And that, my friends, is only the beginning. This is the beginning of Cenamania. Like i Said, Vince is trying to bring back Hulk-a-Mania in a different body. It's not so surprising. After 30 ish years, Vince's Ideas are becoming stale, and he is borrowing from himself. I didn't like it then, i don't like it now, but there is literally nothing i, or anyone else, can do. All we can hope is that A.) The Miz is put over in the match, and B.) Punk isn't squashed.
Or what about this: Miz goes to Smackdown or the move to SyFy wins the world title legit and then in the RAW main event Miz comes out cashes in and boom he is the unified world champion. I think this is the easier approach and it leaves some room to have two championship matches instead of one at WM 27.

No. You're missing the whole premise here. In case you failed to read the tidbit on WZ, they want to unify the titles AT Mania. Not before it.

Now, I do like the multi-man match idea. Either that or a big tournament can do the job.

The WWE Champion will undoubtedly be Randy Orton. He is the biggest star on Raw now, maybe even more-so than Triple H when he returns. But at the same time, I can see Hunter getting involved in the match being the champ as well. But I do think that Orton can do the match much more justice when looking at both men in their current career stages.

The World Heavyweight Champion will probably be Edge. He is, after all, supposed to make the move back to SD! soon. The problem is that Edge has said that he is one more severe injury away from retirement. Due to how prone he is, that can happen on any given day. Undertaker won't be the champ. Kane's in his final run. Mysterio is in a similar situation that Edge is in. Vince an friends do not like Christian. Kofi is and will forever and always will be the token black guy. MVP has missed his chance, and heels like Ziggler, McIntyre and Rhodes are far too unestablished to be put in the position. Then there's Jack Swagger and CM Punk. I love both. However, I'm just not liking Punk as a heel. He plays a far too cowardly character to take the World title into Wrestlemania in what will arguably be the most hyped Wrestlemania match of all time. Jack Swagger on the other hand, might be able to handle the role. He has time to prove that he can carry the load, and his first run as champion was a success. So to me, he seems like a rather safe pick at this point.

Miz can be thrown in, should he still be the MITB holder.

Now who would win the Rumble? Easy. Daniel Bryan. Think about it. Him winning the Rumble would make for an underdog-esque story that proves that skill really does rise to the top. He said his goal was to headline Wrestlemania. This is a big chance for himself and the company to live up to the claim.

John Cena would be a back up pick to win the Rumble, but I really do think he'll have a face off with Undertaker to make it a double main event.

So we now have Orton vs The Miz vs Jack Swagger vs Daniel Bryan. The Rumble winner who's being pushed usually comes out on top. I predict Bryan will follow the trend and become Undisputed Champion. It would be similar to what Chris Benoit did, if you think about it. And it would allow the ending necessary for the spectacle it's going to be.
With the report that the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships may be unified at Wrestlemania 27, and evidence that they are unifying the Championships such as the Diva's and Women's Championships and the already unified Tag Team Championships getting new belts and simply called WWE Tag Team Champions.

There are a few senerios that go through my mind when thinking what would be the most logical way to unify the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. The first came when I read a thread suggesting there being a Triple Threat match between the WWE Champion of Raw, the World Heavyweight Champion of Smackdown, and the Royal Rumble Winner of 2011, and the winner getting both WWE and World Heavyweight Championships.

Now, if this match were to happen, which three wrestlers would make the most sense and bring the best match for this main event. On the Raw side, we have John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus, The Miz, Chris Jericho (who will be leaving the Company at Night of Champions. Don't see him winning the WWE title and the chances of him doing so are roughly 6%), Edge, and Wade Barret. From the Smackdown side, we have Undertaker, Kane, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, CM Punk, Christian, Kofi, and Swagger.

Looking at the Smackdown side, we can eliminate Undertaker right away. I see him feuding with someone at Wrestlemania without the title. I don't see Rey or Kane being in this match either. That leaves Big Show, CM Punk, Christian, Kofi, and Swagger. I don't think that Vince would give Christian the shot, unless Edge was in a feud with Christian. That leaves Big Show, Punk, Kofi, or Swagger. Personally, I see Punk winning the World Heavyweight Title soon and retaining it at this point.

Now, lets look at the Raw side. John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Sheamus, The Miz, Jericho, Edge, and Barret. I know for a fact that John Cena will be in this match as the WWE Champion, or as the Royal Rumble winner. I mean come on. He's the face of the Company. Triple H, Edge, and Jericho are out because they are beginning to push younger talent. That leaves The Miz, Sheamus, and Randy Orton. Sheamus I see doing something else at Wrestlemania. The Miz is in the same spot as well. That logically leaves Randy Orton. He is the hottest thing in WWE right now.

Okay, so we have John Cena, Randy Orton, and CM Punk as potential entrants for this Triple Threat. I see John Cena as the WWE Champion come Royal Rumble, or win it there. Same with CM Punk around that time taking the World Heavyweight Championship from Taker or whoever beat Taker before that time.

As for the Royal Rumber winner, I predict that Randy Orton will get the win here. When it comes to who he chooses as his opponent to face at Wrestlemania 27, he chooses both of them because he's beaten both of them before and not worthy of being Champion of either brand. I see Randy Orton also winning the Triple Threat match to unify the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. I am also going to add a twist, and say if the Miz is still Mr. Money in the Bank at this time, he'll cash in on Orton to win the unified World Titles.

Another senerio I see happening is The Royal Rumble winner winning the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship before Wrestlemania without using his guaranteed Wrestlemania main event shot. This could come into play for the Miz if he wins the Royal Rumble and cashes in Money in the Bank against the current WWE Champion, then choose to face the World Heavyweight Champion to face at Wrestlemania 27 as his opponent. This of course would be extremely big for the Miz, and the outcome would change based on who was the Champion at the time.

Does these two storylines make sense? I hope this one is better than my previous idea.

great idea, but miz is really getting pushed, he will prob. cash in at TLC, being wwe champion. rumble winning, i say yes, orton, smackdown, yes cm punk, all climaxing at wrestlemania, as u said, in a triple threat.
I have a feeling the Miz will wait it out until Wrestlemania. If you think about it, he will do what Edge has done in the past. Wait for the opportune moment. What moment would be bigger than cashing in MitB against the newly unified WWE World Heavyweight Champion? Not only would it be controversial, it would give him a huge push. Have John Cena, Randy Orton, and a Smackdown superstar like CM Punk or Big Show (Not Undertaker, this would end his streak, and everyone else isn't at that main event level just yet, unless Edge wins the World Heavyweight Title on Smackdown, which is always possible.) After the match, the Miz uses his MitB opportunity to win the newly unified WWE World Heavyweight Title.
Since there is going to be a new Unified World Champ crowned and the venue will be WrestleMania I don't think that an underhanded win such as cashing in money the bank after a match would be acceptable. The money in the bank cash ins are usually 2 minute matches after something big happens and I don't want to see a 2 minute main event at WrestleMania...I'm still not over the Hulk/Yoko thing from WM 9! What I would really like to see in this scenario is both titles being held up somehow and well have another tournament similar to WM 4. I prefer one on one main events over triple threats, this way depending on how the brackets are set up we can see multiple singles matches that include all the top names. As of right now the way I see it the finals would come down to Orton vs. Jericho...too bad HBK retired at 26 instead of 27....he could have had a few more classics in this tourney before being eliminated...
I think it's a little early to assume that the main titles of both brands are going to be unified, just because the tag and diva belts are. It really doesn't make sense to have unification of titles unless the brands themselves become unified. And don't forget that WWE tried having just one belt for a while and had the champion bounce back and forth between shows. All that does is make the champion's schedule more onerous and doesn't really solve anything.

But for the sake of argument, if the belts get unified, then I can't imagine HHH not wanting to add that to his list of accolades, and chances are it will be given to him.

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