Sting Question


Dark Match Winner
So i literally just started watching TNA (Impact Wrestling) 3 weeks ago I dont know why it took me so long but I started and I have a question. What Sting did to Anderson last night, has he always been like this? I remember him being someone you feared when he was in WCW but I dont remember anything like that. Has he gotten more violent in TNA? Either way Sting is and always will be my favorite wrestler.
So i literally just started watching TNA (Impact Wrestling) 3 weeks ago I dont know why it took me so long but I started and I have a question. What Sting did to Anderson last night, has he always been like this? I remember him being someone you feared when he was in WCW but I dont remember anything like that. Has he gotten more violent in TNA? Either way Sting is and always will be my favorite wrestler.
I don't think he's always been like this. Not as a face anyway. I think he just snapped on iMPACT Wrestling, or maybe (and that's a huge maybe) they hinted a Sting heel turn.

It could work considering that TNA is (apparently) planning to turn Hogan face in the foreseeable future. I'd be interested in seeing a full fledged heel Sting. He wasn't really a heel during the "they" storyline, so who knows what'll happen.

But to answer your question, I don't think he's always been like that. Glad you gave TNA a shot, hope you're enjoying it.
I don't think he's always been like this. Not as a face anyway. I think he just snapped on iMPACT Wrestling, or maybe (and that's a huge maybe) they hinted a Sting heel turn.

It could work considering that TNA is (apparently) planning to turn Hogan face in the foreseeable future. I'd be interested in seeing a full fledged heel Sting. He wasn't really a heel during the "they" storyline, so who knows what'll happen.

But to answer your question, I don't think he's always been like that. Glad you gave TNA a shot, hope you're enjoying it.

Wasnt Sting kind of a heel face in WCW when he was black and white and non wolfpack? I mean it seemed like everyone was scared of him yet he always came out to help other faces. And i know what you mean about the Hoagan face turn. Last night Sting seemed to really get to him.

And yeah I was really skeptical about watching Impact Wrestling because it wasnt in huge areans but i decided to give it a shot and Im loving it. Seeing all the old school wrestlers like Hogan, Sting, Scott Steiner that I used to watch on WCW is amazing. I will watch it every Thursday from now on. I love being able to watch RAW, TNA and Smackdown in one week. Can never get enough of wrestling.
Wasnt Sting kind of a heel face in WCW when he was black and white and non wolfpack? I mean it seemed like everyone was scared of him yet he always came out to help other faces. And i know what you mean about the Hoagan face turn. Last night Sting seemed to really get to him.

And yeah I was really skeptical about watching Impact Wrestling because it wasnt in huge areans but i decided to give it a shot and Im loving it. Seeing all the old school wrestlers like Hogan, Sting, Scott Steiner that I used to watch on WCW is amazing. I will watch it every Thursday from now on. I love being able to watch RAW, TNA and Smackdown in one week. Can never get enough of wrestling.
Amen to that.

And I was talking about TNA Sting. I do believe there was a period on WCW when Sting was violent and vicious. Unfortunately I never got to watch WCW back then so I can't really tell you.

But I'd love to see that side of him surface once more, that's for sure. It'll be a nice break from the "respectful" Stinger. The timing is great too. He's all colorful now and he can go back to wearing his black trench coat and his classic face paint. We'll see.
Amen to that.

And I was talking about TNA Sting. I do believe there was a period on WCW when Sting was violent and vicious. Unfortunately I never got to watch WCW back then so I can't really tell you.

But I'd love to see that side of him surface once more, that's for sure. It'll be a nice break from the "respectful" Stinger. The timing is great too. He's all colorful now and he can go back to wearing his black trench coat and his classic face paint. We'll see.

Oh man you missed out on classic WCW Sting. He was all face back in the later 80s early 90s with the get up ANderson was doing but in WCW in his trench coat and black face paint it was amazing. He didnt hesitate to hit anyone with the baseball bat. He was like Christian was when he was heel everyone still loved him. He was a "good" heel. Man i would love seeing old school Sting. TOo bad he never gave WWE a chance. I would die to see him in WWE.
Stings always had a pretty healthy anger about him, even when he's face. Last nights show was really well written for Sting. The last three weeks Anderson dresses up as old Stinger to get in his head, he loses clean to Gunner but blames it on Eric Young for not being serious enough (he wasn't), and finally snaps when he sees Anderson laughing it all off in the interview after. Very very well done story telling by the Stinger.
I love when wrestling takes their characters and give them more depth. It's what I have been wanting to see for a long time and Sting didn't disappoint. You can tell Anderson has gotten inside Stinger's head, it's showing a lot now. Maybe they are hinting at a heel turn, but I really doubt it. There are enough heels main event worthy. I think it's all due to circumstance. Sting is pissed off over Anderson's actions, and may be taking it out a bit on innocents like Eric Young. Doesn't make him heel. Makes him someone you can connect with, because we all have been mad over someone and albeit accidentally, take it out on others.

Let's see what next week brings. Maybe Sting will apologize to EY. Maybe he will give him the same paintjob he gave Ken. Whatever the case is I'm glad they went with this angle. Makes me interested in next week's iMpact Wrestling.
I think this is just a case of Anderson gettting under Sting skin with all the mocking of him he has been doing. I liked the ending though, I don't know if they're teasing a heel turn for Sting or not but i would like to see the darker side of Sting come out again. Honestly I dont think a heel turn would work cause it never has, in Stings case the fans will always cheer for him

I realy liked how he was smearing the make up on his own face while he was talking to Anderson showed a little crazyness to him and kind of reminded me of the Joker(dont know why it just did), which is a direction I wouldn't mind seeing his character go.
Sting and Anderson have been getting in each other's faces for months.

Don't you remember like 3 months ago when the feud first started? It was kind of competitive as Anderson just wanted the belt.. they brawled everywhere on Impact...

I think this is just Sting doing what he had to do to really be the Stinger on Anderson. Anderson has been doing some heavy hitting on Sting I guess you could say... it was time for Sting to get his redemption.
if sting is your favorite wrestler how come it took you so long to start watching tna.
"And yeah I was really skeptical about watching Impact Wrestling because it wasnt in huge areans but i decided to give it a shot and Im loving it."

That's his reason. Understandable. Took me a long while too. A lot of people feel that way and the fact that one of 'em gave TNA a shot and realized it's not bad at all is a breath of fresh air in a sea of "OLD PEOPLZ SUXKKKKZZZZ!". Amazingly enough, a lot of people (such as myself) enjoy TNA even more because all those "old people" like Sting, Hogan and Flair are there. To the IWC, they're old people. To me, they're friggin' legends. I'd take the Stinger over Samoa Joe or Amazing Red any day of the week.

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