Starting Peyton Manning over Brock Osweiler in the playoffs?


Getting Noticed By Management
The Denver Broncos announced yesterday morning that they're going with Peyton Manning as their starter. The man who held a 9:17 touchdown to interception rate for the season. The same man who has hardly ever been able to get the job done in the postseason. The only time he didn't choke was against Rex Grossman and the Chicago Bears.

Meanwhile, Osweiler is a 6'7 stud with a great arm. I don't understand the why he keeps getting blamed. He managed to get the Broncos the first seed despite poor play from the rest of the team. Thomas kept dropping key passes, and the running game wasn't clicking at all. He had a touchdown to interception rate of 10:6. Really not bad. I mean this guy is the future of the Broncos offense. I pegged him as the next Aaron Rodgers/Brett Favre sort of story.

While I thought he'd been a little less raw after learning behind Manning for a couple years, he still has not been bad his first time in this offense. Peyton however has hit the wall. He was on the edge of decline last year, and now it's pretty much official. Blame the foot injury if you want, but I'm not giving that the credit. I think the HGH has finally worn off, and Peyton just can't cut it anymore. And even if he could, the guy can never get it done in the playoffs. Everyone knows regular season Peyton Manning and post season Peyton Manning are two different guys. And when regular season Peyton Manning isn't even doing good, how do you expect post season choke artist Peyton Manning to play?

I understand how delicate of a situation this is for the Denver Broncos, because I think they're afraid of getting eaten alive by the media if they lost with Osweiler. People would say "Oh why would you bench Peyton Manning in the playoffs? He is the greatest of all time!". It would be harder to explain in the history books, but at the same time if Osweiler turns out to be the QB they think he is, then the history books still won't be too kind. It is a double edged sword. And because I think the Denver Broncos aren't going to be able to go all the way with either QB, I suppose it might be better to give the reigns to old Peyton one more time.

When Peyton returned in that game, I don't think he played any different than Osweiler. He really did not play that much better. He did some dink and dunk work, and gave the ball to CJ Anderson. However, the Denver offense did seem to be playing a lot harder whenever Peyton was on the field. It was like a huge morale boost. And Manning does have leadership on the field that Brock Osweiler can't replicate just yet.

Another pro Manning factor is, the Steelers (The most likely Denver opponent I think) already beat Osweiler. They haven't seen Manning yet this year, and they'll be forced to prepare for a whole different Quarterback. I'm not sure if Denver made the right call or not. There are a lot of different pros and cons to it, and so it's really just a coin toss on who to start. Since this is Peyton's last year, it's in the postseason, and Manning has the leadership at the very least to keep Denver going, I can see why they would choose Peyton. On the other hand Osweiler I think is more skilled at this point of both of their careers.

If the Steelers lose to the Bengals, Denver plays Houston or Kansas City and will lose to New England in the championship game. If the Steelers beat Cincinnati, then I see them going one and done.

Do you think Osweiler is the future of the Denver Broncos?

If Manning is playing bad, do you think the Broncos make a QB change at halftime?

Was the Broncos decision based more on who will have the better game, or was fear of backlash a driving factor?
Do you think Osweiler is the future of the Denver Broncos?

For at least next season I would think. If Manning doesn't retire after this year, I'd be surprised. The only possible caveat would be him playing so well in the playoffs it deludes him into thinking he has another year in him.

If Manning is playing bad, do you think the Broncos make a QB change at halftime?

If he's playing bad enough, yes.

Was the Broncos decision based more on who will have the better game, or was fear of backlash a driving factor?

It was based on the fact that the offense was doing both jack and shit in their week 17 game, which could've (and ultimately did) given them the #1 seed. Also, their offense was completely scoreless in the past few games' second halves. He wasn't playing well at all.

Now did Manning really do that much when he entered the game? No. The running game sure picked up though. And they scored 20(?) points to win the game. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
Do you think Osweiler is the future of the Denver Broncos?

Sure. The guy is terrific and has all the tools. Plus, look who's been tutoring him.

If Manning is playing bad, do you think the Broncos make a QB change at halftime?

Unlikely, but possible if he's really botching it. Even if Peyton isn't 100%, he's got that defense to keep it close.

Was the Broncos decision based more on who will have the better game, or was fear of backlash a driving factor?

Backlash. If Peyton doesn't play & the Broncos lose, can you imagine the outcry from the Denver fans? Even so, if the coach didn't think Manning could do it, he wouldn't give a rip what the fans thought. At the time the change was made, Denver needed a lift and Peyton provided it.

Look what happened when Peyton took over last week. The whole offense looked inspired......and even Osweiler looked anything but upset on the sideline. This is still Manning's team.
You have to ride with experience here. Regardless if he has thrown 17 picks this season, what about all the previous years? Super bowl win, appearances, broken records. It was a no-brainer decision on the coach's part. He rolled with the safe bet - in hoping that Manning will turn it around and guide them well into the playoffs. It obviously was a popular decision and if Brock was to have started and loss then he would've been met with so much scrutiny for starting an inexperienced QB over a future hall of Famer who was suited up ready to go.
Do you think Osweiler is the future of the Denver Broncos?

He is the immediate future. He should play next season at least.

If Manning is playing bad, do you think the Broncos make a QB change at halftime?

Depends on how badly Manning is playing. If he's already thrown 2-3 INT and under 200 yards, he should be benched.

Was the Broncos decision based more on who will have the better game, or was fear of backlash a driving factor?

They just wanted Manning to have one last playoff run and chance at a Super Bowl. He'll probably play terrible, but he's one of the greatest of all time, so why not?

I haven't seen that much from Osweiler, but he'll get his chances next year. I don't agree with it, but thats why the Broncos did it.
He is the immediate future. He should play next season at least.

I think if he's the immediate future, he should be starting in this game. At the very least, get him playoff experience. Because then next year if the Broncos are in this position, we can all still say that Brock doesn't have playoff experience.

Depends on how badly Manning is playing. If he's already thrown 2-3 INT and under 200 yards, he should be benched.

2-3 interceptions yeah, but you want Manning to be on pace for a 400 yard game in order for him to remain the starter? I think as long as he's making good decisions and the Broncos aren't down by more than a possession he should probably remain in the game.

If it's looking like Pittsburgh (Or Houston/KC) is going to run away with it, then definitely there's going to be a need for a shakeup to throw the opposing defense off. I imagine whichever team is playing against Denver, they're going to be prepared for both quarterbacks.

They just wanted Manning to have one last playoff run and chance at a Super Bowl. He'll probably play terrible, but he's one of the greatest of all time, so why not?

Why not? Uh, because it could cost them a Super Bowl know those aren't that easy to come by right? I don't think Denver cares about Manning's legacy. If they thought he was going to play terrible, they wouldn't be starting him. John Elway of all people is not the type to keep a guy who he thinks shouldn't be there, starting for his team. He kicked Tim Tebow out the door smartly, and there's no doubt in my mind that even if Peyton doesn't want to retire, he isn't staying a Bronco. I can see Manning playing in a different uniform next year, and his performance will be even funnier than this year.

There are some legit reasons why it makes sense for Manning to play. It's a tossup really between him and Osweiler. But I don't think it has anything to do with giving Peyton one last run.

In my opinion I think the biggest thing is the experience and leadership Manning provides. The Denver offense looks up to Manning, and Brock hasn't established that yet. While I think Brock might be better equipped to be the starting QB at this point in his and Peyton's career, Peyton has leadership qualities that Brock can't replace. And Peyton still has that high football IQ that is needed to read the defense and pick them apart, something that can come in handy against defense like Pittsburgh who doesn't have a second layer to it.
You gotta view it from the Coach's perspective. First year head coach, the Broncos haven't seen such consistency of success in nearly two decades since Manning arrived. Let's make that simple - since John Elway. It would've been an unpopular decision to start Brock I feel. Suppose you start him and he falters? Then you're dealing with fan scrutiny, media scrutiny - maybe even criticism from the front office. At least if Manning plays and lets say he falters - everyone is reassured that Manning is done. Takes a lot of the pressure off the Coach.
You gotta view it from the Coach's perspective. First year head coach, the Broncos haven't seen such consistency of success in nearly two decades since Manning arrived. Let's make that simple - since John Elway. It would've been an unpopular decision to start Brock I feel. Suppose you start him and he falters? Then you're dealing with fan scrutiny, media scrutiny - maybe even criticism from the front office. At least if Manning plays and lets say he falters - everyone is reassured that Manning is done. Takes a lot of the pressure off the Coach.

That's a good point because I was intially going to ask wouldn't you start Brock to build for future playoffs and this year he has been decent enough. From a coaches perspective that makes total sense and really coming into the season no one thought Manning would be this bad. Could work out as well because what happens if Manning just goes off and throws like infinity touchdowns? His confidence comes back and nobody wants to play a confident as hell Manning and has everyone on the same page with a few things go his way no matter what age he is. If he isn't then like you said at least you know it is over for good.
Being that this is probably Manning's last chance and he knows it, there really is a chance to he goes out and gives everything he has.

It would personally be hard to watch because everyone will be all over his sack, but it's a possibility with Peyton.

However if he doesn't have it anymore he doesn't have it. But I have come to the conclusion that there are more pros to giving Manning the start than cons. And the coaching staff probably went over all of those themself.

Also, anyone see Any Given Sunday? This is pretty identical to that plot too. Dennis Quaid comes back from injury at playoff time, and coach Al Pachino gives him the start over Jamie Foxx...the young guy who came off the bench and led them to the playoffs.
Willie Beamer is Brock Osweiler and Gary Kubiak is Tony D'Amato? Hah. So where will they both go to after the season since New Mexico doesn't have a franchise?

I've seen many QBs in their prime starting with Joe Montana all the way to now. Manning is arguably the best I've seen in my lifetime thus far along with Brett Favre, as far as what they've accomplished individually. I am hoping to see him go out on a high note, despite me not seeing them winning it all. Regardless of the outcome I hope this will be his last season. I'm sure many teams would love to see him on a sideline as a Quarterbacks Coach.
I see Peyton Manning still in an NFL uniform next season. He might not get as many offers as you would think depending on how next week goes, at least offers that put him in a starting position.

I think, If Manning gets an offer that allows him to start for any team next year that he will take it. I can see him playing for Houston, in that nice cozy dome. Or somewhere warm.

If he doesn't have a choice, I can see him signing somewhere like the Jets, or Cleveland, Philly maybe, who knows Detroit could do send him an offer, Chicago, the Rams (wherever they are), and maybe San Francisco.

Not sure how many of those programs would actually offer him a contract though. He'll play though if a contending team in need of a Quarterback gives him an offer. If he only gets offers from teams wanting him in a backup role, I think he hangs it up. I definitely see Elway cutting him loose at the end of the season and Osweiler taking over for 2016 though.
Houston or Jets would be only team I could see him playing. That's not saying they'd jump on signing him but they are two teams with an elite level talent. Brandon Marshall + Peyton Manning or DeAndre Hopkins + Peyton Manning. I just see him going out after this season, I would hope he wouldn't take the Donovan McNabb or Brett Favre exit.

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