Starting A New Promotion ( Fantasy )

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OK guys in this thread lets try to start a new promotion to go up against the WWE. Lets use a Fantasy Sport draft to built a Promotion, you can only draft up to 5 wrestlers from the fallowing promotions and they must be under 35 yrs of age, the roster must equal 15 to 20 wrestlers no more no less, no current WWE or FCW talent allow. The titles are not important now but if you want to add them its cool. Draft from the fallowing promotions, TNA, ROH, Dragon Gate, Evolve, NJPW, AJPW, NOAH, WWC, CHIKARA, CMLL & AAA. My picks are as fallow:
1. Rene Dupree (27)- AJPW
2. Crimson (26) - TNA
3. Carlito (32) - WWC
4. AJ Styles (32)- TNA
5. Rhett Titus (23)- ROH
6. Kenny Dykstra (24)- EVOLVE
7. Lince Dorado (23)- CHIKARA
8. Mike Bennett (25)- ROH
9. Rosita (19)- TNA
10. Sexy Star (28)- AAA
11. Jennifer Blake (28)- AAA
12. Extreme Tiger (31) - AAA
13. Ricochet (23)- EVOLVE
14. Kota Ibushi (28)- EVOLVE
15. Vin Gerard (25)- CHIKARA
16. Adam Cole (26)- ROH
17. Mark Jindrak (33)- CHIKARA
18. La Morena (26)- WWC
19. Tigresa Caliente (29) CHIKARA
20. Lizzy Valentine (27) CHIKARA
This is my roster, feel free to make your own or add & subtract from this one. Folks remember its just for fun, ain't thats what entertainment is about.
1. El Generico(26) - ROH
2. Kevin Steen(26) - PWG
3. Homicide(33) - ROH
4. Ophidian - Chikara
5. Amasis - Chikara
6. Ruckus - CZW
7. Luke Hawx(29)
8. Necro Butcher(36)
9. Jay Lethal(25) - TNA
10. AJ Styles(32) - TNA
11. Jimmy Rave(28)
12. Davey Richards(27) - ROH
13. Samoa Joe(31) - TNA
14. Super Crazy(37)
15. Psicosis(39)
16. Jay Briscoe(27)
17. Mark Briscoe(26)
18. Robert Roode(34) - TNA
19. James Storm(35) - TNA
20. Colt Cabana(30) - PWG

Not bad but you listed 4 guys 35yrs of age and over, and was up with not giving the divas some love :) . I was also thinking of Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal, The Briscoe's and El Generico , but I wanted my roster to be more diverse. Even if you subtract the 4 guys that don't qualify you have a good roster to compete with.
Not bad but you listed 4 guys 35yrs of age and over, and was up with not giving the divas some love :) . I was also thinking of Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal, The Briscoe's and El Generico , but I wanted my roster to be more diverse. Even if you subtract the 4 guys that don't qualify you have a good roster to compete with.

guess i didnt quite read ur rules
and diva wrestling :disappointed: same way i feel about women rapping
i would have added Super Dragon & Nate Hatred
but Dragon is retired and idk where Hatred is

like i said in my topic im just now catching up with the indie scene again
always was a Hatred fan

i would prolly subtract necro butcher, super crazy and psicosis cuz they are over the age like u said

keep storm so i can have beer inc as a team
bring in Shelley and Sabin as 2 of the 3 replacements
for my 3rd replacement have Scorpio Sky

think tag matches with Beer Inc, Motor City, Briscoes and The Portal Would Be Cool

have my first champ be Styles place him in a feud with Lethal
have a TV champ be Homicide have him feud with Joe, Steen and Generico

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