Stand Up Comedy Review And Discussion Thread


Staff member
As some of you may know, I am a huge fan of Stand Up Comedy routines and I have seen quite a few over my years. I have seen everything from Robin Williams to Ricky Gervais, George Carlin to Chris Rock and Russell Peters to Dane Cook. So, I was having a think to myself and thought that it was about time we had a thread for Stand Up Comedy. It may just be me talking to myself but I am willing to follow through on that if other people are willing to read.

Still, for the purposes of getting this thing on the road, I guess it is about time to start. So, without further ado, here is the first review of this thread. Please feel free to comment on anything I have said or just add anything else related to stand up comedy.

Aziz Ansari
Intimate Moments For A Sensual Evening

Aziz Ansari is someone that you may or may not be familiar with but it is my hope that after you read this you will go out and watch this show. But before we get to that, let's have a little look at who this guy is, shall we? Aziz Ansari, as some of us may realise, has been all over the TV for a while now. It may be that I am a huge Scrubs fan but the first time I realised he had any great comedic talent was in the 8th season of Scrubs. He played Ed the lazy intern and I can remember being disappointed when he was cut from the show. Still he has done many a show now including Parks And Recreation on NBC. Still, he is not someone who a lot of people from this side of the pond have heard of and I have recently made it my life's mission to spread the word of about Ansari. It is only fitting that I should be starting with this one because it may be the funniest Stand Up show I have seen in a long time.

This show, was just something that I happened upon. I spend a lot of time trying to find new Stand Up comedians and their respective shows. Aziz Ansari was one guy I found when I was trying to find promising new comedians on the net. Having recognised his face from Scrubs, I downloaded his Stand Up show and my mind was freaking blown.

The best part of this show and routine is how down to Earth Aziz is. He really seems like a normal person who has just gotten lucky doing what he loves. He seems like the sort of person that I would love to get a drink with and that is the comedy that really happens to resonate with me the most. His style is something to behold, to be fair. His delivery is absolutely flawless and his material is out of this world. You may have heard his “Harris” bit and if you haven't I definitely recommend finding it on Youtube and testing how much you may enjoy the rest of the show. Still, there really is something in there for everyone and I am sure that if you are anything like me, then you will love it. His comedy styling really lends itself to his material in that it accentuates his nerdish/geeky side. His tales of Kanye West, his room-mate tribulations and his cousins will actually have you reeling with laughter.

Honestly, I cannot recommend this Stand Up show enough. But here is what the kicker is. My big brother hates Stand Up comedy but when we sat down to watch this one, his face lit up for the full routine. Aziz Ansari really has some top-class material and it would be a shame for you to miss out on it.
Dude, Aziz Ansari is awesome. Intimate Moments is an outstanding Stand Up Special, one of the few I can watch multiple times. Hell, if anyone has Comcast OnDemand, it's in the Comdey Central section as we speak.

I've already stated my undying love and devotion for Daniel Tosh, but I can go elsewhere as well. Someone who I think is a very under rated stand up comic is Artie Lange. He's real as can be and let's everything about his personal life hang out, and he isn't the least bit afraid to point out his own flaws. Above all, the dude is just funny as fuck and his delivery is especially spot on for someone who has done as much dumb shit in his life. I'd encourage anyone to check out "Jack And Coke." It's a damn good special.

On the other side of the spectrum, I fucking despise Lisa Lampanelli. She tries to be this politically incorrect bitch, but in reality, she just repackages old racist humor and spouts on and on about how she likes Black men. We get it, now get some new material. You're nothing special, and you're one of the most hideous human beings I've ever laid my eyes on. Please quit.
Intimate Moments is a very good show. His whole bit about screwing with his cousin Harris is awesome. The best part, however, has got to be when he comes back out as Raaaaaaandy, his character from "Funny People." I was dying the entire 15 minutes or so he was performing as Raaaaaaandy, with seven A's! It was a great set.

Daniel Tosh is also one of my favorites. "Seriously Funny" is one of my favorite stand up specials of all-time. I have seen it countless times and I know almost every word of every joke, but I still laugh every time. I got the chance to see him live back in October and he killed it. He is one of the funniest people on the planet right now and he is deserving of all the popularity he is getting.

My single favorite stand up special is Jim Gaffigan's "Beyond the Pale." It is nothing ground breaking or anything, but it is a good hour and change of funniness. I like the fact that he keeps it mostly clean while making the most mundane things hilarious. He is just a normal, lazy dude who happens to see the world in a weird way and I love that. His running commentary as an audience member's thoughts is also a great touch.

I've always wanted to try my hand at stand up comedy for as long as I can remember. I can remember in second grade writing a paper about what I wanted to be when I grew up and it was to be a stand up comedian. There are two problems, however. 1. There is no comedy scene in Jacksonville. 2. I have horrible stage fright and I get unbelievably nervous talking in front of a group of people. I would be terrified to actually try to tell jokes in front of absolute strangers.
So, over the last couple of days, I have been getting a little more familiar with Daniel Tosh. Having watched his “Completely Serious” special, I can honestly say that I can now see what other people are talking about when they talk about him. To be frank though, I went into the show with the mindset that I was going to be disappointed. I really love stand up and I am always on the lookout for new acts that I haven't heard from before and having heard of Daniel Tosh around the internet a couple of times before, I was sure that if he was worth a damn, I would have seen him in action beforehand.

That being said, I was completely taken aback by how talented he was. His Stand-Up routine in this show really got me entertained and I really care an awful lot for his style. He often reminds me of Jimmy Carr in the sense that he can be very brash and brazen with his selfishness and his inward centric attitude. Honestly, I sometimes do not care about jokes that make the audience feel inferior to the comedian and that is what Daniel Tosh often relies on. However, Tosh managed to do it with great composure and a great spirit throughout. Although a lot of his material in this show was really self-indulgent but I really enjoyed it, for the most part. His material was fresh and the show seemed to be a resounding success for the most part.

I have every intention of continuing to watch hos shows and getting more involved with him. Is there anything that can be recommended to me, since I am not a huge follower of his work... Just yet.
So, over the last couple of days, I have been getting a little more familiar with Daniel Tosh. Having watched his “Completely Serious” special, I can honestly say that I can now see what other people are talking about when they talk about him. To be frank though, I went into the show with the mindset that I was going to be disappointed. I really love stand up and I am always on the lookout for new acts that I haven't heard from before and having heard of Daniel Tosh around the internet a couple of times before, I was sure that if he was worth a damn, I would have seen him in action beforehand.

That being said, I was completely taken aback by how talented he was. His Stand-Up routine in this show really got me entertained and I really care an awful lot for his style. He often reminds me of Jimmy Carr in the sense that he can be very brash and brazen with his selfishness and his inward centric attitude. Honestly, I sometimes do not care about jokes that make the audience feel inferior to the comedian and that is what Daniel Tosh often relies on. However, Tosh managed to do it with great composure and a great spirit throughout. Although a lot of his material in this show was really self-indulgent but I really enjoyed it, for the most part. His material was fresh and the show seemed to be a resounding success for the most part.

I have every intention of continuing to watch hos shows and getting more involved with him. Is there anything that can be recommended to me, since I am not a huge follower of his work... Just yet.

Well other than his show, Tosh.0, he only has one other Stand Up Special. It's called Happy Thoughts and it just premiered March 7th of this year. He also has an album called True Stories I Made Up but honestly, it just features a lot of the same material that he uses on Completely Serious with a few unheard jokes intertwined.

Also, I firmly believe that in order to fully enjoy either of his specials, you have to see them in full. Don't waste your time watching them on Comedy Central because they cut a good 15 minutes out due to time restraints. Those extra 15 minutes or so usually feature some of his best material in my opinion.
The only stand-up comedian I watch is Tosh. I watch his show every chance I get and the guy just cracks me up. He really pushes it to another level with his racist jokes, and I love how he criticizes himself during his comedy. I've seen every comedy special he has done and I fucking love them. I watched Happy Thoughts, and I found it absolutely hilarious. I do believe though, that his show is more funny than his stand up specials, but everything he does is top quality and will force some laughs out of you many times during the program.
This thread almost fell to the next page and we can't have that now can we? I'm just going to give couple of comedians I like and a couple that I don't.

Mitch Hedburg- One of the best at delivering one liners in my opinion. He has made me laugh more than possibly anyone else has on the planet and he's been dead for over 5 years now. I was a fan of his before his death but I didn't really discover the bulk of his material until afterward. His akward appearance added another element to his delivery since he didn't look like someone who could be as funny as he was. Some of the most original material I've ever heard.

Bo Burnham- This kid gets shit on a lot because he's not a traditional Stand Up Comic, but I don't care. Funny is funny and I don't give a shit how you get there. I love his simple wordplay, I love his hilarious and surprisingly good raps, and I love how he finds jokes in places we've all been looking at forever. I'm really looking forward to seeing what else this kid has in him.

Onto the ones I don't like-

Chris Rock- I know his specials have been critically acclaimed and I know everyone loves him, but I can't fucking stand him. I am so fucking sick of this "Black people do this, white people do that" shtick that he does, I hate how everyone gives him credit for being a pioneer when he really just emulated Richard Pryor with added elements of hate speech and annoying rambling, and I hate the fact that it takes him 5 fucking minutes to get to the punchline of his joke because he has to repeat the same thing 18 god damn times before he gets it out. I know my opinion is definitely in the minority here, but I just don't see it.

Bill Engvall- I easily could have gone with Larry The Cable Guy here but Bill pisses me off even more than he does. Though all of the Blue Collar guys are pretty weak, Ron White and Jeff Foxworthy, while both are definitely just as repetitive, are leaps and bounds more funny than this turd. "My wife is so much smarter than me, my daughter is such a brat, HERE'S YOUR SIGN! HERP DE DERP!" Fuck you Engvall.
I saw that one of the mods was really looking at rebooting this section so I thought I'd swing past. When I saw this thread I was stoked coz I'm a huge stand up fan.

We don't really get specials over here, but I watch heaps of little excerpts on Youtube and such. I thought I'd just post some of my faves.


The guy is so politically incorrect! This little snippet really highlights this. He is probably my favourite, he's been around for so long. Just watch it, there's nothing to say :lmao:



I hate that most people only know him for Mr. Bean and other movie roles. I think he's one of the most underrated performers in stand-up.
I was on a 2 hour flight from Melbourne to Sydney and I decided to check out the usually-shit radio stations. I was pleasantly surprised when I found "The Smile-High Club". Just the name's funny. But anyways, I heard a clean version of this with just funny sounding words. I found it hilarious and when I found this I damn-near pissed my pants. How can he keep a straight face?!



Genius. That's the word I would use to describe this.
In case you don't get it, 'ginger' is conveniently an anogram of 'n***er'. He spends the first bit getting everyone awkward thinking he's going to say the N word, but then reveals that he actually means ginger. Genius.



Got into this guy recently. He has his own channel where he uploads various segments. You have to watch the first clip to get the joke at about 7 minutes in of the second. He has real talent is one of my faves at the moment.




A comedian's voice is probably their best asset. Dave's voice is so funny that his jokes don't need to be that good. the best bit is at 3.55, but if you just watch that it'll be a bit out of context.


Thanks everybody :lmao:
Billy Connelly is not a comedian that I have ever liked. Rather, it seems that I just put up with him more often that not, Just because I am Scottish, it doesn't mean that I absolutely love this man. In fact, his latest DVD was as big a disappointment than finding out Santa wasn't real. Here's the thing, Billy Connelly used to be a great comedian. There has been times in the past that I have enjoyed watching some of his material but then, more often than not, he just sounds like a bitter old man who is being lost in the shuffle. His new DVD really put a shock to me. No one I know liked the new material and I think it is because he seems to be getting buried by some of the emerging comedians on the scene. Connelly's material was ground-breaking at one point but he has refused to adapt to the new generation and he is being left behind because of that. Well, that is just my opinion on the matter.

Anyway, here is a few comedians that I think you will like:

Jack Dee

Jack Dee is my favourite comedian in history. Here's the thing about Jack Dee, he really reminds me of Bill Hicks and I loved Bill Hicks. However, Dee just has a sense of stoic hatred about his performances that just make me piss my pants every time I see him. His material is absolutely spot on and his charisma on stage is a surprising feature of his shows. For someone who is preaching a chorus of frustrated hate towards anyone an everyone, he really seems to hit the nail on the head more often that not. If you like deadpan comedy, then Jack Dee is the man for you. I promise that you will not be disappointed by him.

Jason Manford

Jason Manford has been really unlucky over the last couple of months. He was found out to be sexting another woman outside of his marriage and as such, he seems to have lost it all. He lost his TV job and has stopped performing stand up shows to help reunite his family. To be honest, this is annoying because he is an immensely talented stand up comedian. His material about men and women is right on the money and his “Live” show is still one of the best 90 minutes I have ever spent. I watch it regularly and love it every time I see it. His material is timeless and that says a lot.

Russell Howard

Quite possibly one of my favourite comedians of the new generation. His style is really fast-paced but if you can keep up with him, then you are really going to enjoy his two stand up shows. His humour is exactly like mine and his stories are just amazing. His two shows are still some of the best shows I have ever seen and I actually attended the first one in Glasgow. Being there on the night and watching it back now, I still love the material.

So, there you go. 3 British comedians that are well worth a look if you can find the time.
In February, I saw a guy named Louis Katz perform at a small comedy club just outside of Detroit, and the guy killed it.

He recently did a comedy special for Comedy Central and I highly recommend it. Katz had me laughing to the point where tears were streaming down my face and my head hurt. He covered all topics, but I found his comments on sex to be the funniest.

Check him out!


A comedian's voice is probably their best asset. Dave's voice is so funny that his jokes don't need to be that good. the best bit is at 3.55, but if you just watch that it'll be a bit out of context.

I do dig Chappelle's stand up. It's very original and well put together from start to end. He can go use a punchline at the end of his 30-60min stand-up that he started from the start of his punchline. I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's how creative he can be with his material.

Here is a guy that is underrated and hope you guys like him.

Bill Burr If you like Chappelle, well you might like Burr. This guy has some good material that never gets old. One thing for sure, if you piss him off, he can talk smack about you which shows that he is good with improve work. he doesn't have his own show, but most of his work can be found on youtube and HBO. But he's HBO stuff comes on Comedy Central (free).
Check out on youtube when he went to Philly and the audience booed him but he did not get off stage, very hilarious.
So nobody here likes CHris Rocks Specials??
Its probably the most funny stand up comedy of all time!!

what you think??
Please merge my thread about him in here !!
Bill Burr If you like Chappelle, well you might like Burr. This guy has some good material that never gets old. One thing for sure, if you piss him off, he can talk smack about you which shows that he is good with improve work. he doesn't have his own show, but most of his work can be found on youtube and HBO. But he's HBO stuff comes on Comedy Central (free).
Check out on youtube when he went to Philly and the audience booed him but he did not get off stage, very hilarious.

I love Bill Burr but for some reason, I never even think about him unless he's on TV. I don't know why, but he's just not someone who sticks out in my mind very often. He's a very funny guy though. His hatred for everything is probably going to send him to an early grave if he's really like that in real life, but he's fucking hilarious.

So nobody here likes CHris Rocks Specials??
Its probably the most funny stand up comedy of all time!!

what you think??
Please merge my thread about him in here !!

I've already trashed Rock once but if you're going to give me an outlet to do it again, I'll sure as hell take it. I really just don't understand what it is that everyone loves about him. He's labeled as some kind of pioneer for black comics but I swear, I haven't seen him say or do anything that Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy didn't do 10 times better.

He's a one trick pony. He has no material other than the played out "White people are evil!!" bullshit that he's been doing for years. I swear in one of his specials he had a bit that saw every fucking line end in, "The white man!" It's so fucking tedious it's unbearable.

I'm not just going on this because I'm white, it has nothing to do with that. I love Katt Williams and Dave Chappelle because even though they do the same white people do this, black people do that observational stuff, they're actually very witty about it. Rock just seems like he has some sort of political agenda. He's like Bill Maher with half the talent and 1/4 of the intelligence.
I've already trashed Rock once but if you're going to give me an outlet to do it again, I'll sure as hell take it. I really just don't understand what it is that everyone loves about him. He's labeled as some kind of pioneer for black comics but I swear, I haven't seen him say or do anything that Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy didn't do 10 times better.

He's a one trick pony. He has no material other than the played out "White people are evil!!" bullshit that he's been doing for years. I swear in one of his specials he had a bit that saw every fucking line end in, "The white man!" It's so fucking tedious it's unbearable.

I'm not just going on this because I'm white, it has nothing to do with that. I love Katt Williams and Dave Chappelle because even though they do the same white people do this, black people do that observational stuff, they're actually very witty about it. Rock just seems like he has some sort of political agenda. He's like Bill Maher with half the talent and 1/4 of the intelligence.

I completely disagree.

For me, Chris Rock is one of the most entertaining comedians on the face of the planet and although he goes to the well quite often with the “White people” jokes, they work for him. Let's face it, if Chris Rock came out in his next special and didn't tell one joke about being black and the tribulations that cross his path because of that, then people would be up in arms. Chris Rock is widely regarded as one of the finest stand up performers this side of Richard Pryor and it is because of the material that he brings to his specials.

Here's the thing, there is always going to be black comedians who use the colour of their skin to their advantage. Chris Rock does it better than anyone I have ever seen though. White or black, young or old, Chris Rock delivers material that will get some sort of reaction out of you. I agree with you that he could go to the well less often but to completely ditch your style and material that has made you the comedian you are today, that is just career suicide.

And as for being a pioneer of black policy, you have to understand that he is. Ever since his first special. Chris Rock has preached to his fans. He ha become highly politicised whether we like it or not. His stand up performances are always going to reflect that and we just have to live with it. I enjoy it anyway, so it is no skin off of my nose.
Gonna go with Eddie Izzard on this one folks. Dressed to Kill is one of my alltime favorite specials by a comedian. The man is smart as shit & brings that 'tounge-in-cheek' type of brittish humor most dont get. His bit in French using simple statements most learn in a foreign language class were hilarious. Plus his jokes about Dr. Heimllich & Hitler as a disgruntled vegetarian painter are top notch. If you are just familliar with his work in movies, then you should definately check out any of his standup.

Another nod goes to David Cross. If you are a fan of Arrested Development & dont know about Mr. Show- shame on you. One of the last great skit comedians. Go and find "The Pride is Back". Its a standup special he did on HBO a while back. I dont remember anyone making me laugh that hard in a long time. He has a great delivery & is very off beat in his choice of jokes. Cross pulls no punches in this special, (jokes about 'special' kids & the Virgin Mary violating him) he goes where most fear to tread. If you can find it, sit down & get ready to have a good laugh.
When it comes to silly humor, I enjoy Lee Evans, his energy and nervousness is hilarious. His early stuff like Live at the West End are my favourite sets by him.
Eddie Izzard is another favourite of mine, I have his DVD box-set, my favourite being Glorious.
I'll throw Bill Hicks and George Carlin, I loved both guys delivery and their cynicism.
I have to say The Blue Collar guys for me, Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, Larry The Cable Guy and Bill Engvall introduced me to the world of stand up comedy and for that I thank them. But the guy who I can easily say is the greatest stand up comedian in history is none other than :worship: Dave Chappelle. Nobody has had funnier stand ups, I love the way he delivers his stuff and he is simply a comedy god. It really upsets me that he is no longer doing his show on comedy central or stand up anymore as I would trade every other comedian in the world to have him come back. Even Richard Pryor said that he believed he had, "Passed the torch" to Chappelle. If you havent seen any of his work you need to, watch his stand up Killin Them Softly and I am almost certain you will become a fan, he is the funniest comedian ever! :lmao:
Sean Lock is my fav at the moment.

The stuff he comes out with always makes me laugh, I really recommend him to anyone who has not heard of him or seen him before.
Recently I have been getting in to Louis CK, I find him to be hilarious.
Every year he gets rid of his lineup and writes new jokes, so you wont get tired of his routine. He has got a show on the FX channel, but I have yet to watch it, so I wont say anything about it.

Here is a few of his jokes for your listening pleasure.


One comedian who I feel has helped inspire some things in my own life is Joey "Coco" Diaz. He is more of a story teller than a stand up comedian, and not all his stories are supposed to get a laugh. He usually talks about his past and the crazy shit that happened in his life.

Here is a story from Joey off the Joe Rogan Podcast.

Here is Joey on the Alex Jones podcast talking conspiracies, and is still funny as hell.
EDIT: This gets funny as hell at the 5 min. mark.
Well my sig gives away my all-time favourite comedian. No, not Taker, the other one.

Kevin Bridges is a Scottish comedian who has a knack for how to deliver a joke, not just the punchline, but the whole thing. He hasn't been doing it too long but he's already massive in the UK and has a promising career ahead of him.

How come no-one has mentioned Ross Noble? The guy isn't to everyone's taste I know but on his day he can be fantastic and is probably one of the best improv comedians Britain has ever produced. I've seen him live maybe 4 or 5 times and each time the place shakes with laughter because he knows how to connect with his audience and make them laugh.

Eddie Izzard, as Simo and nightmare rightfully said, is fantastic too. Since Circle he hasn't been as good, but I never get tired of watching the holy trilogy of Definite Article, Glorious and Dressed to Kill. It's hard to imagine a better one-two-three stand-up selection than those in successive years.

Jokes worthy of a mention : Robin Williams' Scotsman/golf skit and Billy Connolly's incontinence pants/trousers. Youtube them and laugh :)
Yeah totally bumping this. I think Daniel Tosh may have been unseated as my favorite current comedian. Still he think he's one of the funniest guys around, but I'm really starting to love Louis CK. I've always thought he was funny but never enough to remember his name, then a few weeks ago I was surfing around on Netflix and I stumbled across his special called Chewed Up. I don't know if it was the mood I was in or what, but I was in fucking tears from laughing so damn hard. I love his delivery, he either says something totally straight faced or he almost explodes in anger. He is one of the best observational comedians I have ever seen.

Ended getting a hold of his other 2 specials, Shameless and Hilarious, both of which are just as fucking funny as the other. Then I discovered that he has his own show on FX called Louie and no surprise, it fucking rules too. Apparently he had a show on HBO a few years ago called Lucky Louie that I haven't seen yet, but I have it coming in the mail tomorrow. I just can't get enough of this dude and I'm genuinely excited to see him whenever he comes into town. Definitely one of the best comedians going today.
A lot of people have already talked about Dave Chapelle who is probably my favorite so I'll go into someone else.

Ralphie May- I first saw Ralphie May on the first season of LCS. He came in second place to the unfunny Dat Phan but since then I have tried to cath every Ralphie May special. Just Correct, Girth of a Nation, Prime Cut, Austin-Tacious, they are all very good. One of my favorite bits of his is when he describes going to a black movie theater. Everything was dead on and hilarious.

Here's a couple youtube clips from his Just Correct stand up which was extremely funny:

I have never been a big fan of Tosh.O, but I watched Completely Serious on Netflix and he is hilarious! Definitely a new favorite of mine.

Aside from Daniel Tosh, I like Bo Burnham, Jo Koy, Kevin Hart, and Iliza Shlesinger.

First, I think Bo Burnham is incredibly underrated. He is by far one of the funniest people I've ever seen. His jokes are hilarious and his use of music is great. The shit he comes up with blows my mind, definitely one of my favorites.

Iliza Shlesinger was on last comic standing, but the first time I ever heard of her was when I saw her at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood. She was the funniest comic of about 15 different comics I saw that night. She's pretty new so she doesn't have a lot of jokes and reuses a lot of material, but her jokes are great! I think she might appeal to girls more though, because most of her jokes are about the stupid little things girls do.
She has funnier jokes, this is just the first one I found.
I have 3 comedians who I just love:

Kevin Bridges. A hilarious up and comming stand-up comedian who knows how to tell a joke. Has one hell of an English accent that cracks me up everytime. Plus, he's scottish.

Daniel Sloss. Again going Scottish. Daniel Sloss is someone not many people have heard of, but man is he funny. He does stand-up and writes a lot of material for other comedians like Frankie Boyle, Hugh Dennis and Alan Carr on panel shows like Mock the Week and 8 out of 10 cats. This guy is my one to watch.


''she called me Dan for Daniel and I called her Loos because she's a ****e.''

For his first every appearance on national TV, he totally nailed it.

Sean Locke. This guy just leaves me on the floor laughing with his randomness. One of the most legit funny guys in the World.

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