Spring Cleaning: Who Should Be Future Endeavoured?


It's become something of an unofficial tradition in the WWE. Generally, not long after WrestleMania, the WWE does some "spring cleaning" and makes cuts to its roster. We all know it's coming and we all, no doubt, have opinions on who should be wished the best in their future endeavours.

In a nutshell, which 5 members of the WWE roster do you feel should be fired during the company's annual spring cleaning and why? And please, no spam. It's alright if you basically type over and over how much you hate someone and would want to see them fired, but actually list reasons why you feel the way you do.
Ted Dibiase. Unless he gets put in a real, legitimate program soon I only see him as a waste of roster space. In my view, he's just so bland and boring. I was told by a friend who attended the Elimination Chamber PPV that Bibiase lost to Daniel Bryan in a dark match. I'm not sure if losses in a dark match particularly affect the way a wrestler gets booked on TV but if it's any indication (as well as the fact that he hasn't done anything of significance over the past few months), his future might not be so bright. Perhaps a draft to Smackdown could do wonders for him. New starts usually do. Otherwise, just get rid of him.

R-Truth. I like the guy but he's also doing nothing of significance. I heard he was taken out of the chamber very quickly. Why even bother having him in the Chamber in the first place. It pains me to say it but I think he should leave too.

Zack Ryder. I LOVE the guy but his gimmick is annoying me and I can't remember the last time he was on TV (unless you count his KissCam segment with Regal).

Heath Slater. I never liked the guy. Personally, I don't see him going far in WWE after the Corre breaks up. To me, he was always someone who had to ride on someone's coattails.

Sorry, can't think of a fifth person at the moment. I'll get back to that later. :)
Ohhhh, how I love this time of year :) Remember, he asked who should be fired, not who will be fired.

R-Truth: This guy is shit, plain and simple. If he didn't spin around in the air after every move, no one would care (as if they do now). His rapping is enough to gain my hatred, but he's terrible at everything else as well. Can't talk, not a great wrestler, and no one cares. I really hope we've seen the last of this guy, but I doubt we have.

Zack Ryder: I know he has a fanbase here in the IWC, but I can't stand the guy. His gimmick is trash, he can't talk, etc. I suppose he's not so bad since being relegated to Superstars duty, but I watch Superstars. I don't see him improving down the line, so I see no reason for his employment.

The Big Show: Like R-Truth, this really isn't possible, but a guy can hope. He's slow, boring as a babyface, and the older and fatter he gets, the harder other guys have to work to put on a decent match with him. When his music hits, I slump in my recliner. Also, Knucklehead looks like the worst movie ever made.

David Otunga: With Nexus being as stale as it is, he isn't needed. What else can he do? When has he put on a decent match? I don't think he has it in him to be mediocre, let alone good. Outside of playing the #2 to whoever is leading Nexus, he has nothing to offer. A trip to FCW is too good for this guy.

5th place is a tie among several guys, so we'll stick with the top four.
Chavo Guerrero- what exactly is his role in the WWE? Ever since Eddie died Chavito's momentum kinda stoped going anywhere. I can't even think of the last time I saw him wrestle.

90% of the divas lockerroom- they can't wrestle and half of them in my opinion aren't even that good to look at. All the divas division is in WWE anymore is filler between the stuff we actuall want to see. Hopefully Awesome Kong xan get things turned around. If she is used right....

Santino- either give him a new gimmick and get him away from this comedy shit or let him go so he can go to TNA and possibly do better there. He has some real talent and it seems that WWE really dropped the ball with him.

Goldust- he has been around off and on the last 11 years and hasn't really done anything noteworthy during that time. Sure he had some moments but I forget he is even in WWE half the time.

Yoshi Tatsu?- why exactly is he on the roster? Once again a good talent going to waste.

I know I'm going to get hell for this but...
John Morrison- hugely under used by the WWE. He gets all these mini pushes only To get lost in the shuffle. WWE either needs to push him to the moon as much as they can without letting him talk every week or let him go somewhere where he can get the push he deserves.
Yoshi Tatsu?- why exactly is he on the roster? Once again a good talent going to waste.

Alright, I think I found my fifth pick. And it's really too bad because I enjoyed watching Tatsu back when he was on ECW. But as much as I enjoyed watching him back then, I knew in the back of my mind that he wasn't gonna go very far. I think part of that might be because his English isn't quite up to par... but anyway, I do agree that Tatsu is a great talent, an exciting performer, and should be showcased more often but he's obviously not gonna be winning any major titles in the foreseeable future.
Vladimir Koslov- since losing his undefeated streak in his monster debut push has amounted to very little. The tag team has largely rested on Santino's humor with Koslov as the unamusing straight man. Let him go.

Yoshi Tatsu- not too many asian wrestlers get here and become really successful. Tajiri made it better than most but pretty much always jobbed to the bigger stars. Tatsu hasd made little impact and his leaving will leave little effect.

Mason Ryan- He's just big. That's it. No real in ring skill to speak of, horrible mic skills, and someone who should have never come out of FMW this soon.

Ezekiel Jackson- many of the same reasons as Ryan. Other than being big and imposing he offer nothing in the ring or on the mic.

JTG-Cryme Time never got too far, never got the titles, asnd his solo career stalled almost as soon as it started. Give him his walking papers.
R-Truth: the 21rst century version of Sambo (look it up. I'm black so don't get offended.) This dude is a fuckin joke, go to TNA.

Zach Ryder: this dude is the epitome of shit. Shit would call this dude shit.

Jack Swagger: I know that most of the IWC loves him, but it's boring guys like him that are helping cause the demise of the WWE. He can wrestle decently enough, but his entertainment value is shit. I'd rather stick my dick in a Pirannah's mouth than watch this guy.

The Nexus save for C.M. Punk: These guys went from the biggest threat in the WWE to a bunch of lowcarders focused on taking out one guy... And failing miserably. None of the new guys have any charisma. And David Ortunga has even less.

That's all I can think of right now.
It's actually a little harder than one might think to put together a list like this. I see potential in a lot of people that were picked.

I think that if they would actually extend Superstars a bit, or make another show altogether, they could do a lot w/a cruiserweight type division. People like Ryder, Tatsu, Primo, etc. could actually gain some exposure. Do smaller storylines with good, solid wrestling.

Same w/the tag teams. Take guys like Hawkins and Barretta, JTG and Tatsu or Primo and Tatsu, give it some attention, and you could easily showcase some other talent. These are things that I think would give everybody on the roster something to do because a lot of these guys do have talent and it's a shame to waste them. Then if they didn't cut it you could start looking to cut some people.

If I had to choose, though, I guess I'd start w/JTG. Sorry, but he seems pretty expendable right now and from what I understand he tends to botch more than your average guy.

Secondly, I'd have to go with Henry. He's just not worth the hassle IMO. I don't think the WWE Universe would be too sad to see him go. I understand the need for veterans, but you have some others there that you could keep around that could still move better than Henry and provide better guidance. Plus, if worse came to worse you could bring back any one of your multitude of Legends to help younger talent.

I would also consider getting rid of Khali. He really doesn't do much at all anymore except dance and kisscam every once in a while. If I wanted to keep the Indian fanbase I would look into maybe bringing in Sonjay Dutt at a lesser rate than what Khali probably gets. Not an insulting number, but I bet he'd be a cheaper guy than Khali.

I also think that Primo would have to go. Not because of his talent, but just because they don't really utilize him. Like I said, I would try to utilize him but if we were going with simply who they don't use, he'd be one.

I don't think you could get rid of DiBiase. He's still got some life left in him and you wouldn't want to burn the bridge w/his pappy.

The last one I guess I'd pick is Darren Young. He's not doing a thing right now except probably standing backstage looking at the curtain thinking "I used to be out there... sigh". I wouldn't like losing a younger guy like that without seeing if he could surprise me, but I'm just going with what I see at this time.

But again, I'd actually try to get everybody utilized by maybe extending Superstars and making it a 2 hr. show that focuses on the smaller guys and the tag team division.
A lot of the picks I see seem unrealistic. I really do not see guys like Santino, R-Truth or Jack Swagger getting released. Despite his silly gimmick, Santino is a draw. Similarly, R-Truth seems to be a big hit with the kids, and Jack Swagger is just way too much of a talent to give up on. This is an excellent thread by the way. With that said, here is my list.

Curt Hawkins - I am very surprised that this guy has not made the list yet. What is he good for? I certainly can't think of anything. He has bored me terribly ever since he and Zach Ryder split up. I really see him getting his walking papers sooner rather than later.

JTG - Now, I have to admit, I enjoyed seeing his little "Straight Outta Brooklyn" skits on Smackdown, but they seem to have run their course. I have not seen one for quite some time. Without Shad and the Cryme Tyme pairing, I see little value in JTG. My guess is that he is gone.

Primo - I think he is a talented wrestler and all, but he does NOTHING for months. He is currently second fiddle to Zach Ryder, who is a jobber in his own right. He'll be gone.

Tyler Reks - I do not want to see this happen too Reks, but it seems blatantly obvious that creative has nothing for this guy to do. He has a dominating look with a very nice finisher, but he has been stuck on Superstars for the past few months. I would really like to see him get a healthy push, but my gut instinct tells me that he will get cut.

Rosa Mendes - Not that any of the divas are overly utilized, but Mendes seems to be the cream of the crap. No doubt she will be cut.
Mark Henry - Useless, No ability, and is absolutely horrible as a face
Primo - Hasn't done a thing since Carlito (the more talented one) was fired
R-Truth - Has the same gimmick as JTG but with half the mic skills, half the charisma, and half the in ring ability
Hornswaggle - Need I say more
Matt Striker - I'm not saying I want this to happen, I'm saying with Booker T taking the SD! color commentator job Striker really has nothing to do sure he hosts NXT but he is easily replaceable
Hornswoggle - This guy is a waste or revenue. Rather than give a spot to someone on the roster who could use it (Cody Rhodes, maybe?) they give it to Hornswoggle. The only memorable program he's had on TV is being McMahon's, or rather, Finlay's son. Well, and maybe also his program with-

Chavo Guerrero - It's too late to repackage this guy, much like it's too late to repackage a guy like Steven Richards or Tommy Dreamer. Guys like them are not believable in any way. Chavo is athletic and decent in the ring, but his size and his look don't impress me.

The Great Khali - You only need one giant in the WWE, and you have the Big Show for that. I don't agree with a previous post that The Big Show can't wrestler, because the man has improved as of late. A lot. Since losing to The Undertaker, all he's done is have a mediocre run with the world title. Now he's been tweaked to be this punjabi playboy? Either turn him heel again or let him go, but even turning him heel still won't make him any better than he is...or isn't.

Primo - Who the fuck is that?

Zack Ryder - I say this with disappointment because this guy would have made one hell of a United States Champion. But like with many others, once you bury a guy so much, there's no way to bring him back up, especially around WrestleMania time with so many compelling storylines to follow. Zack is only a comedy act on Raw, but the problem is you have Santino Marella for that, and the crowd eats him up!

Other notable mentions - Trent Barretta, JTG, R-Truth, and Vladimir Kozlov
While some of these have been quite entertaining, lets get a little more real with this.
My 5 are as follows:

Curt Hawkins: has done nothing since the "gatecrasher" push ended.

JTG: Like Hawkins has done nothing for the last year. He isnt even used as a jobber on Smackdown.

Joey Mercury: I believe he is still on the roster, but since the SES is no more he has no use when he is healthy. When he came back he was no where near the decent at best performer he was in MNM.

Darren Young: People aren't into him, has done nothing since his nexus removal. I doubt most people even remember he was in nexus.

Jackson Andrews: Kidd's former body guard has supposedly shown no development since being removed from TV.

Guys like Khali, Primo, Tatsu, Primo, Smith, Chavo & Finlay will survive because they are either can add some pop to the tours of their respective home lands, or in the case of Chavo and Finaly can work backstage and help develop some of the new younger talent.

Ezekial Jackson

MASON RYAN- this dude is talentless when it comes to being in the ring. He and R-Truth had a match a few weeks ago and it was one of the worst things I have ever seen. There must have been 3-5 botches in just that match.

JACK SWAGGER- He is boring as hell as a wrestler and he is certainly no Kurt Angle and his mic skills are horrible. He has a lisp, for Christ's sake.

David Otunga.
Just a couple of comments before I make my list.

First-For those who say R-truth is not interesting in the ring, should really open there eyes as them man is very talented, unfotunately I do agree with you guys that the rap gimmick has to go.

Secondly-Mason Ryan the man has had what 1 match in the WWE, let's give him some chance to prove himself before we all bury him.

Now for my cut list

Primo-He is a good worker, but unfortunately the WWE will never use him properly and will just keep burying him until Released

Zack Ryder-Unless they completely repackage him, I don't see him going anywhere

Darren Young-He has just completely dissapeared off of TV

Vladimir Kozlov-I just don't see him doing anything if he and Santino go there separate ways

And my final one is more of a wish, but unfortunately I don't see it happening- Gail Kim- I would love the WWE to release her so she can go back to TNA and have great matches like she used to. The WWE has done nothing but bury her since she came back
I know I'm going to sound mean towards these superstars, but the following superstars should be released because they are useless:

from RAW:

David Otunga - he has no charisma at all, and the reason he has a job in WWE is because he's banging Jennifer Hudson, and he just flat out sucks.

Mark Henry - a bit unrealistic but come on, he is fat and cant even move in the ring, and needs to go.

Primo - doesn't do anything on any show but Superstars and will NEVER get a push, and is useless without Carlito, so let him go.

The Great Khali - another unrealistic one, because he is popular in India and god this guy sucks and cant even move well and cant wrestle for shit.

Vladimir Kozlov, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder should all be released as well because they bring NOTHING to WWE and are a waste of space on the roster and why pay them for doing NOTHING!


Hornswoggle - won't happen cause the kids love him.

JTG, and Trent Baretta also need to be released because they are useless and will never do anything in WWE.

those are the people who should be released.
Darren Young- The guy's done nothing since being booted from Nexus.

Primo- Is he still employed? Done nothing since Carlito left.

Yoshi Tatsu- The only time that I've seen him in months was when they did that stupid kiss cam a couple weeks back.

Kozlov- Once his little run with Santino is officially done, he'll be getting the boot.

Finlay- As much as I like the guy, he's not getting used and he's getting up there in age. I won't be surprised to see him go.

Other guys like Truth, Otunga, and Ryder there's still hope for, I don't see Vince cutting them loose yet. None of the divas will go, unless they want to make the diva crop even worse.
I don't know why everyone is so keen on getting rid of Kozlov. Sure, he's basically become a joke, but he and Santino are GREAT together. Santino is hilarious, and part of his comedy comes from Kozlov's facial expressions and his ability to play the straight man.

Now that they're not tag champs anymore, I hope they keep Santino and Kozlov together and maybe just have Kozlov "manage" Santino as Kozlov is getting up there in years and it looks like The Corre is going to make a somewhat lengthy title run since there are no other real tag teams in the WWE right now.

Primo is just pointless, he'll never be a veteran jobber (for that initial rub) the likes of Chavo. Dump him.

R-Truth is just terrible. I saw a match of his, enjoyed it. I saw another.. it was the same match.

Hornswoggle. Enough IS Enough.

Wendy is the worst NXT leftover. Nothing about him is a "Rock-band". I could call myself the one man drive through restaurant and we all know that that wouldn't be the case,


R-Truth. The guy has been built up side by side with Morrison and maybe that wasn't fair, but he can't keep up. What town are we win?
My 5 picks are:
Tyler Reks
Chris Masters
Vladimir Kozlov

I would have picked either Trent Baretta or Curt Hawkins but, from what I have read, they are putting them together as a tag team.

Primo: Someone quick, tell me what he has done since Carlito was fired!...I dont even think he has won a match, maybe they are waiting for him to join the Fortunate Sons stable that I keep hearing about.

JTG: Has done nothing at all since he beat Shad Gaspard at the Extreme Rules PPV. He is a good wrestler, but, his gimmick is beyond stale. He cant have a career by himself, without a Cruiserweight division. To me, the man needs a tag team partner(R-Truth).

Tyler Reks: Ever since the Bragging Rights PPV, and the Survivor Series PPV, he has done nothing besides lose at a record pace on Superstars. He came in with an intimidating gimmick, then, Big Show beat him in like 12 seconds, and now, hes a waste.

Chris Masters: To me, he has never done anything impressive, and I have no idea why he even has a job, considering some of the people they have released in the past..

Vladimir Kozlov: Since they lost the belts, you know that, WWE is going to break him and Santino up, and then what?...another one who started off as a beast, and went to nothing really quick. I dont think WWE will put anything into him anymore, because, of how bad it went the first time, so, I believe he will he fired.

There are countless divas who would/should be fired (Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox, Bellas(they are horrible in the ring, along with most of the Divas)
What hope is there for R "That's the Troof" Truth? He can't rap, hell, this motherfucker can barely speak! He consistently botches in the ring... I must be missing something.
John Cena - This guy does nothing but take up TV time that others can have, im sick of seeing him. (hahaha, i know they'd never let him go but i wish they would so he doesnt count as a guess in my 5.)

1. Trent Baretta - this guy has done nothing since they released Croft, they should have just released both at the same time.

2. JTG - again, he should have been released along with Shad, no point keeping him around.

3. Darren Young - this guy sucks and had no business being in the WWE to began with.

4. Michael Tarver - hes been shown like twice since coming back from injury, they'll never do anything with him

5. Rosa Mendes - i have never understood why shes even there.
This is easy.
(No Im not going to list R-Truth simply because he is OVER and WWE has yet to do a good program with him. Talented performer that needs something "edgy" to spice him up.)

1. The Bellas- No one gives a damn about the Bellas, and never will.
2. Mike Tarver- The man makes black people look bad. (I am black btw). His entire run with Nexus was ridiculous and he never showed anything promising when he had his turn.
3. Kahli- He has run his course. Nuff said.
4. Ted Dibiase- look at my response for the Bellas.
5. Kozlov- He has run his course as well.

1. Curt Hawkins- HE has dodge the bullet numerous times, but he just is not interesting at all. Average in ring at best and the same can be said for mic skills.
2. Tyler Reks- Awful name, for a bland character. He has actual in ring ability but totally lacks character ala Ted Dibiase.
3. Hornswoggle- He has run his course and WWE seem to find a consistent role for him. I think its time.
4. Kofi Kingston- Has mid card for life tattooed on his forehead. He is not interesting on the mic. Has a bad gimmick because it does not reflect his personality and tries to hard to be a good face. Dump him now and give some one like Zack Ryder his push.
5. Todd Grisham- Decent as a commentator but Josh Mathews seem to have taken his job as the main play by play man after Micheal Cole.
David Hart Smith: It's sad but the guy really hasn't done anything since the split and it seems he just got shoved under the rug.

Tyson Kidd: Also dissapointing and for mostly the same reason as DHS. They actually had the makings of a feud going but it just kinda died all the sudden. Without much of a mainstream fanbase it makes it hard to find a reason to keep them around.

JTG: Cryme Tyme was entertaining and should never have been split. So they got split and definatly did not tread water. Shad is already sunk and sadly so will JTG with nothing going for him.

Yoshi Tatsu: He doesn't do anything in the WWE except get his ass kicked backstage every couple of months, I think a majority of fans (IWC included) forget about this guy. and if his name was on the pink slip list I would not be shocked.

Great Khali: Ya, it's wishful thinking. I hate the character and actually forgot about him when he was in India, I'm sure I'm not alone. He only gets a pop when his entrance music plays or when he does the standard stadium game of Kiss-Cam. Give the Kiss cam to a Diva and remove this immobile "talent" that cannot speak english.
JTG, and Trent Baretta also need to be released because they are useless and will never do anything in WWE.
Barreta has only been in the WWE for a little over a year. You saying he is useless and will never do anything is like me telling a 3rd grader that he's going to be homeless because he's useless and will never be worth anything in the business world. Keep in mind, the Hardy Brothers were both jobbers when they first started, and the current WWE champion was jobbing when he wasn't teamed with Morrison all the way up until he re-debut after being "Fired".

OT: I think several guys should be released... All these people hating on Curt Hawkins, Barreta, and other Superstars wrestlers need to get real... nobody is forcing you to watch the show.

-R Truth should be fired immediately and I'm surprised he hasn't been already. The guy sucks in the ring, is a terrible rapper, has a horrible gimmick, is covered in piercings, can't pronounce his words properly, is terrible on the mic, and generally is a pain to watch.

-Hornswoggle is just... damn. Super ugly as shit dwarf looking thing with a giant ass and a disgusting beard that buries anyone he comes into contact with needlessly. Why is Hornswoggle wrestling a bald eagle on SD! when there are guys like Trent Barreta and Chris Masters who are far more entertaining? Ridiculous.

-Vladamir Koslov. The guy was a MONSTER. Then, he lost to Shawn Micheals for the right to wrestle the Undertaker at WM. Then, he lost to the Undertaker. THEN, he lost to HHH. Then, his career went down the toilet. He looks so awkward in the ring and has no entertainment value when he WAS given the opportunity.

-Khali. The guy can't even walk, let alone wrestle. A major waste of space.

-Randy Orton. Punted one of my favorite members of the so called "Youth movement" in the head yesterday and now he's probably going to FCW. Hurt my feelings. Go to hell, Orton.
Zack Ryder- the guy was good when he was teaming with Curt Hawkins so IMO he either needs to team up with Hawkins and make them a solid team again or fire him

Curt Hawkins- same thing i said about Ryder fits here

Yoshi Tatsu- whats the point of him staying on the roster?

The Great Khali- hes worthless...ik they keep him for when there in india but hes just a waste of a paycheck this guy never impressed me he should b fired sooner rather then later.

R-Truth- complete shit on the mic,his rapping annoys the hell outta me,shitty ring skills he needs to just b fired

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