South Africa Stadium Workers Strike

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop

Long story short, 70,000 people working on the stadiums for the 2010 World Cup are going on strike over their wages. Could this be any worse for South Africa? This World Cup is their chance to prove that they are a modernized, Western nation and now the stadiums might not be finished if they don't open up the wallet. What do you think about the workers going on strike?
On one hand, everyone has the right to strike, in a sense. I can understand the frustration of the workers if they feel they're being paid too little for doing too much work. That being said, this goes beyond a few workers. This affects the world, and more importantly, South Africa's status in it. As you rightly said, this gives them a chance to prove they're a modernised country and I guess you could throw out the word selfish, as this will affects everyone, and 70,000 seems a small number in comparison.

That's both sides of the argument, because I don't have a real opinion of things at the moment. I'm generally of the opinion strikes should be avoided at all costs, because the end result is usually the same - the bosses will raise wages. Why not bypass making everyone's life uncomfortable or more difficult? No one ever seems to give a damn about the people who will be disrupted, as long as they get what they want.
I don't really care. They're builders and this hardly has anything to do with sports. This is more about the strike than anything. But, it is written into the constitution of South Africa that workers have the right to strike, so there isn't anything to be done. "You no pay more, we no build soccer houses!"

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