Something we Wrestling fans lack.


Dark Match Winner
I have been under the weather recently, and seeing as it's summer I have been left with a lot of free time. Most of which I have spent watch each royal rumble and a couple of other pay per views from a few years ago.

While watching one of the Royal Rumble Match's( can't remember which one, because I watched them all one after the other) I noticed something quite extraordinary. Scotty 2 Hotty made his way to the ring, and I believe someone was laid out on the ground at which point he went for the worm. The fans erupted they chanted along and I was actually quite happy watching it thinking how good fans used to be. I watched One Night Stand 05 and 06 aswell and the fans reacted to everything it was amazing.

I guess I have been ranting, so basically what I'm saying is we wrestling fans now'a days lack Passion. I know that there are some exceptions such as the Miami crowd/ Chicago crowd, but I feel we lack passion and a guy like Scotty 2 Hotty would get no reaction rather than a huge one he did back in ''the day''.

I have been under the weather recently, and seeing as it's summer I have been left with a lot of free time. Most of which I have spent watch each royal rumble and a couple of other pay per views from a few years ago.

While watching one of the Royal Rumble Match's( can't remember which one, because I watched them all one after the other) I noticed something quite extraordinary. Scotty 2 Hotty made his way to the ring, and I believe someone was laid out on the ground at which point he went for the worm. The fans erupted they chanted along and I was actually quite happy watching it thinking how good fans used to be. I watched One Night Stand 05 and 06 aswell and the fans reacted to everything it was amazing.

I guess I have been ranting, so basically what I'm saying is we wrestling fans now'a days lack Passion. I know that there are some exceptions such as the Miami crowd/ Chicago crowd, but I feel we lack passion and a guy like Scotty 2 Hotty would get no reaction rather than a huge one he did back in ''the day''.


The demographics have changed. There are more 9 year old kids in the crowd (who get tired easily) and parents (who don't give a shit) now as opposed to the alcohol fueled, young adult crowd from years ago.
I think that's because the top wrestlers today don't have gimmicks and catchphrases. Punk, Cena, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Some of them had gimmicks before but most of them got rid of their gimmick. As far as catchphrases they're all very weak.

On the other hand, isn't Cena booed in many arenas? That's passion too.
Watch Slammiversary from last month. The crowd was fucking popping for Hernandez.
It's not that fans lack passion. It's that most of the wrestlers are quite generic. People don't get behind dudes who seem like every other average wrestler ever. It's always been that way, it's just that back in the day, the wrestlers were better at making themselves unique.
believing in kayfabe. That's what the fans these days are lacking.

ex. Big Show is dominating the whole roster yet the smarks won't play along with it. Tensai is another monster heel, but smarks will say that he is just another lame gimmick.

I'm not saying that we perceive wrestling as REAL but we should pretend that it is. I missed the good old days (when I was a little kid) when I thought wrestling was real. That's until my dad keeps saying that it is scripted whenever I'm watching. fuck him.
believing in kayfabe. That's what the fans these days are lacking.

ex. Big Show is dominating the whole roster yet the smarks won't play along with it. Tensai is another monster heel, but smarks will say that he is just another lame gimmick.

I'm not saying that we perceive wrestling as REAL but we should pretend that it is. I missed the good old days (when I was a little kid) when I thought wrestling was real. That's until my dad keeps saying that it is scripted whenever I'm watching. fuck him.

Believing in kayfabe or suspending your belief is needed, to an extent. I don't like your example, though. Look at Mark Henry as a direct example that fans ARE willing to play along, they just need something interesting to buy into. Henry -- for quite some time -- was a joke of a character (Sexual Chocolate), but once he was given a push, fans started buying into him. The thing is, Henry was a believable heel and he was better than we'd ever seen him. Show, on the other hand, hasn't been very good since his turn, nor is he remotely the type of character that fans want to buy into. We've seen big monster characters before, but the only ones that succeeded were the ones that had something different (or, at the very least, interesting) about them. Big Show is basically the most generic heel monster he could be.

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