So it will be Sting vs Triple H at Wrestlemania - what happens with Undertaker now?


Pre-Show Stalwart
We all know Triple H ego will not let this go. He will be the first man to have match with Sting.

Before this, no one talked about Triple H vs Sting match. Everybody talked about Undertaker vs Sting - at Wrestlemania 30.

People talked about The Rock, and even putting young talent over.

But Triple H will take the spot.

The fans want to see the dream match, it's Undertaker vs Sting, to epic entrances and dark hero characters.

Triple H don't wants what's best for business, but what's best for him.
After Mania last year the amount of people who wanted to see Sting vs. Undertaker decreased significantly. Triple H isn't exactly a dream opponent but he is the best opponent for old man Sting.
Seems simple enough...

Hunter is a perfect and logical first opponent for Sting.

Bray is a logical opponent for Taker, and it allows Taker to get back on the winning track and gets Bray the rub of working with him at Mania.

And WM32 in Dallas is the correct stage for Taker/Sting- in both men's retirement match complete with a longterm build and dual HOF inductions. And that match will be a massive contributor to the WWE's goal of reestablishing the indoor attendance record.
So yeah HHH vs Sting. Not the ultimate dream match but a good one that I'd like to see.
Seems like Taker is gonna face Bray Wyatt, there is no other reasons he would be doing those promos and squashing everyone he faces. Plus, there is already a rumor about Taker vs Sting for WrestleMania 32.

One thing not being discussed much that would be a good draw for 31....

Most indicators suggest we will still have Reings vs Lesnar but I did see some stuff saying Vince may have changed his mind and may go with triple threat at WM. But if he doesn't I wouldn't mind seeing Rock vs Daniel Bryan. The beginning of the story is there with Rock being such a supporter of Roman. Daniel could be addressing the fact that he lost and will not main event WM and Rock could come out and make fun of his candy ass for 5 minutes. That could set up a Dream match between two all time fan favorites. Both are hard workers and it would be a great match.
If Undertaker doesn't wrestle Sting at Mania, then I don't want to see Undertaker wrestle ever again. Why have a match with Bray Wyatt? Nobody wants to see 21-2. But having Bray lose to Undertaker won't help him. "I'm the guy that lost to the 50 year old man who got destroyed by Brock Lesnar. Fear me!" Just won't work that well. As cool as the angle may be, it just won't be worth it.

If Taker wrestles again, it should be against Sting. Sting wants it, I believe Taker has been reported as supporting it. And all the fans want it. The match may not be a classic, but the build up would be. And the match would still be pretty damn good. But if we don't get that match, then I think it's better to just let Undertaker retire, and leave his legacy as is. One of the greatest ever. There's no need to have him lose to Bray Wyatt, and even less need to have him beat Wyatt.
If Undertaker doesn't wrestle Sting at Mania, then I don't want to see Undertaker wrestle ever again. Why have a match with Bray Wyatt? Nobody wants to see 21-2. But having Bray lose to Undertaker won't help him. "I'm the guy that lost to the 50 year old man who got destroyed by Brock Lesnar. Fear me!" Just won't work that well. As cool as the angle may be, it just won't be worth it.

If Taker wrestles again, it should be against Sting. Sting wants it, I believe Taker has been reported as supporting it. And all the fans want it. The match may not be a classic, but the build up would be. And the match would still be pretty damn good. But if we don't get that match, then I think it's better to just let Undertaker retire, and leave his legacy as is. One of the greatest ever. There's no need to have him lose to Bray Wyatt, and even less need to have him beat Wyatt.

So true!

WWE creative need to listen to the fans.

Fuck Triple H ego, we want Sting vs Undertaker.

A number of reasons for Sting vs Triple H this year:

1). You cant have Sting lose his first ever WWE match. Triple H is the perfect heel to put him over and get Sting familiar with the casual WWE universe. It was reported thru many outlets that Sting refused to join the WWE back in 2001 after the WCW went under because he didnt like how the WWE would handle the direction of his WCW original character and would damage his legacy. So it seems reasonable, that to appease Sting in his first ever WWE match, i mean logically, he HAS to win.

2) It has nothing to do with Triple H's ego. Sting stated himself in numerous interviews last year prior to his WWE tv debut that one of his dream opponents other than the Undertaker, was Triple H. Fact. Google the IGN interview, i believe at the 'Up at Noon' show.

3) Wrestlemania 32 next year is in Undertaker's home state of Texas. This could very well be his farewell retirement match. AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas hold at least 100,000 people. The WWE wants to attract a record sell out crowd for this event. What better way to help sell out that arena than to headline with one of the MOST talked about, and fantasized matchups in wrestling history with Sting vs The Undertaker?

We all know they are both way past their prime already, but it is what it is, and you know damn well fans will pay to see this match regardless. Throw in the fact that Undertaker is rumored to enter the Hall of Fame next year as well and you have even more record level anticipation, and much more compelling reason to hold this match off until Wrestlemania 32 in 2016.

Have Sting win his first ever WWE match this year. Then Undertaker win his rumored match with Bray Wyatt this year, to somewhat establish that hey, Taker still got it, then we get Sting vs Undertaker next year. Who wins? After the proposed finishes of this year's Wrestlemania matches stated above-----outcome unpredictable.
You cant have Sting lose his first ever WWE match. Triple H is the perfect heel to put him over and get Sting familiar with the casual WWE universe.

Yes, that does make sense. While I had been figuring Sting wouldn't mind losing to Undertaker in what might be his only WWE match, that's easy for me to say, right? When Steve Borden speaks of his legacy, even as it's understood he has none in the E, it doesn't necessarily mean he's not interested in how he's perceived. I'm guilty of thinking of 'Taker's interests while disregarding Sting's. If not for that problem, we probably would be seeing 'Taker vs. Sting.

As to Triple H being his opponent, I can also understand Sting in negotiations with WWE, telling them he needs to go against someone who: (1) has a legendary rep in his own right (2) is willing to lose to Sting (3) has the ability to work smoothly, without damaging Sting's AARP body. Triple H surely fills the bill on all three counts.

As for Undertaker, do we actually know he's participating in WM31.....or ever again? Sure, the rumor mill has been spitting out Bray Wyatt's name in connection with 'Taker.....and the company has certainly been taking pains to make Bray look strong for some reason.... but I'm still having trouble trying to figure what business Bray has in the ring with Undertaker. There's no history, no compelling reason to stage this match.

One thing seems certain; if Undertaker does go to the well once more time .....he wins. Whether he fights Bray Wyatt, Hornswoggle, AJ Lee or Bruno Sammartino......'Taker takes a win into retirement.
HHH will put Sting over about 10x better than the Taker could have at this juncture. They will have an actual competitive match and Sting will be a main player in "taking down the authority" I expect some sort of stipulation to be added to the Mania match which will remove HHH and the Authority again or something like that.

I am of the personal opinion that Sting will have a good 2-3 year part time run with the WWE. No matter how iconic he is to actual Wrestling fans the new generation looks at the WCW years like some of us older folks look at AWA or Mid-South. It just doesn't matter unless you are a historian. Sting will need wins over HHH, Taker, and a few of the modern guys to truly cement himself as one of the top 10 of all time *which he is*
Seems simple enough...

Hunter is a perfect and logical first opponent for Sting.

Bray is a logical opponent for Taker, and it allows Taker to get back on the winning track and gets Bray the rub of working with him at Mania.

And WM32 in Dallas is the correct stage for Taker/Sting- in both men's retirement match complete with a longterm build and dual HOF inductions. And that match will be a massive contributor to the WWE's goal of reestablishing the indoor attendance record.

Yeah I could see it. I just hate for the WWE to build Bray back up just for him to lose. He lost momentum losing to Cena in their feud, I'm not sure losing to Taker at WrestleMania would help him. If anything, Bray needs the win more than Taker does. If Reigns wins the WWE WHC at WrestleMania, you have to have some legit contenders for him to face. Bray would be a good start.
off topic but I think there is a way to have bray lose to the Undertaker if done right.

My suggestion is make Bray look strong most of the match. Have Undertaker do his comeback. They go back and forth. Then Bray finally caves in. Bray will sacrafice himself to the Undertaker. Saying he will become more evil than him for his sacrafice. Giving into evil. Something like that.

That way it keeps Taker going for next years Wrestlemaina and hope for Sting-Taker final match!
Seems simple enough...

Hunter is a perfect and logical first opponent for Sting.

Bray is a logical opponent for Taker, and it allows Taker to get back on the winning track and gets Bray the rub of working with him at Mania.

And WM32 in Dallas is the correct stage for Taker/Sting- in both men's retirement match complete with a longterm build and dual HOF inductions. And that match will be a massive contributor to the WWE's goal of reestablishing the indoor attendance record.

I think this is about right, I just hope that 'Taker and Sting are still capable of wrestling a match next year that isn't embarrasingly bad. I think alot depends om the proposed 'Taker v Wyatt match this year. If Undertaker can't perform to a decent level, it'll be his last match in my opinion, they won't have him wrestle again next year, and I don't think he'd want to.

While Sting v 'Taker is THE match we've all wanted for years, Triple H is the best opponent for the Stinger now. He understands how much of a big deal having Sting wrestle in the WWE is, he won't do anything to disrespect the legacy of The Stinger, and Trips will have no problem putting over the icon at WrestleMania, which is what WILL happen.

Triple H is in incredible shape, still performing to the world class standards he always has, and will be able to carry the match like a pro. I can't wait to see him lock up with Sting, it'll be a great moment.
Without question Wrestlemania 32 should be Undertaker & Sting's last match and what a better way to main event a Wrestlemania and end an era of greatness in front of 100,000+ people with 2 legends last match and possibly inductions the night before...that will probably be the last stand of Vince too...anything other than that on front of 100,000 people would be a huge disappointment
I was thinking WWE has 1 of two options. 1.) Capitalize on what happened between Show and Kane on SD! and make Kane to be the one to turn face or at least turn him on The Authority and make him dominate and a monster again between now and Mania. Have Wyatt take him out after defeating Show at Fast Lane. Have Kane return in his 1997 attire and have the story be how Kane isn't a real monster he traded in his mask for a suit and tie. If WWE don't do the "If you lose you retire" angle in the Cena/Rusev or Sting/Triple H feud then do it in this match and make Kane lose and retire. Or 2.) Have Sting call out Triple H, and have H basically say "No,because Sting is not in his league." I would then have Triple H begin to walk away and Sting snatch his shoulder and his the SDD on him. Lights go out and Wyatt attacks. When the lights come back on Wyatt has a chair over Sting and sits on it with his latern singing he has the whole world in his hand. Wyatt could be representing Triple H in the match.
I've heard Taker hasn't even been training so he might just return next year for a dual retirement match with Sting in Texas. Storylines are always booked to culminate as far as a year away but when Sting is 55 and Taker will be 50 you have to question their health that far down the road. Since they are not the imposing figures they once were I hope they have enough for an exciting match and not a fight in a senior citizen home rec room.
Yes I want to see Sting vs Taker but I also wanted to see it 10 years ago. I'm cool with them not doing it at all just because they are old and past their primes of their careers. I love both guys but it's time to hang it up. How can fans not be concerned that by the time WM 32 rolls around that Sting/Taker won't be able to put on a match worth watching? You know a lot of fans won't be as into because both guys are really so old
Jesus. Thank God that Sting won't be wrestling Taker at Mania. Sting and Triple H are entirely capable of putting on a top quality match, there is no doubt that about it. Both are experienced enough to make sure the feature matches the occasion but young enough and with enough stamina to make sure that it isn't 30 minutes of rest holds. Taker needs to wrestle a young man who can control the match. And honestly, given the state he is reportedly in, maybe this is the year that we find ally just say goodbye to the Deadman for good. The pool of people who could feasibly wrestle him is thinning. Triple H versus Sting is undoubtedly the right choice.

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