Smackdown should go live!

Should Smackdown go live?

  • Yes

  • Occasionally, maybe like once a season

  • No

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Without a doubt, Smackdown is the best wrestling show for the WWE and in my opinion, the guys on the roster need to show off their craft on live television. This could be possible if Smackdown is live on Fridays and on that same day, ECW is taped. Here are my reasons on why I think Smackdown should go live.

- I don't quite understand why ECW is usually live yet Smackdown never is, this isn't 2006 anymore. ECW isn't the type of show that sets the world on fire so having it live over Smackdown is a bit odd.

- Smackdown is taped on Tuesdays in which spoilers for the show are leaked out onto the internet for jackasses to read and this could be a blow for the show's ratings. For the show to go live, the show would most likely see an increase in ratings and attention.

- Smackdown isn't TNA! It's the fuckin WWE and it has some HUGE stars including: The Undertaker, Batista, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, and at the moment, DX. I might get alot of shit on this one but if Raw is live because it's the "A show" and has big stars, why on earth isn't Smackdown? I mean, shouldn't big stars like these guys be featured on live television? Them being on a taped show somewhat kills the credibility of both the show and the stars. It might sound a bit stupid, but that's just my opinion.

So after reading this, should Smackdown go live?
No, yes the ratings would go up but that 2 day period before PPVs would kill the wrestlers. When you have a taping on Tuesday that gives a resting period before a large PPV. What if a wrestler gets hurt the show before a PPV? If they have 4 days before it, they can be at 100%. If they get hurt and only have a day with travel added in, the PPV will suffer. I don't see WWE sacrificing their PPV matches so the Smackdown rating will go up .5
Since I'm the only one who voted no so far, I guess I have to back up my opinion.

Smackdown is taped because the SD crew works Saturday through Tuesday. ECW is live only because it's not worth setting up to tape on two different days. That's all minor, since the SD crew could just work Friday through Monday and do the show live on Friday. (They started on Thursdays, though. They taped the day after Raw. That's history, though, not logic)

Spoilers can cause some people to not watch, but on the other hand if the show sounds like it's worth seeing, they could actually build viewership. When I watched a lot more regularly, I would Tivo Raw and Smackdown and avoid spoilers. Then I started reading spoilers to see if it was worth watching the show.

After a long stretch of reading spoilers and saying "that sounds like crap" I just took the subscriptions off of Tivo.

Live vs taped didn't really matter. When Smackdown started, it was taped the day after RAw. In 2001, Raw averaged a 4.64, Smackdown a 4.03.

It took years of WWE treating Smackdown as the "B-show" for fans to get the message. The biggest incident was HHH vetoing his draft to Smackdown in one of the first roster drafts. For years, the draft was just about Raw raping Smackdown talent and sending back midcarders.

I don't think that going live would do anything for Smackdown. They should figure out what network SD will be on next year first.
I think Smackdown should go live. They have the talent to do it and it will force the Superstars, in a way, to up their game. This move would definitely make the Blue Show equal to the Red Show. Now, this could only work if one of the following happens:

A. ECW gets its own day of taping, plus a second hour, maybe even going live as well.
B. ECW joins Heat and Velocity.
Smackdown would draw far better numbers if it were Live, undoubtedly. A Live show will ALWAYS draw far better than a taped show, where the Spoilers get on the Internet. There is always a feeling of excitement that is generated when a show is Live.

So I think we should first acknowledge that going Live is better from the Brand, and then go from there in trying to determine whether it is feasible or not.

I don't buy the argument from Leafy above in that it would "kill the wrestlers" doing a Friday show 2 days before a PPV because that can easily be fixed by simply taping Smackdown the one week before a PPV on Tuesday as they do now. So that isn't an obstacle.

The bigger obstacles are 2 things:

1) The travel schedule for the Production Crew

2) The show being currently shown on a Friday Night

As it stands right now, given the costs involved of producing a Live Show for a Friday Night audience, it probably isn't worth it. If Smackdown was back on Thursday nights, I think it would definitely be worth it to do, as Thursday nights more people are at home, and not going out with friends, going out to eat, to the movies, etc.

Now, the issue of the Production Crew. Right now the Production Crew has it perfect. They do tapings on back to back days. And on weeks when there are a PPV, they still have 3 Consecutive days of work in a row. So the schedule doesn't get any better for them then it is right now, and it is most cost effect to Vince.

However, if Vince would decide he wants to change nights and do a Live Broadcast for Smackdown on Thursday nights ... this would result in a huge increase in fees to WWE from the Production Company they use to film the events .... as they are going to want hotel and food expenses for all the Production Company Employees to be paid for an additional 2 nights (Tuesday and Wednesday). But I may be wrong with that as the Production Employees actually have those huge buses which I think they can actually sleep in if they want.

Put it this way. Vince could do it if he wants to, but it's just going to result in an increase in the contract he has with the Production Company they use for additional expenses. So, he would have to make a determination on whether it is worth paying those expenses, in exchange for an increase in ratings, interest in the overall product, and likely a far sweeter deal with whatever network he decides to eventually move Smackdown to, since a change off of My Network is likely inevitable in the near future.

If he can get a new night like either a Wednesday or Thursday night, I would say go for it, as I have a feeling that the overall interest in the product and better deal he would get from a network would more then compensate for those additional expenses.
Besides changing around the schedules for the production crews, my question is wouldn't you have to change around the house show schedules as well? I mean I'm not certain of the actual schedules but they certainly tape smack down for a reason as opposed to doing it live.

Also I wanted to clarify something that the thread starter alluded to, which is definatly not true. ECW is not live. Yes it is filmed on Tuesday before Smack down and aired the same night but there is a four hour difference between the taping and the airing. Think about it, for a show that is trying to cater spefically to children, do you really think they would start what would have to be a minamally 3 hour show at ten on a school night?
I do think it could potentially help SmackDown draw better numbers than it has been. For the past few months, however, the show has been drawing in the low 2s consistently but that's still nearly a full point behind what it was doing when it was on the CW.

I think one of the biggest problems the show has is the network that its on. MyNetworkTV is really little more than a joke at this point. The network itself no longer categorizes itself as a legitimate network, which is one reason why it takes a few weeks to get the ratings for SmackDown. Also, there are just a lot of people that just don't have the channel as well. Statistically, more people also go out on Friday nights than any other night of the week. I think there are a few things the WWE could try that are both less expensive and easier on the crews overall to boost ratings before going live like going to a better network and possibly moving to another night.
100% yes. smackdown on fridays is a terrible time. who wants to sit at home and watch tv on a friday night, not me. i really like watching smackdown and it should move to thursdays, 8-10 on thursdays. superstars is pointless and doesnt get shit for ratings. if wwe really wants to stop tna then they would move smackdown to the same time. i'd watch smackdown over impact anyday
Without a doubt, Smackdown is the best wrestling show for the WWE and in my opinion, the guys on the roster need to show off their craft on live television. This could be possible if Smackdown is live on Fridays and on that same day, ECW is taped. Here are my reasons on why I think Smackdown should go live.

Yes I also agree that Smackdown is the best show, Altho it might be the best show doesn't mean it should be live now does it.

- I don't quite understand why ECW is usually live yet Smackdown never is, this isn't 2006 anymore. ECW isn't the type of show that sets the world on fire so having it live over Smackdown is a bit odd.

The reason why SMackdown isn't live is because the schedule is much easier for these people on here and it would just burn them to much to go live. Where as ECW is on Wednesday and is full of young chaps who aren't like the Undertaker. SO SD should stay taped unless you want everyone complaining about Taker having to many days off.

- Smackdown is taped on Tuesdays in which spoilers for the show are leaked out onto the internet for jackasses to read and this could be a blow for the show's ratings. For the show to go live, the show would most likely see an increase in ratings and attention.

It could blow ratings, it could also gain ratings. Lets say your one of those people who doesn't watch WWE that often and looks at teh results more. You could go look at the spoilers, seee if SD is worth watching or not.

- Smackdown isn't TNA! It's the fuckin WWE and it has some HUGE stars including: The Undertaker, Batista, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, and at the moment, DX. I might get alot of shit on this one but if Raw is live because it's the "A show" and has big stars, why on earth isn't Smackdown? I mean, shouldn't big stars like these guys be featured on live television? Them being on a taped show somewhat kills the credibility of both the show and the stars. It might sound a bit stupid, but that's just my opinion.

Exactly, you have Taker and Batista and Rey, who are old, there bodies are injured and they are constantly on a high fatigue would not be good for them to go life. It would burn them out to much, also ( I know this is a very bad point but I feel like putting it in) If a wrestler gets a minor injury on SD he has 5 days to rest for a PPV if a PPV is coming up. But you don't want guys like Taker and Rey getting burned out and not be on TV for a while now do ya?

So after reading this, should Smackdown go live?

I voted yes.

But move it back to Thursday night or even Wednesday night. Elimate Superstars. Cancel the phoney version of ECW. Live show also equals no spoilers.

Besides, WCW did it with both Monday Nitro (3hrs) and Thunder (2hrs) being live and it worked (all other issues aside, though).
No, yes the ratings would go up but that 2 day period before PPVs would kill the wrestlers. When you have a taping on Tuesday that gives a resting period before a large PPV. What if a wrestler gets hurt the show before a PPV? If they have 4 days before it, they can be at 100%. If they get hurt and only have a day with travel added in, the PPV will suffer. I don't see WWE sacrificing their PPV matches so the Smackdown rating will go up .5

Ever heard of house shows?

Smackdown going live would draw higher ratings, but it's cheaper to tape it on a tuesday night with ECW, and easier in that they don't have to set up 3 lots of props/stages etc. for a live show. ANd anyone who says tape ECW, when are you going to air it? You can't tape it on a Friday and air it on the next Tuesday. Would give away PPV finishes.
Smackdown going live has several pro's:

1. Ratings increase potential
2. People can see it "as it happens" without it being taped.
3. No spoilers to ruin the match outcomes
4. Everyone ups their game because they can't save anything by editing.

Smackdown going live also has some con's:

1. It would mess up the schedule. (Biggest problem)
2. Having to do shows 2 days before a PPV (smaller problem)

Now then.... there are more pro's than con's, but messing up the schedule is such a huge potential problem that it cancels out the pro's. I think that the happy medium would be for them to do a live show maybe once a month, or twice a semester. That way we get a "special" show with a better feel to it sometimes, and at the same time the WWE doesn't have to revise their schedule.

As far as going live every week, sorry but I disagree because they would have to make so many changes to their schedule that it doesn't seem like it would benefit them at this point to do that just for a live show on fridays when we get one on mondays.
i say no basically because if they shot it live on a Friday night, we wouldn't get it until sunday here in australia. A friday Night in America is a Saturday afternoon here.
But because its pre-taped we get to watch it on a friday just after school. It might sound selfish but because we wouldn't get it until a sunday we would only have about 24 until a PPV showing in australia. (We get PPV's live at about 11am but get Raw on a wenesday a 3:30)
So if Smackdown would go Live WWE would lose alot of viewers here.
I emphatically voted yes to this. I don't care about all the nit picking details. I think it would be a good idea overall, all arguments taken into consideration. I like the idea of moving it from Friday to Thursday as well. What better way to crush TNA Impact than by putting, not your "a" show, but your best show, head to head with them.

After TNA goes to Monday nights to compete with Raw, I think that is when Smack Down should shift to Thursday. It would be a signal or a sign to TNA that the WWE isn't fucking around with them like they did with WCW for a while.

I constantly have to watch Smack Down online if I want to see it on Friday because the fucking network here moved it to Saturday nights without warning, and without reason. Now they just show shitty movies on Friday nights in the slot where Smack Down used to be.

The feel of live t.v. is much better and when people realize they give a shit about it enough to show it to you live, that will make people stand up and pay more attention to Smack Down I think, and as mentioned by some, boost the ratings. I think it would be a significant rise as well, especially when people can't just read the spoilers and skip the show.
I think they should go live, its been 10 years they need to go live. Go back to thursdays on another network like NBC, and go live. It would better their show, as the ratings would go up and make WWE some more money, and we all know Vince loves making that monay, monay, monay!!!!
Smackdown is The 'A' Show in WWE right now, so much more entertaining than boring and bland Monday Night Raw, so i say it should go live as the show deserves to go live, better wrestlers, better wrestling, better storylines, better commentators, enough said.
I believe that they should move to Thursday nights and go head to head with Impact. TNA wanted to play the game with the WWE by taking on RAW, well, the WWE should counter that by taking Smackdown live and taking on Impact.

As far as taping ECW and when to air it. If the WWE didn't cancel ECW then I would completely repackage ECW as a new show and I would air it on Saturday mornings from about 11am to 12pm to coincide with the saturday morning cartoons. It may not even retain the ECW name. I would move Hornswoggle onto the show as well as several of the more "children friendly" characters. You could give wrestlers who are either nearly finished in development or aren't in use gimmicks kids would appreciate. You could give Burchill a proper villain makeover and make his feud with the Hurricane more appropriate for children. It'd just be a fun hour of good Vs evil. It'd be better than killing ECW (by that I mean a complete show) off altogether. The WWE could pull it off very nicely as I believe it is right up their alley.
No because living in Australia, we get Smackdown like 18 hours before Americans get too see it. For that reason and that reason only do I think Smackdown should not go live. Also the show is of better quality because it isn't shown live and mistakes are able to be edited out. Also if it was live we wouldn't get Smackdown till Sunday at least which would suck ass. I prefer my Smackdown on Friday afternoon then (It would be shown at like Midday on Sunday)

Smackdown should stay taped, if you don't like it don't read the spoilers
Noticed that some people support the idea of Smackdown going back to thursdays. I realize it started that way.... but it was still a new show at the time, and it became an established brand/show as FRIDAY Night Smackdown. Fridays are incomplete without Smackdown to me. Just as Mondays are incomplete without Raw.

Making it a 100% live show like Raw AND moving it to thursdays (even though competing with Impact was an interesting idea by a previous poster), it would still heavily mess up the schedules for WWE to move Smackdown to any other day of the week OR to make it live.

They have it set up pretty well the way it is. I stand by my previous statement that they could do a few special "live" Smackdowns, twice a semester or once a month perhaps. Then keep the rest taped. I know that two live shows a week would be great, but it would be a bad idea because of how much WWE would have to shuffle their already-made schedules around to accomodate these changes.

I know the fans' opinions are the most important, but we have to think about how the federation can pull things off or not, and this would be a bad idea unless they only do a few live editions here and there because that way we get some live shows and they don't get their schedules messed up.
I chuckle at eveyone talking about spoilers. Do you really think the group of people not watching SD are doing so becuase they read fucking spoilers? :lmao: Please, be serious. Im willing to bet at least 90% of SD's veiwing audience dont even know its taped, nor do they know were to even find spoilers, and watch it with the same reverance as RAW. What a lot of people dont understand is that a 2.8 on network television is almost as good, or sometimes MORE than a 3.2 on cable. For a lot of time during 2008 and Triple H's last title run, SD regularly had more veiwers in total than RAW had. It was still taped at this time. What difference was there? Better network, and more star power (Triple H)

They were taken off that network, put on one which a much smaller of people have access to, and had their franchise player taken away. What do you expect the ratings to do? RAW does better numbers simply becuase its far more accessable, has bigger stars, gets top billing, and is pushed as the better show. It has fuck all to do with it being live or not, as the VAST majority of the WWE veiwing audience, especially these days, could give a fuck about the show being taped or not.
I have to say that Smackdown being live or not doesn't really concern me. The biggest problem I have with SD is that it's on Friday. I remember watching it more when it aired on Thursdays, now I just read the spoilers and if it sounds interesting I DVR it. Since TNA is doing a special on Monday I think that this is a perfect time to change Smackdown back to Thursdays to compete with Impact especially if they are not airing on My Network TV anymore.
I think Smackdown should go live, as it makes for a more exciting product, but the problem is with the day of it. Putting it on live in a Friday would mean changing the production schedule, as Sidious noted, but it would also mean changing things like the house show schedules and so on. Smackdown would probably be best to move to being a live Tuesday show. Tuesdays are traditionally crap television nights, and they aren't on the weekends. ECW is taped anyway, so moving it to Wednesday or Thursday wouldn't really hurt it. That way, we'd end up with two live shows, on the same days they are broadcast, and without really changing anything.
I think Smackdown should go live, as it makes for a more exciting product, but the problem is with the day of it. Putting it on live in a Friday would mean changing the production schedule, as Sidious noted, but it would also mean changing things like the house show schedules and so on. Smackdown would probably be best to move to being a live Tuesday show. Tuesdays are traditionally crap television nights, and they aren't on the weekends. ECW is taped anyway, so moving it to Wednesday or Thursday wouldn't really hurt it. That way, we'd end up with two live shows, on the same days they are broadcast, and without really changing anything.

The problem with that (while nowhere NEAR as big an issue as having to shift all their schedules of events) would be that Smackdown would be overshadowed by Raw. ECW does fine as the tuesday show because fans know it is the developmental brand, that way it doesn't damage it by having to follow the flagship brand. Smackdown and Raw have been equally the "A" show for almost two years, they are far enough apart on tv each week that after seeing one, you begin to anticipate the other more. Having Smackdown be on tuesdays would be overkill because you just had Raw the other night, Smackdown would become the "B" show again rapidly.

Smackdown is better off remaining on fridays and taped. They can do a few live specials here and there, but it is better to keep things the way they are because then WWE does not have to shift their schedules, and we as fans do not get any overkill from viewing the two best shows one day after another. It is perfectly fine the way it is to start off the week with Raw and end it with Smackdown, it's a perfect setup honestly.
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