Sleeping with your pets


Master of the Aussie kiss
No you sick fuck I'm not being dirty.

If you have a pet do you let it sleep in your bed with you? Why/why not. Or if you don't have a pet If you did have one would you let it sleep with you? Why/why not.

As said in the pet thread, I have two dogs. One's an outside dog and the other one comes in of a night time and takes up three quarters of our queen size bed leaving my partner and I the other Quarter. She sleeps in side because she always decides to go for a walk early in the morning escaping out of the yard no matter what is stopping her. She also sleeps in the bed because where we live mixed with when my father is sick, my partner and I feel much safer knowing she is in our room.

She slept outside for the first time the other night and it felt weird like something was missing I like knowing that she is safe and that in return we are that little bit safer as if someone comes in the yard she will wake me up straight away.

Your turn.
The Cat always sleeps with us, useally snuggles right up between us, down by our feet though sometimes he'll crawl up on either my chest on my GF's, I've gotten so used to having him sleep with us that if I'm away for the night, I useally can't sleep worth a shit, I need him around, oh and if he jumps in bed and you're asleep on your side, go up a push on you until you roll your back, LOL
Sometimes. Two of my cats like to come inside even though they're outside cats. During the summer (or hot weather), I crack my window and they somehow get it open enough where they can squeeze through when I'm sleeping and snuggle up on my pillow. I don't really hate it except when they wake me up by licking me or some shit. As for my dog, no. She's a little to big to just hop up in my bed and sleep with me. And she sheds a lot of hair so she has her one pillow by the door and she's not suppose to leave it.
Nope, I hate sleeping with pets, when I was living with my ex, we had two cats and I couldn't stand either of them in the bed when I was going to sleep. One of them would always touch and paw my face and lick it. I know it was trying to be friendly and show me affection but it was seriously annoying as fuck.

It caused many, many arguments because she wanted them in there and I didn't and because she kept bringing them into the room, whenever I would throw them out, they would come to the bedroom door at 6am everyday banging and rubbing up against the door and making it shake and it would be really loud, like they were trying to break in the room, no joke. They'd meow really loud too.

I only want to go to sleep with my girlfriend, not our pets.
My puppy sleeps next to or under my bed in my room.. He's free to wander anywhere.. I feel sorry for the poor thing but if If he was to sleep with me, 1.) I won't be able to sleep 2.) He'd bite/rip parts from my face off 3.) I'm scared I'll sleep on him and wake up to find out he'll never open his eyes again :icon_neutral:
Yes, my dog sleeps with me. She's really tiny (a French Bulldog) so I don't really mind it (we have a king size bed so the more the merrier). I think I'd have an issue with a dog sleeping with us if it was the size of an English mastiff, but small ones don't bother me at all.
Before my cat died, he would very occasionally sleep with me but I'd normally accidently nudge him in my sleep and he'd get pissed off and leave my room and sleep somewhere else. I used to love it, was really cosey (especially in the winter).
When he was alive my dog usually wound up sleeping in my room, and the experience varied. Most of the times he'd be chill all night long, he might get up and wander around on my bed, but usually it would be like he was moving from one corner to another. He would always start by trying to lay down on the pillows, but once I got in the bed he'd move to the foot of the bed. He was a small dog, a bichon frise, so he didn't take up a lot of space.

But sometimes he'd get really annoying. On some occasions he'd snore, but I'd usually just wake him up and that usually stopped any future snoring of his. However, on a fairly regular occasion (I'd say one night per week), he'd get thirsty in the middle of the night and he'd be insufferable. He'd get up and wander around in the bed, he'd pant, and he wasn't a big whiner at all, but he'd make this distressed noise that is difficult to describe, but it basically sounded like him breathing out of his mouth with his mouth closed. Anyway, I usually forgot to put out a bowl of water for him in my room, so I'd look for something that he could drink out of that I would have in my room (I used the top half of a Boggle game a lot, which shows you how highly I think of that game), go to the bathroom, and fill it up with water, and hold it while he drank. However, as he did it more and more often as he got older, I wised up and filled a little cereal bowl up with water for him to drink out of. Still, by that time he was too old to jump on and off my bed, so he'd still wake me up so I would help him.

Still, I loved having him sleep with me. It's funny, because when he was younger, my sister and I would argue over who had the pleasure of sleeping with him. When he was older, my sister and I would argue over who had to take him.
We let our pug Yogi sleep in the bed with us. It's usually not bad b/c he will stick to the bottom of the bed and likes his own room.

But, pugs snore! Sometimes it keeps me up and I have to keep nudging him until he stops. Also, for being just larger than a football, he can take up a ton of room when he sprawls out.

Overall, I like having him there just so I know he is safe and happy.
My cat usually sleeps in my bed. I don't mind. She usually doesn't bother me, then on some nights he wakes me up at like 4 in the morning looking for attention, at these times, I want to let the cat out but he settles quickly again. He's been rather sick recently, he has been sleeping all day, and sleeping all night, making one trip a day to get some food and to go toilet, so he's been in my bed a lot recently. He usually sleeps towards my feet, but every so often he goes through phases of sleeping right up towards my head. Recently though he prefers to sleep on the floor for some reason, he never seems to want to sleep on a comfortable surface anymore.
Make fun of me all you want but I have two pomeranian dogs. Yeah that's right pomeranian. One of the dogs is really grumpy and is fat and annoying so I would never let it sleep with me. My other one used to sleep with me all the time, right up by pillow when she was a puppy. Then she started shitting and pissing in my floor. Now we put them in the bathroom at night because they won't shit or piss on the bathroom floor for some reason. They only like messing on the carpet so that is where they stay until my dad wakes up and lets them out.

I don't mind pets sleeping in the bed with me as long as they don't do there business on my damn carpet. That's when TaylorNix's alter ego Disturbed comes out.
My cat sleeps all over me at night. The weirdest positions but it's always somewhere on my body like my neck, my armpit, back of my knees. I remember one time I was half-asleep and I was having trouble breathing and I opened my eyes to find my cat was sleeping on my throat lol.

But we let her sleep with us because she usually doesn't take up too much space, she usually just sleeps on our backs or between our legs. Plus she cries like a bitch when she's alone especially at night and it's a really loud meow, keeps everyone up unless I stop it.
My cat has always slept in the same area as me, whether its a bed, or couch, she is always laying between my feet.

She has always done for as long as I have had her for almost ten years. She follows me more than my shadow most likely because I found her stuck in a snow bank with only her head sticking out (I assume a snow plow drove by and buried her). I know, how Cliche right? A firefighter rescuing a cat.

For seven years she slept with me in my bed, so she has become so used to being with me. It's become increasingly more difficult for her since I know live with my lady friend who I also share a bed with, but night after night, I know that Ripley can always be found at my feet.
No. I don't consider it safe for anything to sleep with me. That includes women. And animals? I wouldn't if asked. Simply put, I'm not a fan of sharing bed space unless absolutely needed.
I do not let my dogs sleep in bed with me. I don't think that animals should sleep in their owner's bed because of the issue of dominance. The human is in charge of the house. The animals are not. We are to protect them and treat them with love, but letting them sleep in bed with us takes that too far. They need to know that we are in charge. I think the happy medium is letting pets sleep in the bedroom, just not in the bed. That lets the animal know that you decide where they sleep. Dogs especially. They need to know that they don't get to decide. As tempting as it may be to lie down and hug your furry friend, they need to respect your authority. The bed is for the humans. Animals act on instinct, so they would understand that you call the shots, and they would still love you provided you keep taking care of them and treating them right.

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