Sim Snuka, WTF?


This is probably a late thread. But, when Superfly was getting the shit beat out of him by Y2J, where the hell was Sim? If my dad was getting his ass handed to him, I'd be out there like a flash, LOL.
Sim might have been practicing the camera spot with Taker at Mania. But, considering it wasn't very successful, I'd say he likely WASN'T practicing it. He was instead probably gloating with Manu about being left out of Legacy and brainstorming about forming a NEW faction....Family Tree.
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I'm not sure it was Sims fault with the Undertaker. HBK pushed him sideways, and it seemed like Taker just didnt fly far enough.
i think sim did the best he could under the circumstances. i read somewhere that he was actually getting praised for what he did. there's no heat on him or anything. they're saying it could have been much worse if sim didnt catch taker the way he did....

who knows
It's almost a good thing that Sim and Manu didn't make it into legacy. They showed that not every next gen. superstar can cut it in the faction. If they were to make it then who would try to be in it next? DH Smith, Natalya, a Colon brother? Mysterio could probably make it, they could use a good high-flyer. Now that Horneswoggle is on Raw what if he tries out because Finlay is his (dad). I like Orton and the Legacy idea but it would get ridiculous to add every 2nd gen superstar to this faction. Maybe if Sim gets better he could make it, atleast we know he's working on how to take hits.
They lost him on the other side of the tracks. He's nothign without legacy and without putting him in the JEricho thing in my eyes made him look week. He'll be future endeavored shortly
Legacy is a third generation faction...

Randy Orton--his grandfather, father and himself
Cody Rhodes--his father and his uncle and himself
Ted Dibiase Jr.--his father, grandmother and himself
I've always been a fan of Samoan tag teams, so maybe he can paint his face and join Umaga or at least be his mouth peice as I heard that he actually cut promos. But yeah that didn't make since for him not to at least wrestle Jericho and job. I mean I think Cody or Teddy would help their dads if they were getting beat up in a storyline, but the Million Dollar Man would just hire someone to take the beating for him. Because everybody got a price for the Million Dollar Man.
The best move for Snuka would have been moving him to ECW. There, he could have built himself higher on the card by wrestling and working on his mic skills. Instead, he is probably going to be fired within a week or two...
I don't think Sim Snuka/Deuce, whatever.. Will ever be successful to tell you the truth.. He's alright in the ring and all, but he's just got no draw whatsoever.. When I would see him and Manu, I would run the other way.. I think the whole comment earlier about Sim involved in the Taker spot is just ******ed.. Taker was going straight downward head first before he even touched Snuka. xD
Kinda have to agree with SBM here. A few weeks ago, Sim came out in grand fashion to dump his assigned character as the pumped up fonzie and proudly proclaimed his heritage and announced he was Sim Snuka to the world, son of the great Superfly Snuka. He hasn't been seen since that night. This would have been a great opportunity to give this kid a major league push into a post WM25 program with Jericho who now is working with nobody.
How hard is it to put Sim Snuka against Chris Jericho on TV as Snuka wants to get retribution for what he did to his father and have him wrestle a good match and lose. I mean if I was him Id be begging my father to teach me some high flying moves and id be practicing my ass off to emulate his fathers splash off the top ropes. Even have Sim talk about how Jimmy taught and passed on his skills. Instantly he's gone from curtain jerker to a refreshed wrestler.
Legacy is a third generation faction...

Randy Orton--his grandfather, father and himself
Cody Rhodes--his father and his uncle and himself
Ted Dibiase Jr.--his father, grandmother and himself

Just because Cody rhodes uncles are Jerry Sags and Typhoon doesn't make him thirdgeneration. He is still 2nd generation.

Sim Snuka just didn't fit in with Legacy. He had a completely different look and he clearly is a step below talent and look wise of the rest of them
Because he wasn't part of the story. The WWE never cares about something unless it's directly mentioned, just like the announcers never mention old wrestlers or anything like that. In reality Sim would save his dad, but in kayfabe he wouldn't even exist.
It's true. Snuka could have done with the rub of being in the same segment as Jericho and the Legends, even if he got totally pumelled. Maybe WWE just completely missed the loop with this one?

Sim Snuka has what it takes to be successful by the way, but just not on RAW. It's a pity he didn't get moved in the Supp. Draft.
At least Cody is a second. I don't know Ted's family history. Legacy is just a post-1st gen stable.

This was a response to an earlier post, I'm not sure why I got a spamming infraction. Sorry it didnt mention Sim.
Wouldn't Cody and Ted be in the same generation with their brothers? They are 2nd Gens.
Cody rhodes is 2nd generation . but Ted Dibiase Jr is 3rd generation . ted's dad & grandpa were both wrestlers . ted 's grandpa name was mike DiBiase . teds brorher mike was named after their grandpa.
So we can stop the questioning of generation count, here is the complete list of generations of wrestlers in the WWE that are second, third, fourth and so on.

Second Generation Wrestlers
Carlito-Father is Carlos Colon

Primo- Father is Carlos Colon

Cody Rhodes- Father is Dusty Rhodes, Uncles are Jerry Saggs and Fred Ottoman

Goldust- Father is Dusty Rhodes

John Cena-Father is John Cena Sr.(Wrestling Commentator by name of Johnny Fabulous).

Sim Snuka-Father is Jimmy “SuperFly” Snuka

Jesse-Father was “Freebird” Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy

Kane- Kayfabe Father is Paul Bearer

Rey Mysterio- Nephew of Rey Mysterio Sr.

Third Generation Wrestlers
Chavo Guerrero- Father is Chavo Guerrero (Plus a Host of Uncles) Sr.-Grandfather was Gory Guerrero

Randy Orton- Father is “Cowboy” Bob Orton Jr. (Uncle is Barry O)- Grandfather was Bob Orton

Ted Dibiese- Father is “Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiese- Grandfather was “Iron” Mike Dibiese

Vince McMahon- Father was Vincent “J” McMahon-Grandfather was Roderick “J” McMahon

Umaga- Uncles are Afa & Sika- Great Uncle is Peter Maivia

DH Smith- Father was Davey Boy Smith (Plus a host of Uncles including Bret & Owen Hart)- Grandfather was Stu Hart

Natalya –Father is Jim “The Anvil” Niehart- (Plus a host of Uncles including Bret & Owen Hart)- Grandfather was Stu Hart

Finlay- Father was Dave Finlay Sr.-Grandfather was also a pro wrestler

Fourth Generation Wrestlers
Shane McMahon- Father is Vince McMahon-Grandfather was Vincent “J” McMahon-Great Grandfather-was Roderick “J” McMahon

Stephanie McMahon- Father is Vince McMahon-Grandfather was Vincent “J” McMahon-Great Grandfather-was Roderick “J” McMahon

Hornswoggle- Kayfabe Father is Finlay- Kayfabe Grandfather was Dave Finly Sr.- Kayfabe Great Grandfather was also a pro wrestler.

I didn’t include those in FCW but those of post generation are:
Barry Allen
Bo Rotunda
Brett DiBiase
Joe Hennig
Tank Rotundo
Wes Brisco

Other post generation talent in WWE:
Dean Malenko
Scott Armstrong
Brad Armstrong

So that’s the list.
Legacy is a third generation faction...

Randy Orton--his grandfather, father and himself
Cody Rhodes--his father and his uncle and himself
Ted Dibiase Jr.--his father, grandmother and himself

If Cody Rhodes' wrestling legacy is hi uncle and father, he's still only a second gen. star. I don't think they ever said it's a third generation stable.
The first TRUE 4th Generation superstar (nice stretching of Steph & Shane as "4th Generation Wrestlers" and even moreso of Hornswoggle) is probably going to be a Guerrero...or Aurora Rose Levesque.

As for Sim, eh, he hasn't really proven anything in the ring and he'll be future endeavoured soon enough.
They could play the collision with Undertaker gave Snuka brain damage, and now all he does is interfere in people's matches by running in and giving them a big splash for no reason. Hornswaggle could be his first victim.
They could play the collision with Undertaker gave Snuka brain damage, and now all he does is interfere in people's matches by running in and giving them a big splash for no reason. Hornswaggle could be his first victim.

The old Kanyon gimmick in WCW. It was funny, he would give random guys the Diamond Cutter, then run around till he could find a camera or mic and say "BANG!"

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