Should the WWE bring back the CLASSIC Steel Cage?

CM Steel

A REAL American
The classic steel cage from the WWF days. 15 feet of thick steel surrounding each side of the ring. Remember those classic steel cage matches like Hulk Hogan vs the Big Boss Man, Randy Savage vs Ted Dibiase, Bret Hart vs Owen Hart? Those were true steel cage matches! But since 1999 in the WWF/E attitude era, the thick-barred steel cage had been replaced with another forum of steel cage.

The current steel cage in the WWE is a gated wall. Which looks like the same steel cage from the old ECW days. That kind of steel cage rips through wrestlers skin during matches. The classic steel cage design was about something. The last time that we've seen the classic steel cage active was that match between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon at a pay per-view in early '99.

So in your opinion, should the WWE bring back the classic Steel Cage?
It'd be a neat idea for nights like the retro Raws, but I prefer the modern chicken mesh designs for the simple reason that it looks more difficult to climb, and therefore adds a greater challenge to the match.
The last time that we've seen the classic steel cage active was that match between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon at a pay per-view in early '99.

So in your opinion, should the WWE bring back the classic Steel Cage?

In-fact, the last time the classic steel cage was used was at Rebellion 2001 for Edge vs. Christian in an intercontinental title match. However, yes. I've personally preferred the 'classic' steel cage over the new steel. I remember watching a video some time ago where I think Mick Foley or HHH said that the old steel cage was actually less giving on their bodies and the wrestlers preferred the mesh steel because it made hitting the ringropes easier.

Even though I personally prefer the look of the classic steel, I actually think the mesh steel is more suited towards the overall presentation of this era's wrestling and to fans these days, looks more barbaric.

Definitely a cool thought to bring it back for one-offs like old-school celebrations though.
Im not too fussed about the cage type, there are arguments for both, but I do wish that they would do away with the stupid 'escape through the door' rule. I dont remember it ever being a rule on the old cages (I could be mistaken, I was only young when the attitude era on tv) but I think it cheapens the appeal of a cage match. In most cage matches today the contestants spend the entire match running for the door, its boring. I remember when you had two guys slugging it out on the top of the cage, before one would inevitably take a huge spill and the other would win. In modern memory, the only cage match I can recall ending in that manor was with the big show (and christian?) One of the two effectively fell off the cage and retained the WHC in doing so.
Are you talking about the old school, blue steel cage from the days of Saturday Night's Main Event ? Or am I the only one on here old enough to remember that one ? I'd totally be down for seeing that one get used again.

It's funny that you brought this topic up actually. I thought the steel cage they used on Impact for the Samoa Joe / Kurt Angle vs. Aces & Eights match looked pretty damn slick.

Personally, I've never been a fan of the WWE's steel cage since they put the giant ledge around the top (or whatever that thing is).
I was never a fan of the old school, blue barred cage. It never had the intimidating look of the mesh cages to me. I always thought it looked a little cartoonish to be perfectly honest.

It wouldn't bother me to see it brought back for an old school Raw or something, but not on a regular basis. Considering the rules of a steel cage match, such as climbing out over the top of the cage to escape to the floor to win, the blue barred cage makes that much easier but that's not nearly enough reason to justify bringing it back.
Bringing the old blue cage back would be great for the old school Raws.
The thing I do not like about todays cage matches is it can also be won by pinfall. Back in the day, it was, in my Howard Finkel voice, the only way to win is by going through the door or climbing over the top and both feet touching the ground.
Last month went to back to back houseshows and they had Cena over Ziggler via pinfall (same exact match both nights) but Cena would try to climb over but Big E would be there to stop him but thats what makes it more is Cena gonna pull it out? Oh pinfall as always
No, they shouldn't. It was difficult and time consuming to put up, it was very shaky and nerve racking to climb according to wrestlers from the time and it hurt far more than the cage from today.

There were advantages, the most noticeable of which was easy access for cameras, but if they hurt more, are more dangerous and take forever to put up, then it's simply not worth it.
I've heard that the old, blue cage was much tougher on the wrestlers. Sure looks that way. I'm cool with the newer, fence cages. Besides being easier on the wrestlers, it seems easier for them to set up.

Though some prefer the WWF escape-the-cage rule, I prefer the way other territories did it. The cage's purpose was to keep the wrestlers from getting away, and to keep everyone else out. Seems silly to me for an enraged babyface having to attempt to get away from his hated opponent to try to win. At least, back in the days of Bob Backlund as champ, they typically had him beat his opponent so thoroughly that he could just calmly walk out of the cage to win.

The escape rule was often a way to have top babyfaces lose at house shows without taking a pin or submission loss, much the same way they use the modern tables match.
There's absolutely no reason to bring back that cage if it's not for nostalgia. The current steel cage is alot more impressive and intimidating than the "classic" steel cage. Like Sly said, it was more difficult to set up that cage. Plus I think with the big thing on top, they can add more drama to the match and in some sort of way, I think it makes it safer for the wrestlers to climp the cage, arrive on top and have somewhere where they can stand still.
I like the new cages, I can't complain when im watching a cage match.

The blue bar steel structures were deffinately the balls, but the new cages are definately good. I wouldn't want to be thrown face first into one of those lol. It's not bad. I like it.

Plus the Hell In A Cell.... Cell. Is more than enough to make me happy.

I do think that they should ditch the door on the cage though. Or Lock it EVERY TIME. Cause i can understand having a door for the safety aspect. But When someone wins by exiting a door it really grinds my gears. :banghead:
As Slyfox has already stated thank you for that BTW the Blue steel cage i was never a fan of. Myself being so old i remember watching PPVs on tv and it took literally like 15 minutes for them to set that clanky cage up. Plus it looked like it hurt like hell when wrestlers would either get thrown into it or ram their opponents head into it. It was unsteady unstable.

I wouldnt mind it once in a great while but i prefer the more modern design they use today. Its safer which is all that matters
It'd be a neat idea for nights like the retro Raws, but I prefer the modern chicken mesh designs for the simple reason that it looks more difficult to climb, and therefore adds a greater challenge to the match.

I read something like this and I want to die a little inside.

Yes, many a time I've watched some throw away episode of Raw thinking "that mesh looks hard to climb, I'm enjoying this a lot more now." :lol:

Anyway, they did away with the blue bars because it was a bitch to work with apparently. There was no give to that cage at all. Michaels, Foley and others have stated this to be the reason ol' Bluey is no longer around.

The last appearance of the cage was in 1998, mankind vs Rock vs Chamrock, I believe.
Plus it looked like it hurt like hell when wrestlers would either get thrown into it or ram their opponents head into it.

Well, that's generally the idea of a cage match. Always used to be used as a brutal feud ender. HITC took its place, but even that is used as a throw away match now.
Maybe it's just me, but with the exception of Hell In A Cell, I don't even like cage matches anymore. I'd have to say it's been a good 15 years since I've been excited about a cage match or seen one I've even liked. Maybe I'm just getting old but they just don't appeal to me anymore. As far as the blue cage, I always found it cartoonish looking. I always thought it was brought in so it would be easier for Hogan to climb
I was never a fan of the old school, blue barred cage. It never had the intimidating look of the mesh cages to me. I always thought it looked a little cartoonish to be perfectly honest.

It wouldn't bother me to see it brought back for an old school Raw or something, but not on a regular basis. Considering the rules of a steel cage match, such as climbing out over the top of the cage to escape to the floor to win, the blue barred cage makes that much easier but that's not nearly enough reason to justify bringing it back.

I think you hit the nail.

The Blue Cage was definitely cartoonish, but "cartoonish" is a major part of what the WWE is about.

I'd love to see the Blue Cage used next week for the 20th anniversary Raw, and occasionally at other times for nostalgia purposes, but that is it.

The Blue Cage is more dangerous for the workers. Mesh fencing has a lot of give, so guys can be thrown around and slammed against it with relatively little damage. The "old school" cage was much less forgiving, and if you hit your head wrong on it, it could be a concussion waiting to happen.
All of those classic matches you mentioned were more the result of the talent than the result of the blue cage, and there have been some classic matches inside of the mesh cage as well so it really doesn't matter either way.

However, I would like to see a return to the classic cage match rules, i.e. no door escapes. Escaping the cage through the door is lame and takes away from the drama of the match in my opinion.
The blue cage was only in existence because the likes of hogan had trouble climbing the mesh cage

That's funny, because he didn't seem to have much problem climbing the mesh one in WCW many years later...

Why does so much of the IWC spend their free time making up and or believing drivel :banghead:
In-fact, the last time the classic steel cage was used was at Rebellion 2001 for Edge vs. Christian in an intercontinental title match.

We also saw it at Rebellion 2000, The Rock vs. Triple H when Bulldog returned. But anyway.. The old design was good of course and many great matched were fought my favourite being the Owen vs. Bret from SummerSlam..

As for the the current style would have to do, the old design would look cheap in todays wrestling.. it also takes time to build together in the ring.
The blue cage was only in existence because the likes of hogan had trouble climbing the mesh cage

exactly the reason WWF created it in 1985.

it wont ever come back, because the wwe has created SAFER to work with cages and have special size openings for climbing. and that structure on top to make it easy to store ( eliminates long set up ) plus allows guys to fight safely up there
I agree with seeing the cage again but not on a every time bases I think it should be reintroduced in a story line. Like Ryback saying he wants to hurt punk one last time and he had to think of the most punishing way to hurt u in a steele cage so then that comes into play
WWE shouldn't bring the old cages. Sure they had a novelty value, plus the Bret/Owen one was indeed a classic, but they were stiff and could have potentially injured a lot of people. I cringe every time someone takes an Irish Whip into a cage and the cage doesn't budge one iota.
If they ever do another Retro themed Raw, bringing back the classic cage for the main event of the night wouldn't be a bad idea. I wouldn't bring it back full time though since I think the current cage just looks better.
I've like the old cage as it looked like it hurt more to get thrown into it. And it's the cage I grew up with. But if it's harder to put up and wrestlers prefer the new one it makes sense to keep the new

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