Should Money In the Bank briefcases be defended?

No. That idea is idiotic. The point of winning the briefcase is to have a GUARANTEED SHOT of a title match. That itself is NO (and I don't care what people say) guarantee that you'll win the title. The only way a briefcase match will work is if people are betting multiple things. Like maybe somebody wagers their IC title for a chance to have a World Heavyweight Championship match. But why on Earth would somebody put their case on the line? For a chance to be the IC champ going into the MITB? I mean, that could happen without a briefcase match.
I think occasionally they can get into a feud with someone who has proven themselves as a big name superstar much like Jericho... to kind of see if the winner of the MITB can hold their own in a bigger profile feud and kind of test the waters if they are unclear if they are ready. I think this feud between Ziggler and Jericho will be for the briefcase and a way to write Jericho off of TV as he is frustrated with himself after losing so many PPVs.
No way! Lets keep the winner of the MITB match and let that wrestler decide which champ they will challange, Smack Down or Raw. I think by defending the case, it dilutes the original meaning of the match. I do agree that there should only be one MITB match though. That way, the fans might be suprised which champ is picked or which show that wrestler might show up on.
What could possibly motivate a MITB holder to put the briefcase on the line? Also, if the MITB holder were required to defend the briefcase at an upcoming PPV, against their will,what is to stop them from cashing in the briefcase before they are forced to defend it? With recent bookings I'm sure the title match would be on the card before the briefcase defense.

I know I'm using too much logic and common sense for wrestling but it is what it is.
I could see the idea working but it would HAVE to be where the MITB winner gets something in return. A mask vs Briefcase match or even something as simple as John Cena really wants to get his hands on John Lauranitis but big Johnny proposes Cena face Big show: Cena wins he gets big johnny, Big show wins he gets the MITB contract.
Do I mind them being defended? No. Should they be defended regularly? No.

I don't mind if they they defend every once in a blue moon, but it shouldn't be something that always happens. That kind of takes away from the whole point in winning that match in my opinion.
No. The function of Money in the Bank is to allow people to win the big belt who the crowd wouldn't believe doing so otherwise. If the breifcase has to be defended and the holder can defeat all his challengers then the point of the oppritunistic cash in seems lost. Nothing makes the fans madder than when they have some chicken shit who can barely win a match walking around with the belt they want to see their hero wearing. Idealy then they get themselves over as a threat during their reign. If not they end up like Jack Swagger.
truthfully, no. why would you risk losing a guaranteed title match to someone? always makes me laugh when it happens. person a has the title match and person b comes out saying "you can't beat me" and challenges them for that title match. why would person a care if they can't beat person b. person b doesn't have the title, the champ does. yet person a feels so inadequate that they must beat person b or not get a title match? makes no sense. you have a title match whenever you want it. why risk losing it over nothing? unless they could come up with a real good reason for the guy to defend it, there is no logical reason to do it and what reason could they come up with - he already has a title shot. there is nothing more he could gain aside from them just giving him the title and we all know that won't happen.
It can be. But I think it has to have a great storyline with it and also has to make sense. Like Edge wanted Hardy to leave the WWE.
But if it is just on the line just to have a match, it wouldn’t make sense. That person is guaranteed a title match why would they put it on the line.
OKAY ... How about this ... bring back 1 MITB match, both championship titles are on the line in a triple threat ... WWE / World / Case ... If the person that gets pinned or is a champion the person that pinned him gets his title, if it the person that is holding the case gets pinned, they lost their title opertunity ... make it a Falls Count Anywhere, No Countout, NO DQ
I would like to see someone defend "the briefcase". Everyone is so focused on it that they forget what it is they are fighting for. I'd like to see someone who won the MitB secretly sign the contract in the case and put it away — off screen. When the challenge is done and the previous holder loses, they hand over the case. When the new holder has it, he cashes it in, wins the title only to find out, they never had a contract to begin with.. Just a briefcase.

There's many ways this can be done. but you see the big picture.
Yes I love the fact that they defend the briefcase once in a while. I think Ziggler will defend it against Jericho, probably at SummerSlam. I'm sure Ziggler will retain the briefcase, It doesn't look like Jericho is going to win a match anytime soon.
If it is defended once in a great while and for good reason with the right story then I would say yes. I do not however think it should be defended regularly. The winner of the briefcase gets a title shot whenever he chooses, and if it had to be defended regularly it would take the whole point away from it.
I only think they should be defended if its part of an already long-standing feud. Id HATE to see any time in the future just random challenges for the briefcase in promos at the start of Raw and stuff. It needs to be relevant if it even has to happen.
I'm torn on this. On one hand, it makes for a great feud. On the other hand, it doesn't seem logical. Why would you put your almost 100% chance of winning a world title on the line for something WAY less important like an IC title?
no i dont think that it is necessary to defend it but the current situation between dolph and jericho would be great to see it

but i wouldnt want to see it everytime because that would be idiotic, you "Risk" your career to win the briefcase and then just give people shots to take it?? doesnt make sense to me
I'm over the Money in the Bank Contract. I think its run its course and there really isn't a point. Most of the time a heel wins or a face wins and later turns heel when they cash in their contract. While it allows someone to become World Champion, their title reign that follows is less than memorable.

1) Edge - beat Cena @ New Years Revolution. Held the title less than 1 month and lost the title to Super Cena.
2) RVD - beat Cena @ One Night Stand. Lost the belt, ON RAW, in a triple threat match to Edge, Cena was also involved in the match, just a few weeks later.
3) Kennedy/Edge - Edge beat the Undertaker on SmackDown, held title just over two months and had to vacate title due to injury. Great Kali become the WHC, lol!
4) CM Punk - beat Edge on RAW, held title just over two months. Vacated title due to "injury". Chris Jericho won title in one of the best match concepts ever (SERIOUS!), a Scramble Match.
5) CM Punk - beat Jeff Hardy at Extreme Rules, held title almost two months before losing it back to Hardy.
6) Jack Swagger - beat Chris Jericho, held title for almost 3 months. Lost title in 4 Way Match to Mysterio, Punk & Big Show were also involved. Beat Randy Orton at Extreme Rules, lost to Big Show by DQ @ Over The Limit, and then lost at Fatal 4 Way.
7) Kane - WHC MITB - beat Mysterio @ MITB (Same Night). Held title for 5 months. Major fued The Undertaker, who he defeated 3 times. Also defeated Mysterio in rematch at Summer Slam.
8) The Miz - WWE MITB - beat Randy Orton on RAW, held title for over 5 months before losing to Super Cena at Extreme Rules in a Triple Threat Cage Match, also involving John Morrison. As Champion defeated Orton @ TLC & The Rumble, Jerry Lawler @ Elimination Chamber, and Cena @ WrestleMania, none clean!
9) Daniel Bryan - WHC MITB - beat The Big Show @ TLC, held title for over 4 months until WrestleMania, where he lost to Sheamus in 18 seconds, 18 seconds, 18 seconds, 18 seconds... As Champion beat Big Show & Henry @ The Rumble & Won a EC Match @ EC.
10) Alberto Del Rio - WWE MITB - won @ SummerSlam, held title 1 month before losing to Super Cena. Not sure why Punk didn't get rematch, although he was in a match with Triple H on the same card, don't remember why he didn't have priority for a rematch over Cena who had been defeated by Punk on consecutive PPV's.
11) Dolph Ziggler - WHC MITB - currently holds briefacse.
12) John Cena - WWE MITB - didn't win due to DQ. Now involved in Triple Threat @ Summer Slam for WWE Championship. FIRST FAIL!

Of all of these Kane probably had the most credible run with his fued with the Undertaker. Daniel Bryan would come in a close second with a Steel Cage win and a Chamber win, but a squash at Mania kind of kills it. Third would probably be The Miz had a lengthy reign, but didn't win a single match cleanly and didn't look like he could even beat an announcer.

I would rather see a tournament style PPV, like King of the Ring. There would be first round matches (Round of 32) and sweet 16 matches on Raw & SmackDown, and then either the Elite 8 on Raw/SmackDown or on PPV, along with Final 4 and Championship on PPV. The Superstar to win would clearly be ready for a title run. It was a great accomplishment "back in the day" when there wasn't a title shot on the line and you just were "King of the WWE". It lead the way to WWE/WWF Championships for some of the competitors. I really think that having a tournament and awarding the winner a title match at the next PPV would be a great reward or push depending on the Superstar.

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