Should Mark Henry be World Champion again?


Occasional Pre-Show
It's a simple question really, do you believe that Mark Henry should be World Champion again?

The title was taken off Henry due to an injury, but he's managed to keep alot of the momentum he had from the huge push he received in 2011. In terms of commitment and work rate you can't argue that Mark is up there with the best of them, but with the likes of Bryan, Orton, Rhodes, Barrett & Sheamus all likely to hold the title/be in the title picture in 2012, will there be a point where they decide to give the World's Strongest Man another run?
Why not? I really don't think there's a single reason why he shouldn't be World Heavyweight Champion again. His last reign was obviously very successful and undoubtedly the best title reign in the WWE for 2011. He overcame years of complete jobbing and played the absolute perfect monster while he was Champion. Anytime someone can prove all of us wrong like that, they deserve credit. As I look at Smackdown's Title picture, I see three guys who I would love to become champion before 2012 is over: Sheamus, Wade Barrett, and Cody Rhodes. Another dominant reign from Mark Henry and it's a high possibility we may only see one of those reigns happen this year; and I'm actually fine with that.

Mark Henry has completly turned me around. Last year, I said he didn't deserve anything. I said his feud with Undertaker was a big enough accomplishment to go out on. I was handing Henry his bags and sending him out the door. But his push grew and pretty soon, he was among my favorite heels in the company. To be honest, he was the best heel in the company. Since then, he's fallen off the mountain top but still remains a reason I watch Smackdown every week. That's enough reason to give him another World Heavyweight Title reign.
Well I think WWE probably want to put the title on their top guy on SD heading into Mania, Orton so I think you'd probably have Barrett vs Orton at Mania leading into other superstars chasing the belt e.g. Bryan, Sheamus and Henry. Henry could be champion around Over the Limit time. He deserves it, there was no World Champion of last year more interesting than Henry.
I agree. Henry solidified himself as a top heel last year and now continues to b a top guy on smackdown. He should get one more title run this year. I believe they'll have Orton win the title soon and have it after WM28. After that, possibly another Henry run b4 they give the belt to Sheamus. Towards the end of this year, I want a solid feud between Rhodes, Orton, Barrett, and Sheamus that I think will carry smackdown for another year. After that, Henry can finally have said he had a solid career and call it over. I believe he said he had wanted to retire in a year sometime around WM last year, and good for him. He busted his ass off for the company for 15+ years. If he stays for longer though, I would b glad to watch him
Orton, Barrett, and Sheamus alone could occupy the championship for the next two years, easily, but I honestly wouldn't mind another Henry run. He did an incredible job as champion and Henry seems like the kind of guy who would have preferred to give someone a better rub than that at the end of his reign.

I say, go induct a few more members into Henry's hall of pain... but if he doesn't no big deal. It's definitely getting to Sheamus and Barrett's turn.
I would like to see Henry have another really good run, but this time have him drop it to a Barrett or Rhodes to really put them over for their 1st reign.

Henry made a good champion, and I don't see why he shouldn't get 1 more run
in the words of SCSA oh hell yah i want henry to be world champion again!! Why the hell not his run has been the best in a couple of years nevermind 2011. After years of jobbing and being the butt of jokes his run his demanor has changed to that of a monster heel!!! Hes believable as the WSM i think he should have the belt asap!! The only reason why he doesnt now is because hes injured. I really honestly lost faith in Henry then in 2011 man he made me a believer definitely!! While i think Barrett will be champ in 2012 i wouldnt mind seeing another henry run
Wow I'm shocked this time last year no one had faith in Mark Henry and I must admit on an exclusive when he said he wanted to win the world title before he retired I didn't believe he ever would. He proved everyone wrong and I say hell yeah give him another world title reign. He went from someone I didnt really care to see to someone I wanna see wrestle even though he's not that good. He is the perfect role model to all the people who feel they should have a higher status in the WWE, so to people like John Morrison I say just stop whining about not being at the top and try to improve some aspects of your self you're not so good at and you'll get what you want.
I Don't think Mark Henry will hold the title again, i think WWE are just giving him a big push because he's close to retirement. Like they did with Jeff Hardy, he held the world heavyweight and WWE championship several times before he was arrested and released from WWE.
I believe Mark Henry should hole the WHC. He was the best SD! champ in a while. I'm so sick of this Orton needs to be the champ. Henry was the most dominant champ the WWE has seen in a long time. Kudos to WWE and Henry finally believing in his potential to be a top heel and an excellent champion.
I'd say yea, if it makes sense in the narrative. There's a good thread up right now about how this Big Show/Daniel Bryan/Mark Henry feud is one of the best booked feuds in recent memory, and I agree. As great as Henry's reign was, I don't think he should win the title back right now. This feud has been mostly between Big Show and Daniel Bryan, with Mark Henry as a kind of looming threat; I think we need some closure between the two main players before Henry takes the title again.

I'd love to see Henry with the title again, though, probably post-Mania. Maybe he could take it off Sheamus, or something.
I believe he deserves a chance to be WHC again, but will it happen? I'm not too sure. I think what hurt Henry was actually lossing the title. If he had to drop it for injury reasons, then I think that they should have kept him looking strong and just handed over the title for now, and saying as soon as he's better he will come looking for his belt. having him lose to Big Show really burst his bubble .IMO. If they kept him undefeated I think it would have helped his character down the road.
The SD! Roster is filled with so much talent right now!

I don't think Henry should get it back because i want to see it on guys like Bryan, Rhodes, and Miz. (Yes, Miz needs to be on SD! to revamp his mainevent career)

I do want to Henry stay in the main event scene though, he is the dominant monster heel.
Mark Henry did a great job as champion imo and i wouldn't be unhappy to see him as WHC in the future but with all the upcoming stars on Smackdown especially i see it unlikely.

WWE giving the title to Henry was almost a reward for his dedication to the company and all his hard work. The fact is whether he wins another one or not he will always be remembered as a world champion so he should be happy. Certainly at the mo i'd prefer to see the title around the likes of Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett but if the time is right another Henry reign would be fine with me.
NO!!!!! he sucks he always has sucked and shoudn't even be employed as a wrestler let alone champion, this guy has cost vince enough money over the last 15yrs its time to let him go
NO!!!!! he sucks he always has sucked and shoudn't even be employed as a wrestler let alone champion, this guy has cost vince enough money over the last 15yrs its time to let him go

WHAT!? This is the same Mark Henry you're talking we are talking about right? The one that was one of the most over heels of the year, had a title run that was only second to the Miz's. The same loyal veteran that helped put over new stars and jobbed because he was a company man? He is no way a waste of money, guys like Kizarny, and Chris Masters are waste of money, they did nothing during their run in WWE (well Master's second run). Henry is a great storyteller, and doesn't need to be fast paced to be good. Enlighten my as to why you think he sucks?

Back to the OP. I see no reason why not he should be champion again. He has enough heat to carry the title to Wrestlemania (although I don't see it happening). His run the the belt was fantastic and refreshing thing to see, it was very entertaining. He has proven (more than enough) that he is worthy of being a permanent main eventer and a multi-time champion given the right character and circumstances.
NO!!!!! he sucks he always has sucked and shoudn't even be employed as a wrestler let alone champion, this guy has cost vince enough money over the last 15yrs its time to let him go
Out of those 15 years, around 13 of them I completely agree with you. However, those years of jobbing, shitty storylines and multiple laughable gimmicks are completely irrelevant now. He's proved to everyone of us he is capable of being in the WWE spotlight. You cannot deny that his recent run as World Heavyweight Champion has been one of the better reigns in quite some time. He got over. Mark Henry fit perfectly into the role he was portraying. Would you mind explaining why he sucks? I’d be glad to set you straight. Like Z said, he's a phenomenal storyteller. His matches are full of it. Listen to him on commentary; he speaks well. There's absolutely nothing about Mark Henry that sucks. That's just something you're gonna have to get used to.
I dont see why he couldnt be champ again but, with so much young talent and the fact that this is his first gimmick to work well for him as a champion, Im gonna have to say its a LONG SHOT!'
Think about it. Even wrestlers that keep a certain gimmick for awhile once they hit it big (ex. Stone cold, Hogan, Rock, Cena, Orton, etc.) even evolve with the times and change a little. And even though I think he could do that, I dont see it happening. His gimmicks are generally bad and even though "the Hall of Pain" thing works I feel like it would take too much time and effort the WWE doesnt want to put into him to re-package him just enough to be relevant. I dont think he will fade off into obscurity but i can see him as a VERY low main-eventer or high midcarder the rest of his career.

SIDE NOTE: Did I read wrong or did the 2nd post say Henry had the best title reign all year?!?!? Did you watch WWE in 2011?!?!?! Dont get me wrong, he had a great reign and longer than most in WWE this year (ex. Del Rio, Christian, Mysterio). But really best reign all year?? He only had two opponents his whole reign Orton and Show, and while the Orton matches were good and the ring collaping was cool he didnt really have many main event worthy matches this year. Cody Rhodes has (in my mind) restored the I.C. title to its former glory and is still reigning champ. CM Punk won both is 1st AND 2nd WWE titles this year, along with becoming Undisputed WWE champion and is still reigning champ. Dolph Ziggler was the best U.S. champ I think possibly ever and had a great reign. Edge ended his career on one of hid best title reigns earlier this year. If you consider Kane's World title reign(that I think went just into 2011) that was his best title reign ever and one of the longest and best in recnet memory. Orton's world title reign just before Henry was alot better also. I might even put Ryder's title reign higher just cause of the stories and matches it delievered.

OVERALL: great talent and hard worker and glad he got a good title reign but I don't see it happening again anytime soon.
I wouldn't say his title reign was the best all year. But it was a pretty good one. Henry has been in a long time and has been jobbing for most of it for the companies sake. But I will say he deserved better. He has a believable monster heel character and I definitely wouldn't mind seeing another henry reign this year. Will it happen? probably not.
No Mark Henry was awful as World Heavyweight Champion he couldn't wrestle he couldn't act and he does not deserve to hold that title
Absolutely not. Henry was just not believable in the role, the man is a joke. No matter how much of a monster WWE tried to make him out to be, he is just not World Championship material. Much like his ECW Championship reign, anytime he came out to make an intimidating promo all it did was make laugh at how awful he was in the role. He tried and did put in a lot of work over the years, so I give him credit there, but he sucks as a top guy. Plain and simple.

Worse names have held the belt (looking at YOU, Khali!) but he was nothing to write home about as World Heavyweight Champion. His title matches were about as boring as any of his other matches, the Big Show feud bored me for what felt like an eternity, and the only memorable moment during the reign was when it ended. I did like that he finally received a push with the whole Hall of Pain thing that fit alongside his entrance theme's lyrics. It was too late by that point though. Henry has been a joke for years and I hope he never holds another title because he sucked as a champion.
Mark Henry's last World Championship run was Great!!!!! He proved he could be a dominate World Champion and was all that and then some, as to whether or not he will get another depends on how he recovers from surgery. He he can get back to close to 100% i think Vince and the WWE may give him another title run. He is a legit Monster and anyone who says otherwise is crazy!!!!! He is possibly the strongest man to ever live his credentials prove that. Being ranked by Flex magazine as the number 2 strongest man all time and the only reason he wasnt ranked number 1 was because he left Strongman competitions after he won the arnold Strongman and went back to Pro wrestling. To say he isn't a legit World Champion is crazy. IMO Miz is the furthest thing from a Legit World Champion there has ever been. Miz is weak in every aspect of the word. Nothing about Miz says World Champion or threat. Mark Henry just his look alone screams intimadation.
YES, of course Mark Henry should be champ again.
He had a great run the last time when he was champion.
Great champion if you ask me.
Well he deserves it, and he did one hell of a job in his title run so he should be the champ again.

But he was so bland. He bored me to death and I just lost all the interest I had in Smackdown.
Personally, I won't like to see him champion once again.

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