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Should Cigarettes Be Banned?


Is hanging up the boots
A rather controversial topic here.

Smoking tobacco is very popular in this day and age as cigarettes have become very well known worldwide. Almost every petrol station or "7/11" or whatever you guys call them, all sell cigarettes in packets.

People smoke cigarettes for various reasons. Some smoke it because it keeps them relaxed, some smoke it because it's an addiction and some smoke it merely just to be 'cool'. Tobacco is very addictive and therefore it is extremely hard for anyone to quit smoking.

But cigarettes are extremely bad for the human body. It causes cancer in many places including the lungs. It is a large cause of death in the modern era. And really, when you smoke cigarettes, you are putting poisonous chemicals into your body and you are harming yourself by smoking it. Then there's the problem of passive smoking and many other issues.

Personally, I don't smoke, never have and never will. I just don't see the point in smoking cigarettes that is going to harm you for life and could possibly even lead to your death. I think the negatives outweight the positives too much for me to smoke.

But what is your opinion on cigarettes? Do you think they should be banned for the good of humans? Please give reasons for your responses.
I don't smoke, nor do I intend to. I can't stand the smell of it and I have talked to my mum a couple of times about her quiting, but it's up to her and she isn't willing. My Dad quit smoking though.

I do not like smoking, never have smoked and chances are I never will smoke but I do not think they should be banned. It is ultimately up to the individuals choice as to wether they smoke or not, just as it is the individuals choice to wether they drink or not.

If cigarettes get banned, there will be companies shut down, a lot of unemployed people and business owners who will be forced to shut down which means families without incomes. Also, what is going to happen to people who are addicted to cigarettes? They can't just decide on the spot to not smoke and go cold turkey, they would have to slowly cut down. You also have the people who don't want to quite. I have a feeling it could lead to a similar situation society has with drug dealers, except people dealing tobacco cigarettes for people who are addicted and don't want to stop.

I know if my mum was not going to quit, I would rather her smoke a tobacco cigarette from a large company instead of one from some shady character who rolls them and could put whatever he wants in them.
I'm not going to touch on the health issues, because I know that Xfearbefore will probably have about a million facts to throw out about the effects of cigarettes on the human body. In my opinion, nothing good can be done when you're inhaling chemicals into your body, but there are people who disagree, and he's one of them I think.

If people wish to smoke, I do not have a problem with it. I don't believe cigarettes should be banned, because they are very useful for a country's economy. Very, very useful, particularly when so many people are buying them.

However, when I see someone with their child smoking, when I see someone underage smoking and especially when I see (and smell) someone directly near myself smoking, I do have a problem with it.

While this isn't totally related to the topic at hand, I want to give my opinion on a few aspects of smoking...

Smoking should be a private thing. The smell of cigarettes is quite possibly the foulest thing you can come across in normal, everyday life. I do not need it in my face, so if you could take it as far away as possible, that would be fantastic. Personally, I do not care if this angers smokers because it 'inconveniences' them, because they are the ones creating the problem, and they are the ones that should feel responsible for fixing it.

Parents who smoke around their children are also not acceptable, to me. You want to smoke in front of your child and make them think it's okay, and therefore have more of a willingness to take it up and ease to do so? What a great parent you are. For generations, your family is going to be out of pocket due to nicotine craving. Well done.

Underage smokers form part of a very pathetic echelon in society. These people are either too weak to fight peer pressure, or are too foolish to see that in reality, this is not a 'cool' thing to do. Very few people would take up smoking due to different reasons. The ease with which teenagers can start and continue smoking is quite distressing.

But, again, while these factors are an annoyance, they do not justify the complete removal of tobacco products from a nation. If people are willing to abide by the restrictions that the government has placed on smoking (must be a certain distance away from a public place) and actually have some common courtesy for everyone else (including those who they may influence), I don't see any reason as to why they shouldn't be allowed to smoke.

Yes, smoking is irritating, but as long as it's not bothering people, let it stay. If it is bothering people, then the laws need to be tightened, but cigarettes don't need to be removed. Banning cigarettes is not the answer, because that only creates further problems.
First off let me start by saying I don't smoke, now with that said no I don't think smoking should be banned, in fact I think it would be ******ed to ban it, I mean seruously why? becasue it's bad for you?, fuck that, if we banned everything that was ever "bad" for us, then probably 90% (I'll admit that figure may be bit high, but you get the general idea) of shit we consume would also have to be banned, smoking is already not allowed in most places, so it's not like the non smokers really have to deal with it unless they hang out with people who smoke, in fact I find it rather ridiculous that they are trying to get smoking in bars banned around here, that idea just sounds incredibly stupid to me, you go to the bar to pour a substance that is bad for you into your body, yet you want to ban smoking from bars because it's bad for you?!?, fucking dumbest shit I've ever heard, so yeah smoking should definitely not be banned
Cigarettes being put behind a counter isn't going to stop people who want to smoke from buying them. It's pointless. Who gives a shit if it's dangerous. The people who smoke them are aware of it and are obvioulsy fine with it.

I feel that smokers are actually victimized, for what is a perfectly legal habit. Don't like smoking? Don't smoke. Like smoking? Me too, borrow my lighter.

The smoking situation is easily sorted, smoking bars. Consent forms at the door. If you get cancer you don't sue us, something like that. Which will get the most customers, smoking bar or non-smoking bar? Hmmmm.

With the economy as it is, you can thank the smokers that it's not worse.
Justinsayne said:
fuck that, if we banned everything that was ever "bad" for us, then probably 90% (I'll admit that figure may be bit high, but you get the general idea) of shit we consume would also have to be banned

Like what? If you list things like alcohol, egg yolks, lard, etc, I will turn around and remind you that those things also provide value to society and have some redeemable health benefits. Smoking is not only harmful, but it also provides no redeemable health benefits. And smoking is not a victimless crime, it still effects others.

Y 2 Jake said:
I feel that smokers are actually victimized, for what is a perfectly legal habit. Don't like smoking? Don't smoke. Like smoking? Me too, borrow my lighter.

Fair enough, but what about the young child whose mother smokes? He can't well do anything about it, except say hello to a childhood of athsma and underdevelopment.

Downward Spiral said:
I don't believe cigarettes should be banned, because they are very useful for a country's economy. Very, very useful, particularly when so many people are buying them.

Y 2 Jake said:
With the economy as it is, you can thank the smokers that it's not worse.

Richard said:
If cigarettes get banned, there will be companies shut down, a lot of unemployed people and business owners who will be forced to shut down which means families without incomes.

Here's the thing with the "economy" issue. And this goes even MORE SO for those of you who live in countries with socialized medicine and health plans. Absolutely true, cigarettes are taxed to hell, and some people have jobs that depend on cigarettes. But there are two other effects that illegalizing cigarettes will have on the economy:

1. Instances of lung cancer, athsma, emphysema, periodontitis, peptic ulcers, ear nose and throat cancer, stomach cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, infertility, and defective vision are all WAY more present in smokers than non-smokers. And who pays for the treatments of these diseases? Tax payers do in part, business owners, and the individuals who choose to smoke. No cigarettes = far less medical expense, especially in socialized health care systems where tax payers contribute so much to the health care system.

2. If a "light" smoker buys one pack of cigs a week, that's $7 per pack in the NY / NJ area. Let's even it out and say $6. That's $312 per year just to buy a pack a week, more than $6,000 for a 20-year smoker. Someone who smokes two packs / day, make it $12,000 over 20 years. And THEN factor in medical bills.

3. Illnesses such as bronchitis and the common cold are far more prevalent in smokers than in non-smokers, which leads to very specific statistics that smokers are absent from work more than non-smokers. So take lost productivity into account.

So, maybe the economy can be blamed on the smokers, since work productivity and rising health care costs are two of the major issues plaguing the economy right now.

I didn't see anyone make the "you know, tobacco is the crop upon which the US was built, we are all here and prospering because of the tobacco crop." I LOVE that argument, because I get to turn around and mention this:

Tobacco is one of the most blatant causes of racism in American history.

Who fielded those tobacco crops that build America? Black slaves did. And white masters reaped the benefits. Load of crap if you ask me. But yeah, let's respect the tobacco crop because it built our nation.

Furthermore, in the US, tobacco companies (much like those bastards at the fast food industries) disproportionately target African Americans and Hispanics with tobacco ads. And the most aggressive anti-smoking ads occur in predominantly white regions of the US. This is why smoking is a fast increasing cause of death in blacks and hispanics.

And lastly, do you know what the US Tobacco companies did when the US started fighting back against their false advertising, additives, targeting kids, and misrepresented facts? They took their product to Southeast Asia and marketed smoking with little or no regulation to kids and an entire nation of poor people, claiming they could get a glimpse of "Eastern Culture Luxury" by smoking. EVERYONE smokes in Thailand, EVERYONE smokes in Vietnam, I know because I have been there. People wear surgical masks around all day because of the air pollution, and take those masks off just to smoke.

So, smoking spikes health care costs, causes absenteeism in the workplace, and is disproportionately and blatantly racist.

Illegalize it.
So cigarettes. I hate them. Very much so. I don't know if it's an allergy, or I just have a freakish sense of smell, but I can smell them from a long way away, and a shot of smoke in the face will knock me off my feet. Should they be illegal? From a doctor's perspective or anyone that doesn't smoke, more than likely yes, as they're one of the most annoying things possible. As Chris Rock said, they're the most dangerous thing on the planet. You can get cancer from them without ever touching one. Most of my friends however swear by them. Apparently they "calm them down." You know how I keep myself calm? I have control over my life. It's really not that hard to live without cigs, drugs, or drinking. Trust me, it really isn't. However, I wouldn't ban them. The simple fact of the matter is that if you make something illegal, people will want it more. If people want to poison themselves, that's their problem, not mine. Leave them legal. It would just be a headache otherwise.
I can't stand cigarettes. Haven't smoked one, won't smoke one. I don't think they shouldbe banned. The smokers will just turn onto drugs, or alcohol/drink more alcohol. It's people's choice if they start smoking, and if it calms them down, then good for them. But if it starts affecting other people, it's a fucking disgrace. But I won't get into that here. But there are other ways to calm yourself down, ways that don't harm your body, and others around you. Cigarettes can cause death and illnesses, and so do alcohol. We could be saying basically the same exact thing about alcohol. But with both, there are too many people that use them, and it would cause an uproar if banned, people would still find ways to get them, or turn onto worse stuff. It would cause more trouble to ban cigarettes than to keep them legal.
Ban cigarettes?

Well, I hate the things but I'd have to say don't ban them. My reason, too many people are addicted to them now for it to be banned. The nicotine in them may prove to be too strong for some people to quit, so taking it away from then may cause they to go nuts, literally. It would cause too many problems taking it away, so to detter (sp?) people from smoking, just increase the price. Tobacco companies may not want to, so make a law that VAT is say, 25% on cigarettes.

If people want to smoke, let them. The only thing we can do is warn them of the dangers and what is actually in a cigarette. Did you know, in a cigarette there is the same chemical they use to preserve dead bodies, rat poison, ammonia, nail polish remover and more. Why anyone wants to put that in their bodies is beyond me, but if they want to, let them.. it's their life.
My response to that is to remind people that we aren't banning nicotine, per se, just cigarettes. Those who are addicted now would still have the same access to smoking cessation programs such as "The Patch" and nicotine gum. Illegalizing cigs just forces people to make that decision sooner rather than waiting until their first CAT scan revealing spots on their lungs.

Here is an excerpt from an Associated Press article I read today:

Mike Stobbe said:
Cancer will overtake heart disease as the world's top killer by 2010, part of a trend that should more than double global cancer cases and deaths by 2030, international health experts said in a report released Tuesday. Rising tobacco use in developing countries is believed to be a huge reason for the shift, particularly in China and India, where 40 percent of the world's smokers now live.

So is better diagnosing of cancer, along with the downward trend in infectious diseases that used to be the world's leading killers.

Cancer diagnoses around the world have steadily been rising and are expected to hit 12 million this year. Global cancer deaths are expected to reach 7 million, according to the new report by the World Health Organization.

An annual rise of 1 percent in cases and deaths is expected — with even larger increases in China, Russia and India. That means new cancer cases will likely mushroom to 27 million annually by 2030, with deaths hitting 17 million.

I rest my case. For now.
I love cigarettes. I remember the first time I smoked, I can't remember why. I was pretty pissed off at the time, took a few drags and felt a lot more level-headed. I could have done 100 other things to calm myself down, but 1. I can't *********e in public, 2. I didn't want to attack anyone to get any frusteration out, 3. taking deep breaths has never done much for me, 4. I was away from my home, so I couldn't just hop on the computer or T.V or music or anything, 5. so on, so forth.

If we're gonna ban something, ban those fucking Truth commercials. They just encourage kids to smoke even more. They exaggerate it so much that kids think "Shit, it can't be like that. I'll smoke one myself and judge." If you told me "If you smoke this, you can get cancer and die." and left it at that, I probably wouldn't have ever really considered it. I wouldn't have hated it, but I wouldn't have been like "Hmm... lets try one."

Besides, I don't smoke around the people that dislike it. If they don't like it, I'm more than happy to hold off until they don't have to be around it. Luckily for me, my friends and family are chill about it.

And, I have no fucking idea how in the hell an inanimate object can be Racist. Cigarettes aren't fucking racist, wtf? White's didn't just enslave African American's for farming tobacco. Cocoa beans, cotton, and coffee beans were farmed as well. are you fucking saying that my Hanes 100% Cotton shirt is blatantly racist?

Don't ban them. Keep doing what's being done, though. More resturants are cutting out smoking sections. More area's are smoke-free. It's really not that big of a deal to me as a smoker. I'm just lucky and able enough to be able to control it.
BAN CIGARETTES? Lawls. That will never happen. I used to work at coles and every fourth person that came in to the store brought smokes. Smokes would have to be the biggest selling thing in the world. There is no way in hell they will ban them. Not while the government can put tax on it.

I dont think they should its a waste of time becouse, you can wish all you want, but you can grow tobacco. Just like you can Dope. and thats illegal but ALOT of people still smoke that now dont they...
See, I was just waiting for somebody to use the economy argument. I am well aware of the fact that the governments make a shitload of money by the selling of cigarettes but I'm against the legal selling of cigarettes. The way I look at it, is that the governments are making cash through tobacco, at the expense of the death of many humans. I look at it in an unusual way. I see governements more concerned over making money, rather than being concerned for the safety of every single person on the Earth.

The Governments' first priority should always be the safety of humans. Because without these things called humans, there wouldn't be a world like the one we live on. Plus, I'm sure there are thousands of other good ways to governments earn money without putting humans at risk. Poker Machines are examples. I'm not saying I like them, I'm just merely pointing out that the governements earn a lot of money through those machines, but human lives are put at risk whatsoever.

Also, if the governments do want to earn money through cigarettes, a better option would be to illegalize them. That way, some people will still buy and smoke cigarettes illegally since some will still want them due to their addiction for them, and if they are caught smoking or selling cigarettes, the governement can fine them a large some of money. Just have policemen all over the place. That way, the government still makes money off cigarettes and strongly encourages people to stop smoking completely.
Like what? If you list things like alcohol, egg yolks, lard, etc, I will turn around and remind you that those things also provide value to society and have some redeemable health benefits.

I smoke, you don't. Y'know what that means? I look cooler than you. You'll die an old man, alone. When they find you Mr. Finkel the cat will have eaten your eyeballs. I'll die young and I'll be in a freezer before midday, preserved and with some dignity.

Smoking is not only harmful, but it also provides no redeemable health benefits.

NHS, bitches.

And smoking is not a victimless crime, it still effects others.

It's unfortunate that it stains my living room walls, I do agree.

Fair enough, but what about the young child whose mother smokes?

What about the young child who's father smokes?

He can't well do anything about it, except say hello to a childhood of athsma and underdevelopment.

When I said I had yellow walls because of smkoing, I lied. I smoke outside, and not in front of the child. She has no asthma, but she is short. But that might be the condition of her being 5.

1. Instances of lung cancer, athsma, emphysema, periodontitis, peptic ulcers, ear nose and throat cancer, stomach cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, infertility, and defective vision are all WAY more present in smokers than non-smokers.

It's a real concern for us. Which is why we need to have a cigarette to get over it.

And who pays for the treatments of these diseases?

Tax payers?

Tax payers do in part,


business owners,

If I didn't pay so much tax I'd be able to pay for my own treatment when I get cancer, again.

and the individuals who choose to smoke.

Smoking brings people together. It's winter, you're cold. Smokers huddle together to keep warm, and can see ahead of them because of their lighters.

They also make great weapons.

No cigarettes = far less medical expense, especially in socialized health care systems where tax payers contribute so much to the health care system.

So what you're saying is that if I'm paying tax, I may as well get some use out of the money. A new lung for instance.

2. If a "light" smoker buys one pack of cigs a week, that's $7 per pack in the NY / NJ area. Let's even it out and say $6. That's $312 per year just to buy a pack a week, more than $6,000 for a 20-year smoker. Someone who smokes two packs / day, make it $12,000 over 20 years. And THEN factor in medical bills.

If I smoke a pack of 20 a day at roughly £5. 5 times the ammount of days in a week, 7. Times by the ammount of weeks in a year, 52. Multiply by the years you've been smoking, 11. Times that by the smokers in the world, I have no idea. That equals a lot of money, AND happiness.

3. Illnesses such as bronchitis and the common cold are far more prevalent in smokers than in non-smokers, which leads to very specific statistics that smokers are absent from work more than non-smokers. So take lost productivity into account.

When I was but a few weeks old I had bronchitis, that's why I've got such a sexy cought. The cigarettes are why I've got a sexy voice. You can't argue with these statistics.

And who takes time off with a cold? American's, that's who.

So, maybe the economy can be blamed on the smokers, since work productivity and rising health care costs are two of the major issues plaguing the economy right now.

Do non-smokers have no time off from work? Or claim benefits, or just generally drain resources?

I didn't see anyone make the "you know, tobacco is the crop upon which the US was built, we are all here and prospering because of the tobacco crop." I LOVE that argument, because I get to turn around and mention this:

Pretty sure my tabacco is farmed in France.

Tobacco is one of the most blatant causes of racism in American history.

By white people.

Who fielded those tobacco crops that build America? Black slaves did.

If they weren't slaving away then they'd probably be at home watching TV.

And white masters reaped the benefits.

Damn those white devils.

Wonder what your stance on black people would have been if you were around at that time?

Load of crap if you ask me. But yeah, let's respect the tobacco crop because it built our nation.

Like most things, the English truly built your nation.

Furthermore, in the US, tobacco companies (much like those bastards at the fast food industries) disproportionately target African Americans and Hispanics with tobacco ads.

They should be strong enough to make their own decisions.

And the most aggressive anti-smoking ads occur in predominantly white regions of the US.

The ones who might have health insurance? Eek, please don't answer.

This is why smoking is a fast increasing cause of death in blacks and hispanics.

Phew. I'm Jewish.

And lastly, do you know what the US Tobacco companies did when the US started fighting back against their false advertising, additives, targeting kids, and misrepresented facts?


I might point out to you that stopping tabacco advertising has put a lot of talent artists out of work.

They took their product to Southeast Asia and marketed smoking with little or no regulation to kids and an entire nation of poor people, claiming they could get a glimpse of "Eastern Culture Luxury" by smoking.

So what you're saying is that Asian's can't think for themselves? Racist.

EVERYONE smokes in Thailand, EVERYONE smokes in Vietnam, I know because I have been there.

Everyone smokes in France . If anything we should be thankful. They can be so rude sometimes.

People wear surgical masks around all day because of the air pollution, and take those masks off just to smoke.

Sounds to me like they might be stupid. Would a normal person do this?

So, smoking spikes health care costs, causes absenteeism in the workplace, and is disproportionately and blatantly racist.

What's ironic is that a lot of racists won't smoke because of what you said about slaves farming tobacco. Real racist won't have anything to do with anything evene raleted to anything involving people of a different race.

I'm talking about the intelligent racists, the ones who know why they're hating. Not the mindless ones who just don't like people who are different.

Illegalize it.

Sounds like a rap song.

but I'm against the legal selling of cigarettes.

Illegal cigarettes are the way forwad, I can't deny.

I see governements more concerned over making money, rather than being concerned for the safety of every single person on the Earth.

I think it's up to the individual to be concerned about their own health.

The Governments' first priority should always be the safety of humans.

Or making the world a better place to live in. How many people get violent after a cigarette in comparison to how many people get violent after a couple of drinks?

Because without these things called humans, there wouldn't be a world like the one we live on.

Without humans the world will live longer. Well, it depends if the cows stop farting as well. But I digress.

Plus, I'm sure there are thousands of other good ways to governments earn money without putting humans at risk.

I've got a great way. Raise taxes so much that people can't pay their mortgages, reposess the houses, trade the bricks for camels.

Poker Machines are examples. I'm not saying I like them, I'm just merely pointing out that the governements earn a lot of money through those machines, but human lives are put at risk whatsoever.

Poker machines. Ahh, the acceptable form of gambling addiction.

Also, if the governments do want to earn money through cigarettes, a better option would be to illegalize them.

I get you. Illegal heroin makes so much money for the drug dealers, illegal cigarettes should do the same.

That way, some people will still buy and smoke cigarettes illegally since some will still want them due to their addiction for them, and if they are caught smoking or selling cigarettes, the governement can fine them a large some of money.

Like they do with other addicts?

Just have policemen all over the place. That way, the government still makes money off cigarettes and strongly encourages people to stop smoking completely.

Nope. People will just quit. Weaning of cigarettes isn't nice. But people will do it. Then you've got people who don't smoke, people still going to hospital, people still being racist, and less money.
I cant see the problem, I used to smoke (not exactly cigarettes) but stopped a while ago, cant really remember how long ago but hey! the ganja will do that too ya! What were we talking about again? oh yeah.

The only good thing about smoking is the slight headrush you get when you first start, once that went away I couldnt see the point anymore so I stopped.

Anyway, smoking has been banned in most public places as it is, personally I find it funny watching smokers going out in the rain just to get their daily smoke, when it's sunny I go out and join them.

If your walking down the street and someones smoking it's not exactly difficult to avoid them, the whole blowing it in childrens faces argument doesnt work for me because even if you do illegalise them people are still gonna smoke indoors and in their childrens faces. In fact they are much more likely to smoke indoors and smoke something that has been handled by a dealer who didnt wash his hands after having a piss.

Like I said I dont smoke but if I find it too intolerable I just leave.
My dad smoked He just quit 7 months ago not a single cig The only thing is when you quit smoking you gain weight. Any way though Smoking is digusting That's the one thing I don't like aobut our family X-mass parties you go out to get a drink and everyone's smoking it smells horrid One time my dad put his Cigs in a McD cup the lid was on I took a drink and tasted Cig ash it is gross.

I am fine with illegalizing Cigs in public places but fine withit at home in private or around other smokers
Tough subject.

I'm a smoker and I don't think banning cigarettes would even be possible. They bring in so much money and you know the government wouldn't dare want to lose all the income tobacco products bring in. Banning them wouldn't prevent people from picking them up on the black market, either. Just like guns and drugs, there will always be someone out there with a supply who would be ready and willing to sell them to whoever wants them.

Banning things isn't the answer to all of life's problems.
In general? No. In public areas where non-smokers congregate? Sure. Why, you ask? Well, it's simple. I don't have any smelly habits like smoking that I burden others with. Or, maybe as a trade-off, I should be allowed to blow farts in smoker's faces if they can smoke near me. This way, at least I can have the requisite fun a dick like me would thoroughly take a shine to.

It's one of the things I like about living where I live. None of the bars or restaurants allow smokers to do their business inside anymore. It makes playing shows in clubs semi-tolerable. I don't think people should be restricted from their own habits. If people want to shorten their lifespans by tobacco, drugs, or alcohol, I say let 'em do it. It's not my body, so why should I give a shit?
I am going to take Kasey's lead here. Keep cigarettes legal, why not, alcohol is. The death caused by both are great. But if alcohol was illegal again, people are still going to drink, and look to do so in dangerous ways. The same with cigarettes. If we banned them in America or Canada or the United Kingdom, it is not going to stop the import of the drug into our nations, just like the illegalization of heroin. what needs to be done is currently been done. Taxes on cigarettes, where the money then goes into the health care system to pay for the damage that is done to people by them. You can't stop people from smoking, but if it remains legal, than governments can control them, absorbing profits off of them, and keeping the trafficking profits away from organized criminals. Keep cigarette smoke away from people who do not choose to smoke. Have cigarette bars, as they do for liquor bars. People aren't allowed to drink on the street, they shouldn't be allowed to smoke either. create strong laws preventing the use of cigarettes around those who do not want second hand smoke, such as children. through these manners, people who choose to smoke can smoke away from others who choose not to.

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